Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Guardians of the Galaxy

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

Guardians of the Galaxy

I was actually really apprehensive about going to see this movie, I can't even completely explain why. The trailer definitely contributed to my nerves and the feeling that this movie would disappoint. I don't know what everyone else thought but, to me, the trailer felt like they were trying way too hard. They were trying too hard to make it seem hilariously funny and that didn't work for me. And that moment where Rocket Racoon gets given a gun and does this really ridiculous, drawn out Oh yeah, no, just no!

So the plot basics: Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, is abducted in 1988, just after the death of his mother, by space pirates known as Ravagers. We are then taken 26 years into the future, where we see Quill stealing an orb just as he is interrupted by aliens working for a rather crazy Kree named Ronan. Quill gets away with the orb but it leads to a bounty being put on his head and Ronan sending Gamora, played by Zoe Saldana, after him. When Gamora catches up to him he has already caught the attention of bounty hunters, Rocket and his tree-like friend Groot. The last of the Guardians is Drax, someone they meet while imprisoned and together they all escape.  The plot is basically just about stopping Ronan from getting his hands on the orb.

I have to put it out there blogosphere, I have to let you know that I actually fell asleep during this movie. It was only for 5 minutes or so, then the boyfriend realised and shook me awake. I wanted to let you know, just in case I missed the most awesome part of the movie in those five minutes. Rest assured that I didn't fall asleep because the movie was ridiculously boring or anything like that. It was a combination of a long day at work, a sleepless night the night before and coming down with a huge cold. And maybe it was making me nod off a little bit. But only a really little bit.

Marvel Cinematic Universe has been bringing out some really brilliant movies recently, with Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier being it's most recent. They just seem to have come up with the perfect formula and it works so well for them. The movies have a ton of action, they have a lot of comedy in them and they also have amazing characters. Winter Soldier was an absolutely brilliant movie, I think that earned a 10/10 rating from me. When compared to the rest of the Phase 2 films, Guardians of the Galaxy holds up pretty well. But I agree with my boyfriend who said that the movie had entertained him but it didn't blow him away in the same way that films like The Winter Soldier did.

My general feelings of the film was that they did actually try too hard. The comedy was what I was most looking forward to and they don't disappoint, this has so many hilarious moments. It also has some amazing characters, but Groot and Rocket completely steal the show. It still did feel at times that they were trying just a little too hard with it, the comedic moments didn't always feel natural. Sometimes it seemed like they just needed to feel a quota of jokes per scene so they just had to shove another one in.

The film definitely showcases just how much can be done with special effects now. It's truly impressive and not one scene doesn't have superb special effects. I did find it confusing though that with all our technological advancements and the amazing things that can be accomplished using CGI, Zoe Saldana still looks like someone just slapped some really cheap green body paint on her. She basically looked the same as my friend Kevin when he came as Elpheba to a Halloween party. I think they should have learnt a few lessons from the X-Men movies and what they accomplished with Mystique.

I thought the cast was absolutely brilliant in this, I didn't have any issues with any of them. Rocket and Groot definitely steal the show in this, I am pretty sure most people can agree with that. But Chris Pratt was genius as Quill, I really loved him and he had so many hilarious moments.

7/10 Butterflies

This was really entertaining, I didn't think it was on the same level as Avengers or The Winter Soldier, but it was a good movie. It had hilarious moments, sweet moments and even sad moments. The special effects are exceptional most of the time, but I do think they did a terrible job with Gamora. I'll be very interested to see where this series goes next, the characters have so much potential. I'll definitely be re-watching when I am not completely knackered! 

I have been meaning to take part in both of the following memes for a while now, so its nice to finally be able to get to them. I will be taking part in Reading is Fun Again's Thoughtful Thursday and Okay, Let's Read's  Thursday Thoughts, picking between them or doing both topics each week.

Gender Bias & Sexism

What is your opinion on males reading books "geared towards women" such as YA contemporary, romance, most new adult, etc? In that same vein, what's your opinion on females reading comics and graphic novels? Do you agree that sexism, or at least gender bias, are apparent in today's bookish world? Are you someone who "breaks" these bias?

I am all about reading what ever you want to read, and never letting anybody else dictate what you should or shouldn't be reading. I think a lot of books are definitely geared towards certain genders at times, which I don't see publishers changing any time soon. Covers are important for this, I see it all the time when working in a library. I think it's silly that they are geared towards a gender, but I honestly believe that most people just read whatever the hell they like. I definitely don't care whether a books being geared towards men or women, or young children or adults. If I want to read it... I am reading it. And hey, even if the cover is absolutely hideous and you'd be embarrassed to be seen in public with it... that's what ebooks are for!


Who is one of your favourite protagonists of all time?

ONE?!? PICK ONE!?!?!

