Half Bad Trilogy: Witches, Magic and Romance!

Title: Half Bad
Author: Sally Green
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Buy this book: Amazon / Book Depository
Wanted by no one.Hunted by everyone.Sixteen-year-old Nathan lives in a cage: beaten, shackled, trained to kill. In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world's most terrifying and violent witch, Marcus. Nathan's only hope for survival is to escape his captors, track down Marcus, and receive the three gifts that will bring him into his own magical powers—before it's too late. But how can Nathan find his father when there is no one safe to trust, not even family, not even the girl he loves?
I read Half Bad for the first time early last year and I instantly fell in love with the series. This is a book that is set in our world, but witches live amongst us - but, of course, us mere mortals are totally oblivious to the fact they exist. I loved Sally Green's unique writing style, and how she switched between second and third person.

The summary of this books makes you think this will be a book filled with fantasy and magic. It isn't a magical adventure though, don't go into this book expecting Harry Potter. You are going to be getting a very dark and, at times, depressing read. Nathan is a Half Code, in a world where White Witches are in the position of power, whilst Blacks are hunted down and killed. Nathan is treated like less than all those around him, with even his half sister hating the idea of even touching him. The rest of the family seem to be the only people who show him any love, everyone else treats him like an abomination. One day he is taken from his family and left trapped in a cage, trained to kill. He has to escape and find his father, Marcus, in order to receive his Gifts and gain his magical powers.

I am in love with Green's wonderfully complex characters, they are all so meaty! The witches might be Black and White in this book, but the characters certainly aren't. This is a book where good and evil aren't so simple. Nathan is like a little baby that I just want to wrap up in a blanket and shield from the world. He has dealt with more in his short life than most would deal with in a lifetime. Gabriel quickly became my favourite character though, as he was snarky and always quick with a comeback, plus I liked what he brings out of Nathan as a character.

4/5 Butterflies

I remember the first time I read this book I gave it the full five stars, but I have since lowered it. Reading it again, I realised I loved Half Wild so much more than this one. It is a very promising start to a series, but it's a series that definitely doesn't suffer from middle book syndrome. This book introduces the world, although I felt there could have been a tad more world building in this one in terms of the Witches, the council and other things. 

Title: Half Wild
Author: Sally Green
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Buy this book: Amazon / Book Depository
In a modern-day England where two warring factions of witches live amongst humans, seventeen-year-old Nathan is an abomination, the illegitimate son of the world's most powerful and violent witch. Nathan is hunted from all sides: nowhere is safe and no one can be trusted. Now, Nathan has come into his own unique magical Gift, and he's on the run--but the Hunters are close behind, and they will stop at nothing until they have captured Nathan and destroyed his father. 
I LOVED Half Wild!!! I really did enjoy book one and thought it was a great start to the series, but Half Wild completely blows it out of the water. This one sees everything going horribly wrong, which is terrible for the characters but amazing for the story itself. I loved all the blood and mess and fighting that was this book, I am a huge fan. I am sitting there, cackling like some evil witch as everything falls apart. SUCH A GOOD STORY!

My biggest love and favourite thing about this series is most definitely Gabriel. I just adore him so much. His love for Nathan is so strong and I really felt for him in this book. Nathan is happy with Annalise, but he is also still so unsure about his feelings for Gabriel and what they mean. He has wanted to be with Annalise for so long, but when it is finally something that can become a reality, it never feels quite real. I just couldn't stop myself from shipping Gabriel and Nathan together. The love triangle in this isn't the conventional kind we see so often in young adult, but that doesn't mean it isn't any less predictable. It plays out in this book exactly as I expected.

One great thing about this series, no matter how dark and disturbing things get, there is always humour. I love a good bit of humour! Gabriel makes me laugh at times, but he is definitely a little more tortured in this book. He's like the poster child for being friend-zoned! But he still provides us with a few funny moments. Nesbitt is the character who provides the most laughs, he made me laugh sooooo much during this book.

The one thing that confuses me about this series is Marcus. Are we supposed to like him? I really didn't like or care for his character, and I couldn't wrap my head around why Nathan cares so much. I know, I know... he is his father. But in blood only, he hasn't been present or there for Nathan throughout his whole life. Nathan's unwavering love and loyalty to his father just never made complete sense to me, which bugged me a little when I was reading.

5/5 Butterflies

I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! And the ending is soooooooooooooooooooo good! It left me with my mouth hanging on the floor just a little bit. It left me desperate to get my hands on the final book in this series. 

