My Weekly Book Haul: The Unstacking Edition 20/06/2014


Friday Finds is something that was started over on ShouldBeReading and Stacking the Shelves over at TyngaReviews, I am in love with all of these as I love finding other blogs to follow and books to read through these! So check them all out and see what you find, Stacking the Shelves has a lot of participants as well which is great. This is basically a way for me to show what books I have received, borrowed or bought each week. All book covers and their summary come from back of book or Goodreads.

What I wanted to do to
the TFIOS audience.
This week was better than last week, but not an amazing week. I haven't gotten out of my slump yet, which sucks. I reread TFIOS before the movie and actually enjoyed it more the second time, it even produced a few tears this time. I saw the film and really loved the first half and pretty much laughed at the entirety of the second half whilst others wept. Seriously, seeing that film made me ashamed to have a vagina because of the embarrassing way the girls/women acted throughout. You might have come to commentate on the movie but some of us paid to WATCH it. So please refrain from clapping, shouting, cheering and whooping...m'kay! I shall accept your loud snivelling and sobbing as it is utterly expected. Gah, I hate rude, inconsiderate people... at least my laughing was done quietly.
Currently trying to get through Ruby Red, which is proving painful. This book is not good. Something must have got lost in translation because it is just not working! Maybe it gets better near the end but I am not sure if I can even last that long at this point. 

I clearly wanted to motivate myself this week because I borrowed the rest of series that I want to read but haven't got to yet. I recently borrowed the first Percy Jackson book but haven't gotten to it and I have owned Monument 14 for well over a year now.

The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #3) The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4) The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5)
Percy Jackson #2,3,4 & 5 by Rick Riordan 

The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1) The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus, #2) The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus, #3)
The Heroes of Olympus #1,2 & 3 by Rick Riordan

Sky on Fire (Monument 14, #2) Savage Drift (Monument 14, #3)
Sky On Fire & Savage Drift by Emily Laybourne

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)Heir of Fire by Sarah Maas

Lost and broken, Celaena Sardothien’s only thought is to avenge the savage death of her dearest friend: as the King of Adarlan’s Assassin, she is bound to serve this tyrant, but he will pay for what he did. Any hope Celaena has of destroying the king lies in answers to be found in Wendlyn. Sacrificing his future, Chaol, the Captain of the King’s Guard, has sent Celaena there to protect her, but her darkest demons lay in that same place. If she can overcome them, she will be Adarlan’s biggest threat – and his own toughest enemy. 
While Celaena learns of her true destiny, and the eyes of Erilea are on Wendlyn, a brutal and beastly force is preparing to take to the skies. Will Celaena find the strength not only to win her own battles, but to fight a war that could pit her loyalties to her own people against those she has grown to love?

I haven't even read 1 yet, but I am forcing myself to get through series atm! It will happen, me and Amanda will get to this... we will!

Apple and RainApple and Rain by Sarah Crossan

When Apples mother returns after eleven years away, Apple feels whole again. But just like the stormy Christmas eve when she left,her mothers homecoming is bittersweet. Its only when Apple meets someone more lost than she is that she begins to see things as they really are,
A story about sad endings
A story about happy beginnings
A Story to make you realise who is special

Love the look of this one. 

The Silent SisterThe Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain

Riley MacPherson has spent her entire life believing that her older sister Lisa committed suicide as a teenager.  Now, over twenty years later, her father has passed away and she's in New Bern, North Carolina cleaning out his house when she finds evidence to the contrary.  Lisa is alive.  Alive and living under a new identity.  But why exactly was she on the run all those years ago, and what secrets are being kept now?  As Riley works to uncover the truth, her discoveries will put into question everything she thought she knew about her family.  Riley must decide what the past means for her present, and what she will do with her newfound reality.

I love her so I had to have this!

The idea of displaying the books I was getting rid of was actually something I saw over at Under the Mountain. I recently took 50 books to my nan's because I had never read them and realised that they weren't books I was eager to read any more. Now I have 20 more books that I am eager to get rid of and wanted to share them with you. 
I am undecided with what to do with them. I can either donate the ones in excellent condition to the library, I can donate them to a charity shop, I could hold a UK giveaway for them all or who knows. If you're a UK reader and are interested in any than you can always send me an email (Amanda, you'll get first dibs!). I can't decide yet, we shall see! It all depends on cash for sending books and everything else. 

