HELP! What Book Do I Read Next?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish.

This weeks topic is:

2015 Releases I Still Need To Get To

I like this weeks topic because it gives me the opportunity to hold a poll. I have so many 2015 releases that I still need to get to and haven't yet. It's actually hard to just pick ten of them, as I have so many that I really need to hurry up and read. I always suck at deciding which one to get to next, so hopefully holding a poll means you guys can decide for me. 

Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman and Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Legacy of Kings is a book that I have actually seen a very mixed bunch of reviews for, but I recently got it for Christmas and want to take the time to read it. It mixes fantasy and real aspects of history and the premise just sounds so good. I am really hoping I enjoy this one. I also have to get to Their Fracture Light and see how that series ends. I will just have to reread the first two before I can, as I forget details. I loved book one, but enjoyed book two a little less and hope the third one is a great conclusion to the series. 

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir and Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

I am feeling so torn when it comes to An Ember in the Ashes, it made quite a few peoples lists of disappointing reads of 2015. It seems to divide opinion, so I just have to hope I fall on the side of those who love it. Bone Gap is one I wanted to read based on how much people were raving about it, especially Cait. 

Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick and A Madness so Discreet by Mindy McGinnis

Dangerous Lies is another one that I wanted to read based on how much Cait at Paper Fury loved it. Plus I have seen way more positive reviews for this one then her last book. A Madness so Discreet is one I really can't wait to read, especially since I adored Mindy McGinnis' first two books. Her writing style is just so wonderful. 

Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson and The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand

I am hating how divided reviews are at the minute on so many books of 2015. Walk on Earth a Stranger seems to be another book that is dividing opinion and makes me nervous to try it. I have read some really positive reviews though and I know this is one I want to try for myself. The Last Time We Say Goodbye looks like it is going to be such a wonderful read, and one that will probably get me all emotional. 

The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh and Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

I am so excited to read The Wrath and the Dawn, I'm hoping it is the retelling I am hoping for. I read A Thousand Nights and that was not what I was expecting, I ended up being really disappointed by that one. I really hope The Wrath and the Dawn can deliver where that book didn't. Made You Up has been on my shelf for far too long, I really need to make the time to get to it. 

So where to begin? Which one would you suggest I get to as soon as possible? Cast your vote below. 

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  1. There are so many books from 2015 that I wanted to read but didn't get to as well. I actually haven't read any of these!

    1. I am so behind on 2015 releases... but I have far too many 2016 releases that I now want to get to. URHG! So many books, so little time.

  2. I've only read three of the ones you have but my favorite of the three was definitely Hand's new book.

    1. I am hearing great things, so I am very happy to try that one.

  3. I love that you have so many of these books that you need to get to! But for me, the voting was no contest at all ~ Made You Up made my top 15 in 2015 list and you NEED to read it! I hope you will love it and I can't wait to know what you'll think of that one :3

    1. I have heard such good things about all of them, so I will happily read whatever wins the poll. I am excited to see :)

  4. My favourite here is Their Fractured Light because it was just a fantastic, fast paced series ender! I enjoyed Ember in the Ashes and Legacy of Kings though.

  5. really your list is so hard. Wrath and the dawn favorite of last year. I read walk on earth a stranger this year and it literally tore my heart out. It was an awesome read. I still need to read made you up and madness so discreet and dangerous lies. So can't vote on those but wrath and the dawn or walk on earth a stranger both awesome.

    1. I know, I couldn't decide where to begin which is why I am letting others pick. When I finish Half Lost, I am going to read whichever one won.

  6. BONE GAP!!!! I loved that book so much! I wish there more unique books like this one.

    An Ember in the Ashes was such a weird reading experience for me. There was so much wrong with this book, things I didn't like and STILL I enjoyed reading it quite a lot and I definitely want to read the next book too.

    I can't wait to read The Wrath and the Dawn too. I wanted to wait until the second book is out as well.

    1. I am excited for them all so I will be happy with whatever wins by Saturday :) :) :)

  7. So many books, so little time! I want to read Legacy of Kings because, well I love historical fiction. But so many people has been raving about The Wrath and The Dawn so maybe you should try it! :)

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Me too. The Wrath and the Dawn is currently winning by miles in the poll.

  8. Aah I really want to read The Last Time We Say Goodbye and Made You Up! I haven't got round to though... I've heard good reviews on Made You Up so I guess that one is pretty good. I hope you get round to reading all the books on this list!

