Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Cover Changes

Five Friday Favourites is a weekly event hosted by Book Badger, where once a week, a five favourites subject is posted and everyone is welcome to join in. You can find out more about Five Friday Favourites and the future subjects here.

Favourite Cover Changes

The first thought that came to my mind was mid-series cover changes, which can be really frustrating but necessary in some cases. But then I started to think of cover changes that were made after the series were completed as well. Some cover changes are just incredible and I have rebought whole series I already own, just so I can have the beautiful new covers on my shelf. Yes, I am that person.

The Harry Potter Series

Jonny Duddle should be given medals. All of the medals! For me, the Harry Potter covers have always been the original Bloomsbury covers. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, in fact I think they're ridiculously ugly. I mean, come on, have you seen Ron and Harry in that Chamber of Secrets cover? *shudders* But they were the originals and they have always been the Harry Potter covers to me. They have redone the covers so many times, but I'd never really loved any of the others either. Until Jonny Duddle created these amazingly beautiful covers! They're just gorgeous, capture some important scenes and I love the colours.

The Anna and the French Kiss Series

I know a lot of people didn't like the new Anna covers. They thought they were boring or didn't really say much about the story inside, like the originals did. But they needed to do something, because those original covers are embarrassing. It took me years to finally pick up Anna, that original cover had put me off so much. I like the new covers, I think they look beautiful sitting next to one another. I think the new covers won't put readers off picking the book up. 

Shatter Me 

What is that first cover even supposed to be? Nope! I don't even care if pretty eyes have nothing to do with this story, the new cover is stunning. S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. And the rest of the series has equally stunning covers that much. Best cover change decision ever. Some girl in dress covers pull it off and are brilliant, Shatter Me was not one of those covers. Eyeballs for the win!

Throne of Glass

I love the UK covers, but the colours on the US hardcovers for the rest of the series were lovely. I wanted the series in hardback, but they only had the ugly US original for Throne of Glass. So of course, as soon as I buy the books in paperback, they release the new hardback cover to match the others in the series. I hate them! The original cover is just terrible and would not have made me want to pick that book up. That girl does not look like a scary assassin that is capable of slitting my throat. She also doesn't really look like Celeana is described. 

His Dark Materials Series

I was browsing a bookshop one day when I saw these on display. I already own the whole series, but I had to have them. They are so stunning when you see them in person, parts of each cover are shiny and the colours are perfect. I liked that they kept elements from the old covers, the items they chose as well as the colour choice for each. The new covers are stunning, but they are easily recognisable as His Dark Materials. 

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  1. I completely agree about Anna and The French Kiss, Lola and The Boy Next Door, Shatter Me and Throne of Glass. I recently checked out Shatter Me and Throne of Glass and both had the original covers and I'm just like "Ugh, not impressive!". I wish they had the new covers, but eh. I won't complain. Much. :) I'm indifferent on the HP covers. Great cover choices.


    1. It's just a fact that ugly covers can really put me off reading a book. It's the first thing you see when browsing a library or a bookshop, so it should make you want to pick up the book, not burn it.

  2. I haven't Read the His Dark Materials series, but the new covers are way more appealing to me as well. They sound even more breathtaking based on your description.

  3. OMG Charnell! I used to be so embarrassed about having read Anna and Lola because...those covers. I was elated to find out that they had redone the covers and I purchased them in a heartbeat and let the old covers go, happily. I love the colours of the new ones!

    I was always hesitant about picking up Shatter Me because of that cover. I can't stand it. That redesign was the best thing that could happen.

    1. Me too, they work so much better than the originals. I don't know why they choose such ugly covers for books. Covers are really important and it's about time they realised that. The original covers were so bad they were hard to look at.

  4. I have yet to see the H.P. series in person yet and I really need to fix that! Some of the changes I love and others I don't but they are still nice whichever one you choose.

    1. They are so beautiful in person, especially the hardcovers.

  5. Oh I am so one of those people who usually hates when covers change. Especially in ebooks. It's so...confusing. I have one author she's changed the cover of her book like 6 times. Every time I see it I tihnk yay! new book! then realize nope I already have it. But sometimes yeah a new cover is way way better. I do like the new Anna ones though I kinda liked the original as well :D

    1. Oh yes, I have had that before. I hate when I think someone has finally released a new book, only to discover it's just an old book with a new cover.

  6. I am SO glad for the Throne of Glass cover change, I can't even tell you. I probably wouldn't have picked the series up if it had the old cover, and that, m'dear, would've been a total shame!

    1. I know, I don't think I would have either. Although the hardback change now makes me really want the US hardbacks, because they're just so gorgeous.

  7. Agree with all of these except HP - while the Duddle redesign is my favourite, the originals just hold such a special place for me - I have an interview with Duddle though -

    And I was hoping Shatter Me would be on here (best redesign ever?!).

    Rachel @ Confessions of a Book Geek
    (Blogger won't let me comment with my book blog name, it keeps saying I don't own the identity, but it works fine everywhere else, WordPress is out to destroy my happiness!)

    1. The originals hold a special place for me too, they will always sit proudly on my shelf. I just love the new ones because they're so beautiful. Something that the originals definitely weren't.

  8. Yes, yes, yes. These are all just fantastic. I've never seen the newer designs for the His Dark Materials (is that even the correct name?) trilogy before, but I really, really like them. However, my favourites are definitely the new UK editions of Harry Potter (of course), definitely going to start slowly collecting them.

    1. Yes, you think it would be the Northern Lights series but it isn't. It's got different names in different countries for the first book, which is probably why they chose His Dark Materials as the series name.

      I was tempted to slowly start collecting the hardback HPs, as I have the paperbacks, but I want the box set!

  9. YES TO ALL OF THESE. Especially Throne of Glass. I was so, so excited when the US publishers decided to go with the UK cover. That cover is just so much more Celaena than the other one. I was also pleased with the change to the Girl of Fire and Thorns cover. Did you see the original cover to that one?

    1. YES! I completely forgot those. And the horrid originals are still the only ones I can find here in the UK and I refuse to buy them.

  10. Totally agree with all these, especially the ones for Anna and Lola. Those original covers were not ugly, but they weren't beautiful either. The new ones are bookshelf-worthy. - Joy @ The Bookshelf Intruder

  11. I definitely agree with 4 or your choices(I haven't read His Dark Materials so I'm indifferent right now).
    Being Canadian we got the UK covers, so I agree they might not be the best but they are HP to me. But the new ones are purely brilliant. I bought the hardcover box set and stare at them constantly. I also have the new US ones that were released last year. They are pretty damn beautiful as well.
    Shatter Me and Throne of Glass were cover changes for the better. Much much better. Weren't the originals just awful? I love how Bloomsbury has re-released the original ToG hardcover in the new cover. Unfortunately Amazon being Amazon keeps sending me the old cover even with new one listed. One day I will have it in my possession...
    With the Anna trilogy I really enjoyed the original covers. They may be super cheesy, but they're cute and kind of go with the series. That being said, the new covers are absolutely gorgeous and I will be re-buying Anna and Lola in the re-released hardcovers.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Yes, they are HP to me to. But I do really love the new ones and want the box set, It's so much money though and I only very recently bought all the paperbacks.

  12. Throne of Glass, Shatter Me, and Anna and the French Kiss series...completely the new covers. But I'm a hardback girl so I have to have the old covers for the first books...wish they would change for new printing of hardbacks!! ~Pam

    1. I know. I think they have started to for all of those series. They definitely have for the Anna and TOG series.


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