A Colleen Hoover Mini Review Extravaganza!

Title: Hopeless
Author: Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria
Buy this book: Amazon (US ), Amazon (UK), Book Depository
Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies... That's what seventeen-year-old Sky realises after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she's never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried. Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he's nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn't at all who who he's claiming to be. When the secrets he's been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky's life will change forever.
Me with every new Colleen Hoover book.
If you have been following the blog for a while then you should probably know by now that I absolutely adore Colleen Hoover. I love her, not just her books but her as a person. She's not only wonderfully hilarious, she is also ridiculously generous. Her social media posts make me far too happy. Her books always impress me and make me realise that I shouldn't give up on the new adult genre.

Hoover is now an auto-buy author for me, I pre-order all her books as soon they are announced and then spend my time eagerly awaiting their arrival. But for some reason I have owned Hopeless for over a year now and have only just gotten to it. I'm obviously regretting that decision now, because I read it and ended up loving it, the same way I do all of her books.

Hoover's writing style is one that I just find exceptionally easy to read and her books are the ones that I always find myself getting lost in. I find her books almost impossible to put down once I have started them, which usually results in me forgetting to eat or sleep and suffering the next day because of it. But then it's always worth it!

Hopeless was a lot harder for me to read than her other books, mostly because it deals with topics that aren't the easiest to read about. The summary plays on the whole secrets will be revealed type of storyline, but there is so much more going on in this book. I must admit that a lot of the revelations are ones that the reader can figure out for themselves very quickly, we're just kind of left waiting for Sky to play catch up with us. Now, although it can get a little frustrating, it kept me reading because I needed her to realise the truth.

Holder and Sky are likeable characters, much like all the characters that Hoover writes, but both are a little strange and messed up in their own ways. They're not really the type of characters that I can easily relate to, but that's probably because of how they have been changed over the years by events in their lives. Holder has he whole broody, staring thing going on for him at the beginning, which never works for me. But he slowly seems to move pass that and actually gets a personality and completely wins me over.

The romance in this is what most Hoover fans love about this book, and I admit that it can be very cute. But it is also very intense and very complicated and sooooo romantic at times. Some people love the romance, but I'm the person who reads the really romance filled parts of books and tries not to cringe. Not in a horrible way, I'm just one of those people. Like, if I'm buying a birthday card, I'm going to go for a funny or insulting one over a card that goes on and on about how amazing you are and how I hope you have the most wonderful day.

4/5 Butterflies 

I feel like it's been so long since I have wrote a review that I have forgotten how to even go about it, I'm not even sure what I want to say about this book. I did really enjoy it, I always enjoy Hoover's books, but it just wasn't what I was expecting. It's a book that could be very predictable, but also very shocking and hard to read. Some of it just doesn't feel very believable to me, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not my favourite Hoover book, but I still highly recommend it.

Title: Losing Hope
Author: Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria
Buy this book: Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Book Depository
Hopeless was Sky's story. Now, in Losing Hope, we finally learn the truth about Dean Holder. Haunted by the little girl he couldn't save from imminent danger, Holder's life has been overshadowed by feelings of guilt and remorse. He has never stopped searching for her, believing that finding her would bring him the peace he needs to move on. However, Holder could not have anticipated that he would be faced with even greater pain the moment they reconnect.
After reading Hopeless, I already knew that I was going to run straight to my bookcase and grab my copy of Losing Hope. I wanted more of the story, more of the characters and I definitely needed Holder's point of view. I needed his point of view so badly, I'd spent most of my time reading Hopeless waiting I could get his perspective on things.

I will admit that I have never been much of a fan of books that are just the same story but from a different characters perspective. Especially when the authors are just really lazy about it, and literaly do the exact same book with the scenes from someone else's point of view. But I knew I could trust Colleen Hoover not to do that, she would actually give a proper insight into Holder's character and a story of his own. This was a book that actually allows you to get know and understand Holder better, which was something I was in desperate need of after reading Hopeless.

