I Need A Time Machine, So I Can Go Forward And Watch These Adaptations

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

Movie Adaptations I Am Desperate To See

Mockingjay Part 2

Do I need to explain?!?!? I need to see it. I need to see if they still kill off a certain male character. I have the slightest hope that they won't, but then the trailer basically reveals a lot of the film and you see a scene which is basically just after that characters death. But... there is always hope. There is no hope! OH NOOOO... WHY!?!?! I need the emotional torture that is this movie in my life already.

The 5th Wave

I quite enjoyed the book, but I didn't love it as much as I had hoped It has a really creepy love interest that I still find disturbing to think about. It totally threw me out of the story when I was reading and stopped me loving it. I do really like the look of the trailer though and really hope this movie is a great adaptation. I have all my fingers and toes crossed. 

The Jungle Book

I want to watch this. And then I don't want to watch this. All at once. I can't decide. The trailer is just so creepy, it's like it is destroying actually destroying my childhood. It just looks really creepy, dark and scary. So much more so than I was expecting. But I am still super excited. 

Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them

Harry Potter is my favourite series of all time.... OF COURSE I AM SEEING THIS. I am desperately eager to see this. I hope it is amazing, otherwise it will depress me far too much.

Beauty and the Beast

I don't actually know when the live action version is coming out, but I am beyond excited to watch it. I am supremely happy with the choice of Emma Watson for Belle. I really think she will do a fantastic job!

All the Bright Places

I am so excited for this to actually start getting filmed. It has been in development for far too long and they haven't even got the cast fully figured out. I need it to hurry up and move in to production! I don't think this is coming out till 2017, but I will be going to see it the day it comes out. 

Book to TV Shows

A Series of Unfortunate Events

I actually really loved the movie adaptations to this film, and was really sad when they didn't continue making them. The news that there is going to be a TV show based on the books made me so happy. I can't wait for this to start showing! 

His Dark Materials


Can you tell that I am excited for this? Well, I AM. The His Dark Materials series is one of my all time favourites. When they made it into a film, I don't think I had ever been so excited to see an adaptation. And then it turned out to be one of the worst films I have ever seen. Not even just the worst adaptation, just a truly awful film. I am putting all my trust in the BBC that they will do this series justice and make this the awesome show it was destined to be. Oh, Lyra & Pantalaimon, I can't wait to see you on the little screen. 

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. One winner will win up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository. This will be open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Weekly Recap: I Recap a Whole Month & Haul ALL THE BOOKS
I Need These Debut Authors Books
Weekly Recap: Disney Halloween


  1. Normally significant book to movie changes make me rage, but I'm kind of hoping there's a way around that particular plot point in Mockingjay...

    1. I KNOW RIGHT! I was so sad when they didn't change it. At least they stuck to the book I guess.

  2. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they do with His Dark Materials! I loved those books and they would make a great show if it was done properly!

  3. Great list! I am SO excited for the live action Beauty and the Beast! I think it will be fantastic! Too bad we have to wait until 2017 though :(

  4. I was kind of hoping they wouldn't kill a particular female character in Mockingjay, haha, but the trailer looks like it's foreshadowing the death so I've given up hope :( Great list - definitely looking forward to Series of Unfortunate Events and His Dark Materials - and Beauty and the Beast!

    1. Yup. DEFINITELY FORESHADOWING! Haha. I didn't mind too much with that one, I was much more upset by the death of the male character.

  5. OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE SNICKET I CANNOT EVEN. AFJDKALDS THAT IS MY ENTIRE CHILDHOOD RIGHT THERE. :D Although...I do adore the movie. And I think it was the best Jim Carrey I've ever seen. (Because usually I loathe him, ahha. -_-) And the kids were perfect and the set was fantastic and fajdklasfd...I just hope the TV show is equally wonderful. :D
    I'm definitely looking forward to Mockingjay. And by "looking forward' I mean UTTERLY DREADING. OMG I AM NOT EMOTIONALLY PREPARED FOR YOU-KNOW-THE-ONE'S DEATH. *wails*

    I love that they're remaking the old classic stories and going dark and creepy. :D I hope they do Tarzan...

    1. I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! I did absolutely LOVE the film, but I think a TV show could be equally awesome. I LOVE Jim Carrey haha... in ALL the things.

  6. There are a lot of these adaptions that I didn't know were actually going to be a thing! Can you believe I haven't actually seen Mockingjay Part 1 yet? I know, I am ashamed >.> I so need to watch that movie soon. All the Bright Places as a movie can't make me any happier, especially as I know that Jennifer Niven is the one writing the script. It shall be all kinds of perfect for sure. Ooh, and the Jungle Book? Deffo watching that!

