Unleashed by Sophie Jordan

Unleashed (Uninvited, #2)Title: Unleashed (Uninvited #2)
Author: Sophie Jordan
Publisher: Harper Teen
Buy this book: Amazon (US) / Amazon (UK) / Book Depository
Davy has spent the last few months trying to convince herself that even though she tested positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome (HTS), she wasn't the murderer everyone saw her as. But they may have been right about her all along. Because now Davy has killed.    On the run from a brutal military training camp for HTS carriers, Davy meets a band of rebels led by the charismatic Caden. He encourages Davy to join his group and fight for carriers, but as Davy struggles to trust Caden's violent world and her growing feelings for him-she also questions her own potential for violence, which could be lying dormant just below the surface. But if she doesn't belong with Caden and his followers, is there anywhere she can call home? 
When I saw Caden in the blurb and not Sean.
I know quite a few people didn't enjoy book one in this series, Uninvited, but I absolutely loved it. Most people weren't happy that there wasn't an explanation provided about the HTS gene and how that is even supposed to work. But I'm the girl who enjoys superhero movies, if I was going to sit there and question the actual science behind them then I wouldn't enjoy them half as much. Sometimes you just have to enjoy the story for what it is, a piece of fiction. My review for Uninvited was really glowing, I was completely won over by all of the action, but also by the romance between Davy and Sean. So imagine my surprise when the plot summary for book two doesn't even mention Sean once. I was not happy with that and I became very nervous to start this book, especially with the mention of a new male character, I began to worry that this was going to turn into another horrid love triangle book and I was not looking forward to it.

I wish that I was able to say that I enjoyed Unleashed just as much as I did Uninvited, but I would most definitely be lying. I was so disappointed by this book and part of me really wishes that I hadn't read it and had just made up my own conclusion to this duology. We come into the story right where book one left off, Davy and the others have managed to escape the training camp and are about to make the crossing into Mexico. It's painfully obvious from the blurb that she's not going to be sticking with these guys for too long, and that happens by about page 70. Davy finds herself in trouble and is rescued by a guy who just happens to be part of a resistance cell and is going to go out of his way to save her from everything.

When I realise a books going to be ALL romance.
What I really liked about book one was the fact that the romance in it wasn't the main focus. I've said time and time again that I don't mind romance in my reads, as long as that romance only takes up a small part of the plot. Uninvited did this well, the romance was there but it was more of a slow build and wasn't the focus of the story. I liked that I couldn't put the book down because it had a lot of action to it. As Unleashed was the concluding book to the series, I assumed it would be packed full of action and I'd be reading into the early hours of the morning, unable to put the book down. I couldn't have been more wrong, this book became all about the romance. What makes that a million times more frustrating is the fact it's a completely new romance to book one. Maybe some authors can pull of introducing an entirely new love interest and get you to suddenly root for them, but this did not work here.

I liked Davy in book one, by the end she was becoming strong and didn't constantly need Sean to keep jumping in and rescuing her. I didn't like that we suddenly have a new guy show up who feels the need to constantly jump in and save her. You'd also think that being part of the group that's trying to take down the Wainwright Agency that Davy would get to play some role in this. She doesn't. Everything happens without her because she's too busy having yet another romance storyline with a guy I don't really care for. I was hoping for action, suspense and twists and turns, what I got was romance and melodrama.

2/5 Butterflies

I can't even begin to express just how disappointed I was with this conclusion. It had zero of what I was hoping for and just ended up making me really annoyed. Book one was really good, it was one of my favourite reads last year, and there's nothing more disappointing then when the conclusion to a series doesn't live up to your expectations. I received this book filled with excitement, so sure that I was going to absolutely love it. But, quite honestly, my feelings can be summed up in one gif:

Yay, this is going to be epic. Lets get my celebratory cake ready! Wait.... what? What? Ehhhhh, f*ck this sh*t.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review.


  1. Hiii! :D

    I'm sorry you didn't like this :(
    I have the first one signed and i wanted to read it. Hopefully I'll like it a little bit :3

    Ps. If you'd like to, stop by my blog and say hi <3

    Frannie @ In clouds of pages

    1. I really did love the first book, but I just felt like book two was a huge disappointment. I wish I'd stopped after one.

  2. That's a bummer! I've read a few reviews already that said similar things. This book was all about the romance and a new one at that! Harsh. I'll still need to read it myself since I ordered a copy, but at least I will go into it prepared. Nice, honest review!

