My Blogoversary Celebration & Giveaway


Oh wait, no it's not. My blogoversary was actually on the 30th August, something I had forgotten. I was relying on the good old Blogoversay countdown from to remind me when it was. It says it's four days from today. But I was getting my blogoversary post scheduled and noticed my first ever post was on the 30th August 2013. So I checked the information I put into the countdown when I first added it, and it's set to the 30th August. So I don't know in what universe the 27th September 2014 is a year after the 30th August 2013. So, yeah, bit of blogoversary rage because now I'm celebrating it late. Not that it actually matters, I'm just a little OCD.

I DID IT! One whole year of blogging! I am so proud of myself right now, it's gone by so fast and I have loved every minute of it. It's been stressful, time consuming and more work than I could ever have imagined. It's also been unbelievably fun, rewarding, introduced me to the most amazing people and made me feel like I've accomplished so much.

I have to say thank you, thank you, thank you! A million times thank you to everyone. To all of you reading this. To everyone who's commented, who's visited me, who's followed the blog. You're all amazing and wonderful and you've made every minute I've spent blogging worth it. 

So what have I accomplished in a year:

339 posts
114 reviews
3,471 total followers
113,697 total pageviews

Far too many hours sat at my laptop!

It's nice to have that all up there for me to look at. Nice to see that I actually have accomplished something during this year. I've written more reviews then I had first thought, I've wrote a post for almost every single day. I've had a lot of comments, but also replied to a ton of comments. I've had a blast doing it and I couldn't be happier.

FYI - I'm totally about to take some inspiration from Notebook Sisters about what to look back on. Cait is never wrong... clearly!

Most Popular Searches

Damn you, what's with people and being allowed privacy and stuff. Haha! Kind of want to know what other search terms led people to my blog. But, as you can see, Non-Disney movies is what brings most people to my blog through Google. You would think this was a movie blog and not a book blog. At least Google seems to know how much I loved doing those two posts and how long they took to do.

Most Popular Posts

It makes sense then that my most popular post, with a massive 10,259 pageviews, is My Top 20 Non-Disney Animated Movies Part 1. Part 2 is the 5th most popular. Most of the others are all giveaway posts, which makes sense as the links to those get posted to Twitter a lot. 

Most Commented On Reviews

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Pivot Point by Kasie West
On The Fence by Kasie West
The Jewel by Amy Ewing
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski 
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I think my review posts are some of the ones that get the least comments and views. Some of my favourite books of the year are on that list, so I am pleased a lot of people saw them and commented on them. My older reviews don't have that much love, which is understandable. I'm rather happy about that, I can't imagine how bad those look right now. 

Most Popular Discussion Posts

I have done so few discussion posts and yet they are some of my favourite posts to write. They also bring about the most discussion, obviously, which is so much fun. I definitely plan to do a lot more in the next year. Especially since I have introduced Book Blogger Problems and already have almost 10 posts planned for that. I also what to finally do another Things That Disney Taught Me, just because that post was sooooo much fun to do!

Other Popular Posts

Some Advice

And here's the advice I have for anyone thinking to start a book blog or who already has one.

1. If you haven't started yet then schedule some posts in advance. I wish I had seen that piece of advice, but I just jumped right in. Being ahead makes things so much easier. You can relax a bit more when you are scheduling ahead. Not like me, who sometimes sits up till the early morning trying to get posts written.

2. Don't go crazy on requesting eARCs. Another piece of advice I wish I had taken. Getting a Netgalley and Edelweiss account was an amazing feeling. Seeing all those wonderful books I could request and potentially read. I never expected to get accepted for many so I went request crazy. I have still never caught up. I'd say request 1 or 2 at a time that you really want to read and request more once you've read them.

3. Visit other blogs. Visit as many as you can as often as you can. It's nice to get the sense of community that comes with blogging. You'll also discover some amazing blogs and amazing people.

4. Comment and reply to comments. It's so important to comment on other blogs, as well as reply to comments on your own. Even if the other person never even sees your reply, it's good to show that you appreciate and see that someone has taken the time to comment on your post.

5. Take part in some memes. I know some people don't like them, I personally think they are a great thing for someone who has just started blogging. It lets other people know that your blog is out there. It gets people reading your blog, even if it's just one post. But if they enjoy what you're writing then they might come back to read more.