Ashfall (Ashfall, #1) Ashen Winter (Ashfall, #2) Fangirl Starters (Starters, #1)
Unremembered (Unremembered, #1) Goddess How I Live Now I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies, #1)
The Power of Six Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1) Dare You To (Pushing the Limits, #2) Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles, #2) Thoughtless (Thoughtless, #1) Effortless (Thoughtless, #2) Evermore (The Immortals, #1)
My Love Lies Bleeding (Drake Chronicles, #1) Need (Need, #1) Captivate (Need, #2) How I Live Now

Most of these are ones I haven't read and have decided that I don't really plan to. Some are ones I have read and hated, some I read and enjoyed but know I won't reread and then there's two copies of How I Live Now that even I don't know why I own two copies of it. 

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

My Weekly Book Haul: 14/06/2014
My Last Kiss by Bethany Neal: 2/5 Review
Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR List
Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas:  4.5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Maleficent 6/10 Film Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Heroes


  1. Oh I can't stand when people do that in movies either! I can handle laughing or crying, as long as it's not obnoxious but the clapping and whooping moments? Yeah, I can do without those!

    Bummed to hear Ruby Red isn't working for you. That's one I've had in my TBR mountain for a few years now. Might still try it out one day!

    Haven't read any of your new acquirements or the ones you're getting rid of. I haven't yet made decisions like that from my TBR mountain. I did once, but it really only resulted in getting rid of one or two. Oh well.

    Hope you have a better reading week this week!

    My STS will be up on Sunday, as usual! Stop by if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It's so irritating. I wanted to shush them all. Crying and laughing are totally acceptable. I will accept clapping and the such at midnight showings of film series! :)

  2. Great post - I love looking at other people's STS posts, makes me feel less guilty for my own!! :) If you do decide to do a giveaway or let UK peoples have dibs at the books let me know, a couple on there I could add to my groaning TBR pile! :) xx

    1. I definitely will! I gave Amanda first dibs and will be sending her four at the start of next month :)

  3. I also saw The Fault in Our Stars movie and I cried a ton - luckily the rest of the audience wasn't too disturbing; I'm sorry people were inconsiderate when you saw it :( . I hope you enjoy your week!

    My StS .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  4. Ohhh, noisy movie people? HATE THAT. It's actually one reason I like to watch movies at home not in cinemas (which sucks, because it takes months till movies get on dvd). People are just so noisy sometimes. I'm sometimes noisy, but only at home I promise!! I'm probably going to see TFIOS on tuesday. Soooo excited. Hopefully, since it's been out forever, everyone will have seen it and we'll have most of the cinema to ourselves. ;)

    1. Noisy people are the worst. That doesn't really happen, EVER! So that's why I was so pissed off. I hope you end up loving the film! :)

  5. Boo to noisy theatre people!

    The Silent Sister looks intriguing. I've never read anything by her, but I definitely need to check it out!

    My STS:

    1. They are RUDE! haha. Very excited to read The Silent Sister, the author is really good.

  6. I just saw TFiOS last night, and thankfully there was no clapping or anything like that. It would drive me nuts. I've finished the Monument 14 series, and was pretty happy with how it ended, so I hope you are too.

    Mind checking out my Stacking the Shelves?
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, I really hope I end up enjoying that one as I plan to start it soon.

  7. TFiOS was great, I was trying to keep my sobbing at a low volume since I was sitting with my friends, I did't want to be rude haha. Great books for this week :)

    My Stacking the Shelves

    1. Loud sobbing at a sad film is totally understandable though, the crying didn't bother me one bit. It was everything else, haha.

  8. I'm sorry you had inconsiderate people. That's always annoying! I really need to start the Throne Of Glass series. Everyone is talking about it.

  9. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, people talking and being loud in movies. Heir of Fire!!! I can't wait to read that big, I really liked Throne of Glass, but Crown of Midnight was even better!

    I've had Monument 14 for forever too, I don't know why I keep putting off reading it. I will someday!