    1. I just son't get what the author was thinking. Why waste a whole first book building up the romance with one guy and then just suddenly push him out the way. Maybe it's more realistic to real life and how quickly teen relationships can move on, but it doesn't make it any less annoying when you're reading it!!!

  3. An entirely new love interest? WHY? I don't even . . . what's the point of book one if that's the case? And surely the conclusion to a duology should be all action and GAH. Me no likes this

    1. It was sooooo disappointing. I couldn't believe that was what Jordan decided to do for the final book. The new love interest just bugged me, I don't get the point of wasting a whole book on one love interest, just to get rid of them straight away in book two. NOPE!

  4. I don't question all the how behind everything either, if I did there would be a lot of books that I've loved that would have lower ratings.

    I'm so disappointed with everything I've been hearing about this book, I LOVED Uninvited so much and I couldn't wait for this one. But because Sean isn't mentioned in the summary, I read a few spoilers and it infuriated me. I think I'm going to skip it and pretend that what I imagined is real haha.

    1. YES! Do it! I really wish I had skipped this entire book because it was so not worth it in the end.

    2. YES! Do it! I really wish I had skipped this entire book because it was so not worth it in the end.

  5. Wow. I hate when this happens with a series. Too often the first book is WONDERFUL and then it just tappers off into under three stars. I'm sorry this one was so disappointing. Thanks for the warning though. I don't want to read a series if it ends this terribly.

    1. It really was. I really wish I had just skipped it and made up the ending myself, I would have been a lot happier with it then.

  6. I really did love the first book and I am so sad this has gotten such bad reviews from so many people. I so wanted to read it but I think I will just pass on it now and remember the first book for what it was, a great read and leave it at that.
    Wonderful honest review! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    1. I think that's probably for the best, I really wish that I had left it at book one and not continued. It's ruined the series for me.

    To be honest, I've been cautious of Uninvited for a looong time and I couldn't manage to find it at the library so I haven't really gone for it. *shrugs* I've just seen a bunch of lousy reviews. BUT! The premise is too awesome so I want to try. It so so so sucks the sequel is just a dive in the wrong direction. :(

    1. Haha thank you! It perfectly summed up my feelings.

      THE SEQUEL RUINS IT. Read one and then make up your own ending ;)

  8. I was really looking forward to this book too, but had read a couple of reviews that basically said what you did. Why a new love interest? I hate that idea. I may just end up skipping this one…thanks for the warning! ~Pam

    1. I definitely recommend skipping, this book ruined the series for me.

  9. Oh, it's a shame you couldn't like this one as much as the first. I haven't read the first but it is on my TBR so I want to! I don't like it when romances take over complete novels as well, and it is pretty surprising to hear about it being a new love interest. That doesn't happen too often! Good review, but it's a shame the end of the two books wasn't as great :(

    1. I don't know why Jordan would do this to me. I am still not over it, haha! ;)

  10. I wasn't a huge fan of the first book and I'm not done with book two but I'm having the same issues you are

    1. It disappointed me so much, makes me tempted to just get rid of my copy of book one.

  11. That last bit actually had to cracking up laughing. So. Funny. Weeeell, I have never heard of this book or the preceding one, but it doesn't really sound like my thing...

    Being a english lit uni student, I have been trained to analyse everything I possibly can however possible. So it's reeeally hard for me to just enjoy a piece of fiction for what it is, because if there's a gaping hole, it just sits there staring at me and I slowly go mad trying to figure it out.

    OMG that reminds me have you read The Falconer? (Entirely unrelated, just needed to ask the question LOL). Thanks for sharing your review!

    1. Haha, thank you. That gif just perfectly summed up my mood when reading this book. It was so bad it could make me leave cake in anger.

      Nope. But I own it. Have you read it. Is it good?

  12. That stinks. I prefer my reads the other way around. Romance with a chaser of something else. But I don't know about that bringing in a new love interest for the 2nd. That would be hard to pull off.

  13. I was one of the ones that found Uninvited kind of bland because of the romance, and a shame about this new guy that pops out of nowhere. I don't think I will read this one. Great review Charnell, I hope your next book is better.

    1. I definitely recommend skipping. I don't think you would enjoy this at all!

  14. After she leaves them does she ever see them again?


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