4/5 Butterflies

Title: Finding Cinderella
Author: Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria
Buy this book: Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Book Depository
A chance encounter in the dark leads eighteen-year-old Daniel and the girl who stumbles across him to profess their love for each other. But this love comes with conditions: they agree it will only last one hour and it will only be make-believe. When their hour is up and the girl rushes off like Cinderella, Daniel tries to convince himself that what happened between them only seemed perfect because they were pretending it was perfect. Moments like that with girls like her don't happen outside of fairytales. One year and one bad relationship later, his disbelief in insta-love is stripped away the day he meets Six: a girl with a strange name and an even stranger personality. Daniel soon realises the way he pretended to feel about Cinderella and the way he really feels about Six may not be so different after all. Especially when the two loves of his life end up being one in the same. Unfortunately for Daniel, finding Cinderella doesn't guarantee their happily ever after... it only further threatens it.
I was so excited to get to this novella, Daniel and Six are both hilarious characters. Daniel and Six are characters we first met in Hopeless, Daniel being Dean's best friend and Six being Sky's best friend. They're both great characters, so getting a story revolved around them was something I was so excited for. There is a big part of me really wishes that this could have been a full book, I didn't get my fill of Daniel and Six.

I felt like this book, quite like Hopeless, could be a little ridiculous at times, which could make it a little hard for me to get completely lost in the story. But this was a beyond adorable story and Daniel and Six are so bloody cute together. This is a novella that you definitely don't want to skip, it's well worth the read. I don't even feel like you need to read Hopeless if you don't want to, you could just go read this adorably cute, sickeningly romantic novella.

Daniel was a character that won me over completely, I really adore that guy. He is so funny and I loved his playful personality and the wicked sense of humour that he has. He clearly gets it from his family, who are just as funny and his parents had me cracking up with how easily they could embarrass him in front of Six. They're the funny parents that I love to see, in a way they remind me of the parents in Easy A - who are the ultimate funny parents!

4/5 Butterflies

If you are looking for a short, quick and super adorable read then I would definitely recommend this one. I just love everything Hoover writes, so there was no way I wasn't going to enjoy this. But it has two fantastic main characters, not to mention that you get to see more of Holder and Sky!

Title: Confess
Author: Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria
Buy this book: Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Book Depository
Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there's no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn't expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry. For once, Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover Owen is keeping major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it. The last thing Owen wants is to love Auburn, but he can't seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin...
Dear Colleen Hoover,


I adore this woman, she has yet to disappoint me when it comes to her books. I just can't get enough of them, they're the kind of books I get completely caught up in and make me ignore anything else until I have finished. Confess was another book that I thoroughly enjoyed, and proves once again why Hoover is an auto-buy author for me.

Auburn is desperately in need of a job, so when she sees a job being advertised in a local art gallery she knows she has to apply. This is where she meets Owen, the talented artist who owns the studio. Now this is a Colleen Hoover a book, so of course I expect the two to spend a ton of time together, and eventually fall in love. This is a given, it's everything else that comes along with it that surprises me every time.

There was always going to be more to this story than just two people falling for each other, I'd be pretty disappointed if there wasn't. Sometimes this book just seemed to be filled with too much drama, most of which felt very forced and unnecessary. I love Hoover books because they usually aren't ridiculously drama filled like a lot of other new adult books I have seen. But this one almost found itself wandering into that territory. Luckily, Hoover's writing is solid enough that I can see past all the drama and appreciate the story.

I loved the art studio and the whole idea behind Owen's paintings. He gets members of the public to anonymously leave confessions, that he then uses as inspiration for his paintings. Colleen Hoover writes at the end that the confessions in the book are all real, and all were submitted to her by readers. I really wish that weren't the case because some of them were so shocking and heartbreaking. The book also includes paintings that are absolutely stunning and I am so tempted to buy myself some.

4/5 Butterflies

I love me some Hoover! This one was just as addictive as all of her other books, I literally read it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. It's not my favourite Hoover book, Maybe Someday still holds the crown, but I did enjoy it and would recommend it. Although, let's be honest, I'd recommend anything by Hoover because I love that woman and all her books. 

Title: Never Never Part 2
Author: Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
Publisher: Atria
Buy this book: Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Book Depository
"Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you'll be my last.And never stop loving me between all of them.Never stop, Charlie.Never forget."
Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. And now, the stakes are higher as Silas' control slips and others begin to point fingers. Charlie is in trouble and he must be the one to bridge the chasm between their past and their present. Because somewhere between I love yous and Never Nevers and Never Agains, a truth they can't imagine, beckons to be found.
"Where are you, Charlie?"

