Weekly Recap: Where I Basically Recap A Whole Month & Haul ALL The Books

I AM BACK! Yes, finally, it is happening. I have been absent from the blog for the longest time, what feels like months. It was more like a month to two, but it felt like almost a lifetime.
In that time I have:

  •  Missed my actual blogoversary, so I celebrated it this week instead. I am doing a giveaway to celebrate as well, so be sure to enter!
  • Had two weeks off work! HALLELUJAH! It was glorious, I got to do all the reading, all the sleeping and all the Netflix binging. 
  • I devoured enough books to complete my Goodreads challenge of 100 books. I'm now at 116. Go me!
  • I went to awesome book events. I got to meet Jennifer Donnelly, who is a sweetheart; Julie Mayhew who was as wonderful as the last time, and Leigh Bardugo who is fucking hilarious! I adored her. 
  • Got my outfit together for a Disney Halloween Party. I am going as human Ariel and I am far too excited! You can probably expect lots of pictures next week, where I show off my adorably terrible, but cheaply put together costume.
  • Acquired far too many books! So many that I am splitting the haul. I am also running out of shelf space... And I have seven bookshelves.
  • I started a Book Tube channel and posted a few videos! I have actually had a lot of fun doing these, even if they take a lot of time. 
  • I got sick... SUPER SICK! And I felt like I was dying. But I am all better now! Hurray for me!

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo | The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak | The Atlas of Us by Tracy Buchanan | Night Owls by Jenn Bennett | A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness | Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness | The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness | The Enemy by Charlie Higson | A World Without Princes by Soman Chainini | When We Were Friends by Tina Seskis |  Just What Kind of Mother Are You by Paula Daly | Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines | Lick by Kylie Scott | The Other Child by Lucy Atkins | The Blue by Lucy Clarke |The Sisters by Claire Douglas | The Missing One by Lucy Atkins | Life After Life by Kate Atkinson | The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey | A Single Breathe by Lucy Clarke | The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins | These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly | The Big Lie by Julie Mayhew | We Are All Made of Molecules by Susan Nielsen

If you want to find out about any of the individual books then you can check out the Goodreads page. Or you can watch my unboxing video, where I give a brief summary about all the books.

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. One winner will win up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository. This will be open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It was that amazing cover that first attracted me to The Book Thief and it was such a good read! I haven't had the chance to see the film yet but I hope to at some point. Ooh I'm tempted by the giveaway...but I really shouldn't! Have a good weekend!

  2. Oooh nice haul for 2 weeks!! And author visits! Sounds like good times! LOL! Hope you enjoy the new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Thats an amazing book haul indeed. I hope that you love your new books. You seem to be very excited. Have a lovely weekend.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. You had a fantastic month other than being sick. ;) Glad you are better now!

  5. What a fabulous haul! I hope you love all the books, happy reading! I've just followed your blog via Bloglovin' so I can keep up with your book posts. :)

    Here's my Wrap Up/Stacking the Shelves post: https://rathertoofondofbooks.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/my-weekly-wrap-up-and-stacking-the-shelves-31-october/

  6. HUZZZZAH FOR BEING BACK!! Non-huzzah for being super sick, but I'm glad you're still alive. *nods* And omg, running out of bookshelf space...the struggle is real. *wails* I mean, I only have 1 but STILL. I'm convincing the parents that IKEA floating box-bookshelves on my wall is an excellent idea. They're coming around. I may just need to bake delicious convincing biscuits to seal the deal but YEAH. It could happen.

    YAAAYYY THE BOOK THIEF! I really want to buy that one at some point because it. is. incredible. I also want to try out the audio, heheh. OMG and I've heard so. many. good. things about Six of Crows. I hope it's as excellent as everyone says!!

    1. THANK YOU!!! Although I didn't stick to it. Hopefully I actually stick to it this time. WE SHALL SEEEEEE!!! :)

  7. Spectacular haul! You got some good ones. Happy reading!

  8. Loved the recap and even though you did get sick (so glad to hear you are better!) It does look like you've had a wonderful time off as well, and have been able to do quite a few of the things you like. As for the books, so many gems here DD: Six of Crows is a book I would really want! I am going to be starting in on Night Owls myself soon, and I really loved The Book Thief so I hope you enjoy it too!

