Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read Any More


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. Each week they host a different top ten topic.

First things first:

R.I.P Robin Williams

My childhood consisted of Disney movies, Jim Carrey movies and Robin Williams movies. It was a pretty amazing childhood. This guy gave me some of my most favourite childhood movies, memories and laughs.

This weeks topic is:

Books I Am Not Sure I Want To Read Anymore


Even in ParadiseThrough to YouWild

Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot, Through to You by Lauren Barnholdt & Wild by Alex Mallory are three books that I downloaded from Edelweiss and have had second thoughts about. I think it's a combination of seeing a large amount of negative reviews for them all, but also just generally changing my mind about whether I want to read them. I have a horrid habit of thinking I really want to read a book, but once it comes to actually reading it I suddenly decide it doesn't seem like something I will like.

Books I've Bought

Eleanor & ParkLandline

Eleanor & Park and Landline by Rainbow Rowell are two books that I have only recently purchased, and I am already second guessing myself. I bought and read Fangirl because of all the amazing things I had heard, but it didn't live up to the hype. I know I am like the only person but, I hated that book. Hated it. So now I am nervous that I will find these just as disappointing. 

Delirium (Delirium, #1)Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)Requiem (Delirium, #3)

I've owned the Delirium series for a while now but still haven't got to it. That's mainly because, even though I do hear great things about it, I have heard that the ending isn't that great. My sister, who knows me quite well, says it has an ending that I probably won't like. Other people have said it's a rather ambiguous ending, one that kind of leaves it up to the reader. What? No, thank you. Isn't that your job, you know, as the author? I don't want to come up with my own ending, do it for me! I'm lazy.

Four: A Divergent Story Collection (Divergent, #0.1 - 0.4)

The Four stories are ones I am sure I will read, but I don't really know if I want to. I have kind of given up all hope for Veronica Roth, if I am honest. Allegiant was one of the most awful books I have ever read. I really don't understand how that got past and editor and a publisher and actually became a printed book. There is so much wrong with it, a huge problem being that Four's POV sounded exactly like Tris's and nothing like the Four we had come to know in the previous books. I am scared he will be like that in this collection. If he is then me and Roth are done... forever! 

Books I've Borrowed

Since You've Been Gone

Since You've Been Gone is a book that I was so excited to read, but I have changed my mind since. That's mainly because an inconsiderate blogger put a huge spoiler about it in one of her blog posts. It wasn't a review of the book or anything, there wasn't even a spoiler warning. Now I don't know if I want to read the book, considering the fact I now know how it ends. 

An Abundance of KatherinesLooking for AlaskaPaper Towns

I did enjoy The Fault in Our Stars, although I didn't think it was the most amazing thing ever, like so many others. It was enjoyable enough and did make me consider the rest of John Green's books. But I have seen so many people comment on how similar his books are, and how they contain very similar characters. I am not sure I could deal with that. I then saw this amazing video that talking about all the reasons this girl didn't like TFIOS. She mentioned everything I had an issue with and then pointed out similarities between the other books. It really has put me off trying them.

The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas: 5/5 Review
Films for Thoughts on Thursday: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 7/10 Movie Review
Five Friday Favourites: Favourite Foods and Meals
My Weekly Book Haul: 09/08/2014
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson: 2/5 Review
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Monthly Recap: July


  1. Don't read Delirium!! The first book is okay, but the subsequent ones are horrible. They progressively get worse. Save yourself the time and skip! Awww, Even In Paradise was SO GOOD. And I hate most contemporary, so that's saying something... I think you'd like it if you gave it a try. :) Lovely TTT !

    1. Oh dear, kind of wish I hadn't bought them all now. I feel like I want to read them just so I can experience the horror, but I don't now why I would want to subject myself to that. Maybe I will read them one day... if I am really, really bored, haha.

  2. You're not the only one who hated FANGIRL. I despised it, and I have no intention of trying any of Rainbow Rowell's other books. I have Lauren Oliver's DELIRIUM trilogy waiting to be read on my own shelves as well, and they probably should have made my TTT list, too. I'm nervous about them.

    1. YAY!!! Well, I am actually really happy to meet a fellow hater. I am nervous too, hear great things about first and then terrible things about books 2 & 3.

