Weekly Recap: I'm Drowning in ARCs!

I am rather proud of myself. I said I would come back to blogging and so far I am actually sticking to it. I have wrote a bunch of posts, replied to over 300 comments and visited a bunch of my favourite blogs. It feels nice to be back and blogging again. I really hope I stick to this, my aim is to post at least 3 times a week, and I managed 4 last week so that's good.

This week has mostly just been me working. I can tell I am back at work and also blogging again, my reading it taking a massive hit because of it. Although, to be fair, I am already seven books ahead on my reading goal. That was thanks to having the first week of January off work. Christmas stole all my money as I have so many people to buy for, that has meant 0 money in January to buy any books. That is most definitely a good thing as my seven bookshelves are full and my floor is covered in books I need to find space for!

This week I have reread the first two books in the Half Bad series and am just about to finish Half Wild.... IT IS AMAZING!!! My shipper heart is going to die of happiness. And now I am even more excited for whatever Sally Green does next.

The haul this week is the other half of the huge eARC haul that I got in the last month. It is massive and the books are all so awesome and I just want all the time so I can get to them all. Why do I have to be a grown up, and work, and pay bills?!? Boooooo!

Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto, The Leaving Season by Cat Jordan, Take the Fall by Emily Hainsworth, Thicker Than Water by Kelly Stultz and The Word for Yes by Claire Needel

Revenge and the Wild sounds like a really great Western, mixed with magic and fantasy! I APPROVE. The Leaving Season is a contemporary that will probably make me cry. Take the Fall is a murder mystery, which can sometimes be really awful... but occasionally surprise me. Thicker Than Water sounds super interesting, girl accused of killing her own brother. The Word for Yes looks like it might be an intense read, I hope this one is done well. 

Love Blind by Christa Jesir and Jolene Perry, The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder, The Year We Fell Apart by Emily Martin, Ascending the Boneyard by C.G. Watson and How to Disappear by Ann Redisch Stampler, 

Love Blind sounds like another interesting contemporary. I can't seem to get enough of contemporaries, I just want to read them all. So that is why I have a few more contemporaries here. Ascending the Boneyard sounds really good, but in a great way! 

The Girl Who Fell by Shannon M. Parker, Shades of Darkness by A.R. Kahler, Strike by Delilah S. Dawson, Three Truths and a Lie by Brent Hartinger and 26 Kisses by Anna Michels

The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith, Escaping Perfect by Emma Harrison, Blackhearts by Nicole Castroman, Essential Maps for the Lost by Deb Caletti and Sword and Verse by Kathy MacMillan

The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine, Assassin's Heart by Sarah Ahiers, The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos, Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan and Dreamology by Lucy Keating

The Shadow Queen, Assassin's Heart and Reign of Shadows are three books that I am really excited for!!! Ahhhhh, I can't wait to get to these. 

The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig, Flamecaster by Cinda Williams Chima, The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins, A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro and Burning Glass by Kathryn Purdie

I am very excited for so many of these books. I have 30 just in this post, 40 in last weeks. That is 70 books, that is almost a years worth of reading for me. HOW DO I GET TO THEM ALL!?!? And if I have to choose between them, how will I even start. A Study in Charlotte is one I am desperate to get to. It looks AWESOME!

In the Blogosphere

  1.  Cait @ Paperfury talked about why it is perfectly acceptable to have an enormous TBR pile, and I have to agree (mostly because I have a ridiculously enormous TBR pile!)
  2. Zoe @ Stories on Stage reviewed Their Fractured Light and I am never one to miss her reviews!
  3. Jeann @ A Happy Indulgence reviewed Six of Crows, one of my favourite books of 2015!
  4. The Honest Bookclub shared some hilarious and absolutely true thoughts in the life of a book photographer and then also share ten unpopular bookish opinions they have. 
  5. Lekeisha @ Lakeisha the Booknerd discussed whether people sometimes give books high ratings based of their subject matter and fear of rejection from bloggers and publishers.
  6. Aentee @ The Social Potato pondered the question: Do truly unique books exist?
  7. Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight asked whether you love or loathe numerical ratings?
  8. Mikayla @ Mikayla's Bookshelf reviewed Rise of the Reaper, a book I recently read myself and am reviewing very soon. 


  1. Oh My God! You are literally drowning in ARCs! You have got many books that are in my TBR. Looking forward to reading your reviews :)
    Happy Reading!

  2. So many beautiful books in that bunch!

  3. Yay! I am glad that you have been able to do a lot for blogging this week, and hopefully in time you can find that balance between blogging, reading and also working. Although it is so much to juggle! I've been studying a lot so not as much time for reading as I want or even blogging either :/ I also really like this haul! We have quite a few in common, and some of these look good and I haven't heard of them before. Can't wait to hear what you'll think of them!