    I actually really enjoyed Ruby Red, it was cute (although it's just one big story divided into three books, by the way).

    Have fun reading, hope you get out of your slump! ~Pam

    1. I am excited to start that series, I keep hearing amazing things.

      I don't understand why I haven't got to it yet either, really need to soon.

      I can tell, not worth continuing in my opinion. Didn't interest me enough.

  10. Sorry to hear that your still in a slump! That's never fun. I hate the feeling I get when nothing I try to read satisfies me. I have yet to read the Throne of Glass books but I've seen everyone raving about them. Enjoy the books!

    1. Me either, I hope I love them as much as everyone else seems to. I know, really wish I could hurry up and get out of it.

  11. Wow you are getting rid of so many books and some great ones too. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  12. Sounds like they deserved that bitchslap. I can't stand for people to talk over the movie. It ruins the whole experience.

    I love this idea! My bookshelves are in desperate need of cleaning, as I've become somewhat of a book hoarder. For anyone that wants them you could as them to pay for shipping then donate whatever's left. There are a lot of organizations that would love to have them, I'm sure.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend.

    Here is our StS!

    1. It really does, I was about ready to kill someone. In movies I find laughing when it's funny and crying when it's sad to be absolutely fine but all the clapping and shouting out really gets to me because it's completely unnecessary.

      I would think so, most are in pristine condition because I am OCD with my books. The ones that aren't were ones I bought second hand.

  13. Boo to rude people in the theater. Sometimes other people are just inconsiderate. I see you got a few things. Sorry to hear about Ruby Red....I always give a book 50 pages, and if it don't capture my attention in that time, I DNF it.

    Books of Love

    1. I should have given up on it, I just kept thinking it would get better but it never did.

  14. I hope the Percy Jackson series can pull you out of your slump, I love how humorous they are and all the witty banter in them. My oldest is in love with this series and the spin off and currently on pins and needles waiting for Blood Olympus. I only read the first book in the Heroes of Olympus but I just might try to squeeze in the others here soon.

    Congrats on all the books you received, I am super excited about Heir of Fire!

    1. I really hope I can get to all the Percy Jackson books soon, I hear so many amazing things about that series.

  15. Awesome post. I read the first Percy Jackson, I didn't love it. I know everyone loves those books but I guess it just wasn't for me? My son read the first two and then half of his other series and stopped. Not sure why. Guess it wasn't for him. Thanks for stopping by The Cover Contessa

    1. I think I might have read the first ages ago and wasn't a big fan because it reminded me too much of HP. I will give the first two a try at least.

  16. You picked up alot of great books. I actually want to finish the Monument 14 series but I haven't gotten to it yet. That's a good idea getting rid of books you probably won't read. I've done that a few times. Enjoy your reads :) and thanks for checking out my STS!

    1. It does feel good, especially since I used to have such a problem getting rid of books, even if I hated them.

  17. I must admit to being terrible in Marvel movies, but the fight scenes tend to cover my squeaking. (And I pick showings most people don't go to, mostly so if I have a panic attack or something I don't disturb too many people while fleeing, which can be a serious problem. Which, digressing slightly, I can't believe people get more pissed off with someone having a panic attack than with someone talking loudly through the whole movie. One of the above can help it, the other can't! Argh!) I admit to fairly loudly commenting "I think Chris Evans' arms and chest just turned me straight", but that got a general laugh, so I think I'm good. (Also, then my friend commented back, "I think Scarlet Johannsson's chest just turned me gay," which made people laugh more. Not that either of us would've done it in the first couple of weeks, but pretty much everyone there was seeing it a second time, at that point.)

    /ramble Sorry, I just got back from the gym, much hyper. I was gonna say, I need to read Percy Jackson too -- there was a lot of buzz over it at one point and it sounded fun, then my ex-flatmate saw the film and mocked it a lot, so I put it on a backburner. Now my ex-housemate (different one!) is reading them and loooooves them.

    I'd ask for some books for the tiny library I volunteer at, but every time I try to introduce more interesting/newer stock, they sell it instead. Which does raise money for us (we have no funding at all), but is disappointing to me.

