My Most Anticipated Debuts of 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

My Most Anticipated Debuts of 2015

I actually have quite a lot of debuts that are am very excited for  this year! I am happy because I have quite a few of them sitting on my Kindle, waiting to be read. I'm hoping 2015 is going to be a great year for books for me, a ton of 5/5 reads. Fingers crossed!

Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
The poverty stricken Reds are commoners, living under the rule of the Silvers, elite warriors with god-like powers.To Mare Barrow, a 17-year-old Red girl from The Stilts, it looks like nothing will ever change.Mare finds herself working in the Silver Palace, at the centre ofthose she hates the most. She quickly discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy Silver control.But power is a dangerous game. And in this world divided by blood, who will win?
This is one I have and am very desperate to get to, have been hearing nothing but amazing things.

My Heart and Other Black Holes
Aysel and Roman are practically strangers, but they've been drawn into an unthinkable partnership. In a month's time, they plan to commit suicide - together. Aysel knows why she wants to die: being the daughter of a murderer doesn't equal normal, well-adjusted teenager. But she can't figure out why handsome, popular Roman wants to end it all....and why he's even more determined than she is. With the deadline getting closer, something starts to grow between Aysel and Roman - a feeling she never thought she would experience. It seems there might be something to live for, after all - but is Aysel in so deep she can't turn back?

This book sounds amazing, but also like it may crush my soul. It feels like it might be an All the Bright Places style soul-crushing read. I'm not sure I'm ready for that! 

The Sin Eater's Daughter (The Sin Eater's Daughter, #1)The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
Seventeen-year-old Twylla lives in the castle. But although she’s engaged to the prince, Twylla isn’t exactly a member of the court.She’s the executioner.As the Goddess embodied, Twylla instantly kills anyone she touches. Each month she’s taken to the prison and forced to lay her hands on those accused of treason. No one will ever love a girl with murder in her veins. Even the prince, whose royal blood supposedly makes him immune to Twylla’s fatal touch, avoids her company.But then a new guard arrives, a boy whose easy smile belies his deadly swordsmanship. And unlike the others, he’s able to look past Twylla’s executioner robes and see the girl, not the Goddess. Yet Twylla’s been promised to the prince, and knows what happens to people who cross the queen.However, a treasonous secret is the least of Twylla’s problems. The queen has a plan to destroy her enemies, a plan that requires a stomach-churning, unthinkable sacrifice. Will Twylla do what it takes to protect her kingdom? Or will she abandon her duty in favor of a doomed love?
Amazing sounding premise? Check. Stunning cover? Check. Grabby hands? Check. I will be meeting the author on the 24th of this month and can't wait to find out more about the book. I need this in my life.

Seven Days
This bold, compelling and topical story about bullying is told from the perspective of the bully and the bullied. You won't be able put it down until you've reached the conclusion. Jess's life is difficult enough without Kez picking on her – it’s turning school from a safe place into a nightmare. Kez has plenty of problems too but she finds comfort in knowing she is better off than Jess - or so she thinks. A hard-hitting and even-handed look at bullying and the issues facing teenagers today.
I'll be meeting this author on the 24th as well. This book has been on my radar for quite some time and I think it sounds so good. I do wonder why I keep picking books that sound like they are going to depress the hell out of me. 

The Night We Said YesThe Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi
Before Matt, Ella had a plan. Get over a no-good ex-boyfriend. Graduate from high school without any more distractions. Move away from Orlando, Florida, where she’s lived her entire life. But Matt—the cute, shy, bespectacled bass player who just moved to town—was never part of that plan.And neither was attending a party that was crashed by the cops just minutes after they arrived. Or spending an entire night saying “yes” to every crazy, fun thing they could think of.Then Matt abruptly left town, and he broke not only Ella’s heart but those of their best friends, too. So when he shows up a year later with a plan of his own—to relive the night that brought them together—Ella isn’t sure whether Matt’s worth a second chance. Or if re-creating the past can help them create a different future. In alternating then and now chapters, debut author Lauren Gibaldi crafts a charming, romantic story of first loves, lifelong friendships, uncovered secrets, and, ultimately, finding out how to be brave.
This one seems like a more light-hearted read and possibly with some fluff thrown in. Bring it on.

