Weekly Recap: I'm Back & I Bring Books!

Hello, bloglings, it has been rather a long time since my last recap and, I admit, I have been a terribly absent blogger. I have had good reasons though, so I can't bring myself to feel bad about it. The only good thing about being absent from the blog is that I have had plenty of time to read - which was much needed!!! So keep an eye out for reviews, I have a lot coming up. I also have a lot of discussions planned as well, I just need to find the time to get them all written up.

I was absent for a long while because my aunt passed away very suddenly, so I just didn't have the time, energy or desire to blog. It has been a few weeks now, and the funeral has come and gone, and I feel in a much better place to get back to blogging. I have also acquired a new hamster - although I swore I wouldn't be getting another one! I am a weak human though, and one hamster gif shared on Twitter later and now I have a new hamster. It's okay though, he's adorable and I have named him Hamilton, after my love for the musical. Pictures to come, as soon as I can get him to be still for long enough!

In my time away I have started the Mortal Instruments series again and.... EH!!! I am two books in and still not impressed by the series. I don't like Jace or Clary, and these two books have been a little boring and book one was horribly written. I am still hoping the series gets better as it goes along. I feel that my strong dislike for Clare and all she stands for doesn't help though. I have zero respect and little time for an author who was proven to have plagiarised and yet never apologised for it - feel free to google, she also cyberbullied and did some stalking too (A quick FYI to all authors - if someone doesn't like your work, that doesn't give you the right to find out where they live or their phone number and then proceed to harass them. M'kay, thanks, bye). Does this series get better as it goes along? Is it worth investing time in? Will Clary and Jace ever stop being super annoying. I'm all for the Izzy, Magnus and Alec!

Saga: Volume One by Brian K. Vaughn & Fiona Staples: I have already read this one and I LOVED it. I am now addicted and know that I will proceed to by the four other volumes that are out! I purchased it yesterday whilst in Forbidden Planet in London, already kicking myself for not buying more volumes. 

Way Down Dark & Long Dark Dusk by JP Smythe: I was sent these two for review, but I am yet to start this series. It does sound interesting though, so I am curious to get to it. 

Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain: Years ago, when I became obsessed with Jodi Picoult, I started reading Diane Chamberlain as her books were supposed to be similar. I really enjoyed her books, but am now behind on her releases. I have about five of them to get too, which hopefully I can do soon. I still buy every book as it's released, with the hopes I can get to them soon.

Love Song by Sophia Bennett: This was a book I was sent for review, that I assumed I really wouldn't like. It was the story of a girl, who goes to work for a rock band. She was clearly going to fall in love, it was going to be super cheesy. But it wasn't. Yes, it was a little predictable at times, but I still really enjoyed it. I liked Bennett's writing style and I just found this really fun to read. I'd read her other books now after reading this. 

The Outliers by Kimberly McCreight: This is another review copy and I am super excited to get to this one. It sounds like a more intense read, and I am desperate for more of those. 

Burning by Danielle Rollins: This is another review copy, thanks to the lovely people at Bloomsbury. It was pitched as Orange is the New Black meets Stephen King, and that sounded rather awesome to me. I have read it and I did enjoy it, but it wasn't as dark or creepy as I'd been expecting. 

Did I Mention I Love You by Estelle Maskame: This is one of the reasons why you shouldn't drunkenly purchase books. I bought this yesterday, while out celebrating a friends birthday. I only bought it because of a great review I saw for it. But the ugly cover hurts my eyes! 

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck: I've heard some really great things about this fantasy series, so I decided to purchase book one yesterday. Hopefully I enjoy it, as that will give me another series to binge read!

Half Lost by Sally Green: I already read this a few months ago, but I needed a beautiful finished copy for my shelves. It has been months and I am still not over that ending! 

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson: A review copy that I had to DNF at about 300 pages. This book is 500 pages long, for a fluffy contemporary. I have really enjoyed her other books, but this one was boring me to tears and I had to quit it. DNF 

How has your week been? Have you read anything amazing or just been horribly disappointed?


  1. Those are some new to me ones! Hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Dealing with the death of someone you love is so difficult and I know from experience how hard it can be to get on with normal life afterwards.

    I tried one book of Clare's, realised she was copying from all my favourites and never gave her the time of day again! I hadn't realised she was cyberstalking so I must look that up. Another reason not to give her money from book sales!

  3. I love Saga. It is one of my favorites.
    I am finishing up with The Mortal Instrument series now. I like the world and the other characters, but I found Carly got on my nerves a lot. Over time I started to feel different towards Jace when we get more of his back story. I just finished the Infernal Devices and like that series more. I didn't know anything about Clare copying for other authors.

    Here's mine: https://beyondopinionssite.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/weekly-recap-april-10th-16th/

  4. Why'd you have to bring up Half Lost? Still not over it. *sobs*
    Oh no, Clary and Jace never get less annoying and selfish and just all around dicks. I read the books for everyone else; like Alec and Magnus. TID is a billion times better and still one of my favourite trilogies. I was refusing to watch the show but I caved and I fully blame Samantha. It's obviously not the best, but Alex, Magnus and Simon make up for it and now I am Shadowhunters trash.
    I'm pretty sure I've read a Sophia Bennett books years ago. Too lazy to check but it was about sisters and one got cancer. I liked it. Had pink pages.
    Wow. You are the first person I've seen that has not liked The Unexpected Everything. :/ I was supposed to get an ARC. But it hasn't turned up. *shrugs* I've only read Amy & Roger's, which I really liked, but that just means I have her previous titles to catch up on anyhow.

  5. Awesome haul of books. I hope you love all of your new goodies. I keep seeing Saga a lot.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. Charnell - I'm so sorry to hear of your aunt's passing. Glad you took the time you needed. I look forward to seeing the reviews you're planning to post.
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  7. So sorry to hear about your aunt! I hope you're doing okay! <3

    UGH HALF LOST. EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO BAWL MY EYES OUT. AGAIN. I will NEVER be over that ending! *cries* And ooh I LOVED Love Song, it was so cute! I didn't enjoy Did I Mention I Love You? that much, but I know I'm in the minority. Let me know what you think!

  8. Ugh that's a shame about the Morgan Matson book. D: I really disliked Second Chance Summer so I didn't request an ARC of her latest in case I felt the same way. >_> (Which sucks because I ADORED Since You've Been Gone!)
    BUT ZOMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HATE THE SHADOWHUNTER BOOKS. *sobs* My rabidly fangirling loving review of Lady Midnight is going up tonight. hehe.
    I'm really sorry about your aunt. :(
    And also I feel kind of deviously pleased that I caused a hamster uprising in your household. Mwahahah. ;D

  9. So sorry to hear about your aunt passing away. When you lose a family member, especially suddenly, it can never be easy. Sending all my love your way <3 I also am glad you've been feeling a bit better and more motivated since. I love Clare's books and it breaks my heart a little that you don't like them but everyone is free to have their own opinions! Like you though, I'm not a big fan of Jace and Clary, despite them being the main characters. I'm all for the secondary ones, really :D

  10. Ah, I loved Jace!! :-( Sorry for the loss in your family. :-( Hope you have a better week coming up.
    Check out my StS

  11. You should try the other prequel series, the infernal devices


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