My Weekly Book Haul & Recap: 13/06/2014


Friday Finds is something that was started over on ShouldBeReading and Stacking the Shelves over at TyngaReviews, I am in love with all of these as I love finding other blogs to follow and books to read through these! So check them all out and see what you find, Stacking the Shelves has a lot of participants as well which is great. This is basically a way for me to show what books I have received, borrowed or bought each week. All book covers and their summary come from back of book or Goodreads.

Oh dear, why can't I have just one good week! This has been another week with ups and downs, and I have found myself falling back into another reading slump! NEVER GOOD.

I had a barbecue on Sunday with my wonderful, amazing family. It was so much fun and just nice to spend time with them all. I stole as many cuddles as I could with my baby second cousin because she is just too cute. The food was good, we had some drinks and listened to some music and just had a chill day. I love my family so much, Sundays are days I look forward too because it's family day.

The boyfriend and I watched all of season 1 of Hemlock Grove, he was supposed to be watching it alone whilst I read or blogged but I got hooked. It was probably one of the strangest shows that I have ever seen. I think you keep watching just so you can try and figure out what the hell is going on. The end was super strange and sad, I was gutted by the end. Not sure I even want to watch season 2 now. 

I finally got a dress for my boyfriend's brother's wedding, which is gorgeous and I love. I hate shopping but my mum agreed to come help and we were doing well, found the dress in the first shop we went in. But, whilst looking for a jacket in another shop, I realised I'd had my phone stolen from my bag. To make matters worse, the phone case had my bank card in. I had to spend three hours going to the bank to cancel it and in the phone shop sorting out my insurance claim to get a new phone sent out the next day. I got a replacement phone and am waiting for my new card to arrive, so that's all good. It's just all the personal things on my phone that makes me sad, don't want some thieving *insert choice word here* going down my pictures and messages. I lost all the pictures I took of my second cousin, which makes me the most sad.

Work has been drama filled but none of it mine, so I am fine on that front. I was out of my reading slump after two amazing reads, and then this week I read My Last Kiss & #scandal and was super disappointed in both, they are very immature reads for YA books. I'm slumping again and will be rereading TFIOS before seeing the film (not out till 20th here!!!!!! WHY :'( ) and hopefully that will help me out of this slump!

That's right blogosphere, for the first time since I started blogging, I haven't bought or borrowed any books this week! YAY! I feel like I accomplished something for some reason, but it wasn't intentional. I just didn't see anything that I really wanted to read, a sure sign that I am in a slump right now. 

Dangerous Boys
Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas

Three teens venture into the abandoned Monroe estate one night; hours later, only two emerge from the burning wreckage. Chloe drags one Reznick brother to safety, unconscious and bleeding; the other is left to burn, dead in the fire. But which brother survives? And is his death a tragic accident? Desperate self-defense? Or murder?
Chloe is the only one with the answers. As the fire rages, and police and parents demand the truth, she struggles to piece together the story of how they got there-a story of jealousy, twisted passion, and the darkness that lurks behind even the most beautiful of faces…

excited animated GIF

If you saw my review of Dangerous Girls (you can read it here, if you so choose) then you know that I absolutely loved that book. I am glad it's picking up more of hype on the blogs atm, more people need to experience the mind fuck that is that book. This isn't a sequel, but it is another thriller and I am so beyond excited to get to it. My buddy reader, Amanda at the wonderful Book Badger, didn't get approved because Netgalley was being a meanie, and I'm a little sad not to be able to experience it along with her. Our buddy read of Dangerous Girls was so much fun and I wanted to be able to do that again. Thrillers clearly make the best buddy reads!

Salt & Storm 
Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper

Sixteen-year-old Avery Roe wants only to take her rightful place as the witch of Prince Island, making the charms that keep the island’s whale men safe and prosperous at sea. But before she could learn how to control her power, her mother, the first Roe woman in centuries to turn her back on magic, stole Avery away from her grandmother. Avery must escape from her mother before her grandmother dies, taking with her the secrets of the Roes’ power.
When Avery awakens from a dream foretelling her own murder, she realizes time is running short—for her and for the people of her island, who, without the Roes, will lose their ships and the only life they know.
With the help of Tane, a tattooed harpoon boy from the Pacific Islands, Avery plots her escape from her mother and unravels the mysteries of her mother’s and grandmother’s pasts. Becoming a witch may prevent her murder and save her island from ruin, but Avery discovers it will also require a sacrifice she never expected—one she might not be able to make.

This seems to have a title of Witch of Salt & Storm in the UK, which seems like a bit of a mouthful but does convey what the book is about better than the other title and cover. 

One chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX, to enter go here.

You can also enter my June giveaway, where 3 winners have the chance to win any 2 of the books I have reviewed in 2014 so far. For full details go here.

