The Martian by Andy Weir: Out of This World and Absolutely Hilarious

Title: The Martian
Author: Andy Weir
Publisher: Del Rey 
BUY THIS BOOK!!!: Amazon / Book Depository 
I'm stranded on Mars.
I have no way to communicate with Earth.
I'm in a Habitat designed to last 31 days.
If the Oygenator breaks down, I'll suffocate. If the Water Reclaimer breaks downs, I'll die of thirst. If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of explode. If none of those things happen, I'll eventually run out of food and starve to death.
So yeah, I'm screwed.

I am just going to put this out there: The Martian was my top read of 2015. Yes, an adult fiction, sci-fi book topped my favourites list. This is coming from someone who almost reads exclusively YA now. But this book deserves every single ounce of praise being awarded to it. If you're someone who only reads YA, or isn't a fan of sci-fi, or just hasn't really considered reading this book: change your mind! I honestly don't feel like you will regret it. I started this feeling a little nervous, I thought all the detailed space talk and equations would either go over my head or bore me to tears. I was worried this would be a book that I would struggle to get through. I was proved oh so very wrong. I could not put this book down, I was absolutely hooked to it and realised quite quickly that I had not only discovered a new favourite book, but also a favourite male protagonist. If you want more reasons you should pick it up then feel free to continue reading this review. But I will provide a quick list of reasons why you should just drop everything and go read it right now:

  1. It contains the funniest male protagonist I have ever come across. I finished this months ago and I still can't forget Mark Watney as a character.
  2. The book is actually one of the funniest novels I have ever read. I laughed so hard that I snorted and got in a coughing fit.... ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT. 
  3. Unputdownable is the perfect word to describe this book, I couldn't tear myself away from the story. 
  4. It's a book that can make you cry, make you laugh, and actually manages to get you to do both at once.

In short:

(Yes, I feel this aggressively about it!)

Okay, now I am done trying to force you all to just go and read the book, it's time to get to my actual review. 

Mark Watney is six days in to a two month mission on Mars when everything goes wrong. Mark Watney and the rest of the Ares 3 crew are told to abandon the mission as high risk sandstorms batter their Hab and Mars Ascent Vehicle. During the journey to the MAV, Mark is hit by an antennae that pierces his suit and makes it look as though he has died. The rest of the crew have no choice but to leave him there and make their way back to the ship, to start their long journey home to Earth. But, unbeknownst to them and the rest of Earth, Mark didn't die on Sol 6. He survived. He's now met with the task of trying to find a way to survive on an uninhabitable planet, when he's supplies were only meant to last the duration of the two month mission. He know his only hope is to find some way of surviving for THREE YEARS until the next Ares mission to Mars, and even then he has to journey across the planet to get to their landing spot. As Mark would say, he's basically fucked.

Mark, Mark, Mark! He is my favourite part of this book and I would probably gush about him for the whole review if I could. I want to find Andy Weir and kiss that mans feet, he knows how to write a character. Mark Watney is honestly the funniest character I have ever come across. He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humour, which is the kind I love. Andy Weir also makes him a character that you connect with, understand and relate to, which I thought I would struggle with as he's a friggin' genius, trapped on Mars, who is able to do the most complicated equations in seconds. I did connect with and relate to him though, to his determination to survive. Mark Watney is a character I wish existed, just so I could have the pleasure of meeting him in real life.

The book doesn't just follow Mark on his quest of survival though, we also get to see his old crew and how they are dealing with his death, whilst trying to make their way back home. Then we have NASA who have to deal with the publicity from the death of Mark, only to discover that they have left a man, who is very much alive, stranded on Mars. We see them trying to come up with anyway they can help Mark survive long enough for help to reach him.

I can't remember the last time a book me had me so anxious as this one did. I don't think I have been this into a book and its ending, as I was with this. My fiancé, who has dealt with nine years of my bookworm ways, even said he'd never seen me talk/rave about a book so much, especially to him. He'd also never seen me laugh through my tears, grip the book so hard and then throw it across the bed because I was too scared/nervous/anxious to continue. I don't remember the last time a book had me so highly invested in the characters. Andy Weir managed to compeltely suck me into this story, so much so that it no longer felt like a work of fiction. I was cheering on Mark, crying for him and laughing with him.

I honestly wouldn't want to ruin even a minute of this book for you guys. I can only recommend that you go and try it for yourselves. I don't see any reason you wouldn't want to read this book. Even if it is not your usual genre or age range, pick it up and give it a try. If you don't, you might just be missing out on one of the greatest books of all time. There, I said it! My love for this book is just overwhelming me whilst writing this review. I read the book back in September, and now I know that I have to go and reread it.

5+/5 Butterflies

This is quite honestly one of the greatest books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. If I could gush and rave about it all day, every day, then I probably would. It made me laugh and it made me cry, it made me do both at once. I couldn't put this book down, it was too hard for me to pull myself away from the story and concentrate on anything else. I can't wait to see what Andy Weir does next, I feel bad for the guy as he has to follow up from such a huge success. I have faith in him as an author, the guy is clearly talented beyond words. I really hope my gushing/nonsensical review makes at least one person give this book a chance, you won't be disappointed.


  1. I loved this book too! My entire family full of science and non-science people loved it because it really is that good. I hope we get another book from Weir!

