Here's Some Books To Read If You Want To Laugh

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

Books That'll Make You Laugh

I actually struggled with this weeks topic and I am not sure why. I find it easier to think of books that make me do so many other things: cry / want to throw it across the wall / drop it in shock. But ask me to think of books that made me laugh, and suddenly I struggle. I just seem to not laugh at books very often, unless they offer up something truly special. So, without further ado, here are the books that have made me laugh:

The MartianThe Distance Between Us  Slammed (Slammed, #1) Maybe Someday (Maybe, #1) The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, #1)

The Martian by Andy WeirNo surprises here. This book made me laugh harder than any other book has ever managed. Mark Watney might just be the most hilarious and sarcastic lead character that I have ever come across. This book made me actually laugh out loud, hysterically so, whilst on public transport and, yes, that's as embarrassing as it sounds - pretty sure everyone on that bus thought I was crazy. If you want to find a character who can make you laugh over and over, this is the book for you! 

The Distance Between Us by Kasie WestI love West's books, she writes some rather awesome characters. I can't really remember whether her other books made me laugh though, but I know The Distance Between Us definitely made me laugh quite a bit. I just loved both the characters in that book, the banter between them was always so hilarious. I am definitely in need of a reread of that series.

Literally anything written by Colleen HooverThis woman is just hilarious in general, her social media posts always have me in stitches and her books are no different. She just crams her books filled with funny characters and the dialogue between them can be total comedy gold. My favourites for making me laugh would definitely be Maybe Someday (for all the pranks!) or Slammed (for hilarious and inappropriate at the best of times children!). 

Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer by Rick RiordanI am behind on the Percy Jackson series - I've only got as far as Sea of Monsters - but I did read and love Magnus Chase, and can't wait to continue the series. Magnus is one funny character, but the book is packed with secondary characters who made me laugh just as much.

Red Rising (Red Rising, #1) Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1) Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle, #1) My Life Next Door

Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown - This might seem like an odd choice, but I am totally going with it. Yes, this might do a lot more than make you laugh, but it will still make you laugh. So this book may make you sob, scream and be slightly horrified, but you'll still manage to laugh because Sevro is one hilarious motherf*cker!

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton - Just the name alone for this book is hilarious. I read this forever ago, and basically remember nothing about it, except for the fact it made me laugh so hard I could've cried. It was intentionally funny and unintentionally funny. I never continued on with the series, but I would be tempted to just for the opportunity to laugh a lot.

Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins - I remember this book made me laugh quite a bit, sometimes with Harper and, a lot of the time, at her.

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick - I adore this book so much, it is one of my all time favourites. It's an adorable contemporary, with a romance that I ship so hard it hurts me. It also has one of the most awesome families since the Weasley's, and they bring all the laughs to this book.

So, what about you guys, which books make you laugh? Recommend me a book that'll make me laugh at out. Have you read any of my picks? Did they make you laugh too? 


  1. I've read some of these and have loved (and laughed with them) them as well!

  2. I've heard a lot of people talk about The Martian being quite funny. I'll get round to reading it at some point! It's sitting on my bookshelf upstairs.

  3. Oh great list ! I loved My Life Next Door and The Distance between us ! :)

    My TTT

  4. AHHHH I LOVE FUNNY BOOKS! They always stick out to me because they're my absolute favourites. :') *happy sigh* And zomg, yes My Life Next Door was so totally funny and wonderful. I want to read the Martian now x 1000% because you said he's sarcastic. Sarcasm is basically my weakness. XD And The Distance Between us & Magnus Chase made it onto my list too. *HI FIVE*

    (Omg though I just finished Morning Star and I NEARLY DIED BUT IT WAS SO SO GOOD.)

  5. I added The Martian to my list as well, because it made me laugh so often. It made the heavy topic much more interesting and enjoyable to me. I haven't read Red Rising, but from all the reviews I've seen -and it's part in this list-, that's definitely something I'll have to remedy soon. And I still haven't read Magnus Chase! I was waiting until the paperback or Kindle version would become somewhat cheaper, but that still hasn't happened yet...

    Great list! (I also had to think somewhat on books that truly make/made me laugh).