And the most important:

6. Blog for you. I think us bloggers put so much pressure on ourselves at time. We worry about so much, whether we're posting enough, commenting enough, writing good reviews, visiting other blogs enough and so much more. Sometimes it's best to not worry about everyone else. Blog for you. Blog when you want, how often you want and about what you want.

This is where I will forget loads of people without meaning too! So... SORRY!

The biggest thanks of all has to go to the wonderful:

Amanda @ Book Badger

What started out as me visiting and commenting on her blog and her doing the same to me, has turned into me finding a great friend. She's amazing and she's helped me out so much over this last year. She basically did most of the design for my current blog because 1. She's amazing at design 2. I suck at it and 3. Because she's just the loveliest person ever. If I need any advise about blogging, reading or just life then I know I can turn to her. I can't begin to thank her enough! She also has a brilliant blog that I visit almost everyday! So thank you for everything you have done for me Amanda.

I also want to really thank Cait @ Notebook Sisters

She's one of the first people I remember who would visit my blog regularly and leave comments. I think new and old bloggers can understand just how amazing that feels when you first start out. It was nice to know that there was at least one person out there who was reading my blog and enjoying it enough to leave a comment. Plus, let's be honest, Cait leaves the best and funniest comments. This then led to me discovering Notebook Sisters which is one of my favourite blogs. Her posts always make me laugh and I go a bit crazy if she doesn't post for a while. Yup, I'm a crazy blog stalker! So thank you Cait, for making me feel like people cared about what I had to say.

And to all of these people who come by and comment often, whose blogs I love and who brighten up my day. (Again, sorry if I miss anyone off!)

Ebony @ Daring Damsels | Stacie @ Books Galore | Mel @ The Daily Prophecy | Allie @ Little Birdie Books | Brittany @ This Is The Story of My Reading Life | Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf  | Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books | Anna @ Herding Cats & Burning Soup | Anne @ Lovely Literature | Pam @ YA Escape From Reality | Eileen @ BookCatPin | Patty @ Patty's Book Corner | Chuckles @ Churckles Book Cave | Jess @ My Reading Dress | Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek | Kindlemom @ My Guilty Obsession | Kay @ It's A Book Life | Jess @ Jess Watkins | Alma @ Journey Through Fiction | Mara @ The Reading Hedgehog | Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Breathes Books | Ashana @ Ashana Lian | Finley @ Finley Jayne | Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road | Natalie @ The Written Adventure | Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books | Kelly @ Diva Booknerd | Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight | Kara @ Diary of Teen Writer | Roy @ Phantom Reads

If I missed you off then:

I still get excited over every follower, pageview, comment or mention! So thank you to all the bloggers and readers. You have made my first year of blogging truly spectacular! I'm excited for many more years of blogging ahead of me.

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. I debated what to do for it for so long. I know a lot of people get in touch with authors, publishers and even other bloggers to see if they want to donate prizes but I am just far too shy for that! 

I wanted it to be something big but didn't really know what to do. I enjoy having multiple winners because I love gifting so many people books. But I am going to go with one winner who will win up to £40 worth of books from Book Depository. Then I will have 1 runner up who will get 1 book worth up to £10 from Book Depository. It's open internationally as long as BD ships to you! 


  1. I would choose a book written by Cathy Glass because I have wanted to read one of her books for ages

  2. top tip for new bloggers is don't go crazy on NetGalley. It's like a hole that takes you about 6 months to get out of once your start using lol. Ummmm as for books I really want the new hardcover copy of Throne of Glass! Ugh I just love SJM so much!!! Anyway, happy blogoversary! and congratulations on making it a year!!!! :)

    1. That's a lesson I wish I had heard before I started, I went crazy and still haven't caught up.

  3. Umm, I'm a new blogger myself (I've been blogging since May), so I'll be checking out these comments for any tips your other readers might have for us! :)
    As for the books... I'd go for Heir of Fire and probably some historical romance for good measure.
    Congratulations on your blogoversary!! Keep up the good work, I really like your blog!

    1. Heir of Fire is a brilliant choice!!! Thanks for taking part :)

  4. Congrats on your blogoversary! Those are some impressive stats for a years worth of work.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

  5. I would pick some books by Malorie Blackman, loving the Noughts and Crosses series. Or the rest of the Mistborn series, I need book 2-3. The way of the kings by him is free on kindle at the moment, and it is over 1000 pages, wow.

