My Christmas Book Haul: Part 1

I'm actually doing a Christmas catch up post on Monday, so I'll talk about the last two weeks in full there. It will also be talking about some blogging changes that are coming, nothing too major so don't worry. I'm not quitting or anything. There's just a few things being addressed in that.

The main thing to know about my last two weeks is that I had a great time. I didn't have to work, which felt absolutely incredible. I spent an amazing Christmas day with my family, got some beyond amazing presents and way more books than I could have imagined. There was food, drinking, laughter, games and so much fun. I loved every minute of it.

On Boxing Day we all went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, which was so much fun. It was my second time going, but this time it was during the Christmas period - so the Great Hall is decorated for Christmas and the castle is snow covered. We had a great day and I really enjoyed it.

The above photo is almost every single book I received for Christmas, except for two childhood favourites my mum got me. That's 75 books. CRAZY! Clearly they all listened to me when I said all I really wanted for Christmas was books. There are far too many books for me to put in one post though, so I'll be splitting the books up and posting over two or three posts. I also won't be posting the blurbs for all the books and series, just because it would make these posts far too long. 

Something Real by Heather Demetrios
Something RealSeventeen-year-old Bonnie™ Baker has grown up on TV—she and her twelve siblings are the stars of one-time hit reality show Baker’s Dozen. Since the show's cancellation, Bonnie™ has tried to live a normal life, under the radar and out of the spotlight. But it's about to fall apart . . . because Baker’s Dozen is going back on the air. Bonnie™'s mom and the show's producers won't let her quit and soon the life that she has so carefully built for herself, with real friends (and maybe even a real boyfriend), is in danger of being destroyed by the show. Bonnie™ needs to do something drastic if her life is ever going to be her own—even if it means being more exposed than ever before.
I have wanted to read this for so long because of all the wonderful reviews. I hope I love it, I didn't have much luck with the authors latest book Exquisite Captive, but hopefully this works out well. 

Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill

Only Ever Yoursfreida and isabel have been best friends their whole lives.
Now , aged sixteen and in their final year at the School, they expect to be selected as companions - wives to wealthy and powerful men. The alternative - life as a concubine - is too horrible to contemplate.
But as the intensity of the final year takes hold, the pressure to remain perfect becomes almost unbearable. isabel starts to self-destruct, putting her beauty - her only asset - in peril.
And then, the boys arrive, eager to choose a bride.
frieda must fight for her future - even if it means betraying the only friend, the only love, she has ever known...
I had to buy myself this one after reading some very glowing reviews. I've just become ridiculously curious about it. For example, why do names no longer have capital letters, it pains my eyes. 

Childhood Favourites
Beeswax the Bad by Andrew Martyr, P. Lawford
Dr. Dog by Babette Cole

My parents got each of us sisters a copy of Beeswax the Bad, which was our favourite book as children. It's such a funny book and I loved it when I was little. Dr. Dog is another classic, so I was beyond happy to receive both of those. 

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch, The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings, Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins and Of Metal and Wishes by 

Snow Like Ashes - *flails* I HAVE IT! I must read it and love it.
The Murder Complex - I went back and forth on this one for so long but Bookstagram has sold me on it.
Rebel Belle - This one seems like it will be a fun read, plus I have the sequel waiting to be read, so I will be getting to it very soon.
Of Metal and Wishes - A retelling of Phantom of the Opera, I don't need to know anything else. SOLD!

Talon by Julie Kagawa, Uninvited by Sophie Jordan and Loop by Karen Akins

Talon - YAY! I held off on downloading this from Netgalley because I was hoping I'd receive it for Christmas. I squealed with excitement when I opened this one. I have it and it's one of the prettiest books I've ever seen. Let's hope the story is as good as the cover. 
Uninvited - I read and loved this earlier in the year and I needed it on my shelf.
Loop - Another book I suddenly wanted to read thanks to Bookstagram. Love the cover for this one too.

