Top Ten Tuesday: Authors Whose Books I Own The Most Of


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

This weeks topic is:

Authors Whose Books I Own The Most Of

This week is an interesting topic because it made me realise quite a few things about myself as a book buyer. I apparently have a horrid habit of buying all the books in a series or by an author before I have even tried one of the books to see if I have liked it. It's because of that that my numbers for this look like this:

10 authors
100 individual books
111 with duplicates
55 read
43 unread

I also realised that, although I read mostly young adult, most of the authors on this list are adult fiction authors. I don't know if that's because YA authors write less books, or because my favourite YA authors are relatively new and so don't have as many published yet. I think it's mostly the case of the latter. 

Jodi Picoult

21 owned & 21 read

I own 21 Jodi Picoult books, 25 if you count duplicates, because I love her books. The first one I read was My Sister's Keeper and immediately loved it. I went through a stage where I just hunted down more of her books and kept reading them. Then came the time when I had finally read everything she had released and then had to wait for the next book to release. It wasn't fun. Since I started blogging, I now read mostly YA and am eagerly awaiting her next book because it will be nice to read some adult fiction again.

Diane Chamberlain 
18 owned & 12 read

After my binge read of everything Jodi Picoult had ever written, I was lost. What was I going to read next? I had to go to good ol' Google for answers, and it recommend Diane Chamberlain. I tried the Bay at Midnight and quite enjoyed it, followed by The Lost Daughter, which I absolutely loved. So I then hunted down all of her books, she only had 5 out in the UK at the time, and devoured them. I've bought everyone of her books ever since. Now to find the time to read them all.

Anita Shreve

15 owned & 1 read

Yes, that's right, I bought thirteen books by one author before I had even read one of their books. Why? I am not even sure why. I think it was another author that was recommended to me during my Jodi Picoult obsession. I found them all in charity shops, so most of them cost between 0.50-£2, which is probably why I didn't feel bad buying them before I read them. I have read one, The Pilot's Wife, and I enjoyed it but it didn't amaze me. I plan to, one day, get to the other books.

J.K. Rowling

9 owned & 9 read

I technically have 13 books, when you count in duplicates. I don't own her adult fiction yet because I just haven't found the time to actually go read them. These are the 9 books I cherish above all others! I am kind of sad that I don't have Quidditch Through The Ages, it seems to have vanished! 

Colleen Hoover

7 owned & 4 read

I have three on ebook, which I have read, and then Maybe Someday I have in paperback, which I read and adored. I love her, she's one of the few NA authors I have found that I actually like. She is on my auto-buy list at the moment. I currently have Ugly Love on pre-order, which will bump it up to 8 books total. 

George R. R. Martin

7 owned & 1 read

I bought every single book before reading any, mainly because I watched and adored the TV show. I had also had them recommended to me by a guy at work. I have read the first and really loved it, but I am just put off by the size of these books. I am pretty sure that some of them weigh as much as I do!

Ally Carter

6 owned & 4 read

I bought 2 in a deal once and really enjoyed them, so I bought the next 2 that were out. I finished them all and enjoyed the series, but then I had to wait for book 5. I have a terrible memory, so by the time it was out I had already forgot most of the series. That required a binge reread and I just wasn't up for it at the time. I am still working up to it, I am not sure what I am waiting for. I also want to get the Heist Society books, I have read the first 2 and really enjoyed those too.

Malorie Blackman

6 owned & 6 read

Noughts & Crosses is one of my all time favourite series, I love it! I also really enjoyed Boys Don't Cry. Malorie has a ton of books published, all in different genres and for different ages and I am not sure why I only own 6 of them. 

Jean M. Auel

6 owned & 0 read

I know, another author who's books I bought before I even tried one. In my defence, the boyfriends nan recommended the series so I went and bought them. My defence for why I haven't read them: She lives in South Africa, I'm probably never going to meet her again and so she will never know that I never actually read them. I will... one day!

Abbi Glines

5 owned & 0 read

I know! I know!
I don't know why I buy authors books in bulk, before I have even tried one to see if I like them. I blame the Glines books one the fact I got two for £1 each, and the others were in a 3 for £5 deal. I can't so no to bargain books! I hate the covers I have, so I thought I'd use the other covers, which I also hate but feel are the lesser of two evils!

So there you have it. I found this week really interesting because of the 10 authors who made the list, I would only consider 5 of them authors that I really love. The others I haven't read enough or any of so I actually have no idea.

I'm excited to see everybody else's lists and who makes it on them. Remember to leave a link to your own TTT post!

I'm currently celebrating July with a giveaway! I am giving 6 winners the chance to win a book of their choice, worth up to £10, from Book Depository. For all the details you can go to the original post.