  9. Glad you had a great time off. And, glad you're back. I love the book haul. I'd love to poke through them with you reading each synopsis and flipping through the pages. Very cool! :)

  10. I really liked A Discovery of Witches, I haven't read the other ones in the trilogy yet but I really want to change that soon. I hope you will enjoy them! Great haul!

  11. Happy blogoversary!!! YOU NEED TO READ NIGHT OWLS!! In US, it's called The Anatomical Shape of a Heart. I reviewed it this week. IT'S AMAZING!!! And that's a huge haul. Happy reading!

    1. I already did. I had an ARC of it and just decided to finally get myself a finished copy. I LOVE that book, it's now one of my favourites

  12. I'm currently reading A Discovery of Witches, so I hope that it's good. Enjoy all of your books!

  13. I'm currently reading A Discovery of Witches, so I hope that it's good. Enjoy all of your books!

  14. Ooo, nice! Congrats on the milestone! And I LOVED Six of Crows - haven't heard of the rest of the books in your haul, but I really enjoyed that one. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a wonderful week. :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  15. Happy Blogoversary! And wow you got so many amazing books!! This is an awesome haul :D I hope you enjoy your new books :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  16. You have a handful of awesome and good looking books here! So many genres and beautiful covers! Happy reading and can't wait to see what you think about them! :)

    My STS: http://readingadd.blogspot.com/2015/11/stacking-shelves-38.html

  17. What an amazing haul! Lick was a great read :) Happy reading!!
    Danielle @ Life With Two Boys

  18. Welcome back, Charnelle, and happy blogoversary! I'm glad you're feeling better, being sick is just so much hassle!
    It sounds like you really took advantage of your time off - the best vacation is the one where you just catch up on your favorite things, right?
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  19. Lots of good ones there. Hope you enjoy them all. I just finished These Shallow Graves and enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting!

  20. Welcome back and great book haul. There's so many I am kinda jealous! Hahahaha. Happy anniversary. I stopped counting mine since I fail with blogging.

  21. BTW. Your instagram link is wrong. :(

  22. Happy blogaversary! Boo for being sick bu yay for vacation!

    That's quite a haul, enjoy!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Happy Blogaversary! Great haul of books. Can't wait to see what you think of The Girl on a Train. We read that last month for our book club read. It was a very interesting discussion. I haven't posted my review yet. Happy Reading!!

    - Christy @ Bookalicious Reads

    1. I enjoyed The Girl on the Train, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped. Mostly as I kind of guessed what had happened and that ruined my enjoyment of it a bit.

  24. Happy Blogoversary!!!

    You got so many great books! I really liked The Discovery of Witches series. Also liked These Shallow Graves. Until Friday Night was pretty typical NA, but highly enjoyable. Six of Crows…AMAZING. How great that you met Leigh Bardugo! I'm going to Yallfest in a couple of weeks and she's going to be there so YAY! ~Pam

  25. Happy Blogiversary! You got so many great books! BTW I'm not following your blog! :)

  26. Happy Blogoversary!

    So many great books you got there. I LOVE The Book Thief!! Really curious to know what you think of Girl on a Train: I've been hearing so much about it I had to add it to my TBR! Hope you enjoy all of these and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Beatrice @ Book for Thought

    1. I enjoyed The Girl on the Train, but it wasn't as good as I thought.

  27. Happy Blogoversary! I'm glad you're feeling better, being sick sucks :(

    I adore the Book Thief, it's one of my favorite books ever, I hope you love it too.

    1. I have already read and loved it, just wanted to finally own it! :)

  28. Welcome back and happy blogoversary!! I think you came back with a bang because LOOK AT THAT AMAZING BOOK HAUL MY GOODNESS *heart eyes* Also congrats on completing your goodreads challenge! I was 22 books behind schedule not too long ago but thank goodness for the edit button. Now, I'm 3 books ahead hahah. But seven bookshelves?! #bookwormgoals !! It's not adult but new adult but I highly rec the Addicted series :) Great post and unboxing video!
    x Jae

  29. Yay, I'm so glad to see that you're back Charnell! I have been enjoying your booktube channels. I love your in-depth reviews that you provide here and your truly honest discussions! Happy Blogoversary, congratulations and I hope there will be many years to come!

  30. Happy blogoversary and that is one amazing haul!!! I'm currently reading Six of Crows and it's mind blowing!
    Thanks for the giveaway.


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