Doon and Destined for Doon by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon

Very excited to find these two under my tree, this series really intrigues me.

Half-Blood, Pure, Deity and Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armentrout 

Cinder, Scarlet and Cress by Marissa Meyer

I've already read Cinder and Scarlet, but now I can finally binge read them and get to Cress. I hear it's the best of the three, so bring it on. 

This one made it onto my Christmas list because I was curious to see how it ended. I read and enjoyed one, once I finally got into it, but then was really unhappy with book two. Then I just had a really sudden urge to see how it all ended. I've heard nothing but terrible things about Raging Star since then though, so now I am scared. 

Rot & Ruin, Dust & Decay, Flesh & Bone and Fire & Ash by Jonathan Maberry

I've been saying I'm going to read this series for so long now. I've been wanting to read a good zombie story for quite some time. 

Another series I've been saying I'll read forever. I'm hoping owning these series will get me into reading them... but who knows. 

James wins points for knowing I wouldn't want book 6 when it's in the larger paperback. Hurry up and release the small one. I want to try this series again, I once read book one and didn't like it, Cait's love of it has made me curious. 

I read and loved the authors other dystopian series so I am very hopeful when it comes to this one. 

Blood PromiseSpirit Bound and Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

I had books 1-3, but finally having the last 3 means that I can binge read this. I am so desperate to love this series. 

Reached by Ally Condie, Flame by Amy Kathleen Ryan & Defector by Susanne Winnacker

It was bothering me that I owned the first two books in both these trilogies but not the final books. I've read Reached before, but still need to get to Flame. Defector, the sequel to Impostor, is one that Amanda was kind enough to gift me for Christmas.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Golden Son (Red Rising Trilogy, #2)With shades of The Hunger GamesEnder’s Game, and Game of Thrones, debut author Pierce Brown’s genre-defying epic Red Rising hit the ground running and wasted no time becoming a sensation. Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom from the overlords of a brutal elitist future built on lies. Now fully embedded among the Gold ruling class, Darrow continues his work to bring down Society from within. A life-or-death tale of vengeance with an unforgettable hero at its heart, Golden Songuarantees Pierce Brown’s continuing status as one of fiction’s most exciting new voices
I might have flailed far too much when I received this. Thank you so much to Hodder & Stoughton for this beautiful hardback. It's so pretty.... soooooo pretty.

All Fall Down by Ally Carter
All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)Grace can best be described as a daredevil, an Army brat, and a rebel. She is also the only granddaughter of perhaps the most powerful ambassador in the world and Grace has spent every summer of her childhood running across the roofs of Embassy Row.Now, at age sixteen, she's come back to stay - in order to solve the mystery of her mother's death. In the process, she uncovers an international conspiracy of unsettling proportions, and must choose her friends and watch her foes carefully if she and the world are to be saved.

There's no way this won't be awesome.

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
My Year in Books: End of Year Book Survey
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


  1. Oh my god, you lucky girl! I'm dying to read so many of these books, especially All Fall Down by Ally Carter. I can't wait to read your review!

    Talina @

  2. ONLY EVER YOURS IS SO GOOD. *screams* I only gave it a 4.5 star at the time of reading but after all this time, it's the only book I read in 2014 that I STILL haven't been able to stop thinking about. So yeah. It stands out to me as the actual best book I read in 2014. It's just so haunting and completely heartbreaking. (And ooooooh, it's not all names that don't have capital letters anymore. YOU'LL FIND OUT AND IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL SO SAD. I'm a terrible person but seriously. That was such a crushing book. I want you to love it too!)

    So many books! Hope you enjoy all of them!

    I still haven't been to the Harry Potter Studio Tour... Maybe I'll get to do it some time this year!

    Cynthia @ Afterwritten

    1. I can't wait to find out more about Only Ever Yours. I am planning to read it very,very soon! :)

  3. My eyes bulged out upon seeing all those books in one picture. You lucky lucky girl! :'D My parents never gifted me a book so in return they'll just give me Christmas money and pretend that they don't know I'm using it to buy books HAHA. Anyway, I'm going to binge read VA series too starting with book 3! I'm also excited to love that series. I hope you enjoy them all!