  6. Oooh nice ones!! Mostly all new to me, except Rebel Belle! I chose Hex Hall instead because I recall laughing more with Sophie than I do with Harper. Still have a few chuckle moments with Harper though, just not as much!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Love so many here!! The Martian cracked me up when I wasn't expecting it to. Loved Maybe Someday and Wallbanger. All of Alice Clayton's books make me laugh though! Great list!

  8. Yes, all the yes, to The Martian. And Rick Riordan is a really funny writer. I've only read the Percy Jackson series but the tone is very humorous. I can't remember if I laughed while reading Red Rising but I'm sure I did. Great picks!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

  9. I've heard really good things about The Martian and Rebel Belle! I need to read those soon :) My TTT

  10. Likewise, I am not someone who reads too many books that actually manage to make me laugh! I'm not into comedy that much. But I do laugh at some scenarios in serious books from time to time, and that's really as far as it goes for me. But The Martian is one I have heard a lot of people say is a good laugh, even though it has a lot more to it too. That sounds for me.

  11. I just saw the movie, The Martian recently. My granddaughter loved the book. I need to try to get it read soon. Good to know you liked the book also. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  12. I started reading Kasie's "On the Fence" and included that one on my list because, awww, it's a smile-y kind of book. Also, Rebel Belle has a great sense of humor! :)

  13. Yes Magnus Chase is great! I still want to read The Martian, because I honestly loved the movie, but I've heard very mixed things about the book. So I am not 100% sure if I should go for it or not..

  14. The only book I've read on your list is My Life Next Door. SOOOO GOOD! I have quite a few of these on my TBR list though. I definitely want to read the rest of Kasie West's books ASAP. I've only read The Fill-In Boyfriend so far.

    Nicole @ Boundless Bookaholic

  15. Magnus Chase, Rebel Belle, and Red Rising are all on my tbr! Great picks and thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

  16. I still have to read the Martian but I've heard that it has some great lines! Love your picks and thanks for visiting earlier :)
    ~Riv @ Forever Obsession

  17. I completely agree with your classification of Red Rising as funny! Even though some parts are super serious, there are other parts that had me cracking up, especially when Sevro was involved!

  18. I love these picks! I am the same as you when it comes to reacting to books... laughter seems to be something that doesn't happen very much! But I do love Magnus Chase and anything by Kasie West, and Rebel Belle and My Life Next Door are some of my favorite books! great list :)

  19. I always put Red Rising on all of my lists, so I refused to include it this time - Sevro is so brilliant, though, that I felt bad not including it! I've seen Wallbanger mentioned a few times but I've never heard of it before today: definitely going to have to check it out.

  20. Such a great list! I LOVED My Life Next Door <3 I really need to read some of Kasie West books, they sound so cute, and I'm a huge contemporary lover, so... :)

  21. I so agree with the Colleen Hoover books! She has an incredible sense of humor and it's definitely evident in her books. The pranks in Maybe Someday were hilarious. Daniel in Hopeless/Finding Cinderella kept me in stitches. I can't believe I haven't read My Life Next Door yet. And it's been sitting on my shelf for ages. Need to pick that up soon!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  22. Great picks! I've heard The Martian is amazing, and if the movie was so great (oh my god so hilarious), I can only imagine how funny the actual book is!

    And I spy some of my TBR books on the list, so yay! I love books that do multiple emotions.

  23. Anything Rick Riordan writes is hilarious!
    My TTT:

  24. So glad to see The Martian on your list! Loved that one. I read Red Rising and honestly, I was not a fan. Great list though. :)

  25. Rick Riordan certainly knows how to write humorous. :)

  26. The Martian is fucking hilarious! It doesn't matter how many times I reread my favourite parts or watch the movie, it still makes me laugh.
    Alice Clayton's books are all hilarious and silly. Helena Hunting(minus her Clipped Wings duology because that's sad) and Emma Chase are the same. Total LOL'íng romcoms.
    Rick Riordan has sarcasm done to an art. I will say that Magnus Chase is his funniest book though.
    CoHo is definitely a funny lady. That's why her books are so great; because they contain all the emotions!

  27. I saw "The Martian" -- one of my favorite books -- on several lists this week and I can't believe I forgot it when I was brainstorming! And Sevro... you are so right there! I haven't read "Morning Star" yet but I absolutely LOVED the first two books!


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