Top Ten Tuesday: My Most Read Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Top 10 Authors I've Read the Most Books By

I found this weeks top ten interesting, as it turned out that a lot of authors on this list aren't even favourite authors. It also made me realise how few books some of my favourite authors have actually written. Come on, YA authors, get writing!!! I did a TTT post that was the authors I owned the most books by and the lists are different, which is good to see but also shows me I need to start reading more of the books I have bought!!!

Jodi Picoult: 22 Books

The first Jodi Picoult book I ever read was My Sister's Keeper, and it began my love for the author. As soon as I finished that book, I just knew I needed to hunt down everything else that woman had wrote. And I did. I have then followed her ever since and bought every single book as soon as it came out and devoured it. I might not have enjoyed her last few books as much as her others, but I still love the author and eagerly await her next release.

Her books almost always have these epic endings that leave me with my mouth hanging open. The ending to My Sister's Keeper actually broke me, I was a mess for a week after finishing that book.

Diane Chamberlain: 14 Books

This is the author that I found when I was going through my obsessive Jodi Picoult phase, but I'd read all the current books she had out at the time. I read The Lost Daughter and it is still my favourite Diane Chamberlain book, that book was incredible and I have wanted to reread it for years, something that this post is making me even more eager to do.

Colleen Hoover: 12 Books

I absolutely adore this woman's books, she has yet to disappoint me! I would say that my favourite book of her is definitely Maybe Someday, I highly recommend that one if you have yet to read a Hoover book. I recommend her, she writes fabulous NA books and I have loved ever single one of them so far. I will always have a soft spot for Slammed too, that book was incredible and gave me a love for slam poetry, something I never would have found if it wasn't for that book.

J.K. Rowling: 10 Books

YAY!!! It's not a top ten list without Harry Potter being on there somewhere! I adore the HP series, so it was obvious that J.K. Rowling would be a top read author of mine. I have 2 HP sets at the moment, but have two more I want to buy. Not to mention that I own all the Harry Potter Funko Pop characters. If you haven't read Harry Potter yet then you really need to hurry up and get to it.

Malorie Blackman: 8 Books

The Noughts & Crosses series is still one of my all time favourite series and I still recommend that one all the time. I tried reading more by the author, but only really enjoyed Boys Don't Cry and wasn't impressed with the other two I read, so I stopped. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for a new Noughts & Crosses book. 

Steve Berry: 8 Books

I haven't thought about these books in years, if I hadn't checked my Goodreads before doing this post then I would have forgotten about them. I read these on a whim, when I picked up the first book in my local bookstore. I ended up loving it and continued the series on, but stopped once I got far too behind and more and more books kept coming out! My favourite of them all is definitely The Romanov Prophecy, which is actually a standalone. These are very much like Dan Brown's books, so if those books interest you then I would definitely recommend them. 

Ally Carter: 6 Books

I started both of these Ally Carter series and still haven't finished either of them, something I should probably hurry up and do. I enjoyed both, they are very quick and easy reads and both really fun. They're not my favourite books, as they don't have very much to them, but I definitely do enjoy them and want to end both series when I can find the time. 

Sarah J. Maas: 5 Books

Next to J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series, Sarah J. Maas is my favourite author and Throne of Glass my favourite series. I have also fallen in love with ACoTaR, but don't want to proclaim it a favourite until I have at least read and loved the sequel - which I'm sure I will as Maas is a fucking genius! These are actually incredible, and I'm currently rereading the whole of the Throne of Glass series in time for Queen of Shadows which releases next month. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Jenny Han: 5 Books

I love Jenny Han's books, they are just so adorable and easy to read. To All the Boys I've Loved Before is my favourite of the five I have read, but I have actually enjoyed them all. I know the Summer series divides opinion, but I actually really enjoyed that one. 

Jennifer L. Armentrout: 5 Books

I think this series has to win the award for ugliest covers, probably tied with the original Vampire Academy covers. They are just so awful! Who thought they were a good idea? And the new cover designs aren't any better. I finished the series but didn't end up loving them as much as I thought they would. I felt like they got worse with each new book instead of getting better and it's made me a little nervous to try more by the author. 

So there are my top ten most read authors and a lot of them are actually favourite authors of mine, who I know I will be reading for years to come. Who made your list? 

The prize:

Up to £40 worth of books

For the giveaway post go HERE

That will be up to £40 worth of books of the winners choice from Book Depository. They ship internationally which means that it can be open to all of my wonderful followers. 

If you want to do the 1989 tag then it will get you 10 entries on the post, just add your link underneath and link back to here. Feel free to do as many or as few questions as you want, there are quite a few questions to choose from!

The prize:

2x The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough

I want to be able to share this story with at least some of you, although I hope my review is enough to convince you all to go out and grab a copy! I am going to giveaway two copies of the book, which I will get from Book Depository - so, as long as they ship to your county, this is open to everyone! The two winners can choose whether they want a paperback or a hardback.

For giveaway go here

On the blog:

The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough: Review, Author Interview & Giveaway
A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston
My Weekly Recap: 1/8/2015
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Inside Out


  1. Gotta love Jodi Picoult! I have only read one Colleen Hoover book so far but I do plan to change that. I plan on reading ALL the Sarah J. Maas books all the time forever. :)

    1. I hope you love the Hoover books, I adore them all. Sarah J. Maas will be an auto-buy author for me FOREVER <3

  2. Wowza, that's a lot! I haven't read many of these at all. JK Rowling made my list. :-)

    My Top Ten.