    1. Marvel films seem to have a different atmosphere to them though. Everyone laughs together and completely geeks out, but never in a really horribly loud way. It makes sense in that kind of movie, it's loud and epic. Not in a quiet movie where you can barely hear the film over all the shouting out!

      I like the fact I am now able to order in stock for our library, it's nice to find books that aren't as well known over here and be able to share it with them.

    2. I don't know, when Tony had a panic attack in Iron Man 3, so did I, and people did not respond well to that. I was super embarrassed and people were quite nasty and made it worse. Gah. But fannishness and chattering tends to be more okay in Marvel films, you're right.

    3. People can be so rude! My sister's partner gets horrific panic attacks too, they once had to leave a show because she had one and my sister got really angry. I had a go at her and told her to be more sympathetic. Panic attacks can't be helped at all, I can't believe people were so nasty about it.

  18. Oh my days hunny! Giving me dibs, that's insane! (However, I have emailed you anyway, tehee!) Think it's great to do the unhaul though, I'm considering one myself soon, if I carry on with books the way I am right now, oops! PERCY! Oh my god, I need Titans Curse from the library and then others, WHY WAS IT NOT THERE! Going to zoom through that with the read-a-thon! :D This was a lovely post, all of the books! :D

    1. It's really helpful, I owned over 200 books I hadn't read yet and now I have the number down to about 150, it feels good. Now I just need to actually read the rest, haha.

  19. Great haul! I got HEIR OF FIRE this week too! Don't feel bad about not reading any of the books in that series yet. I just finished book 1 to prepare to get through the whole series before summer is over. And I really want to start the Monument 14 series also!

    I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)

    1. Me too! I am so excited to see if I love Throne of Glass as much as everybody else seems too :)

  20. The silent sister and Apple and Rain have me intrigued! You got some great books and it's healthy to have a clear out some times, give yourself more room for books you will enjoy :)

    1. I know, I think I am going to do even more. I will probably have one next week too.

  21. I had some problems with parts of Ruby Red but overall liked the trilogy. Some great books this week. Thanks for stopping by

    1. I can't even think about continuing, did not like RR at all.

  22. Ugh, the dreaded audiences in the big "teen" movies! I hate that.

    I've seen Apple & Rain a couple of places, now, and it looks so different! Hope you love it.

  23. Love the Percy Jackson and Need series! I also have Heir of Fire, hope it's great!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  24. I had the same feeling you had whilst reading Ruby Red, but trust me, the series gets way better! Just push through it as the last book is the best of them all! And you are so lucky to have Heir of Fire, I hope you enjoy it!

    1. I couldn't do it, I'm sorry. I was so bored and I didn't connect to any of the characters.

  25. I love the Percy Jackson series! I hope you find it awesome and it can take you out of your reading slump. I also got Heir of Fire. Apple and Rain is new to me and it sounds really good.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  26. Hopefully you get yourself out of your reading slump soon! I hate when that hapens to me! *sigh* BUT Heir of Fire might just be the book to do that for you! :) Happy reading!

    1. I hate reading slumps, Kasie West is helping me a lot right now!

  27. I guess it depends on what kind of movie it is..I go to action type movies and we whoop and clap and go..YEAH when the bad guy takes a beating..but if it's a drama and sad and they are blatantly making fun of the movie then I get mad.

    Hope you enjoy the Percy ones, I need to read them the first one and actually have the second two in the first series but haven't ever gotten to them. Have a great day!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. It's not that they were making fun, they just wouldn't shut the fuck up! Haha.

      Me too, I really want to enjoy those ones.

  28. Aw, I want all those books, especially Fangirl! Too bad I don't live in UK. :(
    Stacking the Shelves
    Free to Fall

  29. This is why I am so, so glad I saw TFIOS at 2pm on a Sunday ;) Sorry people were being rude, that is one of my biggest pet peeves (and why I only go to movies when I MUST see it!). Lovely collection of books this week too! I definitely am looking forward to Apple and Rain, and while this is the first I've heard if it, but The Silent Sister sounds really good too. Hope you enjoy them :)

    -Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Me too, really excited to see if I love The Silent Sister! :)

  30. When I saw TFIOS in theaters, I wanted to smack the ladies for swooning over Ansel. I really dislike unnecessary noises when I watch films. I did skim TFIOS before and after the movie. I was satisfied with how the movie was made.

