Why Aren't These Books Movies Already?


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Books That Need To Be Made Into Movies

This week was freebie week, meaning I could pick my own topic. I wanted to talk about the books I want to see made into films already. Even though they would then probably change far too much, poorly cast some characters and make me regret ever saying I wanted them to make the film in the first place. But that's the joy of book to movie adaptations.

The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

I want the movie. I need the movie. Hurry up and just be a movie already. Wait.... don't be a movie. What if they ruin it? What if I hate the casting for Celaena and Chaol? Ahhhhh... adaptation panic. But seriously, this book contains all kinds of awesome and would make an incredible movie series. I'm imagining some amazingly awesome Lord of the Rings style adaptation, with beyond incredible special effects that bring the fantasy world to life. It'll have action, romance and wyverns.

There can be only one word to describe a Throne of Glass movie...

I don't really know who I would cast, but I could definitely imagine these two. It would be a question of whether they have the acting skills to pull the roles off, which I am doubting. The Max Irons casting might just be based on the fact I could stare at him for hours, he's so pretty. I wanted to cast Dorian but he's like a blob to me, just a blurry, thanks-for-getting-out-of-the-way-of-my-ship blob. 

Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas

I don't even know how they would begin to turn this mind fuck of a read into a movie, but they really should work on that. I am just imagining how much this would be able to mess with your head as a film. I'm imaging a Gone Girl style movie here, especially if they could do that good a job adapting it and get an amazing cast in. Plus a movie adaptation might bring more attention to this completely underrated book that deserves a lot more love. 

I'll admit that I mostly want this to be a movie so I can see people reacting in the cinema. I just want to watch people get all the way through the movie, get to that ending and flip out.

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma

It's probably pretty obvious why this book hasn't been turned into a movie. For anyone who doesn't know, it contains a love story that sees a brother and sister fall in love. Now that could make for some uncomfortable viewing. I don't care, I want and need this to be a movie. The book was amazing and left me a sobbing wreck. I want a movie that's going to be just as powerful, will punch me in the fulls and have me sobbing uncontrollably. Someone, anyone, make this movie for me.

Yes, I'm rooting for an incestuous love story movie to be made, and what?

I'm going to pick these two because I like them and think they are quite talented. But I also know that Lily Collins could pull off being British and Logan Lerman can play the quiet, shy type... Perks proved that. Yes, I approve. Now make it happen.

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)
Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman

I'm sitting here and can't think of a single reason why this shouldn't already be a movie. Or at least a short TV drama. I need this to be adapted into something, so that I can go see it, get all the feels and sob so much it hurts. I don't know why I am hoping for all these movie to release that will hurt me so much to watch, but I do.

This Shattered World (Starbound, #2)These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)These Broken Stars & This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

I actually think this would be a series that would work better as a TV show. It would be hard to pull off as a film series because they switch to completely new characters in the second installment, with the original main characters having a small part. I think that would be something you could get away with more in a TV show. Whether TV show or movie, I just want to see this awesomeness brought to life.

Can we all just take a moment to imagine how cool a Starbound TV series would be.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

This would be very challenging to turn into a movie but it needs to happen. I'm pretty sure it's something that is in the works, but very early stages. It is one epic book and I can't begin to imagine how amazing the battles would look on the big screen. I also need to see Sevro come alive on the big screen. They need to cast that perfectly or I will have to cry into my copy of Red Rising.

My Life Next DoorTo All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)The Distance Between Us
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick / To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han / The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

Any or all of these will do. I don't just want epic fantasy or soul crushingly, heartbreakingly sad films. It would be good to have some cute, fluffy, adorable romances thrown in. They'd have hilarious characters and shippable romance. If I could only have one then I'd go for My Life Next Door. Just please provide me with some much needed relief from all the tears.

