Boomerang by Noelle August: Review

Boomerang (Boomerang, #1)Title: Boomerang
Author: Noelle August
Publisher: William Morrow
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository 

Welcome to, the dating site for the millennial gen with its no-fuss, no-commitments matchups, and where work is steamier than any random hook-up
Mia Galliano is an aspiring filmmaker. Ethan Vance has just played his last game as a collegiate soccer star. They’re sharp, hungry for success, and they share a secret.
Last night, Ethan and Mia met at a bar, and, well . . . one thing led to another, which led to them waking up the next morning—together. Things turned awkward in a hurry when they found themselves sharing a post hookup taxi . . . to the same place: Boomerang headquarters.
What began as a powerful connection between them is treated to a cold shower courtesy of two major complications. First, Boomerang has a strict policy against co-worker dating. And second, they’re now competitors for only one job at the end of summer.
As their internships come to an end, will they manage to keep their eyes on the future and their hands off each other, or will the pull of attraction put them right back where they started? (Goodreads summary.)

When I first saw the cover for this book, I did not want to read it at all. It's just such a cutesy, romantic cover and those always put me off. I also have a really hit and miss relationship with new adult books, so that didn't help either. So, what changed my mind? The fact that Noelle August is the pen name for Lorin Oberweger and Veronica Rossi. You read that right, VERONICA ROSSI! Author of the amazing Under the Never Sky series and creator of brilliant character like Aria, Perry and Roar. I would read anything that woman writes. Anything! Not sure why they decided to go for Noelle August, they write New Adult together though so makes sense to choose a name with the initials NA.

I remember just how much I enjoyed the Under the Never Sky series and how much the romance in that worked. It was my ideal romance, it had all the swoon there but it was never over done. I also loved all of the characters, Rossi is a genius when it comes to characters. Roar is honestly one of the greatest secondary characters that I have ever come across. I thought about the kinds of characters she writes, the romance she creates and I wondered just what she could do with a new adult book. I admit to being pretty excited to jump in and find out.

If I could describe this book in one word then it would definitely be fun! It's an easy, enjoyable read and so quick to get through as well. I usually struggle with new adult because a lot of it is filled with ridiculous drama and way too much angst. There was none of that here. Okay, maybe there was the tiniest amount of drama, but it wasn't too an unbearable degree. This focused more on fun, on sexual tension, banter between characters and tender, sweet moments. I was sold from the very first page when Mia wakes up in a strangers bed, trying to figure out what the hell she did the night before.

After a night that neither Ethan or Mia can remember, they both wind up outside Boomerang's offices and quickly realise that they are now going to be working together. What they don't bank on is the fact that they are now competing against each other to secure a job at the end of the summer. There's also the fact that Boomerang has a policy against co-workers dating. So... complicated much. It all makes for funny moments, way too much sexual tension to deal with and complete lack of will power on both characters parts. I LOVE IT!

I was a fan of all the hilarious banter and the back and forth between the main characters, Mia and Ethan. They did have me laughing quite a bit and I thought they were both such likeable characters. If you have read the UTNS trilogy then you'll remember just how funny Roar is as a character, this book is filled with characters like that. I laughed a lot during this book, I found it so easy to get through and had such a fun time reading it.

4/5 Butterflies

I think this would be perfect for fans of YA who want to try out the NA genre. It's much more focused on the hilarious banter than it is on sex. It's a really quick, easy and fun read; literally only took me a few hours to get through this one. I had a lot of fun reading it, it's not a really memorable story and it's definitely not unique, but it was fun. I know it's going to have companion novels released, which I might read, but I thought this worked really well as a standalone.  

*I received a copy of this novel from the author/publisher/publicist via Edelweiss in exchange for a free and honest review and received no monetary compensation for this review.


  1. I usually don't read new adult, but this sounds like such a fun book to read. Haha. And like you said, Veronica Rossi!! :) Great review!