    1. I am so happy you're loving that, it's been one of my favourite series since I was a child. Thanks for the heads up, I've heard great things about that series.

  6. Happy Blogoversary & CONGRATS!! Those are really impressive numbers for your first blogging year!

    I guess my tip to new bloggers would be follow, follow, follow! I felt like when I first started blogging--and how small the community was at that time--I followed as many blogs as I could find that were similar to what I was doing...paranormal book blogging! The more blogs your follow, the more tidbits you pick up from other bloggers. You can do things you like from their blogs to theirs or the complete opposite! You learn more by following other bloggers and seeing how they do it.

    Or in more simple terms: read what you love and write the review you would want to read! ;)

    Thank you ever so much for the giveaway!

    1. Thank you, it feels like I've accomplished something.

      I like that advice and it's very good. You comment a lot as well, which is also good. I don't know how you find the time though.

  7. Congratulations! What a great year you've had!! I need to go back through some of your older posts as I only started blogging in March this year (feels like longer!), and started following you shortly after! I loved your Disney posts, and I've a few tabs open now too I need to check out! You have a fantastic number of followers going on and I'm sure if you approached authors and publishers in the future they'd love to donate to the cause! (Though you've offered a fab giveaway!!) Well done on all you've achieved! So glad I found you - and I even got a wee shout out ;)

    R xoxoxo

    1. Thank you!!! :) It's been so much fun and a really good year overall, really feels like I've accomplished a lot. I LOVE my Disney posts, I definitely hope to do more of those soon because they are a lot of fun.

  8. I'm a new blogger, haha, I've been blogging since June. Some of my tips would be to stay ahead of your blogging, so as you said, schedule. It also helps if you're a procrastinator like I am. I still never schedule my posts which causes a lot of stress. Lol. My second tip would be to interact with bloggers on their blogs or twitter.

    Congratulations on your first year! That's so great. You've had great results. The book(s) I would choose would be...The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender and Rumble. Or if I was the runner-up I'd choose Second Chance Summer.


    1. Scheduling is so important and I particularly SUCK at it! I wish I was better at it but I am really now. Sometimes I can write 5 posts in a day but usually I am a night before kind of blogger.

      Thank you! :)

  9. Congratulations on your blogoversary! I really don't have any tips for new bloggers since I am a new blogger. All I can say is, try and be active in the blogging community. Follow people, comment, write posts regularly. It'll help. :) And the book I would choose..gosh, there are so many I would love to have! I think I would go with either Phobic or Phantom's Dance. Thank you so much for the giveaway! :)

    1. Thank you!!! :) Good luck for the giveaway and thanks for entering.

  10. Oh wow.. it's been a year! I haven't even been following you that long, but what you've done in the time I have, in the time you've been doing this is amazing, and I'm really proud, as a fellow blogger, as somebody who adores you and your blog and as a friend. I never expected to make such a wonderful friend in the time I've been blogging and you too and are just, wonderful. You keep me blogging and pushing myself and striving to be better and you've got the best ears for listening and the most patience I've ever seen in somebody who really hasn't known me that long in comparison, yet I feel like I've known you forever! I'm so so happy that you've come this far, and I so wish for more, like, stupidly wish for more, because you're fantastic, and your words and wonderful and your fangirling is just, immense! I can't imagine my blogging world without you in it, remember that :) That was an essay..

    Top Tips? Pre-prepare for sure, that's gotten me through so much! I'd say be prepared for hard work, because while it starts as a hobby, it demands a lot, and I think people don't realise that. All those hours body builders put in the gym, you'll put into your blog. You will live and breathe and eat and sleep and blog, and it'll become something that is so much more than just a hobby, it becomes a huge part of your life, and people have to prepared for that. The books? Well £40 would blow my mind for starters! But I'd definitely want a copy of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I read Belzhar recently and since then have just needed that book, more than I've needed a book before in my life, so definitely that one. Once again, I'm so proud of you, and I hope you stick around, because I'll miss you so much otherwise. Thank you for being a wonderful friend! :D

    1. I know! I can't believe all that time has gone by so fast! It's been such a wonderful year and I have loved every single minute of blogging. Even though it can be stressful and time consuming, it's totally worth it. That was an essay but I appreciated every word of it. It's nice to know there are people out there who love the blog.