If you can answer that with one answer then congratulations! I am going to quit while I'm behind. 

Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Foods and Meals
My Weekly Book Haul: 09/08/2014
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson: 2/5 Review
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Monthly Recap: July
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read
Boomerang by Noelle August: 4/5 Review


  1. LOL I love the protagonist question. Like asking which one of your children is your favorite.

    1. I know! I didn't even bother linking up, there was no way I could pick one.

  2. I want to see Guardians of the Galaxy so so so bad. XD Saving for Mockingjay though because is coming soon. (And the split of part 1 and 2 is going to kill and I'm so not emotionally prepared for it.) I want to see a talking racoon, basically.

    HA. There is no real answer to the protagonist question. Unless...maybe for someone who'd only read one book?! ;)

    I'm extremely tired of sexism and to be honest, ugh, I just can't. And society doesn't seem to be moving on very fast, which is also stupid. Everything is still geared towards specific genders, even down to it's more common to find superhero shirts for guys in stores than girls. (But that could be just Australia.) But I would be sad if all the gorgeous dress covers disappeared, because I DO like them. But who said boys couldn't read books with girls with puffy dresses anyway???

    1. I KNOW!! I am both super happy and super sad that they are splitting it. These movies best be AMAZING!

      The talking raccoon was the main reason I wanted to see it too ;)

      No, it's definitely hard to find those kind of shirts in women's sizes over here too. It gets incredibly frustrating. Exactly! I think some covers do put boys or girls off certain books, but at least with ereaders nobody can see them ;)

  3. Yes, I have no idea who my favorite protagonist would be, that's an impossible question to answer. As far as sexism, I do believe you should read whatever you want to read. That being said, I find it a little hard to understand a guy wanting to read chick lit type books. That probably makes me sound like a horrible person and I know I'm using a double standard because at the same time I have no problem understanding why females would want to read comics or graphic novels. I know, I know, this doesn't make sense, but there you go. My honest opinion.

    The movie sounds cute, but I'll probably wait until I can rent it. I like the guy from Parks & Recreation, he's hilarious. ~Pam

    1. I think that's understandable though, I think I''d be surprised if I saw a guy borrowing a chick lit book from the library. That would mainly just be because I haven't seen it once yet.

  4. Winter Soldier would be very, very, very hard to beat, IMHO. It was amazing for so many reasons. Guardians was fun, and I have to say that Peter's mom had good taste in music. *got Awesome Mix Vol. 1 on repeat*

    1. Winter Soldier really was, such a brilliant movie!!! I completely forgot to mention the soundtrack, even though that was one of the things I loved the most about it.

  5. It does sound entertaining but dang it stinks when you can tell they were just trying too hard. No matter it be a book or a movie. Ah well. Hope you're feeling better from your cold!

    1. I am feeling a lot better now :) It honestly did feel like they were trying really hard, but it was entertaining enough. I'd still go see the sequel, I thin this could get really great as it goes along.

  6. I pretty much agree with your thoughts on Guardians. The trailers made me very wary too, like the humor was aimed towards 10 year old boys. Thankfully, it was better than that, and while I liked Quill more than I thought I would, he was clearly trying too hard. I agree that Rocket and Groot were the real stars. Pretty good overall, but definitely not The Winter Soldier!

    1. Definitely not. I enjoyed it enough that I will go to see the sequel, especially since they might do a better job the second time around. I feel this one was aimed at a younger audience, where as the other films feel like they are aimed more at adults, not children.

  7. I have heard only great things about this film so I wanted to go and see what it was all about. After seeing the trailer, I have decided that it is definitely not really for me. I loved the Avengers though xD Now that was one FUNNY and great movie. I have recently watched Iron Man and I know I have a lot more Marvel movies to catch up on xD

    As for the question about books being geared towards genders, I think everyone should read what they want, whatever. When a girl reads a guy book they generally don't get looked at weird, but when it's the other way around, they do xD So, there is a guy in my class who reads really feminine books and I think it's the cutest and bravest thing ever. And he's also seen as the tough guy as well xD

    1. The Avengers is amazing, this definitely isn't any Avengers. It's good but it's not amazing. It's aimed a lot more at kids than any of the other Marvel films.

      I definitely think people should read what they want, never worry about what publishers and marketing departments want to tell you you should be reading.

      I want to meet that guy, he sounds rather AMAZING! :)

  8. I was also apprehensive about GOTG but I actually quite enjoyed it. There were a few bit like 'meh' but it was very funny, which I wasn't expecting. I laughed at the bit about the cheap green face paint. Sad but true!!!

    1. I did enjoy it, I just felt it tried too hard to be funny at times. That face paint was awful, they needed to do a better job. because it just looked like cheap make-up.


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