The Reasons Why Paper Fury Is The Best

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday and this weeks topic is:

The Reasons I Love Paper Fury

It was a prompt to do Ten Reasons You Love X and I am so happy it was. I have actually had a post on Paper Fury planned for so long now, but never got around to scheduling it. What can I say, I am the most useless blogger. But this has given me the perfect excuse to get it posted, and give the biggest shoutout to my favourite book blogger and her blog. I feel like a large chunk of you have probably heard of Paper Fury and probably already follow it, if you don't then hopefully you will after this.

The Person Behind It: Cait

The obvious reason that I love Paper Fury is because of Cait, the girl behind the blog. She puts all her enthusiasm, kindness and humour into her blog. It is the reason I fell in love with it  years ago, back when it was the Notebook Sisters. It is rare that you will ever get a glimpse of Cait's face because... she doesn't have one!!!! No, just kidding. She is just a super shy human, like myself. Who would much rather show off her books or her awesome boots, rather than herself... Basically: my kind of human!

Her Posts Speak To My Book-Loving Soul

Cait's posts always speak to me. I finish them and just think... Yes, Yes, YES!!! I agree to ALL THE THINGS! She just seems to understand me, and a lot of other bookworms. She writes posts on a whole host of different bookish things: genres, tropes, things only bookworms understand or things non-bookworms need to know. Here are just a few of her latest posts (click on photo to go to post):


She Can Discuss Books

Now, I have a post coming up soon about the difference between discussing books and arguing about books. There is a big difference, and some people don't seem to get that. Cait does, and I love her for it. We have a lot of books that we both love, and I have sent her a few books over the years that I have felt she'd enjoy (luckily, in those instances, she did). But there are so many books we don't agree on. She loved Fangirl and Paper Towns, I didn't. I loved When We Collided, Cait wasn't a fan. But that just means that it leads to more discussion, and even making you notice things about a book that you didn't when you read it. It's one of my favourite things, Cait can discuss books with me without ever trying to change my opinion or make out my opinion is wrong. And I am the same for her. The world would be a very boring place if we all loved the exact same things. It's good to find fellow bloggers who are happy to discuss books with you, are respectful of your opinions and never try to tell you your opinion is 'wrong'. Cait is that person.

She's Also A Writer

Cait doesn't just read all the books of ever, (Seriously, it's June and she's already passed 100 books this year!) she also writes her own books. And at a speed that would make many writers jealous. She shares snippets of her stories on her blog, and it is glorious. She packs her books with all the humour I have come to expect, and writes wonderful characters. She also has a ton of posts on her blog about writing and runs a link up people can join in on about writing, called Beautiful People. I can't wait for the day she publishes a novel of her own.


Her Twitter Feed Is Glorious

Cait also has a Twitter feed and I honestly have to stop myself from just retweeting everything she ever posts. It takes restraint, her posts just speak to me!

Her Bookstagram Is Stunning

Bookstagram is my biggest obsession right now. Seriously, I can't seem to get enough of beautiful bookish photos. (I am working on more blog posts about bookstagram btw). Cait has her own bookstagram account and it is stunning! If you want to see beautiful photos of books everyday, like I do, then she is definitely someone you should be following. (Click on a photo to go to her Instagram)


She Creates Beautiful Things Out Of Books

So if it wasn't enough that she manages to run my most favourite book blog of ever. Whilst reading all the books in existence. And writing books at a superhuman speed. Whilst also taking stunning bookish photography. She is also super artistic and manages to create beautiful things OUT OF BOOKS. (Click on any photo to go to her Etsy store)


She Sells Bookish/Blogger Items

And if all of the above wasn't enough, she also has a Society 6 store where she sells glorious bookish items. AND I WANT THEM ALL! Seriously, I want every single thing and it is so painful because I am broke and shipping on there can be super expensive to the UK! But, I hope to force people to buy me these things for Christmas, as I want them so badly - especially the 'Book Blogger at Work' laptop cover, as it is accurate and will cover the ugly top of my laptop! (Click on photo to go to her store)

Her Sarcastic Humour Gives Me Life

Sarcasm is my favourite. I love sarcastic people, probably because I am super sarcastic myself. Cait's posts always make me laugh because she is so funny, and super sarcastic herself. She packs her posts full of her wit, sarcasm and humour and I love it. If you want to find a blogger that will make you laugh, then you definitely need to check out Paper Fury.

She's Super Supportive

The final thing I want to talk about is the fact that Cait is a super supportive person. She has been following my blog for as long as I can remember. She's such a busy person - just look at the above to see all the things she spends time doing - and yet she never fails to stop by my blog and leave a comment. She will give you words of encouragement when you need it. She is very supportive of her fellow bloggers and book lovers and it shows.

So that is ten reasons why I love Paper Fury. And why I think you should definitely check her out if you aren't already! So, who is your favourite blogger and why? Feel free to link to them so I can go check them out, as well as your own blog!
Leave a link to your TTT post, as I'd love to see what you chose for your topic this week.


  1. I so agree wth you, you can't imagine! IF you ever create a fanclub, I'm in :D
    But I also love your blog, just so you know ;)

  2. Yes to all of this!! Of all book blogs.....yours and Cait's are my favorites! :)

  3. You are so right! I love her blog. Her creativity, love of books and snarky humor all speak to my soul at times. I always find great books there and she provides wonderful insight. This is an awesome tribute!

