Book Blogger Problems #2: Going Solo or Co-Blogging?

I'm back!

Yes, I have finally returned to the world of blogging. After two weeks away, it finally felt time to come back. I'd really love to say that those two weeks were wonderfully relaxing. I'd love to say I got a ton of scheduling done, finally tackled those 14 reviews waiting to be written, took a big chunk out of my TBR and replied to comments/visited my favourite blogs. I'd really love to say all of that, but I'd be totally lying. And, come on, would I ever lie to you? Don't answer that!

The two weeks were mostly filled with work, sickness or dealing with other things that just caused a ton of stress. Taking the time away from the blog was worth it though, I don't know how I could have dealt with all of that and the blog. But I am back and hopefully it will be staying that way for a while. I thought what better way to return then with a discussion. I love a good discussion!

Co-blogging is something that I am sure a lot of bloggers have thought about at one point or another. Whether you're just weighing up the pros and cons, or if you're seriously considering making the move yourself. Some people even started their blogs with a co-blogger, but a lot of us were all on our lonesome. I remember getting the idea to start the blog in my head one day at work, and I could think of nothing else. I came home that night and signed up to blogger and started posting straight away. I didn't read any blogger tips, I didn't think about scheduling or when and how often I would post. I just jumped straight in and didn't look back. And I've really loved every moment of it. But that doesn't mean there aren't times where I wonder if it would be easier if I wasn't doing it alone. 

There can be a lot of times when blogging can get a little overwhelming. Like when your comments sit there for over a week, piling up and getting to a number that makes your head hurt just thinking about it. When you can't seem to write a review no matter how long you sit at your laptop, staring at the screen and hoping even a little inspiration comes to you. Or when you're trying to get the hang of a piece of coding or design something and you're getting nowhere. Those are the times when it feels like it would be amazing to have a co-blogger to help you through it all.

To co-blog or not to co-blog? That is the question. The answer...

This isn't really a discussion about whether you should go it solo or bring a co-blogger along for the ride. I would be the worst person to try to give advice about that. I still have absolutely no idea myself. Having a co-blogger would probably make my life so much easier, and yet I've still never felt able to commit to the idea of it. That's clearly because I am insane and enjoy making life harder for myself. 

I think part of it is the fact that your blog can start to feel like your baby. You started it all on your own and have helped it grow and been there from day one. It can seem kind of scary to introduce someone else to that and let them have a part in it. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I know the main reason I have never made the change is that I am a complete control freak... I'm far too OCD about things. I think Elsa said it best:


Frozen is right about so many things! And that has to be the biggest reason why I've continued to do this alone, even when I've been struggling. I have total control and freedom, I can post what I like and when I like, how often I like. It's just me, I don't need to worry about anyone else or what they're are doing. That can be overwhelming at times, but it's very freeing as well.

I know, okay, I'm sorry!
I wasn't kidding earlier when I said that I am a control freak, I like to have control of most situations. I hate feeling out of control, that can be quite scary for me. I don't know how well I could cope with having to share blogging responsibilities with other people. But, if I'm honest, I really can't imagine some poor person having to deal with me as their co-blogger. I imagine myself as the worst of all co-bloggers, like someone's nightmare idea of a co-blogger. But maybe that's just because I know how completely anal I can get over things.

Does this discussion even have a point? Who knows. I wrote the whole thing and even I don't know. I think I'm mainly still turning the idea over in my own head and I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about co-blogging.

Could you give up some of your control? Would you love to have someone else along for the ride? Are you happy going solo, just doing your own thing? Or could you not imagine life without your co-blogger?


  1. I don't think I could have a co-blogger. It's my space, darnit. It could bring some interesting variety and contrast, but -- nope. My blog. Mine. My precious.


    1. Haha! Yes, I think that's how I feel as well. I'd probably be able to co-blog on a different blog, but not on my baby.

  2. I am very much someone who has done it all alone this first year, and yes, my blog is my baby and I love it. Couldn't agree more. But I have been considering co blogging lately because there seems to be a chance to expand that way too. I'm just not too sure if I could abandon my blog or share it with someone else either. I am someone who is very much into owning my own thing, feeling proud of the effort I put in, and having no rulebook either. So I understand where the debate in this is, but I doubt I could do it.

