Weekly Recap: I'm Dying, But At Least I Have ALL The Books

I've not been up to much in the last week. I was supposed to go back to work after my two weeks off, but ended up having this whole week off sick. I came down with a cold around Christmas day, but that slowly progressed to laryngitis and a chest infection, which meant a trip to the doctors and now I am on a course of antibiotics. I have been taking the antibiotics for four days and am yet to feel better, which really sucks. No matter what, I'll be returning to work on Monday after three weeks off. I am going to struggle getting up early every morning now, but I'll have to get used to it.

The one good thing about being sick is the fact I have had more time to read and blog. That's how I have managed to get a few more posts scheduled, get 3 books ahead of my GR schedule and visit some of my favourite blogs. Hopefully this progress will continue throughout 2016, where I hope to post at least three times a week.

My haul this week is really large, and the worst part is that I had to actually cut it in half and put the others in next weeks. The reason it is so large is because I forgot to include any of my recent eARCs in my December haul. I always fail at that because I just forget them because they are all stored on my Kindle. I only seem to remember all the physical beauties that I get. So this time it is time to include all the eARCs.

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson, The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May, This is the Story of You by Beth Kephart, Lady Renegades by Rachel Hawkins and A Walk in the Sun by Michelle Zink

I am very excited to have the latest novel by Morgan Matson, I love her books. I am excited to have the sequel to The Falconer too, mostly because it should give me the push I need to finally read the first book. This is the Story of You sounds so very strange but intriguing, so I just had to get that one. Lady Renegades is one I am nervous for, I LOVED Rebel Belle, but ended up being really disappointed by the sequel. I really hope the third book is more like Rebel Belle. A Walk in the Sun looks like a cutesy read and sometimes you just need one of those.

Half Lost by Sally Green, This is Where the World Ends by Amy Zhang, Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin, The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine and Unbound by Neal Shusterman

I am so happy to have an early copy of Half Lost, the wait for that book has been killing me. I have started rereading the series and have just finished Half Bad. I plan to be starting Half Lost by Sunday. I am nervous about This is Where the World Ends as I have just been seeing bad reviews for that one. Symptoms of Being Normal, to me, looks like it's going to be a novel about Hitler... it isn't. I am excited for The Impostor Queen, even if I find the cover a little creepy! 

The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows, The Last Boy and Girl in the World by Siobhan Vivian, OCDaniel by Wesley King, The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry and The Dark Days Club by Allison Goodman

I can't wait to start The Orphan Queen, but I made sure to wait for the sequel as I'd heard the ending of book one made you desperate for the next book and I have very little patience. The Last Boy and Girl in the World has me intrigued. The Passion of Dolssa is one I am very excited for, I loved Julie Berry's All the Truth That's In Me, 

Wanderlost by Jen Malone, Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes, The Outliers by Kimberly McCreight, The Fall of Butterflies by Andrea Portes and Autofocus by Lauren Gibaldi 

I am quite excited by all the wonderful contemporary books I have to read. Girl Against the Universe has an interesting premise, although I am nervous as I didn't love the authors other books. Autofocus is one I am very excited for, I really enjoyed Lauren Gibaldi's debut novel!

Ruined by Amy Tintera, Ask Me How I Got Here by Christine Heppermann, The Way Back To You by Michelle Adreani & Mindi Scott, This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab and The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele

Ruined is one I am very curious about. I am most excited for This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab! I have heard only good things about all of her books. 

Eleven Things I Promised by Catherine Clark, Dark Energy by Robison Wells, Down With the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn, My Lady Jane by Cythia Hand, Jodi Meadows & Brodi Ashton and The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye

I am sooooo excited to read My Lady Jane. About this time last year I went to a very intimate lunch with Cynthia, Jodi, Brodi, along with two other bloggers and my best friend. They were talking about My Lady Jane, as they were their doing research, and the book intrigued me so bloody much. I am so happy it is finally coming out. The Crown's Game is one I am really excited for too, it looks so good and I love the cover. 