I need a movie that has a cuteness level equivalent to this cute puppy gif:

All the Bright PlacesAll the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

Yes, I know it's being made into a film. But not quickly enough. The book was heartbreakingly beautiful, amazing and epic in so many ways. It's going to be a movie that breaks me but makes me so happy. At least I imagine it will. If they messed up the adaptation to this book then I would never get over it. They better do a good job! When this comes out I will be going to see it, with like twelve boxes of tissues. 

Hurry up already!

I would do more but I am trying to finish this while on a lunch break and I am running out of time. The list of books I want to see made into movies is absolutely endless, but these are the ones that I would most urgently want made.

So, to all the people brave enough to try and adapt these into films, I have only one thing to say.


Golden Son by Pierce Brown: Review
Talon by Julie Kagawa: Review
My Weekly Book Haul: 17/01/2015
The Door That Led To Where by Sally Gardner: Review


  1. I haven't rad all of these yet but the ones I have I couldn't agree with more. They should definitely be made into movie and soon!

  2. There's already talk about These Broken Stars becoming tv show! I don't know if there's been any progress, but here's the link:

    And I would LOVE to see Throne of Glass as a movie. Or even a TV show, but on like HBO or Starz, or any other networks with deep pockets for this kind of story (a la Game of Thrones or Outlander).

  3. Throne of Glass, These Broken Stars and Dangerous Girls should really be movies. I haven't read any of them, but I know I would read them before the movies were released because I would have extra motivation.

    Oh, and Noughts and Crosses need to be movies! I would watch them and cry and love them to bits <3 Such great books! The Gone series by Michael Grant should really be made into a telly show.

    The casting choices were spot on ;)

  4. A These Broken Stars adaptation would definitely be interesting.
    I really enjoyed The Distance Between Us.
    Still need to read All the Bright Places (didn't know it is being made into a film!).
    Good choices!

  5. TOG would make me VERY excited and also very scared, because yes, what if they don't get the actors right? What if they screw up Celaena's personality, because let's face it, she's not the easiest person. If they don't balance her right, she's just going to turn out to be a nasty, bitchy character.

    I've only read Dangerous boys so far, but if Girls is as messed up as that one, it would be great as a movie :D


    1. I NEED THESE MOVIES. I'd be scared of Throne of Glass but I still want it. I'll probably regret that if they ever do because it's highly likely that they won't do it justice.

  6. I think Noughts and Crosses would make an AWESOME movie because it's such a good topic and I could imagine it being a really action packed and kick butt

  7. Great picks!
    I'm all for ToG being made into a tv show. It's as epic as GoT. Perfect for a 12-14 episode season. That would be how I want it to happen in an ideal world.
    I'd see Forbidden in a second. I would need like 20 boxes of tissues to get through it. But God, it would be beautiful.
    I say yes to all! :)
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. IT NEEDS TO BE MADE!!! As long as they do it right. I HOPE THEY DO!!!

  8. Throne of Glass movie? Um, yes please. I live for movies like that and I love your cast. I would also love to see Angelfall made into a movie... I heard that it was in the works, but it's taking WAY too long.

    Also, I tagged you for the 20 Things You May Not Know About Me tag!

    1. Needs to happen. Although maybe a GoT style TV show would work equally well and last years and years and years. A GIRL CAN DREAM"

  9. I love this post! All these ideas are so great! I would watch them ALL. Especially Throne of Glass. Who is that actress you have posted as ideally playing Celaena?

    1. That's Teresa Palmer. Not sure if she's the perfect casting choice, but she sold it for me in that one picture.

  10. HAHAHA YES OMG YES. I want Red Rising so bad. And I want Throne of Glass but...I WANT A TV SERIES. I think they'll then get to do ALL the plot twists whereas in a movie they'd have to cut so much. :( Just imagine it as an epic tv series though?!! ermagersh *flails forever*

  11. I haven't read the Throne of Glass series yet (started it), but I agree! Haha. I agree with Dangerous Girls too despite not reading/finishing it yet (started it). And I agree with The Distance Between Us even though, you guessed it, I haven't read it. I did read TATBILB and All The Bright Places! I need ATBP to come out now, though I don't think my heart could take it.


