The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Review

This is a weekly meme that I am hosting here at Reviews from a Bookworm. To take part all you have to do is share a movie review once a week, link back to Reviews from a Bookworm and add your link to the linky tool.

This weeks movie review will be for:

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

Okay, now for the really hard part. It's time to try and put my feelings about this movie into actual words. It's so much harder than I thought it would be, I wasn't expecting the movie to be that good. Rereading the book, which I reviewed here, had actually made me so nervous to see the film. The book is actually quite disappointing and unsatisfying, it's really slow going in the beginning and most of the action doesn't happen till the last quarter. I couldn't understand why they chose to split it in two, I didn't see what they could really do with the first half. But, shame on me, I never should have doubted them. When they made a movie adaptation as truly amazing as Catching Fire, I should have known they wouldn't disappoint me.

Everyone involved in turning these books into movies have earned my love and respect. This is how you adapt a book for the big screen. They stick so closely to the book, there's no big changes or deviations. But they are willing to make the subtle changes that are needed to make it work on screen. They make the subtle changes that manage to turn the most boring part of the book seem completely riveting. It made me realise that the biggest problem with the book wasn't the plot, it was dealing with Katniss and her narration.

The movie starts where we all knew it would, in District 13. Katniss is suffering from PTSD, as well as Finnick. She's survived a lot, but she's struggling to deal with the fact that she made it out of the Games and Peeta didn't. She's consumed with thoughts about what the Capitol could have done to him. And she's reluctant to take on the role that she's unwillingly put herself in, and that's the role of the Mockingjay. The symbol of rebellion and hope to all the Districts that want to fight back. She needs a purpose to do it, something to motivate her and that's Peeta. The hope that she can free him from the Capitol and rescue him. That's what gets her to finally step into the role, to fight back and take on Snow.

I'd been trying to figure out how to review this film all the way home from the cinema. I am still unsure. I can honestly say that I can't really think of anything to complain about. There isn't something I can point out and say that I didn't enjoy. I thought it would be really slow going, it wasn't. I thought it might drag and not much would happen, but I couldn't get enough and the time seemed to fly by. I knew the end was coming, I could feel it, but I didn't want the credits to roll. I needed the movie to continue, I needed part 2. How we're supposed to wait a year is beyond me.

By this point, I don't think you need me to say that the acting was superb. We've pretty much come to expect it now, we don't need to sit through the painful moments that could happen watching some adaptations (*cough* Twilight *cough*). Jennifer Lawrence is amazing, as always, especially when portraying how broken and torn Katniss is. She's struggling with so much in this movie and you can really feel it. This movie actually had me choking up at times, something I seriously wasn't expecting. Josh Hutcherson gets all of my applause, love and respect. His performance is phenomenal and watching him seemed to physically hurt. Why would you do that to me? Why?

The atmosphere in this film is a lot darker than the last two. And that's saying a lot, the last two were about people having to just slaughter other people. But this time you really feel like the Games are over, the real battle has begun. There's so much more at stake this time then whether or not Katniss or Peeta will make it. I loved how intense it felt, with the music playing a huge role in building the tension. But, with 100% honesty, what I loved most was that we got to see things we missed in the book. Katniss isn't as completely incompetent in this as she was in the book, but she still has to sit out on things. But the movie isn't restricted to just following Katniss, so we get to go where the action goes. We get to see what's happening in the Districts and we get to go on the missions that I wanted to see so badly in the books. This delivers on the action that was so needed in the book.

I'm sorry, I can't coherently review this film. I'm trying so hard not to spoil anything for people who haven't read the books. I'm sure those people exist somewhere, living under a rock. But, for those who have read the books, all I can say is Peeta. Oh, Peeta! That boy is breaking my heart. Nope, that boy broke my heart. It's completely broken and I don't know what to do. That ending. THAT ENDING! Nooooo. Just give me Part 2, please.

9/10 Butterflies

I haven't really got any complaints about this film, but I'm saving my 10. I need it for Part 2! At least, I really hope I do. This movie exceeded all of my expectations and showed me that I never should have doubted. I questioned why they were making two movies, I felt the book only required one. I was so wrong. What I thought was a decision based on making money actually proved to be necessary to tell the story right. I can't imagine them trying to get everything into one film. I understand now why they chose to make this into two films and I love them for it. I am left completely wanting more and completely confident that the next film won't disappoint me. This was dark, emotional and really upsetting at times. My poor feels could barely stand it by the end. 


  1. Woohoo! You don't even know how happy I am that this is living up to the rest of the movies. This wasn't my favorite book at all so I have been pretty nervous about it.

    1. I know, I was so nervous. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was, especially considering my feelings about the book.

  2. Yeah.. I think I need to watch this like, yesterday? These movies are so much more enjoyable on screen and I think it's great that it's like that! I need to see if when I can, because this review is shining! :D

    1. I know, it's just a bunch of senseless gushing. But that's what I do best ;)

  3. I loved The Hanging Tree part, I wasn't expecting them to include it. But they did! They kind of included EVERYTHING! I definitely loved it more than the book and I am desperate for Part 2!