  4. I actually didn't know about her so thanks for this!

  5. Haha! Paper Fury is one of the most fun blogs to read! Great list! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  6. Lovely post! I also love Cait's blog, she's so funny :)

  7. Cait's fab! That's so sweet of you to dedicate a post to another blogger!

  8. I agree completely! I love Paper Fury, for all the reasons you mention :)

  9. awww this is such a cute post, I love the blogger love happening her. I would absolutely have to agree about Cait being supportive. I'm always in awe of how she takes the time to visit blogs when they comment on hers, big or small.

    Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian

  10. Wow. I'm not sure I've read Paper Fury. I'm checking it out now. Thanks!

  11. This was such a lovely appreciation post <3 I actually discovered Paper Fury I think about two years ago (I've seen her through two blogiversaries so that's how I think I know) through a post that YOU MADE about her blog. So I wouldn't have been revealed to all of her wonderfulness if it wasn't for you <3 She truly is great and HOW DOES SHE MANAGE TO BE SO PRODUCTIVE ALL THE TIME?!

  12. OOoh fun!!! I love her pictures and Society6 shop!! Toughest thing is deciding on what design to get. Followed by what to put it on! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. This was such a nice post you did!! I love when bloggers lift each other up instead of competing against one another. Also, it would be really hard to compete w/ Cait... she's so creative!!

  14. Yes! Cait makes me laugh and I am always checking her blog for new and hilarious things :) I love that you did this topic about another blogger!

  15. I only discovered Cait's blog a few months ago, but I totally agree with everything you've said on this post! She and her posts are just so, so wonderful and funny and genuine and full of heart.

    This is an incredibly sweet post, and I'm sure she'll be mega excited and happy when she reads it!

  16. This is so precious! I love Cait's blog and I envy the crap out of her creativity skills. Great post!

    - Lefty @ The Left-Handed Book Lover

  17. Cait's definitely one of my favourite bloggers, she has such a strong personality!

  18. I also love Cait's blog, twitter and her Esty store! This is so sweet that you made a whole post about her. She's so talented!

    1. Sorry I meant her Soceity6 store! Silly me!

  19. Great list! I love her blog, pics, and her Twitter feed is the BEST! :)

  20. Aw, this is a fabulous list! I love that you spotlighted a blogger/book blogger. So many amazing blogger's out there, and Cait sounds like a wonderful person to know in this blogger world. :)

    *tries calms self slightly*
    Seriously though. SQUEAK. This means so much to me. MY EYES ARE LEAKING. <33 Thankyou for being ever so encouraging!!!

  22. Ooooh this is great!! I follow her reviews on goodreads and I love it. I didn't know there are so much more of her! Thank u for sharing, that bookstagram looks reallyyy stunning :D

  23. This is such a cute post, I love it, and it makes me so happy you decided to share the love for another blogger with this post :) I definitely agree with you, Cait is such a supportive and nice person, I might not knnow her like you do, but I'm a huge fan of hers and all of her work! :)

  24. Awesome ! I need to check out Paper Fury's website! Here's my Top 10 Tuesday:

  25. I love Paper Fury too! I completely agree with you, her posts are always spot on and when I grow up, I want to be like her. :) I've been eyeing her society6 shop for a while. I need all of it! Alba in Bookland

  26. I love Cait and her personality really brightens up her feed! This is so sweet of you to do this post Charnell!

  27. I love this post! I agree that Cait is such a wonderful person and her blog is AMAZING!

  28. This is amazing and i love the idea of showing blogger support and love on this! I have been there and I can totally see it! I didn't know all of these things like the swag and the bookstagram (I'm still figuring out instagram) but my favorite part is the discuss! I try to do that as well though I will argue for my point of course in a discussion I do it in fun but never trying to push someone into my views.

  29. OMG I agree with you :D I am her fan, too :D Yes, she is supportive and nice. :)
    another thing I like about Cait is she show different & good content across platform, so we never get boring and want to follow all her social media account.

    Great writing, Charnell!! :D

  30. For the record, Cait and Charnell I LOVE BOTH OF YOU SO MUCH. <33 And aww...this is such a sweet and supportive post. <3

  31. YES YES YES. Cait is the best. period.

  32. Great list. I went Kindle freebie shopping last week when I wasn't feeling well. I love that Kindle ebooks essentially return themselves, since I am lousy about doing that.

    My TTT list

  33. Aaah that is a cute post. Cait has a great blog and certainly creates the best posts.

  34. Aww! What a lovely post!

    Thanks for stopping by last week!

    Kristine @ The Writer's Inkwell

  35. Well Cait is actually my favorite blogger too haha. All the reasons you gave above are my reasons for stalking her blog non-stop but since you insist.. Another great blogger is Alyssa Carlier who blogs here: . Her blog is pretty awesome and she's also a writer!

    – Rachana @ Spun

  36. OH MY GOSH YES CAIT IS LITERALLY LIKE THE BOOK BLOGGING QUEEN. And if you ever look at my Twitter feed... Approximately half of it is retweeting Cait. She is way too amazing and it is difficult to not want to be her haha.

  37. the blogger behind Paper Fury, is hilarious, quirky, clever, and original. She writes posts on a whole host of different bookish things, from genres and tropes to things only bookworms understand. She is also a great book reviewer and can discuss books in a comprehensive and informative way. Telkom University


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