  3. I totally forgot Robin voiced in Fern Gully! Loved that movie! I loved a lot of animated movies during my youth! And still do in my adult years! I feel so alone in being one of the few who didn't hate Allegiant. But at least I can see some of your points. I felt like a lot of people hated it because of the ending and I know they do. I wasn't thrilled with it either, but I didn't hate it in the end.

    And I can't remember if I struggled with Four's pov or not. But I do want to read Four! I bought so it must be read!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Me too, Ferngully was hilarious. I still love animated movies, I am such a big kid. Haha, I don't think so - it has a surprisingly large amount of 5 star reviews.

  4. I've read the first book in the Delirium series and I did really enjoy it, but I heard bad things about the sequels so that might be an issue. Same problem with me and John Green -- couldn't get through An Abundance of Katherines so I'm terrified to ever read one of his books again. A little dramatic, but very true. Awesome list, all very valid arguments as to why you wouldn't want to read them anymore :)

    1. I have heard the same, that's why I am so nervous. I am real nervous about John Green, feeling like I won't like his other books at all.

  5. Those covers for the Delirium trilogy are so pretty but I wouldn't recommend the series. The ending wasn't much of an ending to me. I only finished the books because I was curious why people hated it. I understand now...... So sad you got spoiled for Since You've Been Gone! It was a fun read :)

    1. I am kind of curious why people hate it so much too, but I don't want to read a series that has a really rubbish ending, I'd just be disappointed.

  6. I've seen a few negative reviews for Fangirl and the issues raised were ones that I think would put me off as well. I did read Attachements and enjoyed it. Not like best book of the year enjoyed it but I thought it was fun and sweet without being cutesy. John Green doesn't grab me. I don't like to cry and even with all the hype I can't make myself pick it up. That's too bad about the spoiler. I've heard good things about Since You've Been Gone.

    1. I am still going to read it and hope that I end up loving it regardless. We shall see. Yeah, I am kind of avoiding all John Green now, TFIOS was just okay for me.

  7. I do like Rainbow Rowell's style a lot, which is what makes her books work for me. Eleanor & Park was fun; I think what I liked most was that she caught something of the feeling of being a teenager, and also that she didn't pretend that two high school kids are going to have a simple "happy ever after", because their lives are just beginning. I was a lot more enthusiastic about Attachments, though.

    1. I am intrigued by Eleanor and Park, but must admit that I am really nervous about it too.

  8. I DNF'd Delirium, so I have no qualms telling someone who is on the fence with it to skip it.

    1. Haha, thank you! Although I did buy all 3 so I feel like I should at least try to finish it.

  9. RIP Robin Williams! We'll miss you! I think Four will make lots of lists today. TFiOS is the only John Green book I've read, so I couldn't say if they're all the same. If they are, though, that makes me want to read them less as well. :D Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Happy Tuesday! :D

    1. We will :( Four ended up being okay, but just okay. It wasn't anything special and I am never going to reread it, if I am totally honest.

  10. I haven't read the last book in the Delirium series, but have skipped reviews to not ruin it for myself. I downloaded a free copy of Eleanor and Park, but don't know if I'll ever read it because I had trouble getting into it. I'll probably read Four as I've already read one of the stories in it and it wasn't too bad. I always feel bad when I get an ARC I've requested and then don't want to read it. Happens with e-galleys occasionally as well. Great list!
    Check out my Top 10

    1. I know, I am terrible we ARCs and suddenly deciding that I no longer want to read them. I am trying to be a lot better about what books I download or request now.

  11. Firstly, I'm with you on the Robin Williams tribute, he was a wonderful actor and comedian and my childhood/adulthood was/is filled with his movies.

    Apparently, people who didn't like Fangirl aren't as few as you'd think, and those who didn't like it go on to love her other novels, especially E&P, so I wouldn't give up just yet. I also own the Delirium trilogy and have yet to read it, I've heard mixed reviews too but I'm still going to binge it at some point. I've been told that Four in that collection is the one we know and love, not the insecure mess he was in the last book. So that's something. As for J Green, I read TFioS without having read his other novels. Paper Towns was disappointing, and I've been told not to expect much from An Abundance of K's, but apparently Looking For Alaska is pretty good. I think TFioS is his best work to-date.

