Top Ten Tuesday: My Favourite Heroines From Books/Movies/TV


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

My favourite heroines from books/movies/TV.

Yay! Time to give some of the most awesome women some major love. I have no idea how I am supposed to pick only ten, that seems impossible to me. I am going to try my hardest to not go too crazy with this list, but you should probably know by now that I am not very good at restraining myself.

hp animated GIF Hermione Granger

Hermione will probably always find herself at the top of my list because I think she's such a wonderful heroine. She's a total bookworm, which I can obviously relate to, plus she's smart, loyal and brave. She's also a brilliant friend to Ron and Harry and they probably wouldn't have gotten much done without her, something even they can acknowledge. She's a character that grows so much but is always true to herself, I always loved that about her. Her greatest moments for me are probably when she wipes her parents memories in order to protect them. And also when she refuses to abandon Harry, even when others do. 

Mrs Weasley

I have to give Mrs Weasley her own spot on this list because that woman is incredible! I can't really sum up just how much I love Mrs Weasley. Her greatest moment for me will always be the 'Not my daughter, you bitch!' moment because it's possibly one of the greatest book moments of all time. Mrs Weasley is one of my favourite heroines because she's a genuinely nice person, she makes Harry and Hermione a part of her family. She also loves her family so much, even when certain members (*cough* Percy!) aren't acting in a way that's worthy of it. I have so much respect for her as a character, the woman who just wanted to protect the ones she loved, whilst knowing that they needed to make a stand and fight. Bravo, Molly, bravo!

Luna Lovegood, Nymphadora Tonks & Ginny Weasley

Luna is an obvious choice, if you can't figure out why she makes the list then you've clearly never read the books. Tonks won me over the moment she appeared in the series and I know there will never be a time when she won't be one of my favourite heroines. I'm a fan of the brave women who put themselves in danger for the greater good. I'm probably a fan of them because they're a million times braver than me. I really like Ginny Weasley... IN THE BOOK. They ruined her in the movie for a many number of reasons, but the biggest one was poor casting. It's hard to get it right when you're casting so young, not knowing what will be expected of the characters later on. 

Celaena Sardothien 

If you have seen my flailing, fangirling reviews of any of the Throne of Glass books then you'll already know that I adore Celaena Sardothien. She is one of my all time favourite heroines. She could kick my ass, and I respect that, whilst also being way more girly than I could ever hope to be. She is also a lover of food and books, that girls got the greatest taste in all things - including guards! If I could pick one word to describe her then it would be strong, something she shows again and again throughout the series.
Arya Stark

I can't comment too much on book Arya, because so far I have only read book 1 in the series, but I am up to date on the TV show. I was always going to connect with and root for Arya, the girl who's a total tomboy at heart. I was such a tomboy as a child, I'd be the one wanting to learn to fight with swords if all the boys got to. She also has the strength to carry on and keep going, even when she loses some of the most important people in her life. 

Daenerys Targaryen

The woman has dragons.... DRAGONS?!? I'm sorry, but how could I not love the mother of dragons. I love her. Yes, my love is based entirely on the TV show but I don't care. I'm scared to see what becomes of this character as the series goes on, the ending to season 4 broke my little dragon loving heart a little bit. 

Lyra Belacqua

I still have so much love and respect for Lyra. I'm pretty sure if I have have a girl then she will be named after this wonderful character. She starts out as this, at times rather irritating, little girl and develops so much over the course of the series. She was one of my favourite characters as a little girl and she still comes to mind whenever anyone asks me about my favourite book heroines. 

Mulan, Merida & Belle

One of the few things I love as much as Harry Potter are Disney movies. How could I list my favourite heroines and not include a few Disney characters? I could probably list 20 of my favourites, but I'm going to be good and only name three. I pick Mulan because she goes to war in order to protect her father. I pick Merida because she wouldn't allow someone to tell her who she should marry or how she should act. I pick Belle because of her love of books, and that she tells Gaston where to go. 
Debra Morgan

I own every series of Dexter on DVD, except for the final season - I just continue to pretend that it never happened. Debra has always been my favourite character from that show, even more than Dexter. I love her entire personality, especially the part of her that can't seem to stop swearing. I like to swear, I do it frequently, so it's nice to find a kindred spirit in Debs in that regard. 

My Weekly Book Haul: 14/02/15
Invaded by Melissa Landers
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Big Hero 6
My Weekly Recap: 21/02/2015
Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

I've got a UK only and an international giveaway on the blog at the minute - both are for copies of The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melissa Landers. For more details and to enter go here


  1. The last few I don't know but I totally agree on the others! Some of my most favorite characters are from the H.P. series and from the Throne of Glass series.

    1. There are so many wonderful heroines that it was hard to try and just pick ten of them.

  2. I agree about Hermione being at the top of the list, she's an amazing heroine! Great post x<3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

  3. Hermione has been mentioned in a lot of these posts! I definitely need to read Throne of Glass - I've heard so many great things about it.
    Beth x

  4. Brilliant. I agree with all of these but the last once, since I've not seen Dexter so I can't comment! Love all the Harry Potter picks. And Celaena is just so amazing.

    1. I'd say watch Dexter but the last season was so awful that I don't want to wish that upon anyone ;)

  5. Great idea including Mrs. Weasly! I love that lady. She is one of the coolest and sweetest moms in literature.

  6. Daenerys is a bad ass, for sure!! I love her!

  7. Debra is such a good one I missed! Her sailor's mouth is awesome, always saying things as they are. I love that about her.

