Summer Surge: Challenges

The Summer Surge Read-A-Thon is being run over at Book Badger. It's got interviews with other bloggers, readalongs, challenges and giveaways.

I am going to attempt to do more than one challenge in this, seeing as I am really behind!

Spine Poetry

I found this one so unbelievably diffifcult. Stacie gave me a ton of inspiration, but it's still taken me forever to even attempt it. And even then, I have probably done it wrong, haha!

It's an ugly love,
You're a cruel beauty.
I'm so far from you.

Character Personality

Pick 5 characters from books you have read in 2014 that each reflect an area of your personality. WOW! This one was ridiculously hard for me, but I think I have it covered.

Caymen Meyers from The Distance Between Us

I loved this character, and I saw a lot of myself in her too. Mainly her ridiculously sarcastic and dry sense of humour. I loved her banter with Xander and their brilliant back and forth. Her humour was so similar, if not identical, to my own that I could not get enough of it. She was so easy to relate to, I definitely saw a lot of myself in her.

Charlie Reynolds from On The Fence

Apparently Kasie West knows how to write characters that I see myself in. Charlie was a tomboy, I was definitely  huge tomboy when I was a child and very much so in my early teen years. I loved watching Charlie discover make-up and dresses and skirts, I went through the exact same thing. I was also completely useless at it, and still am. She also preferred the company of guys and had more guy friends, which is true for me as well.

Celaena Sardothian from The Throne of Glass series

That's right people, I am a hardcore, dangerous assassin. I kid, I kid. Or do I? So, I might have the upper body strength of a two year old, but I definitely saw some of myself in Celaena. Mostly her love of sweets and reading. And her temper! Don't mess with me when I am angry, I might be capable of turning into an assassin then.

She's really shy and terrible about telling people how she really feels - so me. She's not even able to admit any of her crushes out loud, just pens all her feelings into letters that she never sends. 

Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series

I'm totally going to be the Lord Voldemort of the library world. After my hideous, awful and unbelievably stressful day at work yesterday, I can totally relate to all his anger towards large amounts of the human population and wanting to destroy them all. Stupid people who ruin my day... watch out, I'm coming for you!

Follow That Title

I had to pick one word from the list that Amanda listed and find a book I read in the last 12 months with that title. I then had to find another book with at least one of the words from the first title in it, and have at least one word different.

Dangerous Girls
Dangerous Boys
To All The Boys I've Loved Before
The Truth About Alice
All The Truth That's In Me
Where You'll Find Me

I think I might have even done this one wrong, but it's now 1:00 and it's taken me forever just to get that done. Fingers crossed!

I have read and loved both of Abigail's books, Dangerous Girls & Dangerous Boys. To celebrate the release of Dangerous Boys, I am giving 1 winner the chance to win paperback copies of both Dangerous Boys and Dangerous Girls. It's open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to you!

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read
Boomerang by Noelle August: 4/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Guardians of the Galaxy 7/10 Review
Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas: 4.5/5 Review & Giveaway
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Films
My Weekly Book Haul: 16/08/2014
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover: 4.5/5 Review


  1. I love your spine poetry and follow that title! I could never come up with something like that. The character personality must have been pretty hard to pick out but I think you did a great job at explaining :)

    1. Thank you! Haha, I found every challenge really difficult, which is why it took me so long to do it.

  2. Great post! I really enjoyed your spine poetry. Like Eileen said, I could never do that! Sounds super hard! :D And omg. Just to fangurl...To All the Boys I've Loved Before <3. :)

    Cindy @ In This World of Books..

    1. Thank you, it was so difficult but I am pleased that I actually managed it :) I LOVED THAT BOOK!!! It was soooo good :)

  3. I think you did well with the poetry! Great post. :)

  4. Great exercise! You did an awesome job on picking characters. And I'm VERY impressed with the poem!

    1. Thank you! That poem took forever to even try to come up with and even then I was worrying it wasn't right.

  5. I love your poetry! I am reading Throne of Glass right now, so good!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. SOOOO GOOD! I can't get enough of that series, I need book 4!

  6. Omg, I laughed so hard at the Voldemort bit. HUMANS. All you can say sometimes is whyyyyyyy are you doing that?!! But seriously. I can definitely see you as Celaena. *nods* But instead of cake and puppies, we give you cake and books? ;)

    1. I will totally take cake and books! I think I just wish I was as cool as Celaena, haha. Humans are stupid creatures, working with the general public has definitely shown me this.

  7. I think your poem turned out well, good job! Thanks for the cool post! Good luck with the challenges!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.