  3. Great picks! Most of these authors I have read, loved, and devoured as well!

    1. It was nice to see all the amazing authors that made my list :)

  4. I need to try some of these! I wonder if I'd be surprised if I look at my GR statistics... I just took a guess.

    1. I didn't realise you could just press a button and get them up on GR, I had to organise by author and go through and count!

  5. AHH SO MUCH JODIE PICOULT! I've only read one of her books, but I do want to read more. THEY'RE EXCITING. And detailed. And huge omg. hehe And yesss Sarah J Freaking Fantastic Maas. I'M GOING TO CRY IN QUEEN OF SHADOWS JUST FROM SHEER EXCITEMENT I JUST KNOW IT. Omg, I wish I had time to reread them all though. *dies of longing* I can't wait till it comes out!!!
    Here's my TTT!

    1. I hope you read more and then love them. QUEEN OF SHADOWS WILL BREAK ME!!! I AM NOT READY *CRIES*

  6. OOoh nice! JLA made my list too! I actually had to recount the books several times because I was trying to do it from memory vs getting out of my chair and going to bookcase or looking up Goodreads! I think GR helped out a little to get the series numbers though! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I didn't realise that you could just click a button on GR and it shows you your most read authors >.<

  7. Replies
    1. OMG! He would so be on here, I adore him. But I went off my Goodreads, so those books aren't added to my shelf atm.

  8. Wonderful list with lots of authors and books that I really need to read including a few of the early Steve Berry ones, which I too bought on a whim as I heard they were like Dan Brown but I've never read them, they got shelved and forgotten. Maybe it's time to pull them out and give them a go so thanks for the reminder about them!

    My TTT  - Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. They are really good, so I hope you enjoy them if you do get to read them.

  9. Rowling, Hoover and Armentrout are on mine as well. Although for Armentrout she's number one. Lol
    I've only read two of Picoult's books. And that was forever and a day ago. Her Sister's Keeper was pretty soul destroying. Seriously.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

  10. I love your list! J.K.Rowling, Malorie Blackman and Colleen Hoover made mine too! So much love for that trio of ladies. Can't believe I forgot Jodi Picoult, I really should remember her since every single one of her books that I read completely shredded my heart! Wouldn't have it any other way though, love books with the feels. I am totally ashamed to say that I still haven't read any Sarah J. Maas although 3 of her books are sitting very pretty on my bookshelf at home :) Happy Reading!!!

    1. Her books always seem to do that to you. READ SARAH J MAAS!!! DO IT!!!

  11. I have been thinking on reading Jodi Picoult's Books. I will start by reading your sister's keeper :)
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Happy Reading!

  12. I am massively impressed by your Jodi Piccoult reading list! - L

  13. Reading Jenny Han's, Ally Carter's and Sarah J. Maas' are HIGH on my must list. I've heard great things about Sarah's, and Ally's sound like good old-fashioned fun, which is my kind of read.

    Your site is beautiful, by the way. Love the look. :)

  14. So there are actually a lot of authors I have never tried books from yet! I have read a whole load of books by Malorie Blackman! Apart from Boys don't cry, the rest are generally aimed at a younger age group. But I think you should try The Stuff of nightmares because I actually really liked that one. I am working my way through some JK Rowling at the moment now...

    Check out my recent review and giveaway:

  15. I actually just read Sarah J Maas, and she is quite amazing. and of course J.K.! She is the queen!

  16. JK Rowling made it onto my list and I totally agree with your thoughts on the Lux covers. I read the first one before they all changed and now have no plans to pick them up.

    My TTT:

    1. I hate the new covers, the old ones were bad anyway but the new ones might even be worse.

  17. Mine are Jim Butcher, Nalini Singh, Molly Harper, Lorelei James, Jennifer Estep, Kelley Armstrong, Richelle Mead, D.J. MacHale, R.L. Stein and Roald Dahl. I read a lot of series so I've it a lot of authors with long counts, but these are my insta-read authors. So I've read all or almost all their series.

    1. Some of those authors are ones I have never read but want to try :)

  18. Fun list. I'll have to check out my own top authors.

  19. Diane Chamberlain is WONDERFUL! And I so need to read more Picoult :)
    My TTT

  20. Hi - I enjoyed reading your list. I haven't read any of these authors, but desperately want to read Jodi Picoult. Several of these look like books I could get lost in.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straighforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. Picoult has so many amazing books. I really loved My Sister's Keeper, Perfect Match, Nineteen Minutes and yeah, most of them haha!

  21. I feel like I'm the only person alive who has not read anything by Jodi Picoult. I am totally missing the boat here. I hear nothing but raves so I don't know what I'm waiting for. Colleen Hoover definitely made my list. She's my favorite author. I'm probably alone in the fact that I actually like the original covers for JLA's Lux series. But it has nothing to do with the fact that I enjoy drooling - uh, I mean staring - at Pepe Toth (cover model). The new ones are rather hideous. The half girl's face... ugh.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. You are missing out, she has so many amazing books. Hoover, I LOVE HER!!!! She's never disappointed me and I eagerly await all her releases.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.