Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: Review

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Title: Throne of Glass
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury 
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository

Meet Celaena Sardothien.
Beautiful. Deadly. Destined for greatness.
In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake: she got caught.
Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament—fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin’s heart be melted? (Goodreads summary.)

It's time to begin! *sings*
Okay, this is it, it's time for me to review Throne of Glass because I have finally started reading this series. Yes, I know, I am extremely late to the party but I like to see it as arriving once the party is in full swing. There's two books out now, a book of novellas published and a third book is out in two months, so I am able to jump straight in and immerse myself in Maas's world. I am a completely impatient person so that was important to me, I wanted to be able to binge read a few of them. I can't believe I am actually able to say this but, Throne of Glass finally got me out of my two month long reading slump. Hooray!

So, let us start with the basics. Celaena Sardothien is known as Adarlan's Assassin; she's been trained by the King of the Assassins himself, Arobynn Hamel, since she was eight years old. She's always been the best and it's always been known that she will take over from Hamel, or that's what she always thought. But someone betrayed her a year ago and it landed her in the salt mines of Endovier. She's now nothing more than a slave to the King, a man who is responsible for banishing magic from their land and killing millions of people. Celaena has come to terms with the fact that she will slave away in the mines until the day she dies. But that all changes the day that Prince Dorian Havilliard, the King's son and heir, shows up at the mines with a proposition for Celaena. He wants her to represent him in a tournament that his father is hosting, where she will compete for the title of King's Champion. If Celaena can win then she will serve the King, as his Champion, for four years before she earns the right to her freedom, something she craves more than anything. If she says no then she will stay in the mines until she dies. It's an easy choice to make.

That is everything you learn within the first chapter and my general feelings on the plot, by that point, were:

I turned to Throne of Glass because I was desperately trying to find a book that could get me out of my reading slump. I was a little nervous as I had thought this might be a case of the hype being unjustified or setting my expectations so high that the book was unable to live up to it. Luckily for me, neither proved to be true and I want to thank everybody who recommended this series to me. I am truly, madly, deeply, passionately and every over word they used in that movie (if you know it... yay!) in love with this series.

It had my attention from almost the first page. It took a while to get into, but that was partly because of the fact that I was still suffering from a reading slump that had been going on for two months. Throne of Glass was the book I had been looking for, this book didn't just get me out of my slump, it grabbed me and yanked me out of it. It was just everything that I needed: interesting plot, fantastic characters, a totally ship-worthy romance and a furry friend as a companion. What more could I ask for?

This is me... 
with the character names.
I love me some characters, so I have to discuss them at length. I. Have. To! Firstly, I really feel the need to comment on the fact that I hate fantasy books and their obsession with having characters with names that are unpronounceable. This book had a few names that I struggled with a little bit. I eventually got used to all of the names, but I am pretty sure that I was pronouncing most of them wrong. I found this totally useful cheat sheet on the authors website, but by that point it was too late! I got Chaol's pronunciation wrong but I can't change it now, I just can't!

First we have Celaena. Celaena, Celaena, Celaena, where to even begin. I am rather proud of myself now, trying to spell her name used to be hard but after binge reading all three books, and writing the name a million times in my notes, I am a pro. Celaena is a total bad-ass, so much so that she makes Katniss Everdeen look like an utter wimp. There, I said it! Plus, she's absolutely hilarious and has the most wonderful, and at times totally dark, sense of humour and I love her for it. She amuses herself way more than she amuses others, which is hilarious to see. I knew that I liked Celaena from the moment she was introduced, she was so sure of herself and her own skills. I liked her confidence and how she looked down on practically everyone. She also wins a million points for absolutely loving reading as much as I do. Celaena became one of my all time favourite female protagonists after reading this book. Wait, I take that back! She just became one of my all time favourite protagonists after reading this book. This book gave me some serious Game of Thrones vibes for a lot of reasons, and she reminded me of Daenerys as well. Totally not just because they both have long blonde hair and don't take crap from anybody. If only Celaena had dragons.

 Celaena & Chaol 
Then we have Chaol, who I am just slightly, totally, ridiculously in love with. Yes, I know, he's an entirely fictional character but the heart wants what the heart wants. He is the Captain of the King's guard and given the job of training with Celaena and getting her ready for the tournament. Did I mention that he absolutely hates her? Well, he does. And, as we all know, the best kind of romance to ship with all your being is the kind that starts as hate. We all know it's secretly just sexual tension. So, for pretty much the first time ever, I totally shipped two characters from the very beginning. Chaol is moody, he's brooding and is so serious at times that it's entirely hilarious to everyone but him. If you read this and didn't ship Chaol then we can no longer be friends. I'm being serious, click off the blog right now and go.