    Unstacking your shelf is a great idea. You can definitely do a UK giveaway! ;)

    Sporadic Reads

    1. Haha, I am thinking about it. Oh god, THE SWOOONING! It was so pathetic, it made me cringe.

  31. Those UK covers for the Percy Jackson book look pretty cool. :) I really hope you love that series. I loved it!

  32. I am so scared to watch The Fault in Our Stars. I don't wanna cry. Yay for Heir of Fire!

    1. I didn't cry loads, but I had a few tears. Most people were sobbing.

  33. You have an awesome site! And your post was so organized :) I loved it. A ton of books on there I have read/want to read. And TFIOS. Hmm. I just read the book (I have a rule of reading the book before watching the movie, or else I'll never read the books. It ruined Harry Potter for me. Though I did listen to the audiotapes). Giveaway is a genius idea.

    Anyways, thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy all of your books!

    My StS

    Kacii The Kooky Bookworm

    1. Thank you! :) I hope I love them all too, thank you for checking mine out.

  34. New follower via GFC ;)

    I see lots of great books, also with the stack you're getting rid of. Too bad I'm not from the UK...

  35. I love all the covers for the UK books. I would definitely be among the requestees for a few of those books were I to live in the UK. I won't go see TFIOS. Sorry, just can't take that kind of story at the moment. Maybe in another year or so. Enjoy Heir of Fire!

    1. I definitely want to do something with them, will send some to Amanda and the rest I might do giveaways for.

  36. I haven't seen TFIOS yet, but I keep my expectations low. Sorry to hear about Ruby Red. That's been on my list for a long time. Thanks for visiting!

  37. You got some really good books this past week. Your the second blog I commented on that was showing the Monument books. I bought them but never read them perhaps this is a sign i need to dig out them.

    I love the idea of you showing what books you are giving away because you don't want to read them. I tend to go through them and figure out what can I donate to my son's elementary school, then it goes to friends and family and then if all else fails I donate them to good will. I would rather they go to someone who would read them. Shipping in Canada is expensive so that is always out of the question for me

    1. Dig them out! I really hope I end up loving them.

      I haven't given many away before. But, shipping is pretty expensive here but I'll definitely be shipping some of them.

  38. I still haven't seen TFIOS yet, but hopefully soon! I hate it when people are so inconsiderate. THe Percy Jackson series and The Heroes of Olympus series are amazing :)

    Enjoy your new books! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

  39. This is a great post! I also haven't read anything by Rick Riordan, so I should also get on that. And I went to the 11PM showing for TFIOS, so even though it was on release day, there weren't that many people in the theater. I'm sorry people were being obnoxious :P

    Also, thanks for stopping by my blog :D

    1. I have heard amazing things, I hope I end up loving the PJ series.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I'm following you via GFC, thanks so much for stopping my page (and my first STS). You got a fantastic haul this week!

  42. i really like your unstacking idea. i did the same last week but didn't think to take pictures or do a blog post about it. but my bookshelf's breathing a little easier now that it's not as stuffed so YAY. i really want to read fangirl but my sister gave up on it saying it's not getting her attention like she thought it would because she binged read and loved eleanor and park.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. It does feel nice to have some more space on my shelf and get rid of the books I don't want to read. I didn't enjoy Fangirl at all, it really bored me.

  43. I still have yet to read or watch TFIOS. Way too sad for me. I really enjoyed The Percy Jackson series and I read the first two books in the Monument 14 series. I just met the author and need to read the last book. Thanks for stopping by!

    Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

    1. I really want to enjoy the PJ series, have heard so many amazing things about that one.

  44. I still have it read the second Throne of Glass book. Enjoy your new books!

  45. You know, I actually get a big kick out of all the clapping, shouting, etc. that goes on while certain movies are being played. As long as there's no foul language or obnoxious comments involved, I think it contributes to the move experience. Not that I engage in it myself, but I think it's funny, and adds to the excitement. I don't think all movies provoke this kind of behavior, though. Movies like The Twilight Saga and the Harry Potter movies sure did! I think this is the audience's way of bonding with the actors. You sort of enter the world of the movie. (I can still remember all the clapping, shouting, and loud laughter when Jacob commented about Mike Newton, in "New Moon": "What a marshmallow!" : )

    Speaking of laughing, as well as crying, I'm very much unable to control those, if the movie warrants it. When I cry at a movie, it seems like there's been a tragedy in my own family, God forbid. And my laughing tends to be LOUD. Lol. I totally lose it! Tears stream down my face, I laugh so hard. Once I get started, it takes me a while to stop, too! Well, don't worry -- I live in the States,so I won't be going to the movies with you anytime soon! Lol.