None of the Above
A groundbreaking story about a teenage girl who discovers she's intersex . . . and what happens when her secret is revealed to the entire school. Incredibly compelling and sensitively told, None of the Above is a thought-provoking novel that explores what it means to be a boy, a girl, or something in between.What if everything you knew about yourself changed in an instant?When Kristin Lattimer is voted homecoming queen, it seems like another piece of her ideal life has fallen into place. She's a champion hurdler with a full scholarship to college and she's madly in love with her boyfriend. In fact, she's decided that she's ready to take things to the next level with him.But Kristin's first time isn't the perfect moment she's planned--something is very wrong. A visit to the doctor reveals the truth: Kristin is intersex, which means that though she outwardly looks like a girl, she has male chromosomes, not to mention boy "parts."Dealing with her body is difficult enough, but when her diagnosis is leaked to the whole school, Kristin's entire identity is thrown into question. As her world unravels, can she come to terms with her new self?

A very unique sounding story and one I haven't come across before. I am very curious... very curious!

Playlist for the DeadPlaylist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff
A teenage boy tries to understand his best friend's suicide by listening to the playlist of songs he left behind in this smart, voice-driven debut novel.Here's what Sam knows: There was a party. There was a fight. The next morning, his best friend, Hayden, was dead. And all he left Sam was a playlist of songs, and a suicide note: For Sam—listen and you'll understand.As he listens to song after song, Sam tries to face up to what happened the night Hayden killed himself. But it's only by taking out his earbuds and opening his eyes to the people around him that he will finally be able to piece together his best friend’s story. And maybe have a chance to change his own.Part mystery, part love story, and part coming-of-age tale in the vein of Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Tim Tharp’s The Spectacular NowPlaylist for the Dead is an honest and gut-wrenching first novel about loss, rage, what it feels like to outgrow a friendship that's always defined you—and the struggle to redefine yourself. But above all, it's about finding hope when hope seems like the hardest thing to find.
Another one that is probably going to make me want to cry. Why do I do this to myself?

Last Year's Mistake
Before:Kelsey and David became best friends the summer before freshman year and were inseparable ever after. Until the night a misunderstanding turned Kelsey into the school joke, and everything around her crumbled—including her friendship with David. So when Kelsey's parents decided to move away, she couldn't wait to start over and leave the past behind. Except, David wasn't ready to let her go...After:Now it's senior year and Kelsey has a new group of friends, genuine popularity, and a hot boyfriend. Her life is perfect. That is, until David's family moves to town and he shakes up everything. Soon old feelings bubble to the surface and threaten to destroy Kelsey's second chance at happiness. The more time she spends with David, the more she realizes she never truly let him go. And maybe she never wants to.

Another one that seems it will be more of a light-hearted, fluffy read. At least I hope so. I don't want 2015 to just be filled with soul-destroying books. 

Not After EverythingNot After Everything by Michelle Levy
Tyler has a football scholarship to Stanford, a hot colgirlfriend, and a reliable army of friends to party with. Then his mom kills herself. And Tyler lets it all go. Now he needs to dodge what his dad is offering (verbal tirades and abuse) and earn what his dad isn’t (money). Tyler finds a job that crashes him into Jordyn, his former childhood friend turned angry-loner goth-girl. She brings Tyler an unexpected reprieve from the never-ending pity party his life has become. How could he not fall for her? But with his dad more brutally unpredictable than ever, Tyler knows he can’t risk bringing Jordyn too deeply into the chaos. So when violence rocks his world again, will it be Jordyn who shows him the way to a hopeful future? Or after everything, will Tyler have to find it in himself?
I don't know what to expect from this one... but I want to read it.