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

    1. I know, once I knew Veronica Rossi was involved I knew I had to read it! :)

  2. Yeah so glad you loved this one too. It really was a fun read and I can't wait for these two to write more. These are my kind of NA reads.

    1. It was such a fun read, definitely my kind of NA. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the next book :)

  3. Okay, everything you felt, is what I'm feeling. I haven't had good luck with NA and usually a matter of not so bad to really horrible. But after reading your review, I want in. I think I'm going to pick up a copy of this one. I totally have that Veronica Rossi auto-buy feeling.

    1. I love Rossi, she definitely knows how to write a fun, light-hearted, drama-free NA! I had a lot of fun reading this and I thought it worked really well.

  4. I really want to read this book now, gah, damn having no moneys! This is a great review and I'll definitely be looking out for more now that I've been enjoying Under the Never Sky too! And this was a great book for you in terms of reading, I've been waiting for your thoughts, so yay! :D

    1. It was a ton of fun! I liked how it was more light-hearted and fun then most NA that I have read. It had lots of chemistry and sexual tension between the characters, as well as a whole lot of sarcasm and hilarious banter. What more could I want?!?! ;)

  5. The pb of this book here in ph costs like $13-15??? And I am just WHAAAT? But anyway, I've read a lot of positive reviews about this book including yours (yay!). I am a NA occassional reader but I recoil from too much angst/drama in NA so it's thrilling to hear that this was light and full of banters! Great review! :D

    1. This was definitely light on the angst and drama! I absolutely loved all the funny banter and sarcasm in this, it was great NA read for me.

  6. Haha this is one I want to read! I've read positive reviews of this on both your and Brandi's blog, and I can't wait to see it for myself. I haven't reads Veronica Rossi's other books, but they're really on my TBR

    1. I love Rossi, she's a brilliant author. I found this to be a whole lot of fun, so much banter between the characters. It was just the perfect NA read for me.

  7. Agreed, this is a very fun book. And totally bridges the gap between YA and NA. I think it's perfect for someone who wants to give NA a go but isn't sure. Than they can work up from there.
    Great review! You really gave your reader a good reason why you thought this book was enjoyable. What worked for you. I'm sure it will help some other potential Boomerang readers to pick it up now.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I really enjoyed this book, I thought it was a lot more fun compared to a lot of the NA I have read. I adored all the banter between the characters, as well as the sexual chemistry between the leads.

  8. Heh, that's clever with the initials making "NA" too. XD Nicely done, authors. I have to admit...NA and me have never gotten along. Okay, well there was Dangerous Boys which is technically NA?? But that was all thriller. I LIKE thriller. I'm hit-or-miss with contemporary romances at any rate.... And, I'm SORRY, but a boomerang is like a native weapon in Australia and that's all I can think of. *snickers*

    1. I dunno, I don't feel like Dangerous Boys was NA. It seemed more YA than NA to me, but I am in no ways an expert. Boomerang is the name of the company they work for, but even then I was still wondering why it was called Boomerang. It's a dating agency about having one night stands, you don't want them coming back! Haha.

  9. I was so excited when I saw in my inbox the email about this post! I'm really glad you love it! We both share a love for Veronica Rossi so ofcourse this book instantly became a must-read for me too. I love the two main characters as well!! Good point though - the humor does kind of remind me of Roar now

    1. I loved that the humour reminded me of Roar, that character was amazing. I just loved this book so much, I adored how much fun it was. A lot of NA I have read has been filled with angst and drama, I found that to be lacking in this and I loved it for it.

  10. I completely agree, this was a refreshing change after all of the dark NA out there, loaded with damaged characters and issues. It was cute and fun, light and fluffy, and yes, filled with hilarious banter and sexual tension. Definitely a fun read and is the type of book that just makes you smile. Glad you enjoyed it!! ~Pam

    1. I had so much fun with this, it was just the book I needed! It was definitely a refreshing change, this is the kind of NA I should be reading. I will be on the lookout for more books like this, was such a fun read.


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