Weekly Recap: I'm Gonna Be In The Room Where It Happens!

Hello, beautiful people of the internet! It has been a little while since I last posted. What can I say, I am a terrible blogger at times. I don't even have the excuse that I have been super busy, I haven't. I've just had my usual work and then I have spent most of my time reading or taking photos for Instagram (my instagram addiction is real!). I have had a good few weeks though as I have got some amazing events coming up and finally got the news I have been waiting months to hear.

I am OBSESSED with Hamilton, have been for months. If I had an endless supply of cash then I would buy tickets and fly to New York to watch it. But I don't, so I can't. But it was finally officially announced that Hamilton is coming to London in October 2017! And I am freaking the fuck out!!! I will be getting tickets, no matter how much they cost and I will be seeing it. Probably multiple times if I can! Tickets go on sale November this year and I am already signed up for priority booking. I'm gonna be in the room where it happens!

I have also been invited to a proof party with Chapter 5 books, which Jennifer L. Armentrout will be coming to as well. So that is going to be awesome and is in a few weeks! I also have my tickets bought for YALC/Comic Con and can't wait - Maggie Stiefvater and V.E. Schwab are going this year and I am super excited. And I am even more excited for this... Sarah J Maas is coming back to London!!! I have my tickets booked for her event in London and I can't wait. I'm taking the fiance with me and she will sign two books per person, so I can get my hardback and paperback of Empire of Storms signed AND the same for ACOMAF as the fiance will take two for me. It's looking like a year filled with awesome book events and I can't wait!

So my haul this month doesn't just include books, it also includes some pretty cool bookish items. I got the Rvaenclaw pillow, mug and the Marauder's mug from the Harry Potter London Studio Tour and I LOVE THEM! They are all so pretty. I already have the Gryffindor pillow but wanted my own house pillow too. Now actually want to get Slytherin and Hufflepuff, just so I can have a whole set to decorate my sofa. Then I got some amazing bookmarks from Happy Hello Art: the Hermione, Ron and Harry set, the Celaena set with all 6 cover Celaena's so far and then the Chaol, Rowan and Dorian ones. I LOVE THEM!

Gemina by Jay Kristoff & Meagan Spooner: I feel so lucky to have an early copy of this book, thank you so much to Rock the Boat for sending it to me. It is probably my most anticipated release this Winter, other than Empire of Storms. I'm reading it now and loving it. Didn't realise before I started that it followed new characters but I am really enjoying that. I know the end will just leave me desperate for more, which will be a very long wait. Also, it took me this long to realise Gemina is an anagram of enigma!

This Savage Song by V. E. Schwab: I forgot this and left it out the picture! Ooops. I bought this even though I already own five of the authors book and haven't read one! I plan to though. Now just got to decide what to start with.... Vicious? A Darker Shade of Magic? This Savage Song? The Archived? DECISIONS!

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas: This is now my fourth copy of this book. I won a signed copy from Maximum Pop books! So now I own three paperbacks and the hardback, which is just a little embarrassing. I read this ages ago and absolutely loved it, such an amazing sequel. 

Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow: I was sent this by Rock the Boat as well and it sounds like it could be a really emotional read.

The Second Love of My Life by Victoria Walters: This was an unsolicited review copy and I really don't know very much about it.

A Measure of Love by Sophie Jackson: This is another unsolicited review copy.

Nina Is Not Okay by Shappi Kharsandi: I won this via Goodreads and am excited to read it.

Night Wanderers by C.J. Flood: Another book I won through Maximum Pop books, which also came with a necklace. 

The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon: I bought this one a while ago and just need to get to it. This is Amy Harmon's first fantasy novel and I am really intrigued to see how she does with the genre.

The House of Secrets by Brad Meltzer: I was sent this for review by an American publisher and I am intrigued as it is a thriller, and I do love a good thriller.

The Wicked + The Divine Volume 2: I am so excited to continue this graphic novel series!

The Wicked + The Divine Volume 3: I am almost certain I will love Vol 2, so had to get 3 in preparation for that.

East of West Volume 5: I am so annoyed, as I ordered this along with Volumes 3 & 4 and those still haven't arrived. But this one is useless to me at this point as I can't read it until I have read those. That's very frustrating haha. 

With MaliceWith Malice by Eileen Cook: This was a psychological thriller and was really enjoyable, but I felt a little let down by the ending 
Wicked Heart by Leisa Rayven: This is the third book in her Starcrossed series and follows new characters. This one was okay but was a little too predictable, which got annoying whilst reading 

Inked Armor by Helena Hunting: I really enjoyed book one but this one couldn't keep me interested. DNF
The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)
Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige: I just really couldn't get into this one, but do plan to try again at another time. DNF

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater: I finally did it, I read a Maggie Stiefvater book and I really enjoyed it. This book was really fucking weird, but really good. 

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)Too Late by Colleen Hoover: This was just a story she wrote for fun when she was having writers block. It isn't edited or proof read and was just free on Wattpad. It is honestly the only Colleen Hoover book that I hated. I couldn't stand the characters, or the weird and over dramatic story. And I just can't get over how systematic rape is so easily brushed aside. Nope 

We Were Lars by E. Lockhart: I felt it was time to reread this and I loved it just as much the second time. It made me tear up a lot on the reread, as I already knew the end and so certain things characters did just made me want to burst into tears. Way more emotional to read the second time around. 

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater: I wish I could say I loved this, but I really didn't. Sorry! It was just really boring and lacked a plot. It was a bunch of pointless street racing, some confusing dream thieving and not a lot else. I really hope the next book is better. 