Traitor Angels by Anne Blankman, The Hunt by Megan Shephard, Spark by Holly Schindler, Secrets, Lies & Scandals by Amanda K. Morgan and The Epidemic by Suzanne Young 

Spark was one that sounded so good to me and I just had to download it, it was one I hadn't even heard of before I saw it. I am excited for The Epidemic, the sequel to The Remedy.

My Life with the Liars by Caela Carter, Even if the Sky Falls by Mia Garcia, Frannie and Tru by Karen Hattrup, Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes and The Last Time We Were Us by Leah Konen

In the Blogosphere

  1. Cait @ Paperfury got a bunch of bloggers together to give their genre predictions for 2016, she also gave us a hand in finding YA books without romance and looked at whether book hype is really all that bad.
  2. Aimee @ The Social Potato talked about book boyfriends and the criteria she needs them to meet.
  3. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence got engaged!!!!
  4. Zoe @ Stories on Stage took part in Blogger Positivity and discussed all she had learnt by taking part. 
  5. Lexie @ The Honest Book Club looked at book covers that were better than the story within them, and I agreed on oh so many. 
  6. Jon @ Bookish Antics warned everyone about an author who was catfishing book bloggers and booktubers. An author was posing as an employee of a big publishing house, in order to gain bloggers personal details and mailing addresses. 
  7. Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight talked Human Behaviour 101, where I applauded everything she said as she was SPOT ON!

Hope you have all had a wonderful week! Share your link to your blog and your own haul post and I will be sure to check it out. Happy reading, guys!


  1. Aw, I really hope you are feeling better! That is awful, being sick for a whole week :(

    And thank you SO much for mentioning my post, you are too sweet <3 And now, I shall drool over your books forever. I just... SO many books I am dying to get my hands on! I am in limbo for quite a few of them right now, but I figure if other people have them, the chances are not good. But they'll come out eventually, I suppose ;)

    Hope you enjoy SO many of these! And that the waking up on Monday morning isn't *too* horrible. Have a fabulous week!

    1. Thank you. I am finally starting to feel human again... FINALLY!!!

      I am kind of overwhelmed by the amount, especially since this is just half. I went too click happy and didn't really think about how many I was adding to my already endless TBR list.

  2. Aww, I am sorry to hear that you are so sick at the moment, and not getting any better with those antibiotics as well. I hope they will kick in before you go back to work because that would make life a whole lot easier as well >.> We have quite a few books in common, but I am a bit lazy and am not going to list them :P Instead, I will just say happy reading! And don't forget about all those lovely ecopies DD: <3

    1. I know, I am really hoping I feel 100% soon. I feel a lot more human today... FINALLY!!! I have been sick for 3 weeks and I am sick of it, haha.

  3. That sucks that you're so sick! I hope you feel better soon!
    And goodness woman that is a LOT of books you've got there! I hope you enjoy them all :) I need to remember that The Vanishing Throne is out now and read it sometime. I have to say I really prefer the UK cover to that one, though - I think the UK one stands out more.

    Enjoy all your books!
    ~Ailsa @ The Book Bundle
    My book post

    1. I am starting to finally feel a little more human, thankfully. I KNOW!!! I went too click happy and didn't really think about how many I was downloading.

  4. It's good that you were able to use your sick time to catch up with the blog. The only thing worse than being ill is when you have no energy or concentration to get anything done. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Yeah, it was probably the only positive thing about feeling like death for 3 weeks haha. Thankfully I am finally starting to feel human today.

  5. Oh my goodness! You really did get ALL the books, Charnell! I hope you'll be able to read and enjoy them soon.
    Feel better! It's weird when antibiotics don't help with that :(
    Have a good weekend and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  6. Oh ugh. No fun getting sick right at the holiday. That should be some sort of natural law. No getting sick on holidays. I was sick on my "sweet sixteenth" so yeah, that didn't turn out memorable in the good way.