Title: Half Lost
Author: Sally Green
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Buy this book: Amazon / Book Depository
Nathan Byrn is running again. The Alliance of Free Witches has been all but destroyed. Scattered and demoralized, constantly pursued by the Council’s Hunters, only a bold new strategy can save the rebels from total defeat. They need the missing half of Gabriel’s amulet—an ancient artifact with the power to render its bearer invincible in battle.But the amulet’s guardian—the reclusive and awesomely powerful witch Ledger - has her own agenda. To win her trust, Nathan must travel to America and persuade her to give him the amulet. Combined with the Gifts he has inherited from Marcus, the amulet might just be enough to turn the tide for the Alliance and end the bloody civil war between Black and White witches once and for all…
**** I'd probably suggest not reading this review if you haven't read Half Wild yet, as it spoils the end of Half Wild! ****

I both loved and hated Half Lost. Okay, okay... I LOVED IT! But I am a broken human being right now. I am hurt deep in my soul and don't know what to even do about it. Sally Green definitely knows how to write an epic finale that can shock and surprise her readers, and happily crush our hearts and souls. Prepare yourself for this book, it is going to be a book you find impossible to put down.

Nathan begins the book angry as all hell. He has an absolute hatred for Annalise that he will not get over. He wants revenge for his fathers death, his one mission seems to be hunting her down and killing her. And, I'm sorry.... I DON'T GET IT! Seriously, I need someone to properly explain this to me as I still don't see why he suddenly hates Annalise. Okay, yes, she did kill his father, which did result in a large number of the Alliance dying. But, she did this because she was shooting his father as he was slitting her brothers throat. I'm sorry, in this instance, I am on Annalise's side. Nathan swore no harm would come to him, but his father stood there and quite happily shoved a knife into his throat. He should have known Annalise wasn't just going to stand by and watch. Connor was the only member of her family she loved, the only one who treated her well. She grew up with him and cared for him. Nathan has known his father for five bloody minutes. I'm sorry, Nathan, get over it! You have way better things to worry about right now, leave it alone. I felt it was just a convenient way to get Annalise out of the picture and allow the Nathriel ship to sail - not that I am complaining about that.

Gabriel is still my favourite part of this series, I adore that boy so much. I wish he was a real character because he would be my new best friend. I LOVE HIM! And I love him with Nathan. This book just set my shipper heart racing like nothing else, these two are just two freaking cute!

There is a lot going on in this book. The Alliance are trying to work to take down the Council and the Hunters and work out a way for Black and White witches to live together peacefully. There is a lot of action in this book and it is a book you are going to find so hard to put down. I couldn't get enough of the book, but I definitely feel like the Half Wild is still my favourite, mostly because it didn't reduce me to a useless, blubbery mess. I cried so hard during the ending of this book, I hurt just thinking about it.

5/5 Butterflies

Part of me wants to know points off the book just for the fact it made me cry harder than a book has managed to do in years. But I can't. Okay, it broke me, but it ended beautifully. Sally Green gave us an incredible and action-packed finale. She made my shipper heart happy and she gave me twists, turns and shocks. I feel so sad having to say goodbye to this series and its characters, but I will be eagerly awaiting whatever Sally Green writes next. 

* I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review 


  1. It seems like the first book in this series is the weakest and isn't so wonderful, but the more you read, the better the series gets until it is just amazing and makes you feel all the things! I have this one on my TBR and I just wish a shop nearby would sell it already so I can get to it already! Glad you enjoyed the series <3

  2. This is definitely one of the series I want to try this year, so gla dyou have loved them!

  3. Ooh I have the first two books, I just need to get around to reading them! Wonderful review! :)

  4. I have read the first book. Not yet the second. So I didn't read you reviews for them. but I see you did like them. A series I hope to finish one day. I listened to the first on audio and I think the narrator was perfect.

  5. I've read the first two books in the series and I'm waiting for the third book! I love Half Wild so much and I have high hopes for Half Lost!

  6. Great review!! Half Bad had some issues, but I'm glad to see that it gets even better. I bought Half Wild last week for my brother to read b/c he just finished Half Bad, so I'll read it after him - I place complete and utter faith in your judgement of these books, lol.

  7. Half Bad by Sally Green sounds like a very hard book to read emotionally.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  8. I read and loved Half Bad when it first came out. But by the time Half Wild came out, I was desperate for it, I just didn't remember enough of Half Bad. So of course I have no problem re-reading. But I just figure I'd wait for the last books release and do a binge. So that's where I am at; impatiently waiting until closer Half Lost's release so I can get back into the world.
    Great reviews! Although I didn't read your review of Half Lost I saw your rating and that's makes me extremely hopeful that I will love this whole trilogy as much as you.

  9. I've just read the first book in this series and I remember really liking it though! I'm very excited to see that each book gets better and better! I didn't read your reviews past the first since I prefer to go in without blind, but I loved your first review and couldn't have agreed more!


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