    Have a wonderful 2015! :D

    1. I know, I was beyond excited to receive so many wonderful books. I am really hoping I find time to binge read the VA series, it needs to happen very soon.

  4. so so many good books. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see the reviews start coming out. I am still in awe on the amount. I hope you really enjoy them.

    1. I know, I am very much in awe right now too. And still trying to find places for them all.

  5. I am still really impressed with your bookish haul Charnell! Oh my gosh I am green with envy at the Harry Potter Studio Tour, I hope to visit that one day! How exciting you got the Golden Son, I can't wait to read it because I've heard great things! Have a wonderful week lovely.

    1. Thank you! :) Golden Son was so good, I hope you end up loving it.

  6. Wow. AMAZING.
    - I didn't like The Girl With All The Gifts, I'd be interested to see what you think.
    - I adored Vampire Academy, I hope you do too! =D
    - Snow Like Ashes, Loop, and Rebel Belle are on my TBR.
    - I heard Marissa Meyer's books are very good...
    - I've been really wanting to read We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves! And also Aristotle and Dante etc.
    - Uh oh. I spy Cassandra Clare... I hope the books are better than that awful, awful movie.
    - Oh yesss Talon I wanted to read that too. So many -huff-
    - ... I've seen The Rosie Project so much, I don't even know what it's actually about.

    I'll look forward to your second post! Enjoy reading! OH WAIT! What will you read first?? =D WHAT? WHAT? Dying to know. <3

    1. I DON'T KNOW!!! I read Talon and was SUPER DISAPPOINTED :( Next... probably Snow Like Ashes which I really hope I love.

  7. Um... AMAZING HAUL AS USUAL. (Sorry about the excitement there!) 75 books is amazing! I can see many, many, many good books in your haul. I hope that you enjoy them all! My Haul!

    1. Thank you, I was rather shocked by the amount. Still trying to find places for them all.

  8. EEEEK! Amazing haul! 75 books?! *drools* These all look SO GOOD! I really want to read Snow Like Ashes, Talon and Doon. I have Scarlet and Cress waiting to be read, I'm really excited to read them. :)

    Enjoy your new books! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My STS Post!

    1. I was beyond surprised by the amount. I also struggled to find places for all of them.

  9. Holy Cow! That is an amazing haul. Yay for the family listening. That's awesome :D

  10. I don't know why but I kind of burst out laughing when I read "I've heard nothing but terrible things about Raging Star since then though, so now I am scared." THAT WAS SO NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. Normally it's all positive with that phrase and I had to take a second look to realise that it said terrible things. NOW I'M CURIOUS!


    1. I hope I love All Fall Down, I really do. I KNOW! Usually I am going on about how I have heard nothing but good things, but nope, this time it was all hate. I am scared of that book.

  11. Holy crap! What a haul! I am sooooooo jealous of your Christmas stack, and of course, All Fall Down. I hope you love all of your new books!

    Check out my StS and my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!

  12. You're more than welcome hunny! I'm really pleased you had a wonderful Christmas, I really am. Definitely need to know more about Rebel Belle, it's loved but I'm not sure.. There's a lot I'd make comment on, but I shall resist, just know that I'm very excited for upcoming reviews! Oh, and I plan on reading Talon soon myself, fancy a buddy read? :)

    1. Buddy read did not go well did it, haha! THAT BOOK WAS AWFUL! >.< SOOOOO BAD.

  13. WOW! So many awesome books! Have some of these in my own TBR Mountain of Doom and have reads some of the others too! I was supposed to get an ARC of All Fall Down, but I think they've forgotten me! And I was a Street Team member too! Oh well. I've already emailed them like 3 times and don't want to keep emailing them....

