Top Ten Tuesday: My Favourite Top Ten Posts


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

My Top Ten TTT Posts!

Now this is in celebration of five years of Top Ten Tuesday, and the topic is to pick my top ten topics they have done in those five years. But it only makes sense to pick from the ones I have actually participated in. So, here it goes, here's my favourite top ten posts that I have taken part in.

This was my FIRST Top Ten Tuesday post, so there was no way I wasn't going to include this on here. I actually struggled with the original topic, which was books I'd been forced to read. But I found it much easier to think of books that I force onto other people. This list has grown a lot since I originally wrote this post.

Some people don't like books that make them cry or others just can't cry when they're reading the book. I am not some people. I am the kind of person who starts sobbing as soon I start Deathly Hallows now because I know what's coming later on. I liked being able to share with you some total tearjerker books, in the hopes you would read them and be emotionally broken. Yup, I am a strange little human.

There are just so many reasons why I love being both of those things! This topic was wonderful because everyone wrote such wonderful things. The comment sections on all the posts were just filled with love for reading and blogging. What more could you want!?!

It's been fun going back and looking through all the Top Ten posts I've done, and seeing just how many lists I would love the chance to add to and change. This is one where I know I could add some brilliant books to the list now. But, as lists go, this one is pretty perfect and filled with some superbly wonderful and unique books.

Most of these magical bookish things are still things I need to own. ONE DAY! Some bookish goals to aim for.

I had sooooooo much fun writing this particular post! I also had a really hard time cutting it down to just ten characters. For some reason, most characters make me want to slap them at some point or other. I am clearly a very angry person. Or it's just the vast majority of book characters make stupid decisions that make them deserving of being bitch slapped!

This is another post that I was exceptionally proud of, just because of the wonderful framed covers I managed to put together. It took me far too long and was probably a giant waste of my time when I really think about it, but they look so pretty!

Who doesn't like a book ending that leaves you feeling like your head might have actually exploded. I adore books where the ending takes me by complete surprise, for better or for worse. Some of my favourite books have the kind of ending that have made me want to throw my book across the room.

I love an excuse to talk book covers because I can be a total cover snob. I like my books to have incredibly beautiful covers, like These Broken Stars! So it definitely made me feel better to be able to moan about cover trends that drive me absolutely insane.

Most of the books I read I end up wishing I could see them adapted to the big screen, so this was a pretty easy list to fill up. But the sad truth is that most of these aren't movies yet, they're not even slightly on the way to being movies yet. AND THEY SHOULD BE! I need them!!!


  1. I love writing the posts about characters that make me rage, and I love reading other people's posts about it too! And the framed cover one was enjoyable too because I loved seeing all the beautiful covers out there. I still want to frame a couple!

    1. Writing about the characters I wanted to slap might have been one of my all time favourite posts of ALL my posts. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

  2. Really good list this post week for TTT!!

    Here's my TTT for this week:

  3. OOoh great list of topics! I know I haven't done several of these. Only been doing TTT for a little over a year! I really love some of these gifs too! Great picks all around!! :D

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Reading over your list makes me want to reread everyone's posts about these topics. Top Ten is such a great prompt!

    Here's my Top Ten Top Tens!

  5. Love your list! And your use of gifs!!! I share some of the TTTs on your list too. :)

    My TTT

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  6. I forgot about the Cover Trends topic! That was a good one! I had a good time with the covers I'd frame as art as well. You've mentioned some of my favorite lists!

    1. It really was, I had so fun moaning about my most hated covers.

  7. Oh wow, this meme has been around for such a long time! Even though I have never joined in with it myself, I have to say that I really do like the idea of it and reading some of the posts which go up. I am glad you've enjoyed all of these so much!

    1. It's such a fun meme, I highly recommend taking part if you ever see a topic you love the look of.

  8. I love this week's topic, it made me really nostalgic! :-) Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. :-)

  9. Hi! Great list, You've been doing this meme way longer than we have! I'm gutted we missed the cover ones, I can already think of a dozen I would frame and plenty of trends I dislike because they have been applied wrongly!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog!
    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein and Ms4Tune

  10. I JUST missed out on the covers as art topic (I started doing TTT a week or so later). I'd love to do that on a freebie week. Your's is gorgeous! You have some great topics here!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I really loved the cover ones, they were so much fun to do.