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski: 5/5 Review
Discussion: Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Books I've Read In 2014 So Far
The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Bad Neighbours 5/10 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Parents In Fiction


  1. OOh nice! Been seeing these around a bit! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up on Sunday! Be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Sorry to hear about you losing your phone, it's amazing how much of our lives on in those little things isn't it? I would be lost without mine and you have reminded me that I need to back mine up thanks.

    Hemlock Grove is super weird and I love it.

    Hope you have a fabulous week.

    Natalie @ Natalie Hearts Books

    1. I know, but also kind of scary. BACK IT UP! And download Cerberus, that thing is a LIFE SAVER!

      Me too! That show is addictive as hell.

  3. I'm sad I wasn't accepted too, but it's a must buy when it comes out for sure! I'm going to need it considering your review will rave! I'm sorry it's been a bad week for you, but hey, you did well on the buying and borrowing, I did well last month but this month I went a little mad, whoops, got a massive haul for May/June instead, ahh well. GET OUT OF YOUR SLUMP SISTER, you need a few good books. Imma have a sift through your TBR shelf on Goodreads and tell you what to read based on my thoughts, kay? Kay. Have a much better week hunny! :)

    1. I was proud of me! Although the borrowing and buying thing was a total accident. I know, I need to get out of that. I'm still stuck in there quite a bit, struggling with Ruby Red atm.

  4. OMGG I cannot wait until Dangerous Boys, it's going to be absolutely AWESOME! I loved DG sooo much, it was so amazing I could not believe it. Thanks for the amazing giveaway as well!

    1. I forgot to say, I would love to win The Art of Lainey and Far From you :)

    2. Thanks for taking part! Far From You is AMAZING! I LOVED DANGEROUS BOYS <3

  5. Reading slumps happen. So do writing ones. Both turn around and become reading/writing positive again. Sorry about the phone and credit card. Lost both of mine and was frantic. All worked out in the end, but it took work. Good luck.

    1. They definitely do! Mine worked out too, just took effort and telling myself not to worry about all the lost photos. It stings though!

  6. Just added Dangerous Boys to my TBR list! So excited to read it, thanks for the recommendation!

  7. I hope you get out of your reading slump. :( My friends have been talking about how awesome Dangerous Girls was, so I hope you enjoy Dangerous Boys! Salt & Storm looks amazing as well! <3

    1. Me too! Dangerous Girls was so good, Boys was really great too.

  8. Dangerous Boys sounds good, happy reading!

  9. You have my sympathy! I've had a three week reading slump and I can't see an end to it yet. I've used the time skimming through books I've read to take notes for book reviews. I'm hoping it might inspire me to get reading!

    1. Reading slumps are so awful and it's terrible when it takes so long to get out of it. I need some amazing reads to help me out of it.

  10. Now I'm curious about Hemlock Grove and must look it up. Looks like you've got a good haul and a manageable one, too.

    My StS.

    1. Definitely manageable for once. No books getting shoved on my bookshelves not to be looked at for months. Hemlock Grove is STRANGE! But awesome! :)

  11. I think I'll have to look Hemlock Grove up :) I hope you enjoy all of your books once you get out of the dreaded slump!

    My StS .
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  12. That absolutely sucks about your phone. :( I'm petrified of my wallet getting, library card. They cost to replace. *ahem* And also bank cards and licenses and all that fun stuff. *sigh* Sorry it was a sucky time for you! I HATE shopping, so I feel for you with the difficult dress shopping bit, too.

    I haven't read Dangerous Girls. I WANT TO THOUGH. As soon as I get my TBR under control? Believe me, I'm borrowing it from the library.
    My StS!

    1. HAHA! Shopping is evil. Clothes shopping is the absolute worst. I only enjoy DVD and book shopping, everything else makes me want to cry.


  13. I was sad to see Dangerous Boys wasn't available to those of us in the US. In fact, it appears it's not even going to be released for us! BOO! Going to stalk you for your review :)

    1. That sucks!!! I really hope it gets released for you guys soon, it was so good!

  14. I really want to read Salt & Storm. Happy reading!

    Here's my StS:

  15. I always feel bad when NG doesn't approve me for something, but I have to remind myself not to get down the book will be out soon. Sometimes not getting anything is a good time to sit down and reengerize. Sorry to hear about your reading slump. Those are the worst.


    1. They really are, can't wait to finally find my way out of it.

  16. I didn't buy any books this week either! Go us! I'm sorry you had another bad week. I hope things improve for you soon.

    1. Thanks, me too! GO YOU!!! Our wallets will be very pleased :)

  17. Sorry you've been in a reading slump, I hate when that happens! Oooh…Dangerous Boys does sound good. I still need to read Dangerous Girls, I need to check and see if my library has it and if not, I'll probably just go ahead and buy it. Salt & Storm also sounds good.

