Why Does Life Always Get In The Way?

This is definitely not going to be a discussion post at all, but I needed a pretty header to go at the top of this post and there was no way I was going to make one at midnight. I have to be up early tomorrow so my level of care right now is very small. I just wanted to do a very quick catch up post to discuss my week and everything. I've been rather absent blog wise, but that's because life has been doing it's usual thing and getting in the way. I've also not been able to find much time to read, which has really sucked this week , especially since I have so many awesome books I want to read right now. 

I've barely had any time for the blog or reading in the last week or so, which is why I've not really posted anything. I found out earlier in the week that I have an interview next Thursday for a Library supervisor post. I am super nervous, especially since I wasn't really expecting to get an interview. I really want the job, but am not really sure I have a good chance of getting it, it's a much higher position than the one I'm in now. Interviews are also scary things and just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I've honestly not been able to think about anything else since I found out. So I'll probably be posting very little from now until then. In that time I'll be prepping for the interview and hoping I don't make a total tit out of myself on the day. Wish me luck and keep your fingers and toes crossed.

I also wanted to share how excited I am for the blogger brunch that I'm going to today. I was invited by Scholastic to attend the brunch that they are hosting. It's going to be a lot of fun, I get to meet other bloggers, two authors (whose debuts I can't wait for!), and also get to find out all about the books that Scholastic have coming out. It's going to be awesome and I can't wait to go and discuss all things bookish. I'll definitely be doing a post about that very soon to let you all know how it went. 

I thought I'd also let you all know that I am hosting a giveaway over on Instagram, for any of you wonderful people who are on there. You can find it here. It's also a brilliant time for me to talk about how obsessed I have become with Instagram. It is bad for me. I really should be banned from it. I can't stop taking photos of books, even when James gives me strange looks for it. It's also got me buying new books I don't need just because they look so pretty on Instagram. Yes, I have a problem.

  Talon by Julie Kagawa: Review 
  My Weekly Book Haul: 17/01/2015 
  The Door That Led To Where by Sally Gardner: Review 


  1. Good luck for the interview!!! They wouldn't have called you if they weren't interested!! Fingers crossed!! R x

  2. Good luck on your interview!

  3. P.S. You should mention that you are skilled in prioritizing goals (i.e. realizing that sleep was more important than creating a new banner.)

    1. Haha... EXACTLY!!!! ;) I think that's why they gave me the job.

  4. Good luck with the interview and have so much fun tomorrow at the brunch! You are going to have a great time!!

  5. GOOD LUCK WITH THE INTERVIEW CHARNELL! Tbh my level of care is small nowadays as well. Because by the time I get back from work or wherever the hell I find myself nowadays (lol that sounds so shady...it's not, promise) I'm exhausted. It's midnight by the time I have time to myself and it's sleep or blog? And god, I use to choose blog all the time and it physically and mentality exhausted myself to the point where I pretty much burned out (or to my standards). I'm a little better now, but am I really? I think now it's just me and picking up my slack in the AM time. But yeah, YOU ROCK FOR SLEEPING OVER BANNER! <3

    1. Thank you. It was clearly the best decision ;) I needed sleep in my life more than I needed a banner.

  6. Good luck with the interview! I'll be crossing my fingers and toes for you!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

  7. Hope the interview goes well!
    And I hope you enjoy the brunch :)

  8. Oh good luck with the interview! Hope the brunch was a blast!

  9. Good luck with the interview! Hope you enjoyed the brunch!

  10. LOL!! But it's so much fun to take pictures of pretty books. I personally prefer Pinterest, but I can see where the addiction to instagram might come from. That giveaway sounds fun, and I DO want to read Talon, but I have so many other books to read right now that I'm giving it a miss. Good luck for your interview, and have fun at your blogger brunch - now that sounds REALLY fun! Tell us all about them next week :3

  11. YOU DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM. Instagram is awesome and perfection and I love it so much too. x) I get stuck on waiting to photograph whole series though. My feed is stuffed with Maze Runner photos atm. XD haha. OMG GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR JOB INTERVIEW THOUGH!! I really hope it goes well...don't be too nervous. x)

    1. Instagram is awesome... I MISS IT! I've not had the time recently.

  12. Ooh, GOOD LUCK with your job interview, Charnell!! Hope you enjoyed the brunch as well!

    It really can suck when life ends up getting in the way, but blogging (and all of us!) will be here when things settle down again :) Hope you have a great weekend, and get some relaxing in (and it'll hopefully help with the pre-interview jitters! *huge hugs*)

  13. Oh no, it is okay to be absent for a while. You did explain why there would be less posting before! And I thought you were pretty active this week? Or maybe it was last week O.o That's my memory. ANYWAY, I hope the interview goes well! You might say it is difficult, but you have a chance of getting that job, so go for it ;) And the brunch sounds awesome!

  14. Good luck with the interview and hope you had fun at the blogger brunch!! ~Pam

  15. Unfortunately life always gets in the way. It makes me sad :( I had midterms last week but I also took the week off beforehand to study and then I have college prep tests I need to take soon, ahhh too much is pulling me away from blogging. Oh and there's still school as well. Ahhh.

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I hate when I feel like everything is pulling me away from the blog, but it seems to be happening far too much recently.


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