Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan: Norse Mythology is AWESOME!

Title: Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer
Author: Rick Riordan
Publisher: Puffin
Buy this book: Amazon / Book Depository
Magnus Chase has always been a troubled kid. Since his mother's mysterious death, he's lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits, keeping one step ahead of the police and the truant officers. One day, he's tracked down by an uncle he's never met—a man his mother claimed was dangerous. His uncle tells him an impossible secret: Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true. The gods of Asgard are preparing for war. Trolls, giants and worse monsters are stirring for doomsday. To prevent Ragnarok, Magnus must search the Nine Worlds for a weapon that has been lost for thousands of years. When an attack by fire giants forces him to choose between his own safety and the lives of hundreds of innocents, Magnus makes a fatal decision. Sometimes, the only way to start a new life is to die . . .
When I tell people I haven't
read Percy Jackson
I want to start my review by confessing that I have yet to finish the Percy Jackson series. I know, this might seem sacrilegious to some of you lovely bloggers. I read the first two but then didn't continue, but it is something I do want to do. I enjoyed the characters and the humour in the first two books but. the books felt very middle grade and I sometimes struggle with that. The main problem was that they were a little too predictable and felt a bit too young. I know I need to continue the series because, much like Harry Potter, the characters age as they go along and so will the story. Plus, as Sword of Summer has proven to me, Rick Riordan is one talented author. I really want to finish the PJ series so I can get to the Heroes of Olympus series, I really think that series will work for me a lot better.

I was actually very eager to start Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer, as the characters were starting off a lot older and it just felt like it was aimed at young adults. I finally felt I could jump straight into a Rick Riordan book and just love it, without pushing through just waiting for later books. I suddenly understood why people rave about Rick Riordan and his writing and this book has made me determined to devour everything else he writes. I read this book all the way back in July last year, but never managed to get my review together. It's time to change that. I want to take an opportunity to gush about his witty, memorable characters and action-packed, fast paced writing.

I knew almost instantly that Magnus Chase was going to be something special, the book starts with a chapter entitled 'Good Morning! You're Going to Die'. Magnus didn't disappoint as a character, he was absolutely hilarious and had such a big personality. He definitely reminded me quite a bit of Percy in that regard, from what I could remember of Percy at least. This book was a mighty 480+ pages, but never felt too long. I couldn't put the book down and flew through it so quickly. The pace never lets up and it feels like it has non-stop action, but with just enough quiet moments for you to get to know and love the characters.

Norse mythology was something I knew very little about before going into this book. I'm going to be honest, everything I did know came from watching the Thor movies. I learnt so much reading this book and was absolutely fascinated by all the mythology. I had no idea that there were nine worlds in Norse mythology. Or that there is a giant tree that houses a dragon, a squirrel and an eagle in it - the most random combination I have ever heard of.

Magnus Chase was a wonderful little human being, I loved his snarky humour and I just wanted to squish his face, he's utterly adorable. Rick Riordan didn't stop there though, he provided so many awesome secondary characters too. Samirah Al Abbas won points straight away for her amazing name, especially since her last name means lion. Sam was a fantastic female character and I was very happy to see that no romance was forced upon us in the first book, Sam was given a much more important role then just being there as a love interest. WOOO! Thank you, Rick Riordan! I also adored Blitzen and Hearthstone, a Dwarf with a killer sense of fashion and a deaf elf, who communicates using sign language. Not to mention the fact we get Loki, Thor and a whole host of Norse Gods present in this book. The characters were all so fabulous and I am eagerly awaiting their next adventure.

5/5 Butterflies

Looking back on Goodreads, I initially gave this 4 stars. I now really can't think of a reason why I knocked a star off, so I am going to give it the whole 5 stars. This was such a fun read, that also taught me a lot about Norse mythology. I finally understand all the love Rick Riordan gets as a writer, and I am now determined to make my way through the rest of his books. If you are looking for a hilarious read, with wonderful and diverse characters, and a plot that makes it hard for you to tear yourself away from this book... Magnus Chase is the book for you. 

* I received a copy of this book through LoveReading4Kids in exchange for an honest review. 


  1. I can't wait to read this one! I have finished the original Percy Jackson series and loved it :D But I have yet to actually read the Heroes of Olympus series and that is something that I need to do myself as well :P But I love the sound of this one. I was a little unsure because I don't know much about Norse mythology if anything, but it looks like I can learn as I read this. Also, when I read I usually skip chapter titles. After going through two Percy Jackson books like that, I quickly learned that Rick Riordan's chapter titles are humorous and add to the story. I remind myself not to skip them when I read his works now ^^

  2. I just love his writing and his sarcastic male characters. I need to read this and soon!

  3. I've not read anything by this author but it looks incredible!!!

    Katie |

  4. I've read all the Percy Jackson books, and I even remember counting the days down for the release of this one. Yet for some reason, I haven't read it yet. I will have to soon, though! Great review! :)

  5. I LOVED IT TOO!! I thought he resembled Percy a little, but not like...not the same? Like Magnus felt WAY more bitterly sarcastic. While Percy was an adorkable stupid adorable thing. :') I love them both, but differently. hehe. And I think the Heroes of Olympus series is a lot better than the MG Percy series. If that helps. ;D The action gets more intense and the characters are a bit more mature and I liiiiike. AHEM.
    But my favourite part of Magnus Chase had to have been those chapter titles. XD I WAS CRACKING UP!!

  6. Very nice review! I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes snarky humor in books. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  7. I LOVE RICK RIORDAN! I never reread series EVER, but I actually reread all the Percy Jackson books a couple of months ago and I actually loved them more than I did the first time. I have Magnus Chase on my bookshelf (haha not actually him, that would be slightly odd XD) and I NEED to read it ASAP!

  8. Oh yea, Riordan is an awesome write! I can't wait for you to get all the way through PJ and onto HoO; it definitely gets more diverse and less juvinile as the characters age.
    Magnus Chase is perhaps my favourite of Riordan's characters. He's so good at writing sarcasm and sass. But Magnus really takes the cake on both accounts. He is my soul mate. :)

  9. i have to say That I like PJ more just because of Nico but Magnus chase was amazing too(Although just a tip. do not read the hidden oracle and have really low expectations for the lost hero, mark of Athena, and Blood of Olympus.)

  10. I was actually very eager to start Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer, as the characters were starting off a lot older and it just felt like it was aimed at young adults. I finally felt I could jump straight into a Rick Riordan book and just love it, without pushing through just waiting for later books. I suddenly understood why people rav care about Rick Riordan and his writing and this book has made me determined to devour everything else he writes. I read this book all the way back in July last year, but never managed to get my review together. It's time to change that. I want to take an opportunity to gush about his witty, memorable characters and action-packed, fast paced writing.


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