    1. I still watch his movies, they are some of my favourites from childhood.

      I'm really happy to hear that about E&P, Fangirl had made me really nervous to ever try anything else by the author.

      I only enjoyed TFIOS, I didn't even really love it... so that makes me even more nervous to try his other books.

  12. Bwahah you so made me snort. I am with you on those endings. Totally the author's job. Lazy girl party of two apparently. lol

    1. Haha, I know. I just kind of feel like it's their job... what they are paid for. I hate open endings, they are the worst.

  13. I didn't even realise Fern Gully that batty thing was voiced by Robin Williams. Duh to me. But I'm with you...his movies have always been my favourite. And Mork and Mindy? I don't even care how old that is I cannot stop laughing watching it. I'm so sad. He was a great person.

    I'm with you on the Delirium series. I was seriously disappointed by Panic so I just never felt like searching out more of her books. BUT STILL. I kind of should, because I don't like judging an author off one book alone. I'm secretly furiously excited about Four so I won't comment there. ;) lol! OH I am a huge John Green fan, but I won't deny it: His characters are like completely the same. To be honest Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska feature so many of the same character types I started calling Margo Roth Spielgman (or whatever the heck her name is) Alaska because THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON I SWEAR. I still love his style and his humour, though, so that's what wins me over.

    1. Yo, the name is Batty! Gah, I adore that film too much. I really want to watch a ton of Mork & Mindy right now, I would love that.

      HAHA, oh dear! I am kinda sad to hear that his characters are all the same. Doesn't really make me respect him as an author. I just feel like I can't consider you a great author if you can't write more than one type of character. So, yeah, not sure I want to continue the series.

  14. I loved Fangirl but was just meh on Eleanor & Park, so you might like that one if you didn't care for Fangirl. I want to read all 3 of the ARCs you have listed, but I totally relate to what you said about them. People always say to only request the books you really, really want to read. I do that -- I really, really want the books I request! But weeks or months later when release day is approaching and it's time to read them, I maybe really don't anymore.

    I wish I had included John Green on my list. I've read 2 of his books and I just do not get him or the hype.

    1. Ooh, maybe. I am still really nervous about E&P. Exactly! Even now, with being pickier about what I request, I can still end up changing my mind.

      Really don't get the hype either.

  15. We lost a great person and I am still in shock over it. Like you a lot of my childhood movies are ones with him in it. :( My heart goes out to his family and friends.

    I say don't waste your time on Through to You, not worth it.

    As for the Delirium series I loved it, until the open ended ending. It about drove me nuts. Would I still recommend them though? Yeah, I think I would.

    1. Mine too :(

      Haha, thanks. It doesn't really appeal to me any more.

      I don't know if I can deal with an open ending! It would drive me CRAZY!

  16. You're list is so diverse! I definitely really enjoyed Eleanor and Park, it's different to Fangirl, although I did enjoy Fangirl more so I'm not sure what that says. Out of the three John Green novels, I enjoyed Looking for Alaska the most, just because it's so poetic and beautiful. Tell me if you do end up reading any of these!

    1. I am still very nervous about trying more Rainbow Rowell and John Green. I own them so I will probably try them sometimes soon.

  17. R.I.P. Robin Williams. It breaks my heart thinking about his death and something that happened in Dead Poets Society, my favorite of his roles. :(

    First off, I adore your list of books.

    Oh dear lord, no no no, please don't second guess Eleanor and Park. :( I know it's not perfect, but it's all that we've got (that was a lyric from a musical...) Um, moving on! I loved that book.

    You have several books I'm dying to read. Please mail them to me, I promise I'll mail them back. Lol! Just kidding.

    I'm dying to read Since You've Been Gone. I absolutely adore the cover so much, it's ridiculous. I'm sorry it got spoiled for you. Maybe you can still read it and enjoy the journey though? That's how I deal with spoilers, I just tell myself that even though I know so and so happens, I don't know how or why. Maybe try that? :)

    I also want to read Landline and Fangirl. And the Delirium series. I own Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, but I haven't read it yet.

