I Need These Debut Authors Next Books... RIGHT NOW!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Debut Authors Who Have Me Desperate To Read Their Next Book

Jennifer Niven & Jenn Bennett

Neither of these are technically debut authors, they have both wrote adult fiction in the past. But they both released their debut YA novels this year, so I am counting them. These two were five out of five reads for me, so I am beyond excited for whatever these authors release next. I will be pre-ordering them and devouring them as soon as I possibly can. Now they just need to announce their next books, I am not a patient person!

Kate Scelsa

Kate's debut novel, Fans of the Impossible Life, was another 5/5 read for me this year. It is an incredible contemporary novel, with wonderfully diverse characters. It also delves into some great themes and topics that I don't see being addressed in many YA novels and, even when I do, not nearly as well as it is done in this one. I can't wait to read whatever she comes out with next, she writes fantastic characters.

Tess Sharpe

I read and absolutely loved the authors first book, Far From You. It was such a surprising read for me, I didn't know what to expect when I was reading it but it wasn't what I got. I thought it was going to be a really predictable YA mystery read, but it wasn't that at all. This book was way more than I would have ever guessed and totally blew me away. I don't want to spoil this book for anyone, I would just recommend reading it. I can't wait for her next book... which has an expected publishing date of...

Katja Millay

During my two weeks off I decided to read a book that had been sitting on my shelf for a really long time - The Sea of Tranquillity. I am a huge fan of Colleen Hoover, I have never been disappointed by one of her books. She has always been one of only a few New Adult authors that I actually read. I had seen her recommend The Sea of Tranquillity so many times, and many of her other readers said they loved it too. So I gave in and tried it.

And I am soooo glad I did. I devoured this in hours, I just could not put it down. I was completely swept up in this story, and I completely fell in love with Katja Millay's writing. When I finished, I immediately went to Amazon to order any other books by the author, only to be completely horrified to find she hasn't wrote anything else. She doesn't even have a new book announced. NOTHING! I am dying. I ended up buying about 15 NA books people said were like this because I was desperate for more. Katja Millay needs to hurry the hell up and give me more of her wondrous writing.

do it animated GIF

Jennifer Mathieu 

I read her debut novel, The Truth About Alice, when it first came out and really enjoyed it, I believe it was another book that got a 5/5 from me. I had been really excited for her next book. I know it is already out now, but I actually haven't got to it yet. But I need to. I think I might put it on my wishlist for Christmas. I think I might have put it off for a while because it was focusing heavy on the religion aspect, which I wasn't too sure about. But I loved her first book and can't wait to see if I love this just as much.


The Martian by Andy Weir

I forgot this the first time round because I didn't realise it was a debut. But then I realised I did because I'd tried to buy up everything else this guy had ever written. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! It is seriously my top read of the year so far. I will recommend it to anyone and everyone. I could not put it down, plus it made me ridiculously happy and was so tense at times that I was crying more from nerves than anything else. I also have to say that this is probably one of the funniest books I have ever read, which is all thanks to the main character Mark Watney. He is so sarcastic and quick witted, and just amazing. I adored this book. GO. READ IT! Then sit around being desperate for Andy's next book with me. I will be reviewing this book and the film very soon, so keep an eye out.

Sadly I couldn't come up with ten, but I am sure I will be kicking myself when I see what others have put on their lists. And then I will probably be adding a million books to my TBR list as well.

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. One winner will win up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository. This will be open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Weekly Recap: I Recap a Whole Month & Haul ALL THE BOOKS

Have you guys read any amazing debuts this year? Which ones would you highly recommend? I haven't read too many so far this year, definitely need to add some more to my TBR for the New Year.


  1. The design and the videos! Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Nice! Those are mostly new to me books! Hope you continue to enjoy these authors!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. The only one I ave read is Night Owls and I loved it so I would love more from her. Most of the rest are on my TBR. Great list!

    1. I know, I really hope she releases her next YA novel soon.

  4. The Sea of Tranquility is one I always forget about, but have only heard really good things!! I put it on my Christmas wishlist so I will remember it!!

  5. I think I am the only person in the world who could NOT get into The Sea of Tranquility! That book just didn't work for me and it was a DNF. But, I swear, I am the only one. I included it on my list today because no one else felt like I did!

  6. All the Bright Places was amazing and I still think about it and I read it back in January (or maybe it was December before it came out, I can't remember now). Great picks I really hope you enjoy them all!

  7. Oh wow, look at me, having read none of these debuts apart from All the Bright Places! However, the majority of these are on my TBR, so hopefully I will be getting around to them at some point in the coming year or so. They sound so wonderful. And I hope the next books they all write will be equally as wonderful.