Because You'll Never Meet Me
In a stunning literary debut, two boys on opposite ends of the world begin an unlikely friendship that will change their lives forever.Ollie and Moritz are best friends, but they can never meet. Ollie is allergic to electricity. Contact with it causes debilitating seizures. Moritz’s weak heart is kept pumping by an electronic pacemaker. If they ever did meet, Ollie would seize. But Moritz would die without his pacemaker. Both hermits from society, the boys develop a fierce bond through letters that become a lifeline during dark times—as Ollie loses his only friend, Liz, to the normalcy of high school and Moritz deals with a bully set on destroying him.A story of impossible friendship and hope under strange circumstances, this debut is powerful, dark and humorous in equal measure. These extraordinary voices bring readers into the hearts and minds of two special boys who, like many teens, are just waiting for their moment to shine.

I'm hoping this one will be more of an uplifting read and will make me happy, which will probably still make me cry. I feel like I'm going to be crying a lot in 2015. We shall see. Nothing can be worse than the All the Bright Places tears though. 

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
My Year in Books: End of Year Book Survey
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


  1. I have an ARC of THE RED QUEEN that I'm dying to read. THE SIN EATER'S DAUGHTER sounds amazing!!!

  2. I am really looking forward to a lot of these as well!

  3. My Heart and Other Black Holes and Sin Eaters Daughter Stacie is doing as a book swap with me, so I'll be reading those this year which is really exciting, and I'm also interested by Red Queen, it's falling at the moment in a mix of reviews, so your thoughts would be great! There's actually mostly contemporaries here, so that's interesting, especially since you LOVE fantasy, so lets see..

    1. I'm hoping to get a finished copy when I meet the author, so I am very excited for that. I also hope to read My Heart and Other Black Holes very soon.

  4. Yes, The Sin Eater's Daughter looks so interesting! Really looking forward to The Night We Said Yes and None of the Above as well. There's been so much hype around the Red Queen, although I've started to hear people say it's too much like Red Rising or whatever? I haven't read Red Rising yet myself though.

    I hadn't heard about Because You'll Never Meet Me until now but it sounds really intriguing so I've put it on the TBR!

    Hope these books all turn out to be amazing for you!

    Cynthia @ Afterwritten

    1. Oh really? I have steered clear of reviews, so I haven't seen anything. I am very curious now though, to see if I end up comparing the two.

  5. Well, my TBR just grew by 5! :) Thanks for the great book recommendations!

  6. I agree with My Heart and Other Black Holes! I have an ARC copy I'm going to be reading this week and I'm pretty excited for it.

    Seven Days sounds interesting though I haven't heard of it before today. :) I'll be adding it to my TBR.

    The Night We Said Yes sounds incredibly cute and I love stories told in only 24 hours.

    I'm so excited for None of The Above! I've never read anything like it before so this will be a great first experience.

    I anxiously await Playlist For The Dead as well. :)

    BECAUSE YOU'LL NEVER MEET ME IS MY HIGHEST HIGHEST MOST EXCITED FOR, ANXIOUSLY AWAITING 2015 PICK. i know I've said that about others (My Heart and Other Black Holes), but this time, no, it really is. I cannot wait for Because You'll Never Meet Me. It sounds wonderful and unique and I can relate to it and I just cannot wait.

    And of course, I can't wait to read All The Bright Places, I'm so jealous you read it. Gah. Great list!


    1. I hope to read My Heart very soon.
      Seven Days has such an interesting premise, very excited to meet the author and find out more.
      24 hour stories are always a lot of fun to read, if done well.
      Me either, have never seen another book like it.
      I have an eARC of Playlist, so hope to get to it very soon.

  7. Very nice! Anxious for Red Queen too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. The Night We Said Yes sounds very intriguing! Thank you for sharing these.

    Here's my Top Ten!

  9. Oh. :) Red Queen is so popular! :) Loving the list.

  10. These look great. I am so excited for 2015! The Sin Eaters Daughter has a stunning cover.

  11. Seven Days sounds so good - I totally forgot to put it to my list even though it definitely has been on my radar! Awesome that you'll be meeting the author! I hope you get a chance to read all of these in 2015 :)

  12. I absolutely loved None of the Above! It was one of my favorite reads from last year. I want to read every other book on your list too.

    Great list!

