Monthly Recap: July

I know this recap is really late but I'd been struggling with blogging recently and have only finally gotten back into it. I took a week off from the blog, that ended up being almost two weeks long. I didn't get any posts planned in that time but I did manage to read a few books. My reading slump was terrible at the start of July, but, thanks to the Throne of Glass series, I had gotten out of it by the end of the month.

July was a busy month, what with YALC, my birthday and getting a new kitten. YALC was the first ever Young Adult Literary Convention in the UK, and it was beyond amazing. I purchased a ton of books and met a lot of fantastic authors and had such a fun time. I can't wait for next year, I'll definitely be attending again. Getting a new kitten was also really exciting and I absolutely love her, she's just so adorable and I can't get enough of her. 


I read 7 books.

I think July has been my worst reading month since I started blogging. The slump was really terrible at the start of the month, I think it took  me over a week to finish one book at one point. I was really saved by the decision to start the Throne of Glass series, it was amazing and yanked me straight out of my reading slump.

Reviewed on blog:

Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier 2/5 Butterflies
Pivot Point by Kasie West 4/5 Butterflies
Split Second by Kasie West 4/5 Butterflies
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas 4.5/5 Butterflies
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas 4.5/5 Butterflies

I only posted 5 reviews in July because I took a few weeks off from blogging. Ruby Red turned out to be a huge disappointment and I gave up on the series after that. Pivot Point and Split Second were both really great, Kasie West never disappoints. Sarah J. Maas just blew me away with her young adult fantasy series, I am addicted to it and just can't get enough. 

Other Posts

Top Ten Tuesday:

Films for Thoughts on Thursday:

Five Friday Favourites:

Book Hauls:



TBR Pile Challenge

My goal: 50+ books

Have read so far: 18 books

This month I managed to add two more to this list, which was Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight.

Falling For YA
Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge

My goal: 50 books

Read so far: 42 books

I added three more to this challenge this month, so I am very close to completing it. I read Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas, Boomerang by Noelle August and The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson.

Series Challenge Button take2
Series Challenge

My goal is to complete between 7-11 series this year.

Series finished: 5 series

1. The Program & The Treatment by Suzanne Young
3. Starters & Enders by Lissa Price
4. Nantucket Blue & Nantucket Red by Leila Howland
5. Pivot Point & Split Second by Kasie West

I am hoping that this is the end of the Pivot Point series, I don't think it needs any more books.

First In A Series Challenge

My goal is to start 20 series this year. 

So far I have started 22 series.

This month I added Throne of Glass, The Kiss of Deception and Boomerang. I have surpassed the amount that I wanted to start so I am pretty pleased with myself. 

This is the part where I share the love for other posts I saw over the month and loved.

Jean @ Happy Indulgence talked about book endings and whether they change your opinion on a book/series. They do for me. *cough* Allegiant *cough*

Cait @ Notebook Sister's talked about unlikeable characters and how to do it right.

Mari & The Sirenic Codex also pondered whether characters need to be likeable to be alive.

Zoe @ The Book Life discussed formats and what she prefers.

Amanda @ Book Badger showed us all the different ships she ships.

Mel @ The Daily Prophecy talked about being socially awkward, something I can definitely relate too.

Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books discussed ridiculously long book titles and how long is too long.

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer talked about the problems with rating books.

Allie @ Little Birdie Books perfectly addressed how much I hate when book hype lies to you.

Kat @ Cuddlebuggery showed you how to tell your co-bloggership is all kinds of wrong.

Larissa @ YA Midnight Reads wrote the most hilarious post about how to become a bestselling YA author.

Dre @ Sporadic Reads discussed what to do when commenting becomes a chore.

Awesome on the Internet

This is usually where I post other awesome things I have found on the internet. I just became hideously addicted to booktubers, but I will share those next month. What I really want to share is the Thunderclap tweet campaign for Abigail Haas's next book, Dangerous Boys. I read and reviewed it, I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Her first book, Dangerous Girls, was a huge success with readers but didn't do that well commercially. These books need more support so please if you could sign up for the Thunderclap that would be AMAZING!


  1. I am so glad you found a great series (one of my favorites!) to pull you out of your reading slump. I love it when that can happen.

    1. Me too, it was exactly what I needed after a two month reading slump. So sad I will have to wait for the next book now, I can't really deal with the wait.

  2. You might have read "only" 7 books, but it looks like you really enjoyed them and that's what reading is all about :) Such a cute kitten! Thanks to the link back and I hope you get to read more in August.

    1. That's very true, I did enjoy quite a lot of the books I read! I'd rather read less and have great reads than read more that I hated.

  3. I agree with Mel, quality over quantity. But hopefully you'll have both this month! ~Pam

  4. I tried to read Ruby Red a year or two ago and got like 10 pages in and gave up. I might try again one day but it seemed kind of juvenile and flighty. :/
    Welcome to the obsession that is Sarah J. Maas. God, I love her. I just re-re-read ToG and re-read CoM to get ready for HoF and I think I loved them even more. If that is even possible.
    West said it was only going to be a duology. So I believe her. I mean I could always go for more Trevor. But a series shouldn't be prolonged just because. :P
    Just put your kitty in every post and it'll make me smile. :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. It was very juvenile, and I also hear it's more like one book that's just stretched over three books. I'd rather read a series that's actually a series.

      Maas is a cruel genius! She creates such amazing characters and I love her for it. I don't know how I am supposed to wait for the next book.

      I will be posting so many pictures of the kitten, people will be sick of them by the end of it! Haha.

  5. I have been doing all the tweeting for Dangerous Boys. ^_^ Usually I never get around to getting onboard with that kind of stuff, or I feel meh towards the book/series whatever. BUT THIS TIME?! Omg, Abigail Haas deserves ALL THE LOVE because she's a genius and both her books have absolutely blown my mind. I was just so impressed with the ending of Dangerous Boys. It was so perfectly set up, just wow, omg wow.

    It's okay to have slower blogging months, for sure! I feel like I've been mega-slack for reading this August. I've read like...4 books, but 2 of them were novellas so kind of count as 1. I've just been having a break because goooosh I love books but they wear me out. I'm glad you love Sarah J Maas so much though. Eeeep. I get so happy every time someone else squees over it too.

  6. Aw the cuteness that is the new herd babe! Adorable! Glad you were able to get your blogging grove back with a little break. A girls gotta do that now and again :)


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