    I wasn't secure in whether or not I wanted to co blog until reading this ^^

    1. I think I could co-blog on another blog, but not on Reviews. It's my baby and I don't think I could share it with anyone. It's hard work, but it's hard work that I love to do.

  3. Welcome back!
    Sorry your time off from blogging wasn't relaxing.
    I've thought about co-blogging too but with where my blog is at the moment I'm happy going solo :)

    1. I really like being in complete control. I'm blogging for me and no one else. I'd hate the pressure of having other people relying on me.

  4. Welcome back! This is has been a long standing argument in my head for like a year. I have my own blog but i also co-blog for a more established site. I love my blog, it is like my baby but I have a busy life. I have school, work and kids so sometimes I think that having a another blogger would boost my stats, since there would be more posts. It would put less pressure on me to pump reviews out. But in also a tad controlling, so that could be a disaster.

    On The co-blogger side, I don't have to worry about anything because it's her site. I just show up and review occasionally. I sometimes think about getting rid of my blog and being the co-blogger because it's less stressful. Idk.

    1. That's what I think, that co-blogging might give me a lot less stress to deal with but I'm not 100% convinced. I'm very controlling and don't feel I could co-blog on this.

  5. I don't know if I could co-blog for the reasons you've said, plus it's so much more commitment having someone else to answer to, and merging styles and personalities can be tricky I'm sure. I have thought about guest posting though - having someone else who maybe doesn't want the commitment of a full blog but would like to post on mine, that seems to be a good idea...

    R x

    1. Yeah, guest posting seems like a good idea. Especially when you're looking for someone to fill in for you when you need to take a break away. I'd be more willing to do that than co-blog.

  6. PS Welcome back ;)

  7. Yaaaay you're back!! I MISSED YOU AND THE BLOG AND ALL THE THINGS. *flails*

    I totally understand the dilemma of co-blogging or not. I'm probably the only person i know how did have a co-blogger and is now going solo. *shrugs* But I'm like you, I think, and I'm freaked about blogging with someone and like sharing control, basically, lol. With sisters it's awesome because when you disagree about something you just outright say it, pfft to hurt feelings. I live in mortal fear of being too controlling to someone else or annoying them and us all being too polite to say so. *hides* SO. I probably will never merge to co-blogging just because....hehe, I want to try being alone and free for a while. (Frozen totally has the best advice in the world.) But you could also try opening up a day for guest posting or something? That might take the pressure off you a bit, but you're not 100% getting a co-blogger? I've seen many other blogs do that too!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you missed me :)

      I completely get what you mean, I wouldn't be worried about telling my sister my opinion if I didn't agree with something. I would be far too polite if it was someone else, I wouldn't be able to speak up as much. I like the idea of guest posting though, that's a very good idea.

  8. YOU'RE BACK! HUZZAH! :D We've all missed you!

    And to answer your question, I completely see where you're coming from. It can definitely feel a bit intimidating to give a spot on your blog to someone else. In any case, whether you decide to stay solo or get a coblogger, I'll definitely be following your blog regardless! ;)

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  9. Woo! Glad to have you back, Charnell! I hope things are settling down in your offline life, and I can't wait to see you around the blogosphere once again. :D

    This is a fantastic topic for discussion, and I feel very similar to you. I'm very much a control freak and while I think that at times when I'm just not IN THE MOOD to blog/reply to comments/visit blogs/etc, that it'd be great to have a co-blogger so that I'm not all alone in my responsibilities and what not. HOWEVER, I like things being done my way, and while that sometimes makes me selfish, it's about time I admitted it. I just can't help it. I started my blog and it's so scary to think of having a co-blogger and them wanting to change things - it's very much my baby, so I completely understand where you're coming from. One day I might be ready to have a co-blogger, but that day is not today...I think I'm going to see how juggling blogging, uni and a part-time job goes next year and then think more about the topic. After all, I haven't even been blogging for a year yet. Regardless of whether or when you decide to get a co-blogger, I'll still be here reading your blog. :)

    1. Thank you! It feels so nice to be back if I'm honest. Even if I am still really behind and not getting everything done that I'd like to.

