The Seven Deadly Sins Tag

The wonderful Rachel over at Confessions of a Book Geek has tagged me in the Seven Deadly Sins tag and I am super excited! Mainly because I love answering random questions, especially those about books. It also gives me an excuse to use as many gifs as I can find!Are you ready people?

1. What is your most inexpensive book?

Tough question much? I'm a book lover, and as such, I basically ask all family and loved ones for books for every occasion deserving of a gift. What's more inexpensive than something you got for nothing? Nothing. So I technically own a bunch of books that I paid £0 for. My pick today will be The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski because I have 3 copies now and I only paid for one. The finished paperback was sent by a publisher and the other was an extra that Book Depository sent me for some reason.

They look so pretty together that I still haven't even thought of getting rid of/giving away/gifting the extras.

2. What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Sarah J. Maas

I love her because her books are sheer genius, my reviews for her books can't get any more gushy if I tried, and I've tried. But I hate her for those endings that have me dying to get my hands on the next book. For those characters I absolutely love that I know won't make it. I hate her for making me feel all the feels. But then I love her for it all as well! Damn you, Maas, damn you!

3. What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?

Harry Potter!
I am completely OCD when it comes to my books. I don't open my paperbacks very wide because I refuse to crack the spine... ever! I take such good care of them, I won't even lend them out to other people.You only have to look at my original Harry Potter's to see how much I have read them, I literally had to buy replacements for the first 3!

4. Which book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

The A Song of Ice and Fire series. I read book one and then stopped, but I own them all. They're just so long and there's so many of them. And they're so long! 

5. What book do you most talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?

The Cat in the Hat

6. What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?

Female: Just don't be a Bella Swan and I'm sure we'll be fine.
Male: Be funny, adorable, sweet and don't act like a weird, controlling freak. 

Basically, be this guy:

7. What book would you most like to receive as a gift?

Would like to!?! Try WILL receive as a gift or will no longer be speaking to my boyfriend. My Christmas list that I give him will contain one item, listed twenty million times so he won't forget it. 

These beauties:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Now for some tagging:

1. Amanda @ Book Badger 
2. Cait & Mime @ Notebook Sister: Any excuse to get them to do posts together!
4. Stacie @ Books Galore

To enter to win a Kindle Fire HDX go here.

I'm currently celebrating July with a giveaway! I am giving 6 winners the chance to win a book of their choice, worth up to £10, from Book Depository. For all the details you can go to the original post.

Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas: 4/5 Review
Kindle Fire HDX August Giveaway
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas: 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 7/10 Movie Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Foods and Meals
My Weekly Book Haul: 09/08/2014
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson: 2/5 Review


  1. Amazing books, you have a collections of the Winner's Curse, looks so pretty together. The new Harry Potter covers are so pretty, I want this collection too :)

    And Which book i \think iwould choose, Isla and the Happily Ever After :)

    1. Isla and the Happily Ever After is a great pick, I am really looking forward to reading that one myself.

  2. Great post and amazing blog! :) The book I think I would choose has to be Amy Zhang's Falling into Place. It think it's going to be an mazing, phenomenal read. So, so excited to read that book soon. Thank you SO much for this giveaway! :)

    1. I am so excited to read that book too, it looks so good!!! :)

  3. Harry Potter would be my devouring series as well. I'm actually craving a re-read right now and your raptures are making me crave it even more. :)

    1. I am craving a re-read as well, I think I might do it next year once I have the new beauties in my hands.

  4. OMG MIME AND I ARE TOTALLY DOING THIS TOGETHER. I ran up to her squeeing about deadly sins and books and she just looked at me like, "Exactly how much Supernatural have you been watching?" She's so trusting. BUT ANYWAY. I'm excited. This is quite an awesome tag.

    Obviously Cat in the Hat. DUH. Although I occasionally like to mention how I read, you know, some Dickens back in my young and impressionable youth. Genius little reader me. And YUS to love/hate relationship with Sarah J Maas. She's cruel. I can just imagine her sitting at her computer typing these books up and cackling to herself. Gee, THOSE DANG CLIFF HANGERS. She probably drinks the tears of her readers for breakfast.