    1. It was just so good, it made me want to recommend it to anyone and everyone.

  2. Excited you loved this so much!!

  3. I LOVED this book! Without the humour it would have been very dull. I enjoyed the science even though some of it went over my head :)
    I liked the film as well.
    Great review!

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

  4. I have heard everyone raving about this book and movie which is why it is on my TBR! I am so excited and honestly cannot wait to read this one. I think the suspense of knowing how and whether he will survive is going to be so high... and I love sci-fi myself. I know people who aren't interested in sci-fi in the slightest have been able to appreciate this one too which is why he sounds so cool DD:

  5. So happy you liked this book as much as I did! I totally agree about Mark Watney being hilarious - definitely made the novel all the more interesting to read. It is not often that I can identify with a man on Mars, but Disco is not my thing either!

    1. I loved him. I need more of this book, I wasn't ready for it to end.

  6. I have this super miiiild feeling that you like this book a little? Just a touch? Not very much, just a teeny tiny amount. XD OKAY OKAY. I'M HORRIBLE. But omg your enthusiasm for this is contagious!! I WANT TO READ IT. I read exclusively YA (unless I'm feeling brave and something comes really recommended) so heck yes this is going on the TBR *nods* And I also want to see the movie. But book first. I'm a good bookworm like that. ;)

    1. You know, just a little ;)


  7. I've never really considered reading this book, to be perfectly honest, but your review has completely changed me mind. The movie does intrigue me, so it's only right that I should read the book first. This one's definitely going on my wishlist! Thanks for an awesome review, Charnell!

    1. YAY!!! This makes me far too happy. I HOPE YOU DO AND I HOPE YOU LOVE IT!!!

  8. I had no idea this book was funny!! And I LOVE books that make me LOL in public :) Now I'm really really excited to read it (even more than when I thought it was a sad, stressful book).

  9. This one really was so much fun. I ended up making other people read it right away!

  10. I'm really glad you wrote this, because I saw The Martian ages ago and it looked so interesting. But I was in doubt because I also thought it would go over my head, so I didn't add it to the TBR. Then I saw there was a film adaption and thought, 'Maybe I'll just watch that.' But thanks to this post I'm gonna go with my initial gut instinct and just read it. You've made me quite excited for it now; as Cait said above, your enthusiasm is contagious!!

  11. Yessss! This was one of my top 2015 reads as well. So hilarious, but it feeds your brain as well. Mark is awesome!

  12. So, what you're saying is - if we have nothing else to read and it's a slow day and it's pouring outside and none of our friends want to hang out, and we've already done our laundry, and there's no school/work tomorrow, and there's nothing on TV, and the dogs/cats are walked, fed and watered, we should give this book a tentative chance?

    I mean, that's what you're saying, right?

    Really, though - I NEED THIS IN MAH LIFE. I've purchased WAY too many books for the holidays and I still can't fathom how the Martian could have slipped my mind. My mom can't, either. She's a devoted sci-fi addict and we both need me to get on this. I WANT TO MEET THIS UNFORGETTABLE HILARIOUS MALE PROTAGONIST WHO CONVERTS YA READERS TO ADULT! And I'm so glad you, y'know, kinda-sorta enjoyed it. ;)

    - Lexie

    1. I mean, that is basically what I am saying ;) haha

      I LOVED IT!!! SO MUCH!!! I hope if you do read it, that you love it..... PLEASE!!! haha

  13. I had thought I wanted to see the movie and not read the book, but it appears you've managed to change my mind. Thanks for your review and for the little mini-excerpt at the beginning of your post. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  14. Wow! What a rave review :-) I'm happy to see that you loved this book. I have seen the movie, and admittedly, have not yet read the book, but every review I've read so far has been similar to yours. The movie was pretty darn good, I thought, so I'm excited to see just how much better the book will be. Thank you for the nudge :-)

    Katie @ Shelfishly Addicted

    1. I really did. I could probably rave about this for so long. I would highly recommend the book. I loved the film, but enjoyed the movie more.

  15. I committed a huge bookish crime and actually saw the movie before reading the book *gasp* That being said though, I enjoyed the movie enough to want to read the book anyway. And I will! I have a feeling I'll love the book even more because, let's face it: the book is ALWAYS better. I just love the way you described Mark's character and the humour and well…everything! I need this book in my life :D Awesome review^^

    1. You need to remedy this situation by going to read the book ASAP!!!! ;)

  16. oh wow. I have been on the fence for this book and now for sure can't wait to read it. I think I need to move it up on my list. I am in need for a very humorous book. I think I will need to read it before I see the movie.

    1. I really hope you love it when you do, it made me laugh so much when I read it.

  17. This was one of my favorite books from 2015, too! I absolutely loved it!

    1. It was soooo awesome and now I am so desperate to read whatever Weir does next.

  18. Great review! I'm so glad you adored this because it is a very brilliant book. Even my dad, who probably hasn't read an actual book in 20 years loved this. Mark is absolutely one of the most funniest characters ever. And based on his depressing situation that just makes his sense of humour all the more fantastic. I also loved how the science was never dumbed down. It was casually explained in a way that never felt like it was being explained to idiots. Lol.

    1. It really is, I couldn't get enough. I can't wait to see what Weir does next.


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