      I NEED TO SCHEDULE SO MUCH MORE!!!! I hope I stick around for years to come, it would suck otherwise.

  11. I'd choose...hmm...I'm not sure! Probably a book on my buy list. Off the top of my head, I'm leaning towards Winterspell or Deception's Princess.

  12. Aw happy year and a month! lol That's awesome what you accomplished in a year. And next will be even more exciting I'm sure :D That's some fab advice for a new blogger (and heck even an old one).

    1. I know! I can't wait :) I'm interested to see where I will be in a years time.

  13. Happy 1 year!!! It sounds like you have had a great first year of blogging. How weird is it that the countdown thing messed up by that much?! oh well. Here is too many more successful blogging years! And your advice is spot on, some of which I really need to do (such as bee more organized and schedule posts in advance.) Thanks for the shout out as well! :D

    1. I know. I don't even understand why it messed up, which really annoys me. But oh well, guess I will have to keep track of it myself. Thanks you :)

  14. Happy Blogaversary!!

    Fabulous stats too!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway, I don't even have any idea what book I would choose but I always have something I want each week. ;)

  15. Congrats on your Blogoversary! :) I'm a new blogger myself (started August 18, 2014) so I'll just read the comments for pro tips! :D As for books, I would love Sarah Ockler and K. A. Tucker books! :) But sadly, Book Depository doesn't deliver to Pakistan and basically I can't win any giveaway because of that :'( Anyways, I've just started following you recently and am enjoying your blog!

  16. Happy happy blogoversary! This is such a milestone. Congratulations! I guess the best tip I've got would be to make sure that you have fun. I know, it's pretty vague but it's so easy to get caught up with stats and followers that we sometimes forget that blogging was suppose to be a fun activity. Write posts that you feel strongly about. Don't worry if not a lot of people respond to it. It shows your personality and character and that is whats important.

    1. THANK YOU!!! :) It felt quite good to have reached a whole year of blogging, like I actually managed to accomplish something.

  17. This is insane, a big CONGRATULATIONS to you!! You're blogs taken off in just one year and it makes me happy to see how far you've reached out to the blogging community. Hope there are many more years to come :)

    Tracey @PrintedWordsAnd

    1. Thank you!!! :) I've had such a fun year and enjoyed every minute of it.

  18. Happy blogoversary lovely!! I remember you were one of the first commenters on my blog, and when I visited your blog I was too nervous to comment XD I read your posts though!! Of course you have over 3,000 followers, your reviews are stellar and you rock !! Congrats once again <3

  19. AHhaha Apparently I need to go back and see what you top picks for non-disney animated movies are because I'm clearly missing out. LoL Happy belated blogoversary!
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  20. Woohoo! Congratulations on making it to a year! That is such a huge accomplishment and you have have achieved far greater things than I have in the almost 2 years I've been blogging. The best is yet to come!

    PS-Don't feel too bad about missing your blogoversary. I missed mine too! By months! so at that point I didn't even bother with a celebration. Plus, I didn't feel like I had really accomplished anything haha.

    1. Thank you!!!! :) :) :) It feels so good to reach such a big milestone on the blog and I have loved every minute of it,

  21. Congratulations!

    I'm not a serious blogger, I'd rather spend the time reading.

    The Things We Don't Do By Andres Neuman is high on my wish list.

  22. I love this post! It's interesting to see the popular searches haha. I have just started book blogging and following your blog. I'm now scrolling through the old posts you mentioned here. Happy blogoversary and thank you for the giveaway :)

  23. Well done hun, it's always a nice thing when you put your heart and soul into something and it pays off. I completely agree with all your tips, the first time I used NetGalley I went crazy, and I'm paying for it now because I'm trying to catch up with what I had during time away. However since being back I've not requested many books, I tend to do ones that are only coming out in the next few months, or like now I only have 4 eARCS for this year and have some lined up for next already. I'm taking it slow :P.