This novella series hurts my brain! It just confuses the absolute hell out of me because I still can't make up my mind about what I think about it. I read the first book and immediately gave it a 5/5 rating. But then I thought about it and gave it a 3/5 rating because it has a mystery element to it that is frustrating. Two characters are losing their memory, repeatedly and neither of them knows why. I felt like unless it turned out that this was for a very valid and believable reason then it would kind of ruin the book for me. But I had a reread before getting to part two and realised that it still felt like a great read to me.

Part two hasn't really answered any of the big questions, which is a little frustrating. But they've announced it's going to only be a three part series and so at least I know I don't have long to wait before I can get answers.... YAY! I finally read my first Tarryn Fisher novel though and it was equally strange and the answers it provided was not good. So I am a little bit nervous about how this will all work out. I just really hope it makes sense.

This book gave a little more insight into Charlie and Silas and their relationship. It was so cute at times, but that just worked to confuse me even more. Part one just showed that they weren't really treating each other very well. I am still so confused by how they worked as a couple and I would definitely like that to be made clearer in the next part.

4/5 Butterflies


  1. I just (finally) read Slammed (and all the others in the series) and loved, loved them! I can't believe I waited so long to read them. Hopeless is up next for me but her and I can't wait to get to it!

    1. I hope you love them too! Slammed was definitely a book I loved and I enjoyed the other two books in the series.

  2. So much CoHo in one post! I LOVE this! I've read all of these except Never Never Part 2 (I can't deal with a big ass cliffhanger right now) and my thoughts aren't much different from yours. I ADORE this woman. Great reviews R x

  3. Oh wow, it looks like none of these books got lower than four stars! You really did love them all, which is a great thing! This author seems like the one for you :) I am glad you like her writing style so much. Saying that, I should really quit lagging and try out one of her books at some point. It sounds like starting with anyone will be the best way to go, seeing as they are all fab.

    1. I really did, although Hoover never seems to disappoint me.

  4. Have to admit I've not read this author yet. Looks like it's time I start. Fantastic review!
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  5. Soooo, funny story. I used to love Colleen Hoover. Hopeless and Slammed are two of my favorite books/series. But her recent stuff has KILLED me. I just don't like the direction her stories have taken. :/
    But I'm glad you loved these books much! I, too, love that we got Holder's POV. Definitely worth it. :)

    1. I'm a little nervous to read her next couple of books as I worry my opinion on her books will change.

  6. I've only read one Hoover's books, Maybe Someday, and I really love it! Hopeless and Losing Hope seems great too. I should start reading those two! Great review :)

    Tiffany @ The Bookish Thought

    1. I have enjoyed every one of her books so far! I highly recommend them all ;)

  7. Dang, looks like I should get my hands on one of her books soon, I STILL have yet to read anything by her but now I am really excited to. I absolutely adore a good romance, and the settings seem fun as well.

  8. I like Colleen Hoover too, but sometimes I get a little tired of the issuey books with the damaged characters. I have to be in a certain mood, that's for sure. Never Never…loved the first one, but it is frustrating to only read part of a book. That's why I haven't read the second part yet, I'm just going to wait until it's done and read it all. But yeah, she's an auto-buy author for me too. ~Pam

    1. Sometimes I do too, but her books have yet to disappoint me yet.

  9. CoHo be the queen!
    Are you all caught up on her published books now? The only one I've not read is Never Never Part 2. But that's because I didn't like Part 1. I know, blasphemy. :(
    It's always hard to pick a favourite. But Maybe Someday will be a hard one to beat. I just re-read it and loved it even more.
    Hopeless and Losing Hope were both five star reads for me. I actually think I enjoyed Losing Hope a little more. I really loved Holder's POV.
    Confess was a little bit of a disappointment for me. I still gave it a four. But I just felt like it was a little too forced with the romance. And I didn't always like Auburn. The anger over how Trey and the mom treats her was real though. I just couldn't believe Auburn wasn't sticking up for herself. Ugh. But it's CoHo, so I could never hate her books.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Yes she does!!!! :) Part 1 was one that really confused me and made me so unsure of how I actually felt about it. I honestly won't know for sure until I have finished the series and seen all the answers.


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