    Hope you enjoy all your absolutely LOVELY new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  14. 75 books?! That's a book lovers dream! OMG you got so many amazing books, like the Covenant series by JLA, The Lunar Chronicles, The Mortal Instruments! I actually have a lot of the books you got on my TBR and I can't wait to read them either! I'm hoping to read Snow Like Ashes this month.

    I hope you enjoy all your new pretties and love them all :D

    1. It really was a book lovers dream. The trying to find places for them all was not a dream. I am still struggling! HAHA

  15. Holy moly! I thought I got a lot of books this week but you have me beat! Awesome haul! You MUST read the Rot & Ruin series. Of Metal and Wishes was my favorite book of 2014, I hope you enjoy it! Have fun with your new books!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  16. WHOA. That was an EPIC haul, and you're not even done xD I'm sure you were giddy with excitement when you got all of these. ENJOY :D

    1. I really was. The excitement died a little when I realised I need to find somewhere to put them all. Stil struggling with that one.

  17. The Lunar Chronicles is AMAZING! Cress is definitely the best, but Cinder and Scarlet are both amazing also! I am reading the Vampire Academy right now and although I wasn't sure I would like the series after I read the first two books after book two it got SO GOOD!
    Thanks for sharing your amazing haul! Happy New Year :-)

    Em @

  18. What an absolutely amazing haul. Happy Reading :)

    My STS Post :)

  19. EPIC HAUL. Holy crap, 75 books, that's insane :D I'm very happy to spy Cinder, Scarlet and Cress in your collection. Cress is definitely a great installment in the series. Happy reading :D

    1. I know, I am still trying to find somewhere to put them all. Some serious shelf reorganisation is needed.

  20. Eeeep I so want to go on that Tour! And holy that's a lot of books!!!!! I hope you enjoy every single one of them~~

    1. I really hope I do too... when I find the time to read them all.

  21. That's an awful lot of books! Only Ever Yours is one I really want to read. I also got the Lunar Chronicles for Christmas so I am looking forward to starting those as well! I am very envious of the Snow Like Aces and of Metal and Wishes, even though I didn't know it was a Phantom of the Opera retelling! Oh, and I can't believe you didn't like City of Bones! To each their own, though. I hope you like them more this time round. I read Blood Red Road but I can't remember continuing the series, so that is something I definitely need to pick up again. I hope you like the last one a lot more!

    1. I don't know why I didn't like City of Bones the first time I tried it... but I really want to try the series again and see if I like it more the second time.

  22. OH WOW YOU HAVE AMAZING FRIENDS/FAMILY. WELL DONE. I may have, erm, *coughs* gifted myself books for Christmas because my family just rolls their eyes when I say I want books. What even is with that?! Sure my bookshelf is full but THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T WANT MORE BOOKS.
    *Sighs deeply*
    Ohhh, I'm endlessly excited for Golden Son!! *flails*
    And my library just bought Only Ever Yours so I'M KEEN FOR THAT TOO. Also Snow Like Ashes. I've heard mixed things but it sounds AWESOME.

    1. Haha, thankfully my family have given up and have just embraced my book obsession. I LOVE THEM FOR IT!!!
      I really hope you love Golden Son!

  23. Wow! 75 books?! I think I'd be overwhelmed, but it looks like you got some good ones!
    I've been dying to get my hands on the Cassandra Clare series forever!
    Cress is definitely the best of the Marissa Meyer books, so enjoy your binge read.

    I visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter over the holiday, and now you've sparked my interest with the Harry Potter Studio Tour, officially added to my bucket list :)

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

    1. I am very overwhelmed. I'm also still trying to find places to put them all.

  24. I am in awe over your book goodness, huge congrats on them all!

  25. Talon was a huuuge letdown, I still have trouble believing it was written by Julie Kagawa. I loved Snow Like Ashes even if I wasn't sure about it at the beginning.
    My StS

    1. I HATED THAT BOOK! RAWR! >.< Just thinking about that book makes me angry.

  26. Woaaaaah you got so many books! YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE SUPER AWESOME, CLEARLY XD I really cannot wait for the Ally Carter novel! I haven't read anything by her yet but I've heard several great things.