Dorian is the other main guy in this book and, so he thinks at least, a contender for Celaena's affections. He's the King's son and his heir to the throne, so any romance with an assassin would be forbidden. Oooooh, forbidden romance - who doesn't love those? I just couldn't ever get behind him as a love interest though. He never stood a chance in my eyes. Chaol just won me over from the very beginning and nothing Dorian did in this book could change that. He's absolutely adorable though, a total sweetheart and is actually a perfect guy for so many reasons. But, whenever he popped up and seemed to get in the way of the good ship Chaolaena, I was all like:

There's one other character that I really want to mention and pour all of my love for them into this post, but I won't. I really want to but I will refrain in case it is deemed a bit too spoilery. It isn't in my opinion, but I will refrain!

I have to get to the romance in this book, which you could kind of call a love triangle situation. You have two potential love interests and a heroine who seems like she should be all I-don't-need-nor-want-a-man but then totally cares what both think of her. It should frustrate me but it doesn't. Maas has been able to pull off something that few authors have, she has created a love triangle that works. I didn't hate either character, I wasn't angry or annoyed at either characters presence. I loved them both in for different reasons, even though I was Team Chaol from page 1. No matter how sweet and adorable Dorian is, I will never change my opinion on this. It best be Celaena and Chaol in the end or I will cry. This is at least a six book series so a lot can happen in that time. But, seriously, Chaolaena has to happen.

I really do just want to gush at you all about how fantastic this book was. I thought the world building and character building was done so effortlessly and perfectly. I felt like I really got to know everything I needed to about the world, but not too much that you aren't left wanting to discover and travel more of it. It also gave you a lot of information about the characters but, again, it doesn't give everything away. It leaves you with questions and a desire to find out more.

If I had to complain about anything then I would probably say that I found the plot to be a little too predictable at times. There's a whodunnit situation in this and the culprit is blindingly obvious that I was actually annoyed that Celaena didn't figure it out sooner. Some things were just a bit too obvious, like who would be the final 2 left in the Championship and things like that. I just wish those plot points hadn't been so glaringly obviously right from the beginning.

4.5/5 Butterflies

I really did adore this book for so many reasons. If it wasn't for my few issues with the general plot then it would have been a 5 star read for me. I think I was slightly tempted to give it 5 stars just for Chaol! I love the characters in this, the world building, the plot and how I know it's a start to an EPIC series that I am going to follow right to the end. Unless Maas kills Chaol... and then me and this series will be over! OVER!!! I highly recommend this to absolutely all of you, but especially to those who are fans of fantasy, kick-ass heroines or totally shipable romances. Read it people! You know you want to. 


  1. Great review! I need to start this series too! It sounds good despite the dreaded triangle!

    1. It's amazing and the love triangle doesn't ruin it at all! :)

  2. SO much love for these books! I definitely ship Chaol/ Celaena too. Dorian is great but I just don't feel it. I'm curious to know how your mind is pronouncing Chaol, because mine flip flops between 'Coal' and how it's meant to be pronounced haha. I'm glad this is the book that got you out of your slump!

    1. It was pronouncing it CHA-OWL, which is just weird but I have got used to it now. Wasn't even thinking of the right way, that now sounds weird to me, haha.

  3. Oh the happiness, we're both out of slumps and Throne of Glass did it for us, yay! And extra yay, you're back! Now to the review: I have to say, I fell in with Chaol too, but personally, I cannot say I'm swayed for either with Celaena, maybe I just want Chaol to myself or maybe it's all the revelations I can sense coming in the later books (her family, the magic, that kind of thing) so I don't want to have my heart broken when things don't work how I want, but Chaol is my personal favourite for myself. I agree with you on predictability, that had almost more of a problem for me because I'd guessed everything, but overall,a great read. So so glad you loved this, need your thoughts on CoM and HoF and AB so get writing ;)

    1. THRONE OF GLASS IS AMAZING! I love it so much for getting me out my slump, I needed that so bad.

  4. I AM SO GLAD YOU LOVE IT! HURRAH HUZZAH THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER. *crazy dance of glee* Although, um...yes. The plot is a teeny tiny bit predictable, although I did NOT find CoM predictable at all. I am crazy in love with Chaol as well. (How did you say his name? I said "CH-ale" like "cheap" not "kale". Oops. I'm wrong.) Mime and I both say Celaena like "Selena". SO WE ARE ALL WRONG AND BAD. I actually didn't struggle with the names too much. Although I always spell Celeana wrong. I think I spell it different every single time.

    Anyway, I ship Chaol and Celeana crazy hard and I'm DYING with impatience for Heir of Fire. I promised myself I'd wait till closer to review date otherwise I'll be spewing my feels all over the internet too early. I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MYSELF AS IS. MY NEW FAVOURITE BOOK FANDOM.

    1. I ADORE IT! I just need more TOG!!! I can't get enough! Chaol is amazing, he is my number one book boyfriend. I was kinda saying it like CHA OWL! HAHA, but now I can't stop pronouncing it like that.

  5. Brilliant review!! I'm so happy you enjoyed one of my favorite books!! Yup, Chaolaena for the win <3 If you liked this book, just wait for the amazingness that is "Crown of Midnight."

