Weekly Recap: This Is Halloween, This is Halloween!!! Disney Style

Hello! This is where I would usually write all the exciting things that I got up to in the last week, but literally only one thing of any interest actually happened.


I went to a Disney themed Halloween party and it was so much fun. We only had about two weeks to put costumes together, and I was working on a budget. So I bought a bunch of stuff really cheap on Amazon and was really impressed with how the costume came out. I decided to be human Ariel, and even convinced the boyfriend to be Eric, complete with scratchy black wig. 

My sister went as Maleficent and her costume ruled! She made the staff herself using a shower pole, fake rope, a garden light and fake moss. It was really impressive and she looked so good. 

Other than that, it has just been work, work, work and then more work. FUN!

Another giant haul this week, but I promise this is like two weeks worth of books as I split my haul. This one contains some review books, a few books I won, two books from my Owl Crate subscription, and then a whole bunch that I bought. A lot of these are New Adult, which is a genre I very rarely read. But I read The Sea of Tranquillity and loved it so much, I had to immediately go and buy any book anyone suggested was similar. I spent a small fortune on Amazon doing that, haha!

I can't celebrate my blogoversary without holding a giveaway for all of my amazing followers. One winner will win up to £30 worth of books from Book Depository. This will be open internationally, as long as Book Depository ships to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you think this post was super short... you are right. But new COD is out and I'm off playing it! HAHA! LOVE YOU GUYS!


  1. Looks like you had an awesome Halloween. Lots of books is always a good thing.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Wow, what an amazing haul. Definitely a little jealous, haha. I hope you enjoy them all! Your Halloween looked fabulous :)

    Hope you have an amazing weekend!!

    Novel Ink's STS

  3. Your costume looks amazing! Both you and your sister look so cool. I'm glad you had a great Halloween! And your haul... I'm so jealous! All of those beautiful books... I haven't read many of them, but Vicious is truly awesome. Great post, and congratulations on your blogoversary!

    ~Denise @ The Bibliolater

    1. Thank you! Both were very last minute, so I am rather proud of us. She did such a good job.

  4. Your costume is great! You guys look so cute! And your sister is a master craftsperson! A shower rod is genius.

  5. Your costume is great! You guys look so cute! And your sister is a master craftsperson! A shower rod is genius.

  6. Whoa!! Amazing haul! And those costumes are awesome! I love Halloween and I already miss it. Enjoy your new books!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  7. I remember seeing that post about your costumes come up on bookstagram and I do have to say that the costumes just look so amazing! Lots of creativity right there. I also really like this haul ;) I have read A Madness So Discreet and I quite liked it. As well as that, I have been seeing so many great things about Dumplin' around, so I do want to try that one out.

    1. Thank you!!!! I was proud of how mine turned out in the end.

  8. Amazing haul and awesome costumes! :D Vicious by V.E. Schwab is fantastic.

  9. Those costumes are awesome!! And a great haul, too! I heard many good things about A Madness So Discreet and Vicious, so I really want to try them out at some point. Hope you enjoy all of these!

    Beatrice @ Book for Thought

  10. Omg that Malificent costume IS ENTIRELY AMAZING!!!! And you and your boyfriend look fabulous too. ;) ZOMG SO MANY BOOKS AND SUCH PRETTY ONES. I'm loving the spine of Silence is Goldfish. I don't even know what that means but I want to look it up. XD haha. *dives onto goodreads* *probably gets lost for 9 years whilst adding millions of books *blames you accordingly*

  11. I adore your Halloween costumes! And amazing haul! Hope you enjoy all the reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  12. What a fab haul! Hope you enjoy reading all your new books :)

    Here's my weekly wrap up & stacking the shelves post:

  13. Ahh your costumes were amazing! Wow! And your book haul is SO PRETTY. SO MANY BOOKS. I really want to read Flat-Out Love and A Madness So Discreet - they look so good!

    Enjoy your new books!
    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My Book Haul!

  14. What a tremendous book haul. Loved your costumes. Well done. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  15. Love the costumes...wow your sister looks amazing! OK I'm answering the question about what I like on your blog for the giveaway-well I always enjoy checking out book and film reviews even if I can't think of something intelligent to leave as a comment! I also of course enjoy STS posts! Enjoy your books...a few of them are on my current wishlist!

  16. Your costumes look great! I love the staff your sister made, awesome!
    And WOW what a book haul! Congrats on everything!

  17. Wow that is definitely a giant haul! I love the Legend trilogy, so I hope you enjoy that one! Your costumes look awesome, especially your sisters - she definitely put lots of effort in and it paid off! I love your outfit as well, it looks like you guys had fun!

  18. I love your graphics, the colours are gorgeous and they are just so so pretty. I also love your book haul, have you read Legend by Marie Lu yet, A-MAZ-ING! Thanks for running the giveaway and happy blogversary!

  19. I love the graphics on your blog, especially the sidebar! What a great book haul!

  20. these costumes are AMAZING!!

    What an impressive haul. I am very curious about how you manage so many books!

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day! Because of time restraints, this is now an award free zone but thanks so much for considering me! Feel free to leave a link to your own blog and I will come visit.