    1. I need all of these adaptations asap. I hope they start working on them all soon.

  12. Throne of Glass... I wonder would it be better as an epic TV show? Like The Tudors? I'd DIE for this to be put on the screen, but knowing Hollywood they would royally mess it up and cast Shailene Woodley or something. I kind of saw Josh Hutcherson as Dorian, I hadn't really pinned my Chaol, loving your choice though, I saw Natalie Dormer as a potential Celaena and Kat Graham as Nehemia. I REALLY need to read Dangerous Boys and Forbidden this year, and soon, and Noughts and Crosses is such a DUH choice for me, why the hell has this never been made?!

    My TTT: https://confessionsofabookgeek.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/top-ten-tuesday-book-bloggers-i-give-my-love-to/

    1. The more I think about ToG the more I think it needs to be an epic TV show. I'm thinking a Game of Thrones style one. Where there's 13 amazing episodes a season and they include every little thing. It needs to happen!!!

  13. I haven't read Maas' series... YET but I wouldn't rush a movie. It could turn out like Vampire Academy or The Duff. Neither of which are anything like the book and were huge disappointments.

    How on earth am I just not finding out what Forbidden is about. I've seen the cover but had no idea it was an incest romance. Not that that is my thing, by any means, but it would definitely be completely different from all the other YA books I've read. I'm seriously checking to see if my library has it.... and the verdict... YES! I will be picking it up tomorrow :) Along with a copy of These Broken Stars that's been waiting for me.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. Haha, too true. Although I read The Duff and saw the movie and I did enjoy both, even though the movie was NOTHING like the book... AT ALL!

      I hope you enjoy Forbidden if and when you get to read it! :)

  14. OMFG yaaaas if Dangerous Girls was a movie I'd try to go to every single showing to watch everyone's reactions to the ending. I would love for ToG to be a movie! It'd be glamorous. AHAHAHAH Dorian is exactly that

    1. I know.... I WOULD TO! Dangerous Girls the movie NEEDS to be a thing, I should definitely start work on that.

  15. Oh My Goodness Dangerous Girls would be so very awesome. These Broken Stars and Naughts and Crosses i am good for too.
    great list.

  16. OMG You're making me imagine Dangerous Girls as a movie and that's not good. BECAUSE NOW I JUST DESPERATELY WANT TO SEE IT. It'd be a fantastic cinematic work, imagine the suspense.

  17. Have you ever been reading a book and pictured a certain Hollywood star playing one of the characters? www.thebookcaster.com allows you to "cast" a book. Check it out. Pretty fun.

  18. I still haven't read Crown of Midnight or This Shattered World, but I'd love to see those series be adapted into films...as long as they were done well, of course! I also would love to see My Life Next Door and The Distance Between Us on the big screen - so cute! But not too cute...I haven't read the other books yet, BUT I WANT TO READ THEM ALL RIGHT NOW. ESPECIALLY ALL THE BIRGHT PLACES. AND, WHAT?! I had no idea that was already optioned for a film adaptation...I just want to have read these all already and see the fantastically-done film adaptations...fantastic choice of topic this week, Charnell! <3

    1. Yes, it's already got some of the cast sorted as well. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!! :)

  19. I want them to make 'Noughts and Crosses' so bad - as a tv drama at least! Although it could be due to the reverse races thing that they haven't made it? As the crosses are generally the bad guys they'd have to be careful that it didn't come across as racist, which would defeat the whole point. The Royal Shakespeare Company did do it as a play a few years ago though, which was amazing!


    1. I KNOW, NOUGHTS & CROSSES NEEDS TO BE MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Max Irons as Chaol….YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. ~Pam

  21. I haven't read Dangerous girls but it sounds interesting.



  23. EXACTLY. This is in the world where they get it 100% right and I love them all from beginning to end.


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