    Have a lovely week, Charnell! <33

    1. They are beyond awesome! Although I am struggling to find space for them all, which isn't awesome!

  27. I AM SOOO JEALOUS. All the books....all of them beautiful books *weeps*. There are so many awesome ones there I don't even know where to start. I am just going to pick out my favourite series which is the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Hope you enjoy all of your books :)

    My December Haul

    1. I know, I couldn't stop staring at them. But I am really struggling with finding where to put them all. I also need to hurry up and find the time to read them all.

  28. I now have to get Of Metal and Wishes, Phantom is my all time favorite!

    1. I am so excited to get to read it, it sounds so awesome! :)

  29. Did I read this right? 75 books? I couldn't see over the stack of 75 book, let alone read them in that time. Keep up the great work and have a wonderful 2015.

    1. Yes you did! I can't see over the stack and I can't find a place for them all... but I LOVE THEM! :)

  30. Holy... You definitely got some peeps that know you better! Great stack of books & glad you had awesome time on Christmas :)

  31. Wow…so many great books. Something Real…LOVED it. It surprised me how much I loved it (and I didn't really like Exquisite Captive).

    Loop is so much fun!!!

    The Covenant series is one of my all time favorites…I hope you love it!

    I liked City of Bones, but didn't love it, but the second book hooked me and it ended up being on of my all time favorite series. Although I do think I love the Infernal Devices series more.

    VA series…again, wasn't that impressed with the first one, but ended up LOVING the series (although I love Bloodlines, the spin-off series, more).

    Have fun reading! ~Pam

    1. I really want to love it, because I'm nervous since I didn't like Exquisite Captive at all.
      I really need to set some time aside for some serious reading sessions. I've got a ton of books to get through.

  32. I soooo want to do the Studio Tour! I went to the Wizarding World and it was beyond magical. My friend couldn't make me leave.
    I love the new UK covers for the Covenant series. If I didn't already own them in paperback I would be buying those.
    Sooo many books. I just read Doon. And really enjoyed it. It's pretty fun and light hearted.
    I bought Something Real on Boxing Day. That will be my first book by her. Fingers crossed there.
    I don't want to kill your reading, but Raging Star was a disappointment. I still gave it 3.5*. BUT the ending was terrible. So just go in with really low expectations. :/
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I really want to go to Wizarding World, but that would cost far too much money!
      I love the covers too, they're so pretty.
      HAHA! I might not even bother to get it it now. I feel very meh about it.

  33. Wow, you got a LOT of books! Enjoy them! I want to read Talon. I've read Kagawa's Iron Fey series and really enjoyed them and her writing, so I bet Talon will be good too.

    1. Hmmmmm... well. Haha! I read Talon and it was beyond awful, it's really put me off reading anything else by her.

  34. oh my 75 books?!?! That's several months are reading time at least. But at least it looks like you got some promising ones. Happy reading!

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. I know... that's almost as many as I read in a year. It's going to be hard to find the time to read them all, along with any books I get in 2015.

  35. Ohh wow... 75 books?! You have AWESOME family! Any hints I ever drop are completely ignored, lol. But, oh gosh, you've got so many I'd love to read! I really want to read Talon, but I have seen a few people mention they were disappointed in it. I really, really hope it's awesome, but I might try to keep my expectations low, just in case! And Loop! I read it last year, and I really enjoyed it. =) Enjoy all your new books, Charnell!

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

    1. They are AMAZING!!! :) I really hope you love Talon, I hated it. Keep those expectations low low low low LOW ;) haha

  36. Holy crap, that's a lot of books, lucky you! Especially since you got entire series, those always look lovelier together than on their own :) Enjoy the reading!

    Sifra @ Brilliant Bookshelf


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