    I also agree with blogging for yourself and not putting so much pressure on yourself. If I did, I would be celebrating my 3 year anniversary I think. or would be next year for sure. But because I put so much pressure on myself and was constantly trying to keep up with people that have been doing it way longer, I got frustrated and took time away, granted time away last year wasn't to do with anything like that but it was well needed and when I came back in December last year I decided I wouldn't compete with others, I would blog how I wanted, and take it slow and if I couldn't keep at it I would quite my blog. I cam close at one point but because I chilled out I've been blogging straight for nearly a year. (going to do a giveaway myself i think, but because of what's happening at the start of next year I'll probably take it over with me)

    Anyway what I was trying to get at is I'm really happy for you, your advice is 100% helpful and true and would really get a newbie on track and start them off right so thank you for sharing. Your statistics are crazy haha but you're so good at what you do it isn't any surprise.

    Here's to many more years *lifts invisible alcohol filled glass* :P

    P.s I completely agree with what you sad about Amanda, she doesn't understand just how nice and helpful she is sometimes and how she effects others, if it wasn't for her constant reassurance and encouragement I think I would have gave up half way through this year so I owe her a lot. And I would be telling a lie if I didn't feel stupidly happy the first time Cait commented me haha

    1. Thank you! It feels so good to have reached that milestone and feel like I have accomplished something.

      I am trying hard to blog for me and not worry too much about what others are doing. I wish I did more discussion posts but they are a struggle for me. That gets to me but it's something I want to work on.

      Thank you! I hope I can keep it up forever!

      Haha, me too. She was a regular commenter right from the very beginning and it mad me so happy.

  24. Ahh, the Netgalley issues.
    Every blog I read, they always talk about how they requested more books than they could read, but did I listen?
    Although I started with the scheduling thing straight away. That was mainly because of the weekly memes. I started planning them several months in advance, and I don't actually do much other than memes at the moment...I have, like, 5 reviews I'm trying to write at the moment, and I just can't get the words out.
    It's driving me nuts.
    Another thing I discovered really quickly was that the best way to get people to comment on your stuff was to comment on theirs.

    And WOO! One year! I only really started in April, so I've still got a few months to go before I hit the one year mark.

    1. I know how you feel, I'm currently struggling to write reviews and have 7 that need writing up and posting. It really sucks but hopefully I can find a quiet time to sit down and do it. I just can't find the words art the moment.

  25. I'm not sure what book I would choose but I've been eyeing Darkest Minds by James Dashner..

  26. I would probaly choose isla and the happily ever after

  27. Those are some great tips... especial about scheduling posts... learned that the hard way. :)

  28. Congrats! :)
    I really enjoy your blog, especially the film reviews.
    I went a bit crazy on NetGalley once and it took me ages to get my ratio up to a good number. Won't be doing that again! Because of it I've got some books that I've had since April to review :/
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks, that's good to know! I enjoy doing the movie reviews and the next few months will see so many great movies coming out. Excited to see and review them all.

  29. If I win I would choose The Death Cure by James Dashner.

  30. top tip - make blogger friends!

    Congrats on making it to a year!
    Thanks for the shout out :)

  31. Congratulations! 1 year that's intense haha I just started out myself and I'm a student so posting something everyday gets a little difficult I don't really do it and because I'm only starting out I post links to my facebook page and I feel like I'm being annoying. But congrats again I hope to be where you are now in a years time:) fingers crossed

    1. It does and I struggle with it myself. I think I need a week or two off again, even though I just did that. It will be nice to take time away and schedule a bit.

  32. Congratulations on your 1st Blogiversary. Lets hope its the first of many, as I love reading your posts.

    Probably would want Party Games by Jo Carnegie as I have been trying to get it in paperback for a year, and really want to read it.

  33. Happy Blogoversary!! What an amazing first year for you and your blog! I can't wait to see what the next year holds for you! :D

  34. Congratulations!!!! And thanks for the mention, by the way! I love reading your blog. It's always interesting about the stats, I have to say. I think everyone's book reviews get the least numbers of comments and views, which sort of makes sense but then again doesn't. Anyway, great advice about blogging! ~Pam

    1. Thank you and thanks for being a supporter and stopping by so much! :)

  35. Happy blogoversary! I wish you many more :D
    I would say to familiarize yourself with scheduling and to not over do it with eARCs, those were my enemies for awhile :)
    Thank you for the giveaway ..

  36. Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!!
    I am currently reading The Bronze Horseman (ebook) and would love to have the trilogy in paperback. This book is EPIC!