I am also taking part in Book Badger's Summer Surge Read-a-thon. I even did an interview for it and have done a giveaway as well. You can win one of my favourite summer reads, to find out what they are then go over to the original interview post. Be sure to sign up for the read-a-thon while you are at it, it's going to be a ton of fun!

Films for Thoughts on Thursday: How To Train Your Dragon 2 9.5/10 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Secondary Characters
Summer Surge: Spell It Out & Twitter Challenges
My Weekly Book Haul: YALC Edition Part 1
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas: 4.5/5 Review


  1. WOAH TO THAT FIRST PICTURE. It is gorgeous. BOOKS. They are so beautiful...heh. Okay, confession: my post on this is going to be embarrassing. Most of my "collections" are like TWO BOOKS. TWO!?? What is this. I own hardly any series and the biggest I own is 13 Lemony Snicket books. And I also own a lot of series where I'm missing numbers, or WHERE THE COVERS DON'T MATCH. *hyperventilates quietly* Like Divergent and is the UK cover and one is the US cover. So if I buy Insurgent who should it match?!! This is like a huge life decision. x)

    1. It's a massive decision... I am not quite sure how you can even make that decision. You could always flip a coin ;) That's totally how I would do it, then if the outcome disappointed me I would totally disregard the coin, haha.

  2. I have several authors that I have manyyy books by but I've always read them all! You have an interested predicament there. I'd say go for Rowling's mystery books but ignore Casual Vacancy- its not nearly as good as Harry Potter

  3. Bwaha I so do the same thing! It's library/thrift shop sales for me. If it's 25 cents per book why not get them all cus if I like them well then I'll have the whole set for like 4 bucks. And if I don't they can always be given away :D

  4. You don't even know how much I am sitting here laughing right now, mostly because I do the same darn thing! Worse, I have two series of books by an author that I haven't even tried yet. So very pathetic and wrong of me. I don't even know why I do it. What if I end up hating the writing or the series? Now I wasted all the money on these darn books that I may or may not ever read or even like if I do read.

    I might have a problem as well.

    1. I can't even stop myself doing it, even though I really know I should! I hope I end up loving them all, heeehee.

  5. I bought the box set of GoT because I love the show haha. I've only read the first one because they're so huge and it took me awhile to finish the first one so I have to wait until I have time to get to the second. It's amazing how many authors books you have that you haven't read!!

    1. I know, I only read the first because of the size. I do plan to get to the others soon though.

  6. Oh my goodness, that is an amazing, amazing collection! I'm so ruthless with my books that I don't often have two copies of a book. You've got some great authors on your list.

  7. Great list! Interesting to list how many read too. Couldn't actually do the owned explicitly since I was counting anthologies in my head too, but not remembering how many anthologies the authors were in! I would say only one of my authors has a few books I haven't read but I own, so not too bad!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. That's quite an impressive list! I finished Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult this weekend and it was SO good. Definitely one of her better works.

  9. I have a habit of doing the same thing! I'll post my post later, but I have a feeling it's going to look very similar. Not the same authors, but the same sort of stacks!

  10. +JMJ+

    When I was younger, I wanted to read every book by an author I loved. That's how Madeleine L'Engle and Beverly Cleary made my Tenner this week! ;-)

    Now that I'm more experienced, though, I understand that finishing an author's backlist means having little else by him to look forward to; so no matter how much I love an author now, I space out my reading of his books.

    And that's an impressive mountain of literature you've got there! =D

    1. Thank you! I am a terrible binge reader at times, if I get obsessed then I can't get enough of an authors books.

  11. I agree! Definitely a fun topic this week. I knew some of the authors which I owned a lot from but I didn't know it was to the extent I counted. :)
    I do the same thing as you; buy all the series before starting it or buying multiple books from an author before sampling their work. This is what makes us great book nerds!
    We actually only share one common author this week, Mrs.Rowling of course.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I can't stop myself doing, even though I know I shouldn't, haha. I am a total book nerd ;)

  12. That's funny that you buy so many books by the same author without reading them first, but since you get them so cheap I guess it doesn't matter if you read one and hate it. I used to love Anita Shreve, but her newer books, like The Pilot's Wife, are not her best. I would read her older ones, like Strange Fits of Passion or Eden Close. Those are so much better! I stopped reading her because her newer ones just weren't impressing me, but I used to love her. Great list!! ~Pam

    1. I know, I can't stop myself. I should probably try some of her older books then.

  13. You should really read Jean M Auel's books if you love history. I loved the series especially the first few. Also don't let the size of the song of ice and fire books put you off, they're so amazing you'll fly through them! Great list :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
    My TTT

  14. Holee wow that's a lot of books! :O i like that you read about half of them, too, not a bad stat seeing how there's 100 books! I don't read them all even when it's a trilogy sometimes :D
    I would not have the energy to go through all of these for a post either haha :D

    1. Oh and thanks for awesome giveaways! I have no idea what I'd pick, maybe third Laini Taylor's book. :)

    2. I still need to start her series, I hope I love them! :)

  15. I would pick one of the authors I haven't read yet. I haven't read several of the authors you have featured. Thank You.