    Have fun seeing Fault in Our Stars (well, I don't know if fun is the right word, but you know what I mean). ~Pam

    1. I know, can't wait to get out of it. Dangerous Girls is amazing, highly recommend it!!! :) I bet I SOB like a mad person.

  18. I'm sorry to hear about your phone... That really sucks. Thankfully I haven't had mine stolen, but it did end up erasing all my pictures and notes. I lost a ton of pictures I took when I was with a big group of friends in New York last summer so that sucked. I hate being in reading slumps so I hope that you find some books that are able to pull you out of that!

    1. I really need some amazing reads to get me out of my slump!

  19. I haven't read any of these and don't you just hate reading slumps? Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  20. So glad you got some much needed family time so sorry about the stolen phone and bank card that seriously is awful. I would hate for someone to have access to all my pics and texts and emails. :(

    *huge hugs* I hope you can get some more pictures of the baby for your new phone.

    Congrats on all the books and I hope you have a better week! Glad you found a dress to wear to the wedding too!

    1. I know, EVIL PEOPLE! I have a new phone and bank card now so at least I can finally order books and text people. Haha, all is right with the world again ;)

      Thank you :)

  21. Oh dude noooo. My Last Kiss & #scandal were bad? I was so excited for them both! Ahh, I hate that they were immature :/ I was just saying to Lily that I feel like I want more maturity from contemporary reads, so that's so disappointing!

    1. I definitely felt they both lacked maturity and that was a big issue for me. I just felt a huge disconnect from all the characters because they all seemed to act far too young for their age in so many ways.

  22. I hope you get out of your reading slump soon, and I'm so sorry about your stolen phone and bank card. That's a horrible thing to happen.

    Dangerous Boys is everywhere at the moment, and it looks really long, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm really excited about The Witch of Salt & Storm - it looks like a great read!

    1. Me too, the slump is killing me!

      Dangerous Boys was amazing, Girls is definitely my favourite of the two but this one was really good too.

  23. Ahhh! Dangerous Boys! I'm so excited for this book! Salt and Storm sounds interesting, but I'm going to wait for the reviews to come in.
    Enjoy your book haul this week and I hope you get out of your book slump soon!

    1. Dangerous Boys was really great, Girls is my favourite of the two but it was still really good! :)

  24. That's awful about your phone! What a pain. Reading slumps are awful and hope you find something to bring you out of it soon. Looks like you've got some great books coming up though. Have a great (and calmer) week!

    1. I know, was not impressed. I hope I get out of it soon too :) Thanks!

  25. I haven't read Dangerous Girls, but my interest in it has been growing lately. A lot of people seem to be excited for the sequel! Salt & Storm has been catching my eye, so I requested it (though the chances of me actually being approved is very low). I hope you love both books!

    1. Dangerous Girls was AMAZING!!! I highly recommend it so I hope you do decide to get to it at some point. Fingers crossed you get it :)

  26. I am so sorry about your phone, that is just awful :( And reading slumps aren't much better! I just had one myself, which I am hoping I am getting out of, but I almost DNFed two books, which I rarely do! After reading your review on Dangerous Girls, I think I am going to have to be checking that out, and Dangerous Boys too! I am curious about Salt & Storm too, can't wait to read reviews about it. Hope you enjoy them both, and that your slump ends! And take lots more pictures of your baby cousin, I am so, so sorry about the ones you've lost! (But hey, small brightside- excuse to snuggle the baby again?)

    1. I can't wait to get out of this slump, it's KILLING me!!! Dangerous Girls is amazing, so I really hope you do decide to read that one. I know, I will be taking any chance I can get to smother her in cuddles.

  27. Eeep I just got Winner's Curse so I'm so excited to see you gave it 5 stars!! I saw Salt & Storm on NG and have been thinking of requesting it, it sounds so exciting! Happy reading :)

  28. Super envious of Dangerous Boys! I am still waiting for my request to be approved on NG.

    Dre @ Sporadic Reads

    1. I hope you get it!!! It was really great! :) Fingers and toes are crossed for you!

  29. Awe I'm so sorry about your phone and bank card. That's just super depressing and maddening. Especially your phone. I agree, most of my life is in my phone too.
    But at least it doesn't sound like a super terrible week. I'm glad you enjoyed your Sunday!
    Hey, congrats on the lack of books. That's kind of a like bloggers dream; not adding to the never stopping TBR. :)
    Enjoy your week!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. It's kind of sad how much of my life is on my phone, haha! I know, it feels like an accomplishment even though it wasn't intentional at all! :)

  30. I hope this week is going better for you. Those roller coaster weeks are not very fun and is some ways can be more draining then a flat our bad week. Be sure to kick back and enjoy a good book. Take pleasure in another world for a few hours :) Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.

    1. Definitely agree with that! I am having an easier week this week so hopefully I will start to get out of my reading slump soon.


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