You Should Be Following These Awesome Bookish People

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this week I am doing last weeks topic, as I missed it and think it's way more interesting to do than my Spring TBR.

Bookish People You Should Follow

I LOVE this weeks topic, it is perfection. This gives me the opportunity to talk and gush about some of my favourite bookish people on the interwebs! I am going to be trying as hard as possible to stick to ten people only, but that might prove difficult. I love my book bloggers, but there are a few booktubers that I love to watch too. I am going to try and talk more about newer blogs I have found, or those I don't mention too much. I have lots of favourites that I mention all the time, so I will try to change it up a bit today. I really hope I don't offend anyone if I've left them off, if I visit your blog then just know it's because I love your content. Ten is far too small a number >.<

But first, I have to take the opportunity to share my own Instagram, as I am obsessed with Instagram, so be sure to check it out!

To be honest, you're all probably following Cait already - if not, go do that!!! She is my absolute favourite blogger and her blog makes me happy. Her posts just always speak to me so deeply, she understands all my bookworm ways. I also love that Cait can discuss the books with me, regardless of whether we both enjoyed a book or not. We definitely don't have completely identical tastes when it comes to books, but do love a lot of the same books. And even when our opinions differ, I really respect her opinion on books. Another reason to follow Cait is because she posts brilliant reviews. She does some of the greatest discussion posts around. She is also absolutely hilarious and very artistic - she has an Etsy store AND a Society 6 store (which will take all my money when I finally have any to spend, haha)

Copy of Copy of favourite ya romanceCopy of Why Do We Love Painful Books-

Stalk her here:


These two are bloggers I found very recently and I am in love with their blog. Their blog quickly became one of my absolute favourites. I love their individual writing styles and voices, and love reading everything they post. They come up with some of the best discussions and really get me thinking. They review some brilliant books and aren't afraid to give their honest opinion.

 Stalk them here:

Girl in the Pages

Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

This is blog that I have recently started to obsessively read. I have been absent on the blogging side of things, but have actually been reading a lot of blogs on my phone - especially when on my way to work. I love Cristina's reviews and her discussion posts.

Stalk her here:

I have so much love for this blog. I adore the design, it is so pretty. I love all her bookish discussions and her reviews. She recently did a post about why she will never have a co-blogger, and it was like she took the words right out of my mouth.

Stalk her here:

Once Upon a Bookish Time
Ella @ Once Upon a Bookish Time

I just adore Ella as a blogger, and as a person. She's super friendly, and she is super supportive. She has a rather incredible blog where she posts some superb content. She has a superb sense of humour which just means that her posts can make me giggle so much, which I always appreciate. I highly recommend if you're looking for a blogger who is honest in their opinions, but never mean about it, and able to make you laugh and smile.

Stalk her here:


polandbananasBOOKSChristina @ PolandBananasBooks

I discovered booktube a few years ago and quickly became obsessed. Christina took a while to get used to because she was so loud. But, I love her! I've realised that when it comes to any youtubers I lsiten to, how they talk is really important. If someone's voice grates on me, I can't listen to them - I just can't! I quickly got used to Christina's loud voice and I just love her videos. She's so full of energy and enthusiasm, it's a little contagious. I loved listening to everyone of her videos last year at work during the six weeks holidays - it was super quiet, empty of people and so I listened as I worked.

Stalk her here:

Another one who I just love to watch his videos. I feel very fondly for him and Christina and Kat because of the fact their videos kept me entertained during that quiet six weeks. He's another booktuber who is just super enthusiastic and happy. Watching his videos make me smile!

Stalk him here:

RICHARDDENNEYRichard @ Richard Denney

He is a very new find - very, very new. I literally just found his booktube channel two days ago and I am already obsessed with him. I love how he definitely isn't afraid to voice his opinion, no matter who is pisses off. He is just a big breath of fresh air to me and I adore him, especially the fact that the guy swears more than me - who knew that was possible!

Stalk him here:


I LOVE her videos, especially the ones that she did with the rather gorgeous Pierce Brown. She doesn't just talk books though, she also talks TV shows a lot. She shares my love of Once Upon a Time and I love when she does her series discussions.

Stalk her here:

vincentvanstopKatie @ VincentVanStop

I love Katie, although she definitely doesn't post enough. I wish she did videos more regularly as I would watch each and every single one of them. She recently did the Hamilton booktag and it quickly became one of my favourite videos of hers - her lipsynching was magical!

Stalk her here:

Now there are so many more amazing people who I could mention, but I will stick to ten - plus, it's now 1 in the morning and I have work tomorrow!

Who are some of your favourite bookish people? Recommend your favourite to me so I can go check them out. 


  1. I love this week's topic, because I end up checking out all the recommendations! I hadn't seen The Honest Bookclub blog before, but I'm definitely following it now. Thanks!

