Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Book Cover Typography

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Book Cover Typography

Oooooh, good topic! I realise that typography on book covers is really important to me, but I don't feel like I realise I pay such close attention to it. But typography can actually make or break a book cover. A pretty cover can be ruined by really bad typography or one that just doesn't match up to the rest of the cover. I'm just going to go with typography on books I own.

Harry Potter

It makes me laugh that I am picking Harry Potter again. I picked all HP scenes for my FFF a few weeks ago, and Amanda told me I'd get past the series one day. Well, I'm currently writing this post as I lounge around in my Harry Potter Hogwarts pyjama top. So that day won't be any day soon.
           The Harry Potter typography isn't the most gorgeous typography, but it's the most recognisable for me. You change the words and put it on another book and I'd know it's the Harry Potter typography. I absolutely love my new Harry Potter editions but I honestly miss the old typography! 

Shadow & Bone
Throne of Glass
Under the Never Sky
Red Rising


I feel like I should probably have more to say than that, but I really don't. They're all gorgeous and I like them. They are pleasing to my eyes! Especially the Grisha series typography!

In my blogoversary post I posted my giveaway to celebrate 1 year of blogging. I am giving one winner the chance to win up to £40 worth of books of their choice from Book Depository. I am also giving one runner up a book of their choice, worth up to £10 from Book Depository.

Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Gone Girl
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Finale
My Weekly Book Haul: 11/10/2014
In a Handful of Dust by Mindy McGinnis: 4/5 Review
Timebomb by Scott K. Andrews: 3/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: The Riot Club


  1. The Grisha typography is just STUNNING! Truly. All those swirly lines. It's like someone raided my book of loves :P

    Jess @ My Reading Dress

    1. I love the cover in general, but it does have the nicest typography I have seen.

  2. These are all gorgeous covers and I do love how they all (each series) go together!

    1. Me too, I love putting series covers all next to each other. SO PRETTY!

  3. These are GORGEOUS! I hadn't seen this version of cover for Under the Never Sky.....They are really pretty though!
    Thanks for sharing :-)

    Em @

    1. They are, although I am not completely happy with any of the editions in that book series.

  4. Oh yes so with you. It can really make a difference on a cover. I love Rossi's. So very pretty!

    1. I love a gorgeous cover, it's sad when everything is right on it except the typography.

  5. Aww such good choices! :D The Grisha, yus, Throne of Glass, yus too for sure! I don't know about the rest though, but hey, finally we agree on Harry Potter, so wahey! :P

  6. Oooo typography =D I loved the ones you picked. The Throne Of Glass ones were my favourite, which was probably why they caught my eye in the first place. O_O As for the Veronica Rossi books, the more you include them in posts, the higher on my TBR they go! They're in the top ten right now!

    1. I really enjoy the Under the Never Sky series, although I am not a big fan of any of the covers for it. Typography is something that I really notice but without noticing that I do, so that made this weeks topic perfect.

  7. I LOVE the Shadow and Bone typography! Another one of my favorites is Everything Leads to You! :) I think I should do a post in the near future about my favorite typography on book covers.

    1. Everything Leads to You is a brilliant choice, that has really nice typography and has a great cover in general.

  8. I love typography! and I have serious book envy at hearing that you have the new Harry Potter editions, they are wonderful :-)

    Sarah @ Bookish Retreat

    1. I love the new versions! I can't get enough of them, I just keep staring at them on my shelf.


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