  7. THEY'RE DOING A TV SERIES OF HIS DARK MATERIALS!!!!!!!!! I need this NOW!!!! Great list :D

  8. Oooh, I am (cautiously) SO excited about the upcoming show based on "His Dark Materials." THEY HAD BETTER DO IT JUSTICE!

  9. I'm truly excited for all of these as well and I had no idea about the Beasts, oh my gosh!

  10. Ooooo I'm excited for Fantastic Beasts :)

  11. I have to admit, I'm pretty psyched for Mockingjay too! Also, I did not know that All The Bright Places was going to become a movie. I've been hearing a lot about that book lately. Will have to check it out.

  12. I'm absolutely terrified to watch Mockingjay part 2! Just because I know what's going to happen and I just don't know if I'm going to be able to put myself through the heart ache but then I also really want to see it as it's probably one of my favourite trilogies and I want to see how the final film complements the second half of the book! Tabitha xx

    1. I know. I spent so much of it hoping things would be different, but they weren't.

  13. I haven't seen the Mockingjay part 1, but I'm really scared to see Mockingjay part 2 because of a certain character death. It's too much for my poor fangirl heart to see that sceneThe Literary Huntress

  14. So excited to see Mockingjay, we're going to see it on Thursday, the 26th (we always see a movie on Thanksgiving after we've stuffed ourselves).

    And YES…5th Wave. Loved the book and the trailer gives me chills.

    As far as book to TV series, I'm looking forward to Shadowhunters but the snippets I've seen are HORRIBLE so I'm starting to get sad. ~Pam

    1. The snippets did look bad, but hopefully the show it okay.

  15. Cannot wait for Mockingjay Part 2!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/11/10/top-ten-tuesday-30/

  16. I'm holding out hope on His Dark Materials. The movie that shall not be named scared me. It still bothers me that we went out of chronological order on a path that made no sense to meet characters she had no idea existed first.

    I'm torn on 5th Wave. On one hand I am curious, on the other I didn't love the book like I wanted either. Which I think is why I haven't picked up book two yet. I'm not sure I want to yet I'm not ready to abandon ship yet either.

    Fantastical Beast images look so awesome, I have high hopes for this one.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Boooks

    1. I KNOW. That movie was soooooo bad.

      I wouldn't recommend book two, I thought it was worse than book one.

  17. Really love all of the ones that you mentioned especially the hunger games finale. I am SO STOKED TO SEE THAT.

    Great giveaway too :)

  18. I couldn't agree more. :) Great list. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  19. Great picks! I'm really looking forward to Beauty and the Beast. I saw Cinderella recently and it was quite a bit better than I expected. :)

  20. The 5th Wave looks really really good. Even my husband wants to see it! When does that come out again? I will have to go check. I was like you, I liked the book, but I didn't love it.

    Fantastic Beats and Beauty and the Beast can't come soon enough!!! They really can't.

    1. I think it comes out the end of this month?!? I think, I am not 100% on that.

  21. Wow. Where have I been? I didn't know about a lot of these. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  22. I absolutely can't wait for the A Series of Unfortunate Events tv show - the waiting is painful!

  23. So, so excited for all of these - especially Mockingjay (who isn't anxious for that one?!?) and The 5th Wave. Thanks for sharing Charnell and, as always, fabulous choices! ♥

  24. I can't wait to see Mockingjay! I have such a high hopes for it since I loved the book. Also All the bright places really deserves a movie addaption.I would just add that I would like to see Looking for Alaska as a movie and I'll give you the sun


    1. I really enjoyed the film, Catching Fire is still my fave though.

  25. *gasps* Omg I completely forgot about the live action Beauty and the Beast!!! The cast for that film is so good. I can't wait! Great list, Charnell! :D

  26. I so need to see the new hunger games. So happy that it will be released this week :)
    Am also excited for "the dark materials" and "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

  27. I just saw Mockingjay part 2 and it was wonderful. In some ways it was better than the book. I saw the promo for The 5th wave but I'm not sure I want to see it. I am a new follower via Bloglovin and Twitter My blog is ponderingtheprose.blogspot.com

    1. I thought it was really good too. I enjoyed it more than the book.

  28. I'm so excited for Mockingjay Part 2 (seeing it today!!) as well as The 5th Wave and Beauty and the Beast. I hope they're all great :) Lovely list!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I am excited for Beauty and the Beast! I WANT A TRAILER ALREADY >.<

  29. Great post! Thanks for sharing:)


  30. I never knew The 5th Wave is getting an adaption! It feels just like yesterday when it was first released and everyone was hyping it up. (I just looked it up and it has been only two years. And already getting a movie adaptation. WHAT.)

    Nana @ whatabadpoem.


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