    As for your books, I SO want to get into the Percy Jackson series!! Ah, you know how it is....."So many books, so little time...." But yes, these are on my TBR! As for the other books you mention, they're all new to me, so I'll have to check them out.

    I'm disappointed to hear about your experience with "Ruby Red", since I was looking forward to reading that one. Well, I might just try it out and see....

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting on my STS. Happy Reading!! (And quiet movie-viewing!! Lol.) : )

    1. I think it's more acceptable in series movies, like HP and Twilight. It doesn't bother me in those. But this is a quiet film and serious, it just really bugged me the whole time I was watching it. They really were embarrassing, haha.

      I find laughing and crying are normal reactions. But shouting out is just annoying, haha.

      I know, I really hope I love that series, I hear so many amazing things.

      I just couldn't enjoy Ruby Red at all. Not continuing that series.

  46. Ugh, the audience, but I always go with someone who does that. Which, makes me want to strangle them. When I went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with my cousin, she was on the edge of the seat commenting and laughing, and she has one of those laughs that are freaking loud, and I'm just SHUT. UP. But...I am not going to watch TFiOS. I will not see it, will not, will not...I really want to, I do. But I ugly cried all over the book, I can't sit there because I'll just be crying all the ay through it because I'll be remembering the rest of it and just nope. Can't do it. I seriously need to read Percy Jackson at some point in my life, I keep saying the next time I see it I will...but still don't.

    1. I know, I have been saying that about the PJ series for years now. Hopefully this time I will actually get to it.

  47. Those are different covers for Percy Jackson... Interesting. I've never seen them before. I loved that series though! And I love that Rick continued the series with The Hero's of Olympus. It's kind of weird to go from reading Percy's POV in first person to third person, but Rick does an AMAZING job with the switch. You still can see the power of Percy's personality.

    That's a good idea, getting rid of books that you don't particularity like, or have no desire to read. Although I do admit, the books on my shelves are definitely ones I want to keep forever, except maybe one or two. I usually do well with finding good books :)

    1. I am looking forward to reading the Percy Jackson series, I really hope I love it.

      I own so many books now, so it doesn't feel as terrible getting rid of some if I am honest. I still own over 150 books I haven't read yet so I have a lot to choose from.

  48. Wow! Well I didn't experience that with TFiOS. I did see it at a time when the theatre was near empty. But people are inconsiderate and rude. :/
    PERCY JACKSON! :D And just think, you can read the WHOLE series this year with no waiting since the last book comes out in the fall. One of my most anticipated releases of the year for sure.
    I really enjoyed the Monument 14 series too. It actually surprised me with how much I liked it. Hope it does for you too.
    Heir of Fire. EEEEEE!!!! Now that is my MOST anticipated release of the year. Crown of Midnight was easily my favourite read of 2013. I love the series so much.
    Doesn't unhauling feel so good? It does for me.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. They really are, wish I had seen it at a quieter time.

      I really want to love Percy Jackson, so many people adore that series so I hope I do too!

      Unhauling felt amazing, just need to send them off to people now.

  49. Wow! That is a fantastic haul. I LOVE Percy Jackson! I liked Monument 14 too, and I'm super jealous that you were approved for Heir of Fire. Enjoy!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  50. Awesome haul! OMG Heir of Fire! I really love the UK cover <3

    Thanks for dropping by my STS! :D

  51. Aw, it's a shame you're getting rid of Pushing the Limits and Dare You To, I love that series. Beautiful Creatures on the other hand... Not so much, haha. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and sorry for the huge delay in my reply. Happy reading!

    1. That's totally fine, I am totally late in replying to comments atm too! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.