  16. I do the exact same thing with Kindle books. If I see one that I like, I have to buy them all. I have cost myself a lot of money by not just buying the 1st book, reading it and seeing if I liked the author. I no longer do that unless the entire series is on sale. Then I do because the cost of the first book would be more than all of them anyway lol. Bad habit!!!

    1. It's so easy to do with Kindle books, they are so cheap and it's so easy to just one click them.

  17. My pick would be Slammed by Colleen Hoover.

  18. LOVING your list this week! So many similarities! Obvs JP and DC (but I'm super impressed with your collections!). I was going to try Anita Shreve and got excited when I saw them on here, but then I realised you hadn't read them yet, so I'll wait to hear what you think. I don't have any more Hoover yet, but I plan to fix that soon, and the Ally Carter covers really put me off, they looked a little... young maybe? And a little Gossip Girl-y or something. But I know you and Amanda love them. I bought all 7 GRRM books on a great deal and I'm too afraid to even read them. Partly because they are so mammoth and partly because I don't know if I'll like high fantasy... someday... I buy in bulk too, so you're not alone! I can't resist a bargain, and I hate waiting for the next book to be released so I usually wait and bulk buy an offer!

    1. I adore them both, I'll buy anything they bring out. Just need to hurry up and catch up on the DC books. I'm scared to start the GOT books too, I'm put off by their size too.

  19. Great choices! I do the same thing with buying tons of books by an author that I'm convinced I'll like. One time I ended up with about 20 mysteries and it turned out I couldn't stand them! You're actually doing pretty good! Most of those you've read lots of!

    1. I am so happy I am not the only person who does that, haha.

  20. I think it's hilarious that you own so many books by one author and have so many unread in that case. Of all the books I own I have probably only read, let's say a third? And I am constantly boring books from friends, family and libraries and don't even get me started on kindle ratio of read to not read. I think this may be what we call an addiction.

    At the moment I am balancing three books and loving them all <3

    I want to really try out Jodi Picoult; I have only heard good things about her books. As for Malorie Blackman... well of course you read them all. They are all awesome!

    Check out my book review of Missing Me:

    1. I keep adding to my collection too, it's pretty terrible. I love JP, she's one of my favourites.

  21. I also have a lot of Colleen Hoover books and I read 6 of them already. I haven't read Maybe Someday yet even though I already have a copy.

    If I win one of your giveaway prize I would probably choose Ugly Love.

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  22. What an awesome collection!! You seem to really like Jodi Picoult. ^^ I've never actually read a book of hers but I always want to..I don't know, sigh, I feel like it's never the right moment if that even makes sense. ALSO, HA, I'm a buyer as well...yeah...and I'm not enven feeling guilty about it. ;) I just love buying books point (plus it's so exciting to buy new books!)

    Lola @ Hit or Miss Books

  23. I found the same thing you did. I own a lot of double digits of adult authors. I think this is because adult authors tend to publish more books by a single author in one year than in YA. A YA author usually only publishes one book a year while adult romance authors tend to publish 3-6+ in a year.
    Great list

    1. Exactly, I think that's why most of mine are AF authors too. I don't read romance a lot though, barely own any romance books.

  24. If I could pick any book I wanted in the giveaway, I think I'd buy the yellow special edition of "Eleanor & Park" by Rainbow Rowell because this was far and away my favorite book of 2013, I love this author, and I really really really want to read her exclusive bonus essay on the three words on the postcard at the end of the book!

  25. if i won any book i wanted, i think i'd pick 'rose under fire' by elizabeth wein.

  26. That's a HARD choice! If I could pick one book, it'd probably be one of the UK special editions that my daughter has asked for as a Christmas gift. (Money is tight so we shop for each other year-round, even in July!!!)

  27. I have never seen those covers for Harry Potter and Ally Carter's books before! I think it's interesting to see how different countries have different book covers. I think the HP one's here are still pretty cool, but your version of Ally Carter's books are far cooler. Thanks for sharing all of these books! That's a lot of books you have!

    1. I really like the UK Ally Carter's too, I am definitely not a fan of the US ones.

  28. That's a huge pile of books! I do the same thing I buy all the books from an author even when I haven't read a single one from them before...a terrible habit of mine! I got my Vincent Boys Books in a 3 for £5 deal too, I do love the Works! Great list :)

  29. There is so many books to choose from I just don't know what i'll choose. I'm still thinking about it. But thank you for the chance. <3

  30. I would pick Stone Cold Touch and those are so many books!!! Thank you for the giveaway


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.