So how has your week been? Did you get any awesome books? Have you got any bookish events coming up?


  1. OHHH love, I'm so happy for you! I haven't been able to watch Hamilton either and it's killing me since tickets here are are sold out until 2017. And even then they cost at least 1,2000. It's insane and I'm glad you're already sure you're going to get tickets. You have to watch it and write a review for us here. Have fun at the proof party and let Jennifer L Armentrout known I was hello. LOL Just kidding but lit she's like my favorite author ever.

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

  2. Wow you have lots of exciting things coming up, I've always wanted to go to comic con over there and there are so many amazing authors going! It's sweet that your fiance will go with you hehe. This is a great haul and it's disappointing that With Malice wasn't up your alley, I have it to read as well. Lovely recap Charnell!

  3. Wow you have lots of exciting things coming up, I've always wanted to go to comic con over there and there are so many amazing authors going! It's sweet that your fiance will go with you hehe. This is a great haul and it's disappointing that With Malice wasn't up your alley, I have it to read as well. Lovely recap Charnell!

  4. Oh wow nice!! Sounds like good times!! Sarah J Maas is soooo sweet! I've met her twice now myself. Adore ACOTAR, couldn't get into her first series sadly, but love this one! Still need to read the second book! So behind! I was planning to save it for a big road trip next month, but we've changed our plans to taking a plane. Which is only 2 hours instead of a 18 or more hour drive! :P

    Hope you enjoy all your new lovelies!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Nice haul of books this week. I hope you love all of your new books. So happy to see you got Gemina.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  6. So um... I have been living under a rock. I saw a tweet from an author who went to see Hamilton but I had no idea what it was. After reading your post I finally looked it up... it sounds AWESOME! I can see why you'd be really excited about it.

  7. Your photos are stunning! *_* I also got a copy of Gemina - so excited to read it! I've heard such good things about the Raven Cycle series - sorry you haven't loved the books so far but I hope you'll enjoy the sequels more! :)

  8. I'm going to YALC too! I'm taking my sister. It's going to be so much fun :) I have loads of books to read before I go!
    I really enjoyed The Archived and The Unbound. I'm currently reading Vicious. Good so far :)
    I read The Raven Boys last week and was disappointed - I felt that not much happened but I did like the characters.

    Jess @ A Book Addict's Bookshelves

  9. I love Hamilton too and I am seriously thinking of maybe trying to get a ticket to one of the London shows since it would be easier/cheaper for me to travel there than to US... but we'll see! I hope you get a chance to see it multiple times - I cannot even imagine how awesome it will be live!

  10. You definitely have a bunch of amazing book events coming up! I'm jealous about Jennifer Armentrout. She is my favourite author and I needs to meet her. She better come to Canada soon. OR else. Lol!
    SJM still has no plans to visit Canada either. Which is BS! But I'm happy for you! Plus, Samantha(The Secret Life of a Bookworm) is amazing and will get me ACOMAF, QoS and EoS signed and send them off to me. So I'm kind of excited but also I want to meet her too! Haha
    Gemina! It's so true, we've read the book so early that now the wait for the finale will be an eternity. I will be beyond surprised if there's ARC's of that one.
    Sucks about Wicked Heart. I guess 3* isn't bad. But still, I loved it so much. :)
    Sucks even more about Inked Armour. Booooo
    I read my first Schwab book earlier this year(even though I had her back list piling up too). But I got an ARC of A Gathering of Shadows so figured I better get on reading A Darker Shade of Magic and that. They were both super good. Very strong 4*s for me. I need to get to Vicious sometime this summer.

  11. YOU BREAK MY HEART BY NOT LIKING THE DREAM THIEVES OMG. <3333 Ahem. ;D But at least you liked bk 1 so I shall forgive you. *nods regally*
    OH OH!! VE Schwab is amazing. I've basically rated all her books 5 stars so far. #addicted. I started with Vicious and it's a standalone (ish? I think it's now getting a sequel but it does read as a standalone) so it might be a good place to start? A Darker Shade of Magic is the MOST best though. The characters are just afjdskaldj adorable. AND THIS SAVAGE SONG. <333 Monsters. MONSTERS. Adorable life sucking monsters who are super cute. :') Ahem. Okay, I'm only slightly fangirling here. xD
    Yayyy that you'll get to see Hamilton!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. :D

  12. Great haul! I love your Funkos! I've just recently gotten into a Funko collection fascination. I don't have many but I'm working on it. And your book haul looks great! Enjoy! Here's my StS if you'd like to stop by my blog.

  13. Your Funkos always make me smile:) Quite an impressive showcase of new books too! Plenty to keep you reading this summer:)

    My Sunday Post

  14. Yay! I hope you'll be able to love Hamilton when it comes to London and enjoy yourself at this bookish event! All sounds so exciting. :3 This week was my exam week so I'm just glad it is all over and can relax a bit now and wait for the results to come in. I also really like the looks of a lot of those books. Plenty of new releases like This Savage Song and Girl in Pieces!

  15. LOVE the Ravenclaw pillow, I'd definitely need ALL the Houses too! The Marauders Mug, GEMINA, ACoMaF and all the HP/ToG related merch ♥ BRILLIANT!! I hope you enjoy ALL your pretties^^ xx

  16. Excellent bookish haul! I LOVE that cushion, if I ever make it to the Studio Tour I need to bring a month's salary with me and get me a Gryffindor one, along with everything else in the store! Lol I just read The Second Love of My Life last month, I've review and author interview on the blog if you want to check it out. Very enjoyable read :) R xx


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