My Most Recent 5 Star Reads

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

My Most Recent 5 Star Reads

This weeks prompt actually made me realise that I am very picky when it comes to giving a book 5 stars. I actually had to go back over six months ago in order to find ten five star reads. I don't give out the elusive 5 star rating to just any book. It usually goes to a book that truly amazes me, or moves me, or makes me feel something. The 5 star rating is for books I know I am not going to forget. So here it goes, here are the last ten books that deserved that 5 star rating.

Morning Star by Pierce Brown

I loved this book, so much. Although, be aware, I am going to end up saying this about every book in this list. It was an incredible, mind-blowing, fucking awesome end to one amazing trilogy. I didn't know what to expect from this book. I was pretty nervous though, as I was fully aware of the fact that Pierce Brown had the power to break my heart with this final book. And he did, at times. But he also made me laugh, cry and drop my book in shock. I haven't reviewed this book yet and it has been months, I just don't have the words yet to sum up what this book did to me.

When We Collided by Emery Lord

I adored this book, it just spoke to me so much. Emery Lord writes really wonderful contemporaries and I especially love this one, I think it is my favourite of her books so far. It explores grief and mental health, and I felt that it did it so well. I could relate to both of the characters quite a bit and really connected to them when reading this book. You can read my full review here.

Half Lost by Sally Green

This is another brilliant finale in a series. Sally Green didn't hold back with the final book. There was fighting and tears and death. Sally Green really wasn't afraid to break her readers hearts, and break them she did. I read this months ago and I am still not over it. Just thinking back to this book makes me want to cry again. If you haven't started this series yet then you definitely should, it is awesome. There is witches, magic and LGBT characters and so much more. You can read my full review here.

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

This book has received a TON of hype and it deserves it all. I absolutely loved this book, it blew me away. The one word I would use to describe it would be unique. This is a sci-fi space adventure that involves a lot of death, some amazing characters and one scary computer. I am now counting down the day until the next book comes out. I NEED IT!!! You can read my full review here.

All the Rage by Courtney Summers

Courtney Summers managed to deliver something truly spectacular with All the Rage, I was so beyond impressed with this novel. This is a novel that really doesn't hold back, it takes an honest and very raw approach to a very serious subject - rape. All the Rage was beautiful and moving, a book that I won't easily forget.

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

I honestly have to describe Rebel of the Sands as absolute perfection. This book was just so incredible and such a brilliant start to a series. It is set in a world of myth and magic, a fantasy book with a western feel to it. The romance was adorable and squishy and I just love, love loved it. I couldn't recommend this book more. If you want to read my full and totally gushing review, go here.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

I don't read much new adult, as I have a complicated relationship with it. I do however read any and everything that Colleen Hoover writes. I just love her books, her writing style just really works for me. I really enjoyed November 9 and how the story is told over years, on the same day each year. There were parts that got to me and aspects I didn't completely love, but I still rated the book 5 stars because of how much I enjoyed it and how impossible I found it to put down.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I didn't get along very well with Leigh Bardugos Grisha series - I enjoyed book one, but was bored with the other two and really not satisfied with the series overall. So I didn't know what to expect from Six of Crows. I was so happy to find that I completely loved every single page of it. This is a fantasy heist novel that is as awesome as it sounds. It has some of the most awesome characters you could hope to find and it leaves you desperate to get your hands on the next book.

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

This is one of the few new adult books, other than Colleen Hoover's, that I have absolutely loved and felt was just completely perfect. I can't even explain all my love for this book. I just could not put it down at all. The writing was so beautiful, it made me want to devour every single thing that Katja Millay has wrote. I am so upset that she is yet to release anything else but, if she ever does, I will be buying it up the second it releases.

The Martian by Andy Weir

MY LOVE FOR THE MARTIAN IS ENDLESS! I love it from the beginning to the middle to the end. I LOVE Mark Watney, one of the funniest male protagonists I have ever seen. It has suspense and shocks. It made me laugh out loud, it also made me cry and made me so scared that I didn't want to turn the page to find out what would happen. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. My full review can be found here.

Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think of them? What was the last book you gave 5 stars to?


  1. Apparently I am not one to shy away from giving a 5*. It doesn't have to be the most amazing thing I've read, it could be because of my enjoyment or the swoon and shippy-ness of it. And since I basically read NA/romance all the time, I'm definitely not giving it a 5* because it changed my life. Lol.
    I CANNOT wait until Half Lost is in my hands tomorrow. I am sooooo scared.
    You have a bunch of books I've given 5 to as well; The Martian and Illuminae and November 9 because obviously.
    I meet Alywn Hamilton yesterday and she's a delight. I will be reading Rebel on the Sands soonish.
    Isn't it a travesty that Katja hasn't written anything else. Why? I NEED more from you.

  2. Illuminae! All the Rage! The Sea of Tranquility! Six of Crows! Ahhh, I LOVE ALL OF THESE BOOKS SO MUCH. I'm so glad to see you loved SoC even though you didn't like Leigh's trilogy that much. I loved her series (S&S was super disappointing though), but I think SoC was her best yet. So many amazing characters! And ah, of course When We Collided. I think this book should be read by everyone, because it's so real and a fantastic positive rep of mental health. Lovely list; thanks so much for checking out my TTT! :)

    Holly @ The Fox's Hideaway

  3. I've not read any of these, but the entire internet has been throwing Six of Crows at my head since it came out so I will need to check it out! Also Illuminae. I really want to read Illuminae.

  4. I've been seeing a LOT of good things about these books in your list. I'm going back and forth with "Illuminae"; a lot of great reviews but this one blogger that I trust dislikes it with a passion lol. But I still have it on my TBR for my next book buying binge.

  5. I haven't heard of several of these. My granddaughter is reading The Martian. She seems to enjoy it as well. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  6. I have seen so many people loving Pierce Brown's work, I have yet to find out what his books are even about yet! Illuminae has had so much hype in the last few months and I love the look of the inside of the book. I bought Six of Crows because it sounds like my kind of book and there is so many people who seemed to love it, but I haven't got around to read it yet!

    LOVED Rebel of the Sands such a great read, I agree totally worthy of 5 stars.

  7. Ahh I love so many of these too! Six of Crows, November 9, and Illuminae are some of my faves of the last year. Rebel of the Sands is absolutely wonderful as well, I just loved the setting and the characters so much. We don't even have *ANY* info on the sequel yet, which just makes me so sad!! I'm so happy to see When We Collided on here, too! I absolutely love Emery Lord, she is one of my favorite authors/people ever. :)

  8. I am so so excited about When We Collided. I adore Emery Lord's writing. I really should read Illuminae...

  9. These are such amazing books on your list this week! Obviously I loved Rebel of the Sands as well, it's on my list this week :) but Illuminae is another favourite of mine. I am so excited for Gemina to be released I can't even begin to express it in actual words!
    I have loved everything Leigh Bardugo has released and I think Six of Crows is the best of the best, I am so excited for Crooked Kindgom to come out. Also I really need to read Morning Star. I loved the first two books of the trilogy and have heard nothing but good things about the final one so I'm excited to get started!

  10. I can't wait to read When We Collided.

  11. I loooved Rebel of the Sands!! So many of these are on my TBR, great post! xx

  12. Ah so many great books I loved - Sea of Tranquility, November 9 and The Martian. I just read Half Bad but still need t read Half Wild and Half Lost but super excited for them. I own Illuminae and Six of Crows so love to see you loved them! I am ting for When We Collided to come out! Great list!!

  13. Illuminae made my list too!! It's SO GOOD! I really need to read Six of Crows! I'm not sure why it has taken me so long to get to it! Great list this week! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  14. I had to go back a ways too, and I included 4.5 stars in addition to 5 stars. I'm looking forward to reading When We Collided; Emery Lord's The Start of Me and You was a five star for me!

