I'm Taking A Mini-Break

I have had a ridiculously hectic last few months. There has been bad news after bad news. I've worked almost every day for a two months solid. I am exhausted. This has meant I am behind on blogging, especially with replying to comments and visiting you wonderful people back. I love doing that. 
I have finally managed to get some time off work. SIX WHOLE DAYS! Can you tell how beyond excited I am? The boyfriend has ten days off, so we are going to spend the time relaxing and not worrying about anything. I can't wait. 
I've decided I won't be posting anything during these six days. That way I will have time to schedule some posts, reply to comments and visit you guys. I also plan to just have days where I can watch TV, play games, see films, see friends and read for hours on end. It's going to be amazing!

My blogoversary is in 10 days and I am still trying to figure out what to do to celebrate! There will definitely be a giveaway for you guys, but that's all I have decided on for now! 



  1. Everyone needs a break/vacation. In your case a staycation! It's all good though, rest up, relax, and come back soon :) happy almost blogoversary love <3

  2. That sounds like a pretty awesome few days! And definitely deserved. Hope yall have a nice break :)

  3. Enjoy your free time together with your boyfriend! :D

  4. I hope you have a good break!! BUT COME BACK SOON. Or I will miss you.

    1. Thanks Cait! I'd have missed it too much to not come back!

  5. Good on you girl, I've been telling you to do this for AGES! Have fun, enjoy it and don't stress, but do come back, we shall miss you :)

    1. It was so much fun to have time away from work and the blog, I LOVED IT! :)

  6. Have a nice rest and have some fun!

  7. I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time with friends and family. You deserve this break!!

  8. Enjoy your time off! It doesn't come around often. See you when you get back. :D

  9. Enjoy your time off!!! Looking forward to your posts when you return!!! R xx

  10. Hope you have a great time. Just have fun and do what you want!! ~Pam

  11. We'll all miss you, but I know we're all glad you're getting the break you deserve! Hope you have a ton of fun! :D

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

    1. I did have a lot of fun, it was nice to get away from work and the blog for a little while.

  12. Good on you for taking a break for yourself Charnell! Have a lovely holiday!

  13. Enjoy your long-awaited break. 6 days, in one sense, doesn't feel that long. In another (especially for someone online every day) that's a long time!!! So yaa, have fun!

    1. The 6 days off felt amazing and were exactly what I needed. I needed the time away from work so I could relax. The time away from the blog allowed me to catch up on reading, which I really needed to do.

  14. Glad you've managed to get some time off of work - enjoy your break, and we'll see you when you are back and refreshed. :)

  15. Hopefully this'll help a lot! Sometimes I just have to let the blog go for a few days to give myself a chance to catch up. Have fun, too!

    1. I know, it can be nice sometimes to just take a few days away. I must learn to do it more often, stop feeling like I need to post every day.

  16. Have a lovely break!


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