  8. Debra is such a good one I missed! Her sailor's mouth is awesome, always saying things as they are. I love that about her.

  9. Oh wow! Love a lot of these! Pretty much all the HP girls! Belle!! BELLE!!! Mulan and Merida were incredible too! And Deb!! OMG! That woman had a mouth on her, but she was an amazing sister to Dexter! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha, I loved Debs mouth! My favourite thing about her ;)

  10. Rowling definitely knows how to write strong females. They could totally kick anyone's ass.
    Celaena, of course. It's really hard to beat her as one of my top leading ladies. Really I just want to be her. Like really, really badly.
    I still have not watched/read GoT. :O I know....But the hype monster is really destroying that one for me. I don't really why... I'll get to it at some point.
    I feel like Belle is my kindred spirit. Lol. I just really need to live in that library. I would forever be happy there.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. You need to get to GoT. The hype monster better not ruining it for you though!!!

  11. Great list! I included Hermione and Celaena on my list. I have a ASOIAF/Game of Thrones character on my list but it's nor Arya or Dany. They're characters that I like but over time I started loving a different character more. On the note of Arya, if you liked her before you are going to love her in season 5, her stuff from the book that they're doing is really amazing!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. It really is!!!! I am absolutely adoring season 5, I need all the episodes now.

  12. Fantastic list :D
    I totally get you with Dexter. Especially the last episode of the last series. Never even happened.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  13. I love Celaena, too! She's easily one of my all-time favourite heroines. And, I literally LOL'd when you said Celaena had the best taste in guards! Chaolaena better win :D And I LOVE Belle! I adore Disney movies. (And all things Disney!) Ooh, now I need to go watch Beauty and the Beast! Fab list!

    1. Chaolaena has to win or I'm throwing the last book against the wall and then setting it on fire.

  14. Mrs. Weasley is brilliant! She's so easily overlooked but she's definitely a fantastic heroine. Luna and Belle are great choices too. Great list!

  15. I'm sensing some Harry Potter fangirling here...*grins* There were a few other than Hermione that I wanted to include but with ten choices it was hard...

  16. I adore Luna Lovegood. I even named my German Sheperd after her. She is one of my all time favorite charcters. Great list.

  17. Disney princesses! I only included characters from books on my list, but I wish I would have though about Disney. Great picks.
    - Emma Likes Books

  18. I have only read the first two Harry Potter books (I'm getting to the rest, I promise!) which is why I can only really relate to the Hermione one, which I completely agree with. But I have yet to see much about the other characters you have mentioned. Mulan and Belle, yes <3 I think my third princess would definitely be Tiana though - I love how much she worked for what she wanted, and learned the balance between working and fun. I have only read the first game of thrones and can already say I love Arya and her independence, as well as Daenerys.

  19. WELL. I love Hermione and Mrs. Weasley (!!) and Merida. And I've only read the first book of Lyra's but she was adorable and so tough in the first so I'm rooting for her too. ;-) AND MERIDA. SHE HAS GREAT HAIR AND GREAT ATTITUDE.

    1. YAY!!! I can't believe you're reading the His Dark Materials series, I really hope you love it.

  20. Amazing list! Celaena is on my list too! Such a kick-ass character! Can't believe I still haven't picked up the second book in the series! Need to get to that soon! I haven't read the HP series but from what I've heard Hermione seems like an amazing character! And also, Belle! Of all the disney princesses she's probably my favorite! Such a beautiful movie Beauty and the Beast was! That library scene.... so many books!

  21. Love your list. Awesome HP picks and love the Disney ones too!

  22. Arya is my favourite Song of Ice and Fire character! I haven't been following the tv series - I've read the first 3 books so far. Loving the Disney heroines as well!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  23. I haven't heard of a few of these, but I totally agree with Harry Potter, Disney, Lyra, and Celaena. They are great characters :)

  24. Great list!!!! I love that you didn't just stick with books. I haven't read the books yet but I've loved the Game of Thrones show. Plus who doesn't love a princess of two and you picked my personal favorites =D Thanks for sharing this week. Happy reading My TTT

    1. I had to go with more than just book characters, so many amazing heroines to mention!

  25. Celaena made my list as well! (SUCH a great character!!!) And Mulan/Merida/Belle are all AWESOME! Great list!

    Em @

  26. I love Dexter, so Debra Morgan is a great choice - I like her way with words :D (I couldn't believe that ending of the final series though!!! NOT what I would have expected or wanted at all)
    Belle is another favourite of mine too, and I can't believe I forgot Mrs Weasley and Tonks.

    Great list!

    1. She is AMAZING!!!! I hated the end of that series, it was so bad.

  27. MULAN! She's one of my favourite disney heroes, I'm just so surprised that not that many people know about her! I totally agree with all of the Harry Potter characters, especially Hermione. And Arya and Dany, definitely!

  28. Oh I need to get the rest of Dexter. I got rid of cable and just never finished those. Did like her though :)

  29. Hermione and Celaena are two of my favorites! I also really like Arya and Danaerys :) Debra has such a foul mouth, haha. BELLE BELLE BELLE. Yes to that :)

    1. She has a foul mouth but it's the thing I love most about her ;) haha

  30. Yours is one of the best lists I've seen :-D loved and agreed with all of your answers!


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