  4. Really, for me, that's a whole years worth of reading!

  5. That's a lot of books Charnell, maybe you should chill out on the requests? Or spend a month reading books you own, and another reading ARC's, it might help you balance it all out well, but hey, enjoy them all! :)

  6. I haven't heard of those review books - I guess because they're early copies! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of them - maybe some will be the amazing books I need to get hold of this year :)

    My StS

  7. Oh wow!! So many books!!! They all look fabulous. I have to say I am jealous because I want Love Blind so bad. Fingers crossed because I am still waiting to hear. I think you need to go on an ARC readathon of your own to knock these out. But They are spread out on their dates I'm sure. Enjoy and have a great week!!

  8. So many ARCs, and those are just for the first few months of the year! I hope you love them all! Thanks for the shout out!
    My STS

  9. OOooh very nice! So many books! So many I am anxiously awaiting their release! It's insane! Hope you enjoy all these new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. thicker than water is pretty good.I really enjoyed the read. I am excited for revenge and the wild. A study in charlotte. reign of shadows. Lots of good ones those. you have your work cut out for you for sure.

  11. I see what you mean, about drowning in ARC's. Got some great ones. I see a few that look terrific.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  12. Wow, some awesome ARCs there. I've been really conservative, in contrast! My STS.

  13. So many books, I can't wait to see what you think of all of these. Thanks for sharing!

    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie
    My StS

  14. Aww, thanks for sharing my post. :') LARGE TBRS UNITE! Well. Mine is small compared to yours I suppose but omg, I still think we should have no shame for having unread books. *nods* AlSO THESE BOOKS LOOK DELICIOUS. I'm freaking over all the 2016 realises I'm DYING and DESPERATE for. Like how do I fit them all in???? Plus have time to sink a gold mine for all the money I'm clearly going to need to keep up with this. Sheesh. Where are my clones. Why are they so slack.

    I hope you like A Study In Charlotte! I was a bit...not entirely impressed?! BUT IT WAS STILL A SOLIDLY GOOD READ. *nods* And I'm soooo glad Half Lost is amazing BECAUSE I'M ABSOLUTELY FLAILING FOR THAT ONE! EEEEP!!

  15. So many great books! The Word For Yes sounds really good and moving. I read Thicker Than Water this week and it was kind of slow and hard for me to get through, so I gave it three stars. I'm currently reading The Year We Fell Apart and really enjoying it so far. Happy reading!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  16. Welcome back! You really are drowning in ARCs. :D I've got and read many of these. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my STS post!

  17. Okay, you need to read The Girl From Everywhere- it was my favorite out of these. I even pre-ordered it so that I could have a finished copy! Then I'd say Assassin's Heart. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but then I really did! ANd Blackhearts. OH and Reign of Shadows was good too. Revenge and the Wild and The Mystery of Hollow Places were decent for me. And then I want to read like... ALL of the rest of them hahha. Good luck, you really DO have a lot of ARCs!

    And thanks so much for mentioning my post! You are too kind!! ♥♥♥

    Oh and I might be actually drooling about Half Lost. I sincerely hope we have the same ship ;)

  18. THESE LOOK SO AMAZING! I'm literally adding so many books to my wishlist shelf on Goodreads now haha! I LOVE contemporary books, they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside (unless they're quite dark then it's a different story) and there are so many contemporaries coming out that sound good SQUEE!

  19. Hi - Glad you've been able to keep up with your blogging goals. Love your book haul. You'll be very busy doing what you love -- Reading! I see a few for which I'll be anxious to see your reviews. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  20. I have almost all of the last 10 on my TBR list. Lucky! Happy reading.

    Tsuki’s STS

  21. I hope work isn't being too harsh on you. Oh, and I need to get round to reading Half Wild =/ I'm so reluctant though!! I didn't want there to be a seeeequeeeel >.< Look at all those fancy arcs! Naturally, I'm drawn to the fantasy ones. =D But you know, I'm not even looking these up because I just CAN'T, I'm drowning in books over here too. And I feel so guilty when I buy more with some at home unread. ._. Great post, Charnell

  22. Oh hey, good job lady! I'm happy to see you back posting regularly. Now if I could just make myself do the same...
    You for sure have a ton of awesome books! A bunch of them are high up on my most anticipated releases. I have The Year We Fell Apart and The Girl from Everywhere on hand. And I cannot wait to read them. I hope I love them as much as I think I will.
    Have a great week!


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