  11. I love this meme even though I have never taken part in it, it is just so much fun to see what others picks for their top ten each week. I loved all of these topics so I can see why you did as well. :D

  12. Great list! There are so many here I would like to do! I like your gif selection. :)

  13. Hi - Cool meme. I hadn't actually seen it before. Great post.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

  14. Great list! I included a few of these and I considered including a few more. How have I not seen your post about characters who need a slap, that's hilarious. I'm totally going to check it out now.
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  15. I totally agree, it would have been a lot easier to do The Top Ten Books I Forced Others To Read than the ones people forced on me. I'm not easily "forced" to do anything but I can be quite... convincing when I want to make my friends read a book lol. I love your choice of The Top Ten Characters Who Make Me Want To Slap Them, it sounds like a topic I'd have a hard time choosing only three. Only thing I don't like in TTT is the lack of negative/worst/etc. lists. I love those the most. (Wonder what that tells about me haha.)

    1. I had so much fun with the characters I'd like to slap one, it was so much fun.

  16. There are so many topics on this list that I really want to do! Especially the top ten books I forced others to read, that sounds like a fun one to do. I'll bear it in mind next time we have a freebie topic, or I can't do the topic listed for whatever reason. I haven't been doing TTT long enough to do this list, so chose an archived topic of my favourite fictional couples to do this week.
    My TTT:

    1. I loved this weeks topic, was so fun to look back on my old posts.

  17. Great list! I love the cover art TTT!

  18. Great picks! Like you I've been discovering so many cracking topics that I missed the first time around. :D x

  19. Oh, I love talking about covers too - which ones I love and which ones I hated.

  20. I love these gifs! I wish I had participated in the top ten books I made others read. I either made life-long book loving friends or created a lot of enemies. Haha! I suffer from judging a book by its cover syndrome and have a cover fetish. It's probably good that I didn't participate in that one, although who knows? I still might. ;)

    1. Thanks!!! :) You totally should, the cover ones are so fun to take part in.

  21. I loved the topic about books you've force others to read except that always backfires on me. The ones I flail about AND manage to convince my friends to read are never as popular with them as they are with me. (And that gif, wins all the awards.)

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. It perfectly sums up what I am like when I am recommending a book! I feel it usually ends up the same with me, or they just never read them.

  22. Yeah for another cover snob! I know that the story is what really matters, but I just love a beautiful or interesting cover. I love the "characters I want to slap" topic. I can think of many that I want to do that too. I guess I'm a little violent too?

    1. I KNOW! I shouldn't care so much about covers but I do.

  23. I've come across so many Characters I'd like to slap in the face LOL.
    I read the first one "The Top Ten Books I Force Others To Read" and immediately had a vision of myself smacking my mother on the head with a book WTF! Whenever I finish a awesome YA book I'm always telling my mum "You've got to read this, all the kids at school will be carry on about it in a few months" She's a school teacher.

    1. Haha, I know right! They definitely need to stop writing so many annoying characters, or my list will eventually be neverending.

  24. I LOOOVED the cover ones (which I guess is why I did them instead haha) and the bookish things one was amazing too- I wanted to buy ALL the things that people posted! I also really like the "why I love being a blogger/reader" one, that is such a sweet topic! ANd the crying one.. I'd have had like, 50 books, easily ;) Fabulous choices!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. I LOVE the cover ones, I wish there were more of those!!! :)

  25. I am some people. (Seriously though, I don't like very many books that have made me cry.) Totally agree with you on so many of your 'Reasons Why I Love Being A Blogger/Reader' and you made some great points that I really hadn't thought about. I love the idea of 'Characters I'd Like To Slap'! And here I thought I was the only person who wanted to slap characters they actually like. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    1. I know, no matter how much I like a character, sometimes they are just really deserving of a slap or two!

  26. I've never seen the Characters Who Make Me Want To Slap Them topic before, but oh, I relate so well to all your reasons for wanting to slap them. Even beloved characters can make me wish to slap them upside the head when they're having a fit of ridiculousness. There are so many good topics to choose from, aren't there? This is probably one of my favourite link ups ever.

    1. I know, it was a pick your own one and that was what I went for. I think the prompt was just Characters Who.... and I filled in the blank.

  27. I haven't done a TTT post in forever. :(
    Good choices! There's some really fun topics they pick. I liked the cover framed as art work. God, there's some beautiful covers.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. Me too, it was just so much fun and I loved seeing everyone else's posts that week.

  28. Love you list! So many great topics!


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