    Cloe @ Mornings and Epilogues

    1. Thank you, me too. I plan to get to them all this year, but we shall see.

  9. We've got several of the same books on our lists - An Ember in the Ashes, A Madness So Discreet, etc. I definitely think you should check out The Wrath and the Dawn and Made You Up soon! I really liked both of those. :) My TTT!

    1. The Wrath and the Dawn is currently in the lead so that's what I will probably get to next. I plan to get to them all at some point this year though :)

  10. A Madness So Discreet or Made You Up would be great to read next!

    1. The Wrath and the Dawn is currently in the lead so that's what I will probably get to next. I plan to get to them all at some point this year though :)

  11. I missed all of these as well! Though, I did get about 50 pages into A Madness So Discreet before I accidentally left it at a friend's house on the other side of the country :( But what I did read of it was amazing!

    Also, your blog is absolutely gorgeous :)
    My TTT.

  12. Ugh, I understand your too-many-books-too-little-time conundrum. Most of those are on my list, too. Whenever you THINK you're on top of all the releases you meant to get to - THINK AGAIN, PLEBE. YOU AREN'T EVEN CLOSE. (And by "you", I mean me, of course. I don't refer to others as plebes. :D) For what it's worth, I really enjoyed Made You Up so, so much. It's twisty and surprising and a wonderful way to break up chunky fantasy series.

    - Lexie

    1. I KNOW. I am so behind on all the books. But 2016 is filled with all the books too. AHHHH!

  13. The only one I've read out of these is Wrath & Dawn but I LOVED IT so I hope you get to that one soon! I still need to get to Legacy of Kings, An Ember in the Ashes, Walk the Earth a Stranger AND These Broken Stars personally >.< I hope you get to all of these this year :D

    1. The Wrath and the Dawn is currently in the lead so that's what I will probably get to next. I plan to get to them all at some point this year though :)

  14. Okay if you read any books from this list make it The Wrath and the Dawn and The Last Time We Say Goodbye. Both are ones I know you will love.
    I DNF'd An Ember in the Ashes. It was beyond dull. I also hated Dangerous Lies. It has one of the worst MC' s I've come across. I reviewed it back in November. But she is a judgemental spoiled brat.
    I still need to read Their Fractured Light. It will happen this month before I forget even more from the previous books.

    1. The Wrath and the Dawn is currently in the lead so that's what I will probably get to next. I plan to get to them all at some point this year though :)

  15. I haven't read any of these! I have so many books to catch up on! I really want to read The Last Time We Say Goodbye (hence why I voted for it ;D). An Ember in The Ashes is on my TBR pile, hope we both enjoy it! :)

    1. I know, me too! I hope I can get to them all at some point :)

  16. The Wrath & The Dawn is on my list as well so I voted for that one.

    1. It's ahead at the mo, so looks like I will get to it next.

  17. I'm very curious about A Madness so Discreet by Mindy McGinnis. That's what I selected in the survey, plus it seems you really want to read it as well. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  18. I need to read A Madness so Discreet, I have heard great things about it. Bone Gap is new to me but it sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing!

    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie
    My TTT

    1. A Madness looks so good and I am very excited to read that one!

  19. OBVIOUSLY I VOTED FOR BONE GAP. GET THEE ONTO READING THAT. XD It is so gorgeous I want to eat it. Just sayin'. Aaaand, zomg, forget A Thousand Nights (it was awful, I agree XD) and read The Wrath and the Dawn! They are POLAR opposites and TW&TD has sassy characters and epic romance, and I really think it'd be a YOU kind of book. I am just sayin'. ;D I really loved Made You Up too! I thought it was refreshing because it dealt with mental illness, but it didn't make the book SOLELY about it. And I learnt a lot about schizophrenia too. *nods*

    1. Haha, I knew you would vote for that one ;) YAY! I am glad you agree on A Thousand Nights, I am not alone in my opinion. WOOP WOOP!!!

  20. i'm currently reading the wrath and the dawn, and it's so good! i definitely recommend reading this. i definitely think i'm going to read a madness so discreet + an ember in the ashes. really lovely post! :))

    1. I think I will be reading that next, it is winning the poll by miles.

  21. Ok, first of all, your blog is beautiful!

    I love that you added a poll. I chose An Ember in the Ashes because I absolutely loved that book, and I had no idea that it was listed as the most disappointing book of 2015 for some people. :O The Last Time We Say Goodbye is really good. Be prepared to have tissues on hand. I cried a few times :').

