Five Friday Favourites: Artists & Songs

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

This one was harder for me then I thought it would be. My taste in music has changed so much over time. If you had asked me this question back when I was 15 then I would have answered it easily. Now, at 23, I have changed a lot and so have my favourite artists. I used to be absolutely obsessed with MCR, they were the first band I saw live, but I don't really listen to them at all now. So I will share some of my favourite bands atm and then some of the songs I can't stop listening to as well.

Prime Circle

Prime Circle is a South African band, I probably have my boyfriend to thank for these guys. He was born in South Africa and moved to the UK when he was 6, the family have visited SA to see family a lot since. That's when he found this band and he shared it with me when we got together 7 years ago. I absolutely love them and got to go see them live in a small venue in London and then got to meet them all after! They're not big over here so that's a bonus whenever they play here, the venues are tiny and they meet you after.

Imagine Dragons

I remember seeing the trailer of The Host on TV and loving the song on it. I decided to look it up on YouTube and, whilst I was at it, the song used on the Perks trailer as I loved that too. When I saw both songs were by the same band I knew I had found a new favourite band. I went out the next day and bought the album and loved every song on it. I went to see them live for my birthday last year and had the greatest time. 

Those are probably the two bands that I would say are my absolute favourites. The rest is a really big mix and I wouldn't really know who to pick. But I do have some songs that I can't stop listening to at the minute.

Songs I'm Currently Obsessed With

Lennon & Maisy - That's What's Up
This Wild Life - Sleepwalking Cover
Sleeping At Last - Turning Page
Of Monsters & Men - Little Talks
Ella Henderson - Ghost

I listen more to rock music then anything else, it's practically all that's on my MP3. But my dad, who picks me up and drives me home to visit the family every Sunday, listens to Capital FM so there are quite a lot of songs that I become addicted to thanks to that. 

I'm currently celebrating July with a giveaway! I am giving 6 winners the chance to win a book of their choice, worth up to £10, from Book Depository. For all the details you can go to the original post.

I am also taking part in Book Badger's Summer Surge Read-a-thon. I even did an interview for it and have done a giveaway as well. You can win one of my favourite summer reads, to find out what they are then go over to the original interview post. Be sure to sign up for the read-a-thon while you are at it, it's going to be a ton of fun!

Films for Thoughts on Thursday: How To Train Your Dragon 2 9.5/10 Review
Five Friday Favourites: Secondary Characters
Summer Surge: Spell It Out & Twitter Challenges
My Weekly Book Haul: YALC Edition Part 1
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas: 4.5/5 Review


  1. Radioactive is an INCREDIBLE song, I particularly loved the Pentatonix cover. As for the others, I'll check them out now. Thanks for sharing! Ashana.

    1. I love Imagine Dragons, they're amazing and I really love that song. It's probably my favourite of all of them.

  2. Ohmygoodness, Lennon and Maisy are absolutely incredible singers! I remember finding that song a while back and replaying it over and over again:D

  3. IMAGINE DRAGONS <3 Oh,I need to listen to those songs you listed. I recommend Kodaline's songs :D

  4. I have never heard of Prime Circle but I love the lead singers voice, it reminds me a little of Brent from Shinedown (even more convinced you would like them now)

    I thought I didn't know Imagine Dragons but I know the song you listed, they are good :)

    the only people I've heard of on you song's your obsessed with list would be Of Monster's & Men and Ella Henderson haha. I'm so out of touch with music these days.

    Good list anyway hun :)

    1. I will be looking up more and more of their songs! I hope you come to love PC, they are brilliant.

      I love those guys and they are amazing live! :)

  5. I am ashamed to say I don't think I know who these artists are! Obviously I need to rectify that and listen to them!

  6. Your taste in music is impeccable!

  7. I'm a huge fan of Imagine Dragons! <3 I've heard Prime Circle for the first time, but it's pretty good.

  8. I completely agree, this week seemed so easy, but it’s incredibly difficult to just choose five! I listen to completely different songs depending on my mood, and it’s so hard to pick out favourites and leave out others.

    I love Radioactive! The Host trailer introduced me to Imagine Dragons as well. I haven’t listened to that many of their other songs. Demons is awesome though! I haven’t heard of Prime Circle before, I’ll definitely listen to more of their song, I really like his voice!

    1. He has an amazing song and they have so many brilliant songs! I definitely recommend them :)

  9. Love Imagine Dragons! Will have to look up the others. :D

  10. I don't actually listen to music much anymore... :| I don't know what's wrong with me! But I've grown up in like a huge noisy family and just suddenly, meh, I like quiet. x) YES I AM WEIRD. But when I do listen to music, it's Imagine Dragons all the way. I love Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men the best and ohhh...Counting Stars by One Republic. And I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. My sister is the music collector, so I just steal her iPod if I need things to listen to. I'm totally checking out the SA one now because I'm curious...hehe.

    1. I listen to music so much. On my way to work, on public transport, at night when I am settling down for sleep, when I'm blogging. I love lots of noise! :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by! Love Radioactive (did you see them perform that at the Grammys with Kendrick Lamar?) and Little Talks. Gonna check out the others on your list ♥♥♥

  12. It's funny, I'd heard of plenty of Imagine Dragons songs before but never put them with the band, who I'd heard of a lot, so now I think I'll be listening to their songs for the next few days and being addicted, damn you girl. I really think it's great when our music changes - I find myself listening to the things I feel comfortable with now rather than what's new because what's new these days as sometimes I little, well, deflating and rubbish, but thank you for putting some new songs on my radar :P

    1. I hope you definitely become addicted, they are AMAZING!!! :)

  13. Ooo hadn't heard Prime Circle before. I'm LOVING that. Thanks for the intro :)


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