  8. Jennifer Niven and Jenn Bennett. YES and YEEES! I couldn't agree more Charnell. Both of those books were so incredibly brilliant in their own right. One made me cry the other made me swoon. Actually, they both made me cry. I couldn't decide between them which one I enjoyed more. It's been years since I read The Sea of Tranquility, but I remember really enjoying that one as well. There's been so many incredible debuts this year, another one was The Secret Lies of Minnow Bly. I really loved that one too. Awesome list poppet, will need to check a few of these out <3

    1. I need more from these authors, they must give me new ones!!!! I own The Secret Lies of Minnow Bly, I really need to get to that one myself.

  9. Fantastic list Charnell. (Your blog is looking beautiful too, by the way!) I can't wait to read more from Jennifer Mathieu.

  10. I have no idea how I missed adding Andy Weir to my list! Thanks for visiting my blog. :0


  11. Happy Blogoversary! I have seen some of those covers on a few different lists today but I haven’t heard much before now so it’s the best time to look them up and add some to my list  The only one I know anything about is The Martian because of the movie lol My Top Ten

  12. Great list! I really really need to read The Martian. I got a great deal on the Kindle edition but I don't use my Kindle very much lol. I've heard nothing but great things about both the book and the movie though.

  13. I have Far From You on my TBR shelf and I really need to read it soon! So many other great books on here!

  14. I loved The Martian, but still haven't seen the movie yet. I hope it's just as bitingly funny.

  15. Great list! I loved The Martian! The Sea of Tranquillity sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out sometime!

  16. I didn't realize The Martian was a debut either. That's actually very surprising. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  17. YESSSSS. I WILL READ ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT JENNIFER NIVEN WRITES IF IT'S YA. OMG. And also Kate Scela!! I want all her books of ever. *hugs all those poor heart breaking sad characters* I am also desperate for Amy Zhang's next book. <3

  18. Haha, your little 'for shame' gif - so funny.
    I really struggled this week too - I'm useless at knowing which book is a debut!
    Lynn :D

  19. Fabulous list! I've had The Truth About Alice on my TBR for way too long. I need to read it soon!

  20. I tried reading The Martian, but didn't really enjoy it. :( Several of these are on my TBR though! Great list!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  21. Glad to see you loved Fans of the Impossible Life! I have heard some mixed reviews of it lately, but it really caught my eye. I'm really creeped out by space, so I think I will skip The Martian, but I have heard great things about it!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  22. I have been wanted to read Devoted. I haven't heard of the others (Besides All the Bright Places which I DNF) so thanks for giving me more books to read :) Thanks for stopping by my site!

    My TTT

    1. Oh no, so sad to hear you had to DNF All the Bright Places.

  23. I read Sea of Tranquility because of Colleen Hoover too. I really hope we get something new from her soon! And Andy Weir too- definitely! I'm eager to check out Jenn Bennett's book this month so I'm happy to see her on your list. Fab list!!

  24. Such a great list! I need to add some of those to my TBR! I've heard lots of great things about Fans of the Impossible life, I need to check that one out :)
    Marie @ https://drizzleandhurricanebooks.wordpress.com/

  25. Great list! I think I really need to check The Martian out at some point, because I've yet to read a bad review. :)

  26. Great list! I just finished The Martian and really enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

    New follower :)

  27. I've only read All the Bright Places, but I loved it. I'll definitely check some of these titles out. I really like your blog, and I'm a new follower. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  28. Great list and I love the gifs! I have a few of these books on my TBR. I need to get reading...

  29. I haven't had a chance to read the Martian yet, but have heard such good things about it. I love your blog header and the pretty social media icons. Thanks for the giveaway.
    My TTT

  30. I'm not sure how I forgot The Sea of Tranquility since I LOVE that book so hard! Great list :)

  31. I adored The Truth About Alice and heard fairly great things about Devoted so I can't wait for it, even though religious books are not at all my things. Jennifer Mathieu definitely deserves to get more popular!
    Great post! :)

  32. oh..ouch 2017 yup thats a long wait for that book o.o maybe it be faster

  33. I haven't read any of these books myself, but I have heard some good things about them. I'm definitely going to be checking out these books.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

  34. OMG! I know exactly what you mean about Katja Millay... That woman infuriates me!! She went and wrote one of the most amazing books I've ever read and then just stopped and never wrote anything again... what a tease! LOL
    I read The Sea of Tranquility before it even came out -so a while back-, but I still check from time to time to see if the author has anything else in the works... so far no luck :(
    Great list. Thanks for stopping by!

    Kar @ Pause Time

    1. I know. I don't even know if she is planning to release anything else. I really hope she does.

  35. I need to read SOOO many of these! BUT I have read Devoted and thought it was fabulous! And I would definitely read another book of Jennifer Niven's too! And I neeeeed to read Night Owls because I have heard ALL the good things. I don't want to read it as Anatomic Shape either- Night Owls is just so much prettier! Great list :)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Ooooh that is good to know. Definitely need to get to that then.

  36. Agree with quite a few of these - such good books! And a few that I managed to miss! I need to go read these asap...

  37. Out of all the books on your list, I've only read one of them, and honestly, I hated it :0 I'm really glad you loved it though, and I hope you get to read these other books soon!

    Sophie @ Sophie Reads YA


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