Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Riot Club

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

The Riot Club

Get ready, it's confession time! I might have decided I wanted to see this movie because of the poster and nothing else. But, come on, can you blame me? Thankfully the trailer was great too and the movie actually looked really good. I went with two of my friends, one who had based her decision to see it on the attractiveness of the guys starring in it too. I was not alone! I am so glad we did because this movie was a real surprise and in the best way possible.

The movie follows two very different men as they become part of the infamous Riot Club at Oxford University. The Riot Club is a dining club that is infamous, known for their dinners and how out of control they can become. Miles Richards(Max Irons) has gone to the right schools and gained the right connections to earn his place at Oxford, but he doesn't have the same superiority complex that most of the Riot Club possess, Alistair Ryle(Sam Claflin) comes from a very privileged family and his uncle was the president of the Riot Club when he was at Oxford. Alistair's family expect big things from him and being in the Riot Club is expected. Most of the movie takes place over one evening, the Riot Clubs first dinner of the year. They hire out a country pub dining room, one of the only ones they can find that will have them. As the night wears on, the drinks flow and the tensions rise between the members of the club, events start to take a more sinister turn.

I think what I liked about this movie was how slowly things start to turn sinister. Your lulled into this false sense of security, as you laugh along with these characters and the things they do. At first it all seems so comical, the way they act and talk and what they view as important. But as the movie goes on, you start to feel uncomfortable, like you shouldn't laugh. You want to look away from the screen but something keeps you watching. This movie actually had me trying to hide behind my hands because you just get this horrible sense of dread, you know something terrible is going to happen and you can't stop it. I actually wanted to shout at the characters in this film, tell them to not go there or not do that. To speak up and do something.

The acting in this is superb. I can measure how good a job Sam Claflin did by how much he made me hate him. Seriously, by the end of that movie I wanted to punch Sam Claflin in the face. How could you ever want to cause harm to Sam Claflin?!? I had to go home and watch Catching Fire just so I no longer wanted to hurt him. He is incredible in this film, and entirely believable as the man who feels his wealth and status makes him better than the lower classes. He's hatred for them is disturbing, but mostly because you know people like him exist.

The Riot Club is based off of the real life Bullingdon Club, whose past members have included David Cameron, Boris Johnson and George Osborne. They have tried to distance themselves from their past with the club, probably because members have admitted that the Riot Club movie isn't far from the truth. They are known for destroying the places that dine at and getting away with it, because they can pay for it. My friends and I loved that aspect of the movie and how much it makes you think. These people are hard to watch because they are vile, but people like that exist. Those who know their money and power can get them out of almost any situation.

8/10 Butterflies

I actually wasn't sure what I should expect from The Riot Club. I ended up really enjoying it and I have wanted to watch it again ever since the credits rolled. It's superbly acted, expertly directed and the build up of tension was too much for me at times. I like that it's a movie that will make you think, that will make you uncomfortable and wanting to turn away from the screen. I will definitely be getting this on DVD when it comes out.

Next weeks review is for:

I have been meaning to take part in both of the following memes for a while now, so its nice to finally be able to get to them. I will be taking part in Reading is Fun Again's Thoughtful Thursday and Okay, Let's Read's  Thursday Thoughts, picking between them or doing both topics each week.

Love Triangles

Are you and out and proud hater of love triangles? Or, do they not bother you all that much? Do you feel like love triangles are overdone and have a tendency to be similar? What is it that you like or dislike about love triangles in books? Do you think that one genre or section of books overdoes the love triangle thing more than others? Do you think love triangles can be okay if done correctly?

Me when it becomes apparent there's going to be a love triangle:

I am mostly a hater of the love triangle. I just don't get why it's such a big thing in YA fiction, especially with how many people hate them. I think my main issue with them is how indecisive it makes the character seem to me. Just pick a bloody person! It's not that hard. There's usually always one who you know is going to win in the end, which makes the whole love triangle aspect seem pretty pointless. It's usually a female character having to choose between two male characters, which irritates me. Why are so many female characters spending most of their time trying to decide between two guys, especially when there are more important things for them to be worrying about.

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

Atlantia by Ally Condie: 3/5 Review
A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall: 3/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Gone Girl
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Finale
My Weekly Book Haul: 11/10/2014
In a Handful of Dust by Mindy McGinnis: 4/5 Review
Timebomb by Scott K. Andrews: 3/5 Review


  1. Amazing movie review! This comes out next week in my country i think... definitely going to check it out!
    As for the question.... I would probably pick Soulless by Gail Carriger :)

    1. I highly recommend, it's a great film and really gets you thinking.

  2. I haven't heard of this movie yet but now I want to watch it too! And yeah, I hate to say it but the poster and trailer would have made me want to watch as well. ;)

    Love triangles don't bother me so much if they are done well but they can be tiring. Right now my peeve is the insta-love. I use to be okay with it but lately it is all over the place and I am sick of it.

    1. YAY! I am not alone, which makes me feel better. It's a great movie and I highly recommend.

  3. Hm, I have never heard of this movie before but it does sound good! Hehe I might just go and see it to test the waters and see if these acting skills are as awesome as you say ;)

    I am not really a fan of the love triangle, but I don't mind them too much if they are at least reasonable in the situation and executed well!

    1. Sam Claflins definitely are, he sold me on his performance to the point where I actually felt like I hated him.

  4. BAHAHA! I was scrolling down and saw that movie cover and I just stopped to appreciate the fineness of it, and then I started reading the review and you're like "I might have decided I wanted to see this movie because of the poster". OKAY, SO ME TOO NOW. I want this. I can't imagine hating Sam Claflin that just makes me sad. A Catching Fire rewatch will definitely be on-hand.

    1. YAY! At least I am not the only one. I know, I really did hate him after and needed to go watch Catching Fire just to remember that it's not actually him.. he's just acting ;)

  5. Woooowww. Great review of The Riot Club! I'd never have guessed that the social commentary was that intense. Sounds like a great movie, actually. (sorry for the short comment this time! I'm exhausted and work again tomorrow. Will do better next time, promise.) =]

    1. It really is and I like how much the movie makes you think. It lead to such brilliant

    2. discussion between me and my friends afterwards.

  6. I would probably see this just because Sam Clafin is in it. I don't want to hate him though... :/
    From the trailer I wasn't sure about this but I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

    1. Haha, you'll definitely just need to do what I did and watch something else with him in afterwards. It's a really brilliant movie, I absolutely loved it.

  7. I do want to see the movie, especially after reading your review! And I LOVE Max Irons. I don't see a US release date yet, though. :(

    As far as love triangles go, I am not the biggest fan. It's just been done to death. It almost seems like a lazy way to create conflict and to keep the couple apart. ~Pam

    1. That really sucks, I hope it releases in the US soon so you can go see it. I love Max Irons too.

      My thoughts exactly! I've been happy that some of my most recent reads have been completely free of love triangles.

  8. It's very intense and I love how uncomfortable it makes you feel while watching it. I love how the tension rises as it goes along. I hope you get to watch it soon :)


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