    Rachel @A Perfection Called Books

    1. I ADORED IT! I can't get enough of this series, it's amazing.

  6. So glad this got you out of your reading slump!!! I loved this book too and loved the second one even more! Yes, Chaol and Celaena…I feel the same way. I do love Dorian, just not for her. Great review! ~Pam

    1. I love Dorian too, but definitely not for Celaena! I adore Chaol, he is my favourite thing about this whole series.

  7. Glad it got you out of your reading slump! I actually was the vast minority because I didn't like Throne of Glass (Celaena rubbed me the wrong way) but I gave it another shot because people kept telling me how good Crown of Midnight was, and now I'm not a mega-fan, but I am into the series. :) So hopefully this series just keeps getting better and better!

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

    1. I didn't like Heir of Fire as much as the other books, but the series is amazing! I hope you get converted to mega-fan status soon ;)

  8. I am seriously doing a happy dance over here because I LOVE LOVE this series. It is by far my favorite YA fantasy series and I am so excited not only that you tried it and loved it but that it got you out of your slump as well! Hoorah!

  9. Did you pronounce Chaol like 'Cole'? BECAUSE I DID. And now it's too late to change and I can't pronounce it the proper way, because I'm so used to my way :P Hehe.

    Btw, if you love Chaol (which, who doesn't?!), I have two words for you: book. two.

    1. No, more like CHA-OWL or something, heehee! Now every other way just sounds weird to me. BOOK TWO! I DIED, I DIED, I DIED!

  10. You hit the nail on the head with so much.
    I am a total Chaol fangirl. Like where is my Chaol in real life? Why must life disappoint me so? I'm excited to see what you think of Crown of Midnight. I mean ToG is one of the most wonderfulest pretty much perfect reads, but CoM just came along and was like, "nope that would be me. Suck it."
    I absolutely love everything about Maas's world and characters. Celaena is my girl. I think we're soul sisters. :)
    Great review! I'm so glad ToG was the book to yank you out of your slump because it is definitely that book. Yah know?
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I need Chaol in my life! I am sure the boyfriend wouldn't mind being replaced by him, haha! I KNOW, COM WAS AMAZING! It gave me ALL THE FEELS! ALL OF THEM :)

  11. Very detailed review. I'm impressed with how much you got into these characters. Hope the slump is gone, gone, gone now.

    1. It definitely is, I binge read this series and loved them all! :)

  12. Woot! That's awesome! I've not heard of these but sounds really really good. Glad it was able to get you excited!

  13. Yay! so happy you're finally on board! just in time too... Book 3 comes out in Sept!

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  14. I am really glad that you liked this book. I am almost done with the last novella and am really excited to read this one. Beautiful and excellent gifs :) Celaena really is an awesome female lead!

    1. She is amazing, I can't get enough of her and her series!

  15. Wonderful Review! I'm so happy this got you out of your reading slump. I need to catch up on this series as well, but hopefully before Heir of Fire comes out! :)

    1. I adore this book and this whole series, can't get enough of it.

  16. Okay...I honestly think I should just start reading this book right now, because I'm not even late to the party anymore! They need to invent a new word to describe what I am. Thank you for this wonderful review, Charnell! You've definitely convinced me to move this up my TBR. :)

    1. MOVE IT UP, UP, UP! You definitely need to hurry up and get to this series, it's amazing.

  17. This book, seriously. I just cant contain my feelings with this. I say yes to everything you said. Chaol was the obvious choice for her. I didn't, not once, think that Dorian was better for her. In fact, all his winking annoyed me haha. He was a lovely character though but like you said, I just didn't see him as an love interest. Can't wait to start the second one. But I'll be honest, I'm scared of how much it will break my heart. Everyone say's the same thing about it :(

    Great review hun, and can see why this book helped you out of a slump haha

    1. Chaol is just amazing, I want him all for myself, haha! IT WILL BREAK YOUR HEART!!! Book 2 definitely will but you neeeeed to read it, haha.

  18. I really loved this one, but I think I loved it more after I read it and as I read Crown of Thorns, which is even better and more intense. I'm dying for the third book and then the fourth. Can't wait!!!

    1. I really loved Crown of Midnight, it was brilliant and I couldn't get enough of it. It gave me all the FEELS!

  19. Okay. Um. I finally read it. =/ the good news is that I could finally read this now!! I liked your review, I did agree with some of the things said. What I found the most interesting was how I could both agree and disagree at the same time, hahaheh. And if I were to choose between Dorian and Chaol, I'd definitely choose chaol because I'm sorry but Dorian is greeeasy. One creepy greasy prince.

    WHOO!! I have a bookmarked list of reviews of yours I can't read until I read the books so finally, I can mark one off. Whoop!

    1. I don't mind Dorian, he doesn't seem greasy to me. But I am team Chaol all the way!!! :) I loved your review for this, you addressed a lot of the issues I had with this book.


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