I'm Running Away For A While

This is basically me running away from all my blog responsibilities. Or maybe just the twelve reviews I still need to write. I sat at my laptop for six hours last night, trying to write my reviews and it started so well:

But after six hours of basically just staring at my screen, my mind blank and zero written on the page. It just ended like this:

It was honestly like I'd forgotten what words are. It's been like this for a couple of weeks now, so I think it's about time to admit I need some time away. The problem has nothing to do with the blog, it's more to do with what's going on in my life outside of the blog. It's a lot of stress right now and I don't think I can handle all of that and the blog. 

But, have no fear, it's not going to be for too long. I'm just going to take a week or two to deal with everything else in my life. It would help if I could have a week or two away from work so I could really get on top of everything, but such is life. 

Hopefully I will see you all in a week or two and I will be feeling a lot better. And some of those reviews might have gone and written themselves! 


  1. Take all the time you need! A blog should never feel like a job! We already have those in life! Hope you enjoy your time away and find your blogging niche again, should you need it! ;)

    1. I loved my time away! It was definitely needed, even if I didn't get to relax during it.

  2. I hope your life gets back to normal soon! I'm with Jessica...the blog should be fun, not feel like a job. We'll be here when you get back!

    1. Thank you! The break was definitely needed, but it feels so nice to be back.

  3. Aw hun I'm sorry you've been having such a rough bit lately. Sometimes you really just need to step away and regroup. Blast real life for getting in the way of fun and stressing ya out. *deep breaths* And if you need to screaming in a closet can really help. My grams is a big supporter of that. lol

    1. Haha! Your nan sounds amazing! Now I need to find myself a closet to go scream in, that feels like something that would help.

  4. Have a nice mini-break! Everyone needs one now and then. :)

  5. Once in a while I go through a review block as well and they really do suck. I think right now I have four reviews to write up and sadly have no desire to write them. :(

    I hope you have a nice break. Sometimes that is all that we need to get back on track and feel refreshed.

    1. It was a lovely break, and I did get a few reviews written - though not as many as I would have liked. But I will get to them eventually, haha.

  6. Definitely take whatever time you need. It's nice of you to let us know. :)
    I usually say just f this and don't post for a week. Lol.
    See yah when we see yah!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  7. Enjoy your time away. It is always good to take time for yourself if you need it. You will be missed. I'll see you whenever you get back.

  8. Take all the time you need, your blog will be here for you when you're ready! :-)

  9. Wow, your Internet life should be a joy, not something that stresses you! I think it's good you're taking a break. (:
    Your followers will still be here when you return (:

    - Love, Felicia
    ( http://asillygirlsthoughts.weebly.com/ )

  10. Take your time, and come back to us happy and energetic again :) see you in two weeks

  11. Enjoy your break! Take all the time you need, and I really hope things settle down again really soon =) We'll miss you, but we'll be here when you get back!

    1. It was nice to worry about everything and not have the blog to worry about as well. It was worth taking the time away.

  12. Aww, you and Stacie are vanishing on me now, damn I feel so alone.. I think you should seriously consider what Stacie and I are doing in the New Year, I mean, the pro's might work for you?.. Anyway, get yourself okay missy, you need to enjoy what you're doing, don't let it rule you. Enjoy and be back eventually, kay? :)

    1. I am really excited to make my glorious return to blogging! :)

  13. I SO KNOW how you feel! Hope things get better for you soon and you get a chance to step back and rest for a while! Good Luck!

  14. I hope your break is one where you can recover and life can sorta untangle :/ Everyone needs a step back for a while, and come back whenever you're ready! We'll be here for you :)

    1. Thank you! The break was needed, even if I didn't get to have a break from the rest of life haha.

  15. Haha, peace out bitches, I love that gif. Enjoy your time off, we will be waiting for you :D!

  16. *cries in the corner* I WILL MISS YOUR POSTS SO MUCH THO. But breaks are good. Breaks are very good, especially when things get crazy so yes. Have a good time away! AND DON'T STRESS ABOUT BLOGGING. It is zero fun if it's stressful.

    1. Haha! I hope you didn't miss me too much, the break was needed.

  17. Hahaha, i know i was supposed to feel a bit sad but those gifs really made me laugh out loud! Take all the time you need! I think everyone needs a little break every once in a while! :D

  18. Awww Charnell stress outside of your blogging life definitely doesn't help you form great content, so I hope you take the time out you need and we'll be here when you're back <3

    1. Thank you! It was nice to be able to have the time to deal with everything else, and not have the blog to worry about as well.

  19. Have a good break! I don't write reviews for every book I read (unless the publisher provided the ARC) so don't worry about it. At all. ~Pam

    1. I know. I'm going to go through them all and decide which ones will make the cut or not.

  20. I'm sorry you feel this way, Charnell - but it's totally understandable. Take all the time you need to get things sorted, and I can't wait to see you when you return. :)

  21. Thanks, I needed the time away and feel a lot better now.


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