    1. Happy to hear amazing things about None of the Above, I'm so excited to read that one.


    1. I'm so looking forward to reading Red Queen, I really hope I love it.

  14. I'm excited for Red Queen and The Sin Eater's Daughter as well. A few of these are new to me and some of them sound really good, like 7 Days and Because You'll Never Meet. Great picks!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  15. Oh yea, so many excellent looking debuts coming this year.
    We've got a few of the same. Like Red Queen. Which I'm sure made 90% of lists today. For good reason. I needs it. :)
    Because You'll Never Meet Me sounds brilliant. Hadn't heard of it, but now I'm totally excited. Thanks!
    I really hope we get some awesome new gems this year.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I do too, I need a lot more 5 star reads in my life this year.

  16. I cannot wait to get my hands on My Heart and Other Black Holes. I have a feeling I am going to need to keep a box of tissues next to me when I read it!

    1. Definitely feeling like a lot of these books are going to require tissues when I read them.

  17. The Sin Eater's Daughter and Red Queen are two I'm really anticipating! Heard great things about them too. Hope you'll love all the books on your list :)

  18. These sound like some nice upcoming books! Playlist for the Dead and Red Queen are on my list as well! I also really like the titles for None of the Above and My Heart and other Black Holes, so I will be keeping eyes open for them as well.

    1. I am hoping I can find the time to get to them all, and when I do... I really want to love each and every one of them. I need more 5 star reads.

  19. Oh wow, I wanna read None of the Above, definitely. I'm also curious about Playlist for the Dead.

  20. I have seen Red Queen on every blog I've seen doing Top Ten. I hope it turns out good, it certainly intrigues me.

  21. A few of these made my list this week too!

    Playlist for the Dead sounds sad but interesting. You will have to read it first and let me know if it's a tear jerker.

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

  22. I think we might as well rename 2015 the YEAR OF GREAT PAIN, FEELS AND TEARS. Because ohhhh god, just look at all those heartbreaking books. *gulps* Everything is going to hurt. EVERYTHING. I really want My Heart And Other Black Holes and Playlist for the Dead and yesss to Sin Eater's Daughter too!

    1. I was just thinking the exact same thing! All the books I want to read this year sound super depressing... but amazing :)

    2. Haha, I definitely agree. It's going to be the year where I cry buckets of tears. I hope these are all 5/5 reads for me.

  23. Red Queen, Sin Eater's Daughter, and The Night We Said Yes are all on my list too. Some of your other books sound like they could be really sad reads. ~Pam

    1. I think they might be. I am going to be crying a lot in 2015!

  24. I'm really excited for My Heart and Other Black Holes even though it seems silly to be excited for a book with such tough subject matter. I have seen that one on a lot of lists and I'm thinking it'll be the book everyone is reading this year!

    1. I think it will be, but I am very nervous to get to it. I am sure there is going to be a lot of tears.

  25. The Sin-Eater's Daughter is going to be one of my favourite reads, I can tell. Oh and Red Queen, and The Night We Said Yes. GAH, SO MANY

    1. Haha, that's how I am feel about it. I am so certain I am going to love it.

  26. Red Queen is absolutely fabulous, Charnell! I hope you love it when you get around to reading it. Ooh yes The Night We Said Yes would totally be on my list if I made this post. It looks like so much fun!

    Great picks, hun! <33

    1. I am planning to get to it very soon, hopefully I end up loving it.

  27. I've read Red Queen and it is amazeballs. I may not have given it the 5 stars, but I can really see A LOT of people loving and liking it to kingdom come. I really want to read Because You'll Never Me! I read the synopsis and I'm just omg I WANT THIS. I recently requested an ARC of it so crossing my fingers I get sent one (it would be a miracle BUT IT DOESN'T HURT TO DREAM!)

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. I've been hearing such amazing things, so I am very excited to get to it. I really hope I end yp loving it. I hope you get an ARC of it and love it!!! :)

  28. Red Queen is insanely high on my TBR list as well. I didn't get an ARC, so I'm DYING until it's released. Also looking forward to The Sin Eater's Daughter!

    1. I hope you love Red Queen when you get to it. The Sin Eater's Daughter is going to be awesome... at least I hope so ;)


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