  4. Between work and life in general, I haven't had time to make a date for this one but I'm hoping to catch it soon. I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much! I was confused as to why they split it as well, seeing as the book didn't exactly wow me with it's sluggish pace and whatnot. But I'm glad that the movie was fantastically done. I can't wait to catch it! Fantastic review, Charnell! I'm super excited now :)

    1. I really questioned the decision to split it in two, the book didn't seem to justify it. But seeing the film made me understand why they chose that. It would have felt very rushed otherwise, which is what the last half of the book feels like. I'm so excited for part 2 now.

  5. Couldn't coherently review this film? You did a very good job! I can't wait to see it myself, and honestly, this sounds like something I would love ^^ I can't wait to go see it and am thinking about organizing a get together with my church mates to see it in the cinema. If it is anything as good as Catching Fire... then it is well worth my anticipation! Especially if it can turn a book I didn't quite like around :3

    1. Thank you! It just felt hard to put into words why I loved it so much, especially when I was trying not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read the books. It really turned the book around for me, although I am still scared for part 2! SO SCARED!

  6. oh my gosh, I am SO ready to see this now!!!!! The acting is always stellar. ohhh that ending sounds like it's going to be painful. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! Lovely review as usual, Charnell <33

    1. It was so painful, it actually hurts just thinking about it.

  7. I'm seeing this Saturday and Sunday night (gotta go with two different people). I did like the book, but I maintain that it's the weakest in the trilogy, and I figured that the movie can only be an improvement. So glad to hear that it is! I'm excited now!

    1. I didn't hate the book, but it definitely is the weakest and I wasn't completely satisfied with it.

  8. I'll be watching the movie soon. Glad to see you love it!
    Oh, Peeta! <3

  9. SO JEALOUS!!!! My other half doesn't like the films so he wont come and see them with me and I don't have anyone to go with. I am desperate to watch it just not desperate enough to be the loner in the back.

    Really gald to see it was a good film though.

    1. Haha, you should force him ;) James is pretty good, he will go see almost anything if I ask haha! He's definitely a keeper.


    Aw. I'm not surprised that movie was amazing, not at all surprised - the first two seriously shocked me with how good they were (I think I was getting used to bad adaptations). =/ I'll watch it eventually, just not during the hype. Thanks for sharingggggg!

    1. I think I did, but I have never seen the show so I can't tell either!

      I am so excited for Part 2 now, something I never thought I would say. But I can't wait to see what they do with it.

  11. That was one of my first thoughts too; how are they going to split this? The first half is going to be soooo slow. But HOLY CRAP it truly is as good as Catching Fire. That is the pages from Mockingjay brought to life. The true essence of the book. Plus so many lines straight onto the screen.
    Acting was spot on. Of course J.Law was never going to disappoint, but JH was devastating with his betrayal of Peeta's deterioration. And CGI used to show his weight lost was so real. Katniss's PTSD was shown perfectly. I was a little worried how her relationship with Gale would appear on screen. Obviously the book is in first person, so all of her qualms and disagreements with Gale's actions and thoughts are in her head. But them arguing and such really showed how wrong they are for each other. Plus LH played Gale perfectly.
    I also love how the movie is able to move away from Katniss and show how she has affected the Districts. Of course in the book we know it's happening, but on screen we actually get to see it.
    I could go on and on with all the perfection that is Mockingjay Part 1. But I won't. Lol. The only little hitch I had was how likable they made Coin. Obviously us fans of the book know her ulterior motives but the movie showed her as to nice. I'm really interested to see how they bring her across in Part 2, since we know how her life ends.
    Great review.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I know, it made me question why the book hadn't worked at all. But they made the right choice, it really did need to be split.
      I know, the CGI was really intense for him. He played it so unbelievably well, I was so surprised by just how good he was. I preferred how they did it in the movie, it didn't bug me so much. Even if it did annoy me when she kissed Gale, haha!
      I think that was what made the book so bad, we were confined to only seeing what Katniss sees. So it was so good to see what was happening in the Districts and to see the rescue mission.
      I didn't think she was too nice in the movie, but maybe that's because I already hated her. So everything she did seemed sinister to me.

  12. I'm so excited for this one, we're seeing it on Thanksgiving (we always see a movie after we've stuffed our faces). Just seeing the trailer gives me chills, I have to say. So glad you loved it! ~Pam

  13. Agreed! This movie was AMAZING. I was able to nit-pick at a few things I would have liked to see more of, but overall, it was pretty close to perfect. And I did love the book, so that is a tall order! Ugh, the next movie is seriously going to do us all in with the feels!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. I know, I am not too sure I can actually deal with Part 2. I just don't think I can handle it, especially a certain character death - male, not female. *cries*


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