      Yay! Well at least I am not the only person who's a control freak. I think I'd be more likely to start another blog to co-blog on. But that would just double my load and not be helpful at all. Co-blogging has so many positives, but you need to be the kind of person who can let go of the reigns and give someone else some of the control. I'm not that person, at least not yet.

  10. This is a great topic of discussion. I've seen a lot of people talking about this or wanting to get a co-blogger. Personally, I could never ever co-blog my blog Bookfever with someone. No matter how familiar I would be with them or how much I'd get along with that person because it's my blog and I don't want anyone else posting on it. Sounds kind of selfish but it's my thing, you know. Of course I never felt in the three years I've been blogging like I couldn't do it alone or anything. I think I would co-blog with someone if it were a seperate blog from mine, though That would be fine. But otherwise no thank you. :D

    1. I don't feel like I can't do it by myself, because I am and it works and I manage it. I can just see the pros of having a co-blogger. But I don't think I could hand over any control when it comes to this blog. It would definitely be a case of needing another blog to co-blog on, and then what would be the point.

  11. I enjoyed reading this post. I love discussions too!
    Hmm. I have considered co blogging but I immediately shot down the idea when I thought about how I would be sharing my place with someone else. Like you said, it is your baby. I would prefer keeping it with me and no matter how much struggle keep it going on my own sweat and blood!
    Escaping through Ink

    1. Haha, I am definitely the same. I see why having a co-blogger would be easier in a way and free up some time for myself. But I don't think I could do it. I like having control.

  12. Well I'm with you in how I started blogging. I was following book blogs and had been active on Shelfari and Goodreads for years, so it was about time I started a book blog of my own. I didn't really think about scheduling or really how to go about it. But that's okay, you learn. Anyhow, I've never thought about co-blogging. I like relying on myself to much to have to share my blog with someone else. If I don't post or miss a post or whatever that's on me. Now if my co-blogger was decided to miss their scheduled day or was slacking I would probably lose my mind(internally anyhow). I'm just not at the point where blog is anywhere close to big enough to have a really set schedule and 2. I'm up for sharing responsibilities.
    I have asked my cousin if he would like to write some guest reviews for me though. He's a teenage boy(a good 12 years younger than me), reads a ton. But more importantly he reads a ton of different books than I do. So it would be good to have a bit more diversity if the reviews I post on the blog. We haven't actually sorted anything out yet, but it's an idea and hopefully one that will pan out.
    Great post!
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Yes, mine isn't at that point where I need a set schedule and I wouldn't really want one either. I like being able to post what I want when I want. It's freeing doing it by yourself, I don't have to rely on anyone and have no one relying on me.

  13. Finally been able to read this, wouldn't let me read it previously! You make a good point about control and letting go and feeling the freedom and I think it's a very personal thing. You kind of know when you're ready I think, when there's a freedom to having more freedom, it's appealing and it's nice, but hey, maybe it's just not for you? :) Great post though hunny! Welcome back too, missed your face over the community! :D

    1. I feel like if I had started with a co-blog then I wouldn't even think twice, it would feel normal to me. It's just because I've spent so long doing it on my own that it seems weird to hand over some control.

  14. Welcome Back!
    I've been thinking about this too... I haven't been able to keep up with blogging lately, but I am totally nervous about sharing my blog with someone... The struggle is real

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

    1. It really is and I still haven't completely made my mind up.

  15. Welcome back lovely!! I MISSED YOU <3333

    I love co-blogging! It's lots of fun and eases the panic and anxiety. I was really nervous to open up to other bloggers, but I'm glad I have :) Good luck!!

    1. Thank you! I still can't make my mind up about co-blogging, it's something I will have to think about.

  16. Good to have you back!! I saw this post ages ago but had to take my own break from the blog world because my mental health was really poor this week.

    Because of the purpose I set out with for A Fantasy Writer's Blog, being my journey as a writer AND my love of fantasy I have never even considered co-blogging and nor would I. But ages ago, I was going to co-blog with some dude friends from uni, talking about awesome geeky stuff. I set up a brand new blog for the three of us but it never even left the ground. Laziness, I guess! I'd love to have a website where many different people could pour in knowledge on the fantasy genre, but my blog is personal.

    1. That would be really good! Blogging was something I started for myself, it would feel weird to let someone else in on that. I like having this thing I do that's all my own.


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