  37. HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! I loved reading the year's worth of stats for R.F.A.BW, it's interesting to see what people found most interesting. I'm glad you posted "Why Commenting Makes Me Feel Like A Performing Monkey" because that was one of my particular favourites.

    Also I liked reading you tips on how to improve a blog. (I don't request eARCs though because I don't think I would ever get through them! And I like of like choosing my own books.) Bye for now! (I'll be back.)

    1. Oh I forgot to say, I'm glad you liked my blog! If my blog brightened up ONE person's day then I am a very happy kitty. :3

    2. It really does, I love it!!! :) Thank you so much!

  38. Happy Blogoversary! That is so fantastic. I would absolutely love to have a blog but I suck at writing my thoughts. I know it takes hard work. I just wanted to let you know you're doing such a wonderful job and wanted to say thank you for all that you do and all that you share. I'm not sure what book I would pick. Hard choice.

  39. Happy happy Blogoversary!!! My top tip for new bloggers is to blog regularly. I think it's more important to be visible :) I would choose Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken. It's out of stock in my bookstore and I'm dying to read it.

  40. Such a generous giveaway! Congrats on your milestone, Charnell! If I win I'd probably choose a few paperbacks. I don't know, really! Happy birthday to your blog and I wish you a lifelong journey in the world of book blogging. :)

    1. Thank you!!! :) It's been a fun year and I have loved every minute of it.

  41. Happy happy Blogoversary!! Your blog is lovely and one year is such an accomplishment!! I'm fairly new at blogging so Im not sure if I have any good advices but I'd suggest to schedule posts ahead of times! It really takes the pressure off :)
    There are so many books out there I'm not sure what I'd pick. Right now it's probably Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers! I really love the His Fair Assassin series :D

    1. Thank you! It does feel good to have reached that milestone.

  42. *pops champagne bottle*
    Happy Blogoversary! Congrats on making it a year! Of course I am extremely happy to have come upon your blog. And even happier to have a lovely book blog friend. :D
    Your reviews are insightful and thorough. Your discussions are original and just that, great discussions. Keep up the fantastic work!
    The tips you mentioned are perfect. I need to remember a few of them every now and then.
    Making me pick a book is mean. Lol. Right now top of my list is the new Harry Potter hardcover's. God, they're lovely. Needs them all. <3
    Here's to an even better second year!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Thank you! The discussions are the posts that I struggle the most with. Mainly because I worry the things I am talking about are only important/interesting to me. It's nice to know that you like them :) Thanks so much, especially for all the support you've given to my blog.

  43. I don't blog, so I would probably choose the Throne of Glass series.

    1. AMAZING CHOICE!!!!!!! AMAZING! I love that series so much, haha.

  44. Wow! For only one year, you have done great!!!!

    1. Thank you! I feel like I have managed to do a lot in the time I have been blogging.

  45. Oh wow, you managed to achieve all this in a year! Someone is doing a good job <3 I have recently made it past a year too but I have grown nowhere near as much as you, but all in good time! I also unfortunately have school which means I can only post twice a week but ahm, it'll work out! I lost this blog amongst bloglovin a while ago, then remembered how much I loved it so NOW I will become an email subscriber and never miss a post <3

    1. Thank you! It feels nice to do a post on it and realise that I have accomplished a lot in the last year, it makes me really happy. So happy you found me again! :)

  46. Im not sure yet, as i keep buying books and will prob have bought the one i choose now, xx

  47. Happy Blogiversary,wish you many,many more! :)

    I don't know,book from my wish list.

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  48. Hunger Games! I think I'm the only person in the world who hasn't read the book yet. Oh, congratulations, btw. ;-)

  49. I would choose a Richelle Mead book that I don't own yet.

  50. i don't blog but I think regular updates keep me interested in the blogs I follow

  51. Thank you! It's been such a fun year and I have loved every minute of it :)

  52. I'm not a blogger, but I am a reader! Therefore, the book I would have to choose is a toss up between The Young Elites by Marie Lu or Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :)

    1. Maybe Someday is AMAZING!!! I highly recommend that one. Thanks for taking part :)

  53. I would use the voucher to purchase the full set of the Man Booker Prize 2014 shortlist as one of my reading challenges is to read the full shortlist but I am yet to achieve it!

  54. Go with what you know or enjoy don't try to be something you're not


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.