  2. LOved the blogpost! I have been dying to follow awesome new book blogs to connect with :)

    x Amber,

  3. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    AW CHARNELL YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST PERSON EVARRRR. I LEGIT STARTED SNIFFLING AND FLAILING AFTER I READ ALL THE NICE THINGS YOU SAID ABOUT ME OMG. *starts getting weepy again* YOU ARE SO NICE AND LOVELY AND EVERYTHING AWESOME AND FRABJOUS AND BEAUTIFULLLL!! Thank you soooooo much for all your sweet words they have literally made my month!!! <333333 LUV YOU SO! <3333 (although p.s. I think my links are mixed up with Emily's or something?! thought you should know!) *goes off to hug and cuddle blog post forever because it's SO NICE <3* ALSO BTW BTW I FINISHED REBEL OF THE SANDS ON SUNDAY AND I HAVE SO MANY FEEEEEEELINGS. I BLAME YOU COMPLETELY FOR MY BROKEN HEART OVER IT JUST SO YOU KNOW AND I'M NOT HAPPY!!


  4. OOoh nice!! Some new people and some familiar ones!! Will have to check out the newer ones!!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. OMG I'M SO HONOURED CHARNELL. LET ME JUST HUG YOU NOW AND GIVE YOU CAKE, YOU PRECIOUSLY WONDERFUL CREATURE. <333 And omg I love it too that we can still discuss books we disagree on and not get flustered about it! #winning And just discussing books in general. IT IS THE BEST. *shrieks* (Which reminds me, Half Lost is being mailed to me so expect panicked tweets soon. XDXD)

    *sends you hugs* This is just the most specialest thing of ever. <33

  6. I love that Cait is the first one quite a few of us thought of! I need to check out some booktubers, it's something I've never looked at before.

  7. Some of these I will have to check out!

  8. I follow quite a few of these people already! I have some favourite book bloggers but I don't talk about my favourite booktubers too often! I love watching videos from Little Miss Owl and also BenjaminOfTomes the most! They never fail to have me smiling or adding another good book to my TBR.

  9. I followed a lot of these on Instagram after reading your post, so thank you for introducing them!

  10. These all great picks! I am checking some of these out now!

  11. Great list! Some I already know and love and some I will definitely check out! :)
    Also, following your instagram now, it looks amazing!
    My TTT:

  12. Oh these are some interesting picks! I am off to check them out! The only one I was familiar with was Paper Fury (and I love her!)
    Samantha @The Book Disciple

  13. Wonderful list :)
    And your Instagram looks beautiful! I always am just a little jealous of people that manage to actually take pictures of all those beautiful books and show how wonderful they look. I am not capable of that. So just slightly jealous of your Instagram ;)
    Great list :)

  14. Some of these look great! Nice list!

  15. Great list! All of these are new to me, so I'll have to take some time to check them all out. And I love your Instagram feed - following you now! :-)

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
    My TTT

  16. I'm following a few of these guys, but others I know I'll have to! :)

    I love the topic this week!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  17. Brilliant recommendations! I'm loving all this love for book bloggers/tubers!

  18. I enjoy a lot of the people on your list, especially the BookTubers. There are a few people I haven't heard of, but I will definitely check out their blogs or channels. Great list!

  19. Fun list! I have heard of a couple, but a few are new to me. I will have to check them out. Thanks!

  20. Awesome list!! I already follow a few of these! Thanks for sharing :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  21. I've never heard of a few of the bloggers on your list, but I've heard of all of those Youtubers/Booktubers! Great list. Happy Reading!

  22. All new to me! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for stopping by Unleashing Readers!

  23. Great list! I don't know a quite few of these so I'm definitely going to check them out.

  24. I was SO CLOSE to putting Natasha and Katie on to my list, but I ran out of spaces - I'm so glad to see that they're still getting the love. There are a couple of bloggers here I haven't heard of, but because the rest of the list is so awesome I'm definitely checking them out!

  25. I love Cristina! She does such great reviews, and I love her discussion posts. :)

  26. We share so many alike this week, Charnell! Particularly the Booktubers. I'm definitely going to be checking out Richard Denney. He sounds like a breath of fresh air. :)

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  27. Funny! I always feel like I've been blogging long enough to know everybody but I'm always surprised to see names I don't know!

  28. Great list - I love so many of these! I absolutely love Cait, and Jesse is actually someone I have recently really enjoyed watching. I also agree that VincentVanStop needs to post more!
    Heres my TTT

  29. What a great post! I just know Cait, but all of the other bloggers seem so great, as well, I need to check them out. And those Instagram you're good, I LOVE those pictures, I'm in love, ahah. <3

  30. Brilliant post! I've definitely got a few new blogs to try - also, it's my first visit to your blog and I'd just like to say I absolutely love your blog design!

  31. What a great group of bookish people. Tasha is a fun blogger (I've seen some of her Booktube vids) and Christina (of PolandBananasBooks). Both are neat peeps in this community. Thanks so much for the fun list and recommendations - and BTW, love your blog layout/design. Gorgeous.

  32. I've heard of some of the bloggers you've recommended (Cait of course, and I love Emily too!) but now I'm trying to branch out into the booktube world so I'm definitely going to check out those lovely people! Thanks for the recommendations!

  33. Thank you SO much for the mention, Charnell! I am literally beyond honored, your blog is one of the first that I came across when I started blogging two years ago, so I am so flattered you enjoy mine as well!

    -Cristina at Girl in the Pages

  34. Some of my favorite people on this list! What a great collection of people. :)

  35. This is a great list. I've definitely found more people to check out - thanks!


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