    But wow! Look at all the awesome books you've accumulated!! Hope you enjoy each and every one of these!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I KNOW! I hate being sick when I have time off, it ruins it.

  7. I hope you get better, it feels awful to get respiratory infections.
    YOU got an amazing haul this week, I've seen Lady Renegades a lot so I'm definitely curious about it.
    Get well soon!
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie

  8. Hope you are feeling better. LOVE your haul :-) Lady Renegades looks like a fun. Enjoy.

  9. I hope you're feeling better! Being sick is a pain :/

    I'm so jealous of all the books you've got this week, and I hope you enjoy them. I loved The Falconer and The Vanishing Throne, So I hope you do too. The Orphan Queen was fantastic, and I'm not so patiently waiting for it's sequel - you'll have to let me know how it is.

    Sophie @ Sophie Reads YA

  10. I hope you get better soon though. D: SICKNESS IS NOT GOOD. Although extra reading time is kinda nice. So I'm glad there's a teeny positive amongst feeling awful. GET BETTER!! *gives you warm soup* Oh oh and I'm super excited for Half Lost. And scared. XD I don't think it'll end well. Also Crown's Game is just ajfdkaslfd everything I want in a book. And I'm one of the grumpy ones about This Is Where The World Ends. Such poisonous relationships...ugh. >_> ALSO I JUST BOUGHT THE ORPHAN QUEEN AND I'M EXCITED AND A BIT SCARED SO YEAH. WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES. XD

    1. I am so happy I am no longer sick. IT SUCKED!!!! I am currently reading Half Lost and I am enjoying it. I HOPE IT ENDS HAPPY!!! I want Gabriel and Nathan to run off into the sunset together haha.

  11. So many great books to your haul this week. I love Morgan Matson's book, too. Happy reading, Charnell. :)
    My STS

  12. Thank you so much for sharing my post lovely! Wow, you got such an epic haul this week, I'm adding a few of them to my TBR, particularly Morgan Matson's new book! I hope you get well soon Charnell <3 Happy new year lovely.

    1. I really did, and I had to split the amount in half and they will be up next Saturday. I HAVE FAR TOO MUCH TO READ!

  13. Aww, Charnell, I hope you feel better soon. ♥ It's no fun being sick.

    At least you have a ton of great books to make up for that, right? ;) The Crown's Game, Ruined and This is Where the World Ends all sound absolutely amazing, so I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for sharing and happy reading!

    PS Thank you for sharing my post. That means a ton. *hugs*

  14. Aww, I'm so sorry you're sick poppet, and especially over the Christmas break as well. Maybe give the antibiotics another few days, but if you're not improving, you might need to go back and get him to prescribe a different antibiotic. I hope you start feeling better soon poppet.

    P.S, Holy crap, look at that book haul! That'll probably keep you reading through until next Christmas <3

  15. So sorry you've been sick. Hope you're better soon. I'm amazed by your book haul and that it is only half of them. I see several I'd like to peruse. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  16. oh my that is a lot of books. I hope you get to em all, lots of good ones. I am excited for fall of butterflies. sounds so good. also excited for the hunt. I liked the first book very very much. hope you are feeling much better. sucks you had a cold during the holidays but lots of reading and blogging is a good thing.

    1. Me too!!! I have far too much to read, and so little time to do it all in.

  17. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick! I hope you get well soon! :)

    So many awesome books! I hope you love all of them.


  18. Oh man, I'm having a wee bit of ARC envy. :)
    I'm excited to see what you think of Wanderlost and The Way Back to You. Both are books I'm excited for. Actually there's a thousand spring/summer contempt i desperately want.
    I DNF'd Amy Zhang' s first book. I didn't not like her writing. So I'm not even going to bother giving her another go. I feel she's overrated.
    Half Lost! Eeeeeee. I'm going to reread Half Bad and such in March before Half Lost is released here.
    So many awesome books! Happy reading!

    1. I know, so many I want to read too but soooo very little time to actually do it all. It can get ANNOYING!


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