Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Want On A Deserted Island With Me


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Characters I Want On A Deserted Island With Me

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Celaena 

She's an assassin. She's THE assassin. Do I need any other reason? 


This is just because I am in love with him. 


You need a four legged companion when you're trapped on a deserted island!

Under The Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)

This might also be just because I am in love with him. He is a leader though and looks after his own tribe. He would be good in a deserted island situation. 

Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Are you sensing a pattern yet? Again, might just be because I am in love with him. But I can also say it's because he's tough, brave and might be able to teach me to be less of a wimp. Probably not, but a girl can dream.

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

If she can survive the Hunger Games then I am sure a deserted island will be no trouble at all. She can be the hunter who gathers and kills all the food.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

Where Katniss goes, Peeta goes!

Harry, Ron & Hermione

I am putting them together because that's clearly where they belong. They have magic, which has to be pretty useful on a deserted island. Plus, if they were trapped on a deserted island with me then they would have to become my best friends.

I'm currently celebrating July with a giveaway! I am giving 6 winners the chance to win a book of their choice, worth up to £10, from Book Depository. For all the details you can go to the original post.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: 4.5/5 Review


  1. Katniss is getting all the love with this TTT. It's for very obvious reasons. She can survive anything.
    And I totally agree with 99% of your list. We definitely had some similar thoughts. I loved that you picked Fleetfoot. :D
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know, she's the top pick for so many reasons! :) Fleetfoot would be a perfect companion to have :)

  2. Heehee! Nice! Lots of Katniss love today! And Four too, because he's Four! My Four is going to look like Theo though on the deserted island! Since this is my dream cast, might as well dream BIG! Hermione would be there too of course! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know, she just seems like the greatest choice. Four is just there to look at.

  3. Throne of Glass looks like an interesting book!
    I enjoyed your list. I should of added the whole Harry Potter trio, rather than just Hermione.;)

    1. You can't have one without the other two.. you just can't! ;)

  4. Katniss is a popular one. I really need to read Sarah Maas' books sometime. I picked an assassin too, but a different one.

    My TTT.

  5. You know, you always pick some really good characters Charnell, well done! I'd rather not be on a island in the first place, so couldn't join in. You know, it's great to have you back, always your Potter ways! :D

    1. I am obsessed, as you know. Can't get enough of the HP :)

  6. I had Hermione on my list but not Ron, which is an oversight as he is my favorite. I'm sure he'd have a lot of jokes to make about being stranded :)

    1. He definitely would, I would try to steal him from Hermione whilst we were there too.

  7. OMG I wish I had thought to include a pet on my list, you are so right about needing them!

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  8. Great list. I included Peeta and Katniss on my as well

  9. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier! Great list! We had several of the same ones. I should have picked Hermione though. If I won the giveaway I'd probably choose Take Me On by Katie McGarry! Have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  10. I like that you kept the golden trio together, they make quite the team. I'm a little in love with Chaol too :)

  11. Thanks for reading my post :) I appreciate it a lot. I've seen a lot of Harry Potter and Hunger Games on a lot of lists. I embraced the trend in my list as well. ;-)

  12. I could invite Four to my island. :) although I could not call him Tobias, because that name's just not... just, no.

    1. NOOO! I hate Tobias too, he will always, always, always be Four to me.

  13. Awesome list!! I can't believe how many hats elected that are the same. I was going to include Four, but for some reason I didn't.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!!

  14. I saw another blogger participate in this today as well and it was so much fun to see who everyone choose. I love all your choices and couldn't agree more with them!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway, I have no idea which book I would choose but I am sure if I won I would think of something. ;)

  15. Why hello! Looks like Katniss and Harry/Ron/Hermione are really popular picks, but somehow I completely missed all of them :S Great list, and thanks for looking at my TTT!

  16. Would definitely have to have Ron and Hermione with Harry - you can't split them up!
    Hard to choose a book -- there are SO MANY on my read list! Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. I was going to put Perry but then my only reasoning was because he's hot haha. Of course he'd be fantastic to lead everyone though haha. We definitely have a lot of the same people on our lists haha. I feel like maybe a few of us are actually stuck on the same island...

  18. I love how you included fleetfoot! My first thought when I saw that topic was eye candy but a four legged companion sounds fun!

    I'm not sure wat I would pick but probably a contemporary because I've been in the mood for some lately!

    1. I needed a furry companion too, couldn't deal with it being all people! :)

  19. LOL Katniss/Hermione/Four are pretty much all over this TTT!

  20. Katniss is dominating this TTT, but that's a given! Who wouldn't want her hunting skills around, it's super handy. Also the amount of beautiful people on your island is enough reason for me to spontaneously come join you, hahaha!

    1. Haha, she is basically on every list. I think you should definitely come join us, looks like one fun island, haha.

  21. Katniss has been everyone's favourite pick this week! I tried to stick to the point - survival, but ended up wanting to be stranded with hot men instead...

    My TTT:

  22. This is a really great list. I hadn't even considered things in terms of a pet, but that's an excellent idea.

  23. I love that you thought to bring Fleetfoot! That's great! Of course we all have to have Katniss. Ron/Harry/Hermione is a good combo too. Of course they'd be your best friends! You run the island.

  24. Perry I had on my list and Four's a good, soli choice. Who wouldn't want to be with him on a deserted island? He's quite talented, too. Harry, Ron and Hermione would be a good addition, too, because yeah, magic. Nothing wins magic in the game of survival.

    Henna @ Howling for Books

    1. I love Four, Perry and Roar! I would have them all as my island husbands, haha.

  25. I should have included Harry, Ron and Hermione on my list, can't believe I overlooked the wizards! They'd be uber helpful, and awesome to have around, too. Great choices!

  26. Haha! Nice choice of companions!! I should consider them when I search for companions in a deserted island :))) (As if that's possible)

    1. I would be happy to be on a deserted island with them, I would choose it even, haha.

  27. Harry Ron and Hermione would be able to save us all, I think. They are all you would need to get off the island entirely!
    Thanks for stoppin' by! Have a great week!

  28. Fantastic picks! I love everyone on your list. Well, except Peeta. I’m Team Gale all the way. I thought about including Celaena (she’s one of my favourite characters ever) but I would be too intimidated to be near her. I adore your picks of Perry and Chaol. *sigh* They would be wonderful to have along. Purely for their strength and skills of course. ;-)

    1. Haha, I was team Gale at the beginning and I have no idea when it changed. Book 2 I think.

  29. Nice choices! Four almost made it onto my list, but didn't quite. And I didn't even think of Chaol and Celaena, but then they kept showing up on people's lists, so I was like "Oh! I should've put them on my list!"

    1. I probably should have included Celaena, she's going to kill me when I make moves on Chaol.

  30. Yeah, I should have picked Katniss, but to be honest, I didn't want the competition, so all of my choices were guys. :) Like Perry, he was on my list. I did pick guys who would be helpful in some capacity, but I have to admit, hotness was a factor. Great list! ~Pam

    1. Haha, I should have just had all guys too. Who wants to fight Celaena for a guy?!? NOT ME!

  31. I wouldn't take Peeta with me, simply because I am team Gale, lol. But Katniss can come. She would really know how to help us survive ^^ Four can come too, but he doesn't have to do anything. He can just be my boyfriend :3

    1. Haha, I was team Gale in book 1 but changed by book 2! :)


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