    I totally laughed at your list with the same thing written a million times. WHAT A GOOD IDEA. I spent all of last year just saying, "Bookshelf" anytime anyone opened their mouth. So yeah, maybe they weren't asking me what I wanted for Christmas. But it was December and if a sentence started with "hey Cait do you want --" I'd just say "BOOKSHELF". *nods* It worked, btw.

    1. Haha... YAY!!! I will be really, really, really looking forward to seeing yours and Mime's answers. Your posts together are always absolutely hilarious.

      I mean, with a name like Dr. Seuss you have to be a genius right?!? ;)

      I am pretty sure she gets so much joy out of writing those cliff hangers and keeping us all waiting! I hate and love her in equal measure most of the time.

      I am so going to try that. Starting now. It might be August but it's best to start early. I might even print off pictures of all the covers and leave them in random places around the flat. I am sure he will get the hint eventually.

  5. Wonderful? *blushes* Aw, shucks!

    Love your gifs for this, I practically spat my morning coffee everywhere with the Snape, "my body is ready" one. I'm debating getting the new Bloomsbury covers for HP. I want a complete matching set so my originals don't have to take a bashing, but the original Bloomsbury covers will always be HP to me. Decisions...

    I'm pretty sure I just tagged you for another round of questions today... like to keep you occupied!! :)

    R x

    1. That Snape one is probably one of my all time favourite gifs, it's just too funny. I want the new ones, they are the only ones since the original Bloomsbury covers that I have actually loved and wanted. All the others just haven't really worked for me, but I really love these. I think it's because they remind me a lot of the originals in a lot of ways.

  6. Last Christmas my husband bought me the new paperback HP set with the new covers in the US. I only gave him like a million subtle (okay, you got me, they were blatantly obvious) hints. I hope you get your new HP set this year!!! :D

    1. I will definitely be getting them, my hints will be anything but subtle, haha! I need those books in my life.

  7. Oh my gosh I loved this. Your post could have been my post. ;)

  8. Ummm..let's do this.
    1. Having multiple copies of a favourite/pretty book is how we book nerds do it. #sorrynotsorry
    2. Haha! Agreed! I love you, Maas! Give me Chaol now!
    3. Of course. My originals are also very well loved(falling apart). That's why I bought the scholastic beautiful box set last year, they are my pretties. Not to be read only stared at.
    4. I'm kind of the same with this one. I haven't started to series because of its size. But I also don't really care.
    5. AHAHAHA!
    6. Mmmmm..Snape and Ron. Both ideal. ;)
    7. YES! If he is a good boyfriend he will not disappoint you. I NEED those covers in my life too. I will have them in my hands this year, too. That is 100% truth.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I feel like my new HP books should just be looked at too, but I am totally going to read them. Still debating whether to go for hardbacks or paperbacks, but I think hardback is the way to go.

      I want to continue the series, but those books are just so large. Plus, I've watched every season on TV and will be reading a lot of what I have already seen. Might get a tad boring, haha.

      He will not disappoint, or he will have to deal with the biggest of tantrums on Christmas Day, haha.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I can't wait to get my hands on the HP ones, they look amazing!!! :) Maas is a genius, but she knows how to mess with my feels. I know, that cover is probably the whole reason I haven't given a copy of it away yet.

  10. This was a fantastic post! I agree with you about number 6 with the characters. I liked Twilight all right, but Bella I can't stand. I have a cousin who is in love with Ron, so I thought of her when I saw your gif. Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! I am excited to read the Throne of Glass with how much you talk about it!!

    1. She is definitely one of the worst characters that I have ever come across, I hate her. I love Ron, if that boy was real I would marry him in a heartbeat.

  11. LOL how fun! I'd not seen this one yet. Always entertaining seeing what people pick :D

  12. Agree…I love/hate Sarah Maas. Also JLA (she also writes some killer cliffhangers).

    Fun post! ~Pam

    1. I haven't experienced one of JLA's cliffhangers yet, I am kind of scared too!

  13. This is really an awesome article. Thank you for sharing this.It is worth reading for everyone.

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