    Sarah @ Kerosene Lit

    1. Awww, thank you!!!!
      I am so excited for all of them. I can already tell The Last Time We Say Goodbye will make me cry lots :(

  22. Love that you had us vote on what to read first! I just added Bone Gap to my audiobook tbr this morning. ;)

  23. I had the Wrath and the Dawn too. I vote for Made You Up though because I own that one and want to get to it as well (just forgot it on my list !!)

    1. I am excited to read them all, have heard great things about every single one.

  24. I just posted my review of Legacy of Kings yesterday! It was okay, but I didn't absolutely LOVE it. An Ember in the Ashes though, easily one of my top 2015 reads! I hope you get to read some of these soon!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  25. There are a lot on your list that I wanted to get to too! I really wanted to read A Madness So Discreet and The Wrath and the Dawn, but I just never got to them. I hope you can get the books on your list read sometime this year and I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for visiting my TTT! Happy reading!

  26. I've been intrigued by so many of these, too! I voted The Wrath and the Dawn, mostly because I need to read that too, haha.

  27. Hmmm...I'll vote for Made You Up. That one also fascinates me!

  28. I haven't read any of these yet either, but a few are on my TBR list also. The Wrath and the Dawn, Legacy of Kings, and Their Fractured Light all look great. I hope you enjoy all of them once you get to them. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!!

  29. Hmm I see what you mean about divided reviews. But if it is something that you think you might enjoy, give it a shot! You never know if you don't try. :)

  30. I've only read The Wrath & The Dawn from this list--but I SO adored it, it's absolutely gorgeous!

    There are a few others here I'm hoping to read eventually--like A Madness So Discreet and The Last Time We Say Goodbye. :D Happy reading!

    1. It's winning by miles atm, so I will be reading that next I am sure!

  31. I have heard some really positive reviews of the books you mentioned! I haven't read any personally, but I hope that once I get caught up, I can get going some others new to me. Happy Reading!

  32. So many books i wanted to get to too :)
    Wonderful list :)
    I got Made you up at the end of december as well as Legacy of Kings so i hope to get to those two very soon.
    I wish you the best of luck to read all of those very soon and love them when you do :)

    My TTT:

  33. Ooh, I love your list! Some of these sound intriguing... I think I've seen most of them around. I really want to read Bone Gap! Because of Cait, of course. XD Also The Wrath and the Dawn. Yes. Must read... Best of luck with your reading! :)

  34. AHH. So many fabulous books here - I don't know what to choose! In the end, I voted for Their Fractured Light because it is an absolutely amazing end to the Starbound trilogy. But The Last Time We Said Goodbye and Made You Up are also amazing too. :)

    1. I'm excited to read that one, even if I do have to read the first two books before I can get to it.

  35. These are REALLY good choices! So three of these were favorites of mine: Walk on Earth a Stranger, Wrath, and Made You Up. I voted for Wrath, not even because I loved it more, just because it has more universal love, and also, I felt the same way you did about A Thousand Nights, so I kind of figure you may like Wrath better. But any of those get a lot of love from me. Also loved A Madness So Discreet, and An Ember in the Ashes. And the others are not only on my TBR, but on my bookshelf, except for Their Fractured Light- but it WILL be someday I assume :D Good luck, you have a LOT of amazing choices!

    1. It is winning by miles at the moment and so I am sure Wrath is the one I will read next :)

  36. I haven't read any of these, but I've heard good things about The Wrath and the Dawn and Their Fractured Light.
    Great list. I'm going to go and check out A Madness So Discreet. No idea what it's about besides the obvious, but the cover is giving me Lady Macbeth vibes. :)

  37. Your reading list must be huge. I've tried to stop thinking about mine. (Hasn't alleviated any stress yet, but I'm working on it. e_e) So many of those books covers were stunning. YA is going up in the world!! XD
    I discovered Tahir's book on this blog ages ago and I really wanted to see what you thought. Now let's see what comes out top in the poll.

  38. I haven't read any of these, but I really would like to pick up The Wrath of the Dawn soon, as well as a few others your list has reminded me of!
    Great list and thanks for checking out my blog!

    1. It is winning atm, so I will be reading that one next I am sure :)

  39. I've read An Amber In The Ashes, and Made You Up and they're great! But you should read them and The Last Time We Said Goodbye if you need a good cry.
    Great list.

  40. There are so many books on your list that I need to get to as well, including Their Fractured Light. Great list but I foresee some tough choices ahead for you.

    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier :)

    Obsessive Compulive Reader

  41. I still need to read Their Fractured Light too! That cover is so gorgeous though.

  42. Bone Gap was one of my favorite reads last year so I hope you get to read it soon!


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