  15. I've heard such great things about Illuminae. It's on my TBR list. I just need to get to it, lol. And, so many of your other books are my TBR list too, but there are some I need to add. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. Wow, you have some amazing books on this list! Illuminae, The Martian, and All The Rage were all four or five stars for me too. Sea of Tranquility is one of my favorite books EVER! I think I am one of the few people not in love with the Red Rising series though. I just read Red Rising and it was just okay for me. I had some issues with it. Great list though.

  17. I LOVE Courtney Summers!! So glad to see her latest book on your list :) The Sea of Tranquility is on my MUST READ THIS YEAR list. Haha, I've been meaning to read it for a long, long time. Thanks for stopping by my list!

  18. I have heard amazing things about The Martian, but I still haven't read it yet! Did you see the movie? I have also heard amazing things about November 9, but I have never read a book by Colleen Hoover. Would you recommend it? Great list!

    ~Anna @Adventures with a Book Nerd

  19. The Sea of Tranquility!!! Aaah. One of my best reads last year. :)
    I'm currently reading Illuminae. I'm so glad to know you rated it 5-stars! :)

    - Erika @ The Nocturnal Fey

  20. Yay for Illuminae! How great was that book! I just bought Rebel of the Sands and I'm really excited to read it. I also really want to read The Martian.

  21. I don't think I have given too many full 5 star ratings lately either. I think I have become very fond of the four stars rating because a lot of books are epic but still have quite a few issues with them or don't fully knock me off my feet. Quite a few of these are ones I want to read as well, like Illuminae, All the Rage and Rebel of the Sands!

  22. Fab TTT! I seriously loved Rebel of the Sands - cannot wait for the next instalment. I've heard a lot of good things about Six of Crows so will be adding that to my TBR. Thanks for the recommendations!

    My TTT

  23. I looooved Illuminae! Also can't wait to read Rebel of the Sands and Six of Crows. My copies are on their way so YAY! :D

  24. Awesome list! So many of these books are books I really want to read! :)

  25. I've been hearing such great things about most of these books! I've only read Six of Crows and The Martian so far but most of these are on my TBR!

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  26. Great picks for this week. I love the Red Rising trilogy, I still need to reading Morning Star but I've heard great things about it and can't wait to start.

  27. I used to give out 5 stars too easily I think and now I only give it to books I really loved! I'm so happy to see Half Lost on here and I went to read your series review and now I'm tearing up all over again. XD

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  28. Morning Star and Illuminae made my list, too! I loved these books so much! Can't wait for Gemina, I hope it's as good as Illuminae was :)

  29. Illuminae! I really liked that one. I have to admit that I hated The Martian though. I still need to read the rest of these. I have Six of Crows on my side table just waiting to be read... :)

  30. Illuminae and Six of Crows were two of my favorite books of 2015, so I am so glad to see them on your list Charnell! :) And The Martian is pretty amazing as well. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post & choices! ♥

  31. I've seen Sea of Tranquility in a lot of places for several years and Number 9 is in my TBR :).
    Ninja Girl

  32. I LOVE Illuminae so much! That book is incredible. I'm looking forward to reading Rebel of the Sands soon, so I'm happy to see it on your list!

  33. Loved Rebel of The Sands, my favourite read so far this year!
    My TTT:

  34. Glad to hear!! I'm quite excited because I've started some of those series, so it'll be good to get to the finales. Thanks for sharing, and hope you're well :)

  35. Yes to Morning Star, Illuminae (AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING), November 9th (almost made me cry), Sea of Tranquility (best last line EVER), and Six of Crows (I cannot say enough great things about it). I saw The Martian, but I didn't read the book (yes, I know, horrible, I hardly ever do that). Rebel of the Sands…that one disappointed me but maybe my expectations were too high? Great list! ~Pam

  36. I loved Rebel of the Sands too. It was a perfect book for me. I cannot wait for the next one. I've been wanting to read Six of Crows for a really long time but always some other book comes before it.


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