Day 21 by Kass Morgan: Review

Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)Title: Day 21 (The 100 #2)
Author: Kass Morgan
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Buy This Book: Amazon / Book Depository

No one has set foot on Earth in centuries -- until now.
It's been 21 days since the hundred landed on Earth. They're the only humans to set foot on the planet in centuries...or so they thought. Facing an unknown enemy, Wells attempts to keep the group together. Clarke strikes out for Mount Weather, in search of other Colonists, while Bellamy is determined to rescue his sister, no matter the cost. And back on the ship, Glass faces an unthinkable choice between the love of her life and life itself.
In this pulse-pounding sequel to Kass Morgan's The 100, secrets are revealed, beliefs are challenged, and relationships are tested. And the hundred will struggle to survive the only way they can -- together. (Goodreads summary.)

I recently read and reviewed The 100 and was surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. It's such an easy read, it's action-packed and a book you can devour in one sitting. It made me desperate to see the TV show and the ending made me beyond desperate to get my hands on the sequel. Luckily, Hodder were lovely enough to send me a copy and I dove straight in the minute it arrived. I wasn't left disappointed by this book, it contained all the action I had come to expect and I am already counting down to book 3.

The book picks up where The 100 left off, the group of people sent down to Earth are now aware of the fact they are not alone. They have always believed that no one survived the Cataclysm, that Earth was not inhabitable because of radiation. They are now aware that there are people living on Earth, Earthborns who managed to survive in a large underground bunker and have now come to the surface. The Earthborns have killed on of the group, making it clear that they want them to leave and don't welcome their presence. Glass, the only one who escaped the dropship to Earth, is on their home ship that has a breach and will soon run out of Oxygen.

This one keeps up the fast-moving pace that we had in book one. It has all the twists and turns, the four different points of view and the flashbacks into their past that reveal more about them and the story. It also has the romance and the romance drama that inevitably comes along with it. My main problem with book 2 is that it had way too much drama, far more than I could handle. The romances had got to me a little in The 100, but that has increased tenfold in this. There is just so much romance and melodrama surrounding it all. We've got characters declaring their love for one another, even though they have quite literally only known each other for three weeks. Nothing irks me more in YA fiction than stupid insta-love.

Day 21, much like The 100, reads like a TV show. It's perfect for a TV show because of all the drama that it's filled with. I actually lost count of the number of perfect end of episode cliffhanger moments that this book has. There are just so many dun dun dun moments in this, probably too many. Okay, definitely too many. This one did elicit a lot of eye-rolling from me, but I couldn't help myself. I am not good with all the soap opera style melodrama.

We still follow four characters in this: Clarke, Bellamy, Wells and Glass. Glass was my favourite out of the four in The 100 and she's still my favourite in this book. All the characters come to grate on me a little bit over the course of the book though. I can't deal with all their drama! Wells is still my least favourite, I just want to be able to punch that guy in the head. He's just so self-centred and only really thinks about himself and what he wants. He doesn't even seem to realise what he did was absolutely wrong, he basically condemned hundreds of people to death. I hate him. I hate him. I HATE HIM! Clarke and Bellamy just become too much for me in this. Their romance is too insta-lovey, which never computes with me.

3.5/5 Butteflies

I love that these books are so fast-paced, they're quick reads that I can devour in one sitting. They are filled with so much melodrama and irritating romances that it's shocking to me how much I enjoy them. I really do enjoy the series, despite all my issues with it. I will definitely be reading book three, I'll be watching the TV show and I'm eager to see where the story goes. For all it's faults it's still an enjoyable read and each book leaves me itching to get my hands on the next in the series. Maybe this is my new guilty pleasure series, but I don't even feel guilty that I enjoy them so much. 

*I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review and received no monetary compensation for this review.


  1. I kind of skimmed this because I haven't read The 100 yet. Do you like the tv show? The fact that these are fast pacced has me thinking I should definitely give them a shot. Slow books bore me to tears. I love when I can't set a book down. And even though it had its faults, I'm glad you liked it! Must have something redeeming about it!

    1. I haven't seen the show yet! :( I missed it when it was on TV, so I kind of need to hunt it down so I can watch it. It really does, so much of it annoys me but they are just such quick, fun reads.

  2. You should definitely check out the tv series, I didn't love it but lots of people did. I gave up after 4 episodes but I heard right after is when it started to get good. I sometimes think I should try it again just to make sure it really isn't for me but I haven't had the time lately.

    1. I really do want to try it, just need to hunt it down. I missed it when it was on TV here. I hope the characters don't bug me so much on TV.

  3. See, that's what I love about, there's just something that keeps you reading, and yeah, they're quick and addicting, so that's an incentive to keep going with the series. Though I was disappointed that the plots still slow going, but still, really enjoyed it. :) Definitely my guilty pleasure reads too. ;)

    1. I know, I'll be continuing with the series even though there are aspects of it that really irritate me. Overall it's just a fun series that is quick to read.

  4. I was curious to see what you would think about the second book. I really enjoyed the first one and I was so excited to read the second one, but the romance drama…couldn't take it. Wells was like, oh Clarke, I've loved you forever and I need you to forgive me and I came to this planet for you…but wait, who is that cute grounder girl? Bye Clarke! What???? And yes, Clarke and Bellamy, very insta-lovey. Drove me crazy. Anyway, I really like the TV show and it is very different. No Glass (which is sad), but there are other characters that aren't in the book and many differences with the plot. I'll still keep reading the series, but this one was a bit of a disappointment even though I enjoyed it. ~Pam

    1. I KNOW!!! The way these guys just suddenly fall for people is so infuriating. Wells annoyed me the most because he's such a selfish asshole. He also goes on and on about how much he loves Clarke for the whole of book one, then moves onto someone else straight away. NO GLASS?!?! That makes me really sad, she's my favourite character!

  5. While I did enjoy this book better than the first, the instalove between Clark and Bellamy was really, really eye-rolling worthy. Yet it was still quite an enjoyable read! Great review. :)

    1. Thanks! I know, the romances in these books are all eye-roll worthy to me. But they are fun and quick to get through, and I like that.

  6. They are like guilty pleasure reads. They are good but they aren't amazing. The characters are entirely frustrating but you can't help but continue to read on.

  7. I have recently received a copy of this for review so I will be busy going off and trying my hand at what this series will be like! I have only heard positive things, so I am looking forward to it. The romances might be a bit annoying but if they are as fast paced as you say I might be able to race through it!

    1. The books are very quick to get through, it's like a guilty pleasure read or something. Although I don't feel guilty for liking it haha.


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