    Hey! I also have all three of those John Green books you're so skeptical about. :) If you wanted to some time, we could try buddy reading them! I don't know if you're into that or have time, but you know. It's an idea.

    As far as TFiOS goes, I had one problem with the book, the way the characters talked. I couldn't get into it until halfway through, but then I completely loved it the rest of the way. I'm definitely going to have to check out that video though.

    Great list. :)


    1. Dead Poets Society <3

      Okay, I won't take E&P off my TBR.

      If you were from the UK, I so could ;)

      Since You've Been Gone has one of my favourite covers of the year, I love it. I definitely want to get to it, so I will try my best not to be too put off by knowing the end.

      Buddy Reads are great ideas, I think they definitely encourage me to actually read a book. Then you can discuss with the other person and love it together or hate it together. Or argue your side if one loves it and the other doesn't.

  18. So, so sad about Robin Williams. Absolutely heartbreaking :(

    As for the books... I really liked the Delirium series, until it ended. Or didn't, or whatever. It was so ambiguous! And I LOVED Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. I definitely want to read the Rainbow Rowell books, and Since You've Been Gone (though I get why you don't- also, I am now so afraid to come across this blog!). I don't think I want to read any of your ARC books. I'd been on the fence, but enough bad reviews persuaded me against each one.

    I just reviewed the Four stories on Monday, and I had mixed feelings. In some of the stories, he seemed like the Four we knew and loved, and then in some, he was crappy Four from Allegiant. Maybe Four has some kind of personality disorder and Veronica Roth is just Punking us?

    -Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. I know :(

      Haha!! See, that's what puts me off it. I don't want an unsatisfactory ending, that will just irritate me so much.

      Those bad reviews are what put me off the ARCs. Maybe I shouldn't have let them.

      HAHA! I know what you mean. I finally read Four and then ended up feeling the exact same. The last story bored me to tears as well.

  19. I really enjoyed the first book in the Delirium series, but it goes downhill after that. The ending is pretty terrible and I really disliked the whole of the last book. The first book is great though.

    I feel the same way as you about Four - I'm not sure I can be bothered to read them after Allegiant and I really don't want to read about the Four from Allegiant. I also feel the same about John Green's books. I enjoyed TFIOS but I wasn't a huge fan of Looking for Alaska. I found it a bit boring. I do plan on trying Paper Towns though to see if it's any better.

    I did enjoy Fangirl though, and I definitely recommend that you give Eleanor & Park a chance because it is quite different. A lot more people seem to like E&P.

    1. I keep hearing the same things, but can't exactly read the first and then not continue. So makes me feel like I shouldn't even bother.

      Me either. Four from Allegiant was the WORST!

  20. Very sad news about Robin Williams. I will always remember him as the voice from the genie in Aladdin. On to the books:

    WILD is horrible.
    I also didn't like Delirium as a whole. The concept was great, but the execution lacked and I hated the ending. John Green's other books are also on my list.


    1. Haha! Yay, I am really happy to hear about WILD. That makes me feel less guilty about giving up on it.

  21. I'm wary on John Green books too, I don't know why, maybe I just fear him.. Rainbow Rowell, I'm pretty nervous myself, I don't know why, a hyped up author maybe, that could be it? And Delirium, I feel you there, I want to get it out the library but fear it'll ALL BE ABOUT LOVE which is a no, I want plot and world too, so we'll have to see for the future. Great book choices though hunny! :D

    1. I am still nervous of JG, even after liking one of his. Hyped authors make me super nervous, they rarely ever live up to it!

  22. Hmm I have similar thoughts and feelings too. I've been pushing off the delirium trilogy for ages though. As for my reasoning, I just don't know. I'm not ready for another trilogy that seems to lie close to Matched and Divergent's lot. I didn't like Allegiant much either, and I'm not sure about venturing into the side books...

    As for the other John Green's. Fault in Our Stars was okay, but nothing too mind blowing in my opinion. It had it's faults. Haha, get it? Okay... >.>

    1. I think so many series are similar, makes it hard to find ones that you absolutely love and don't feel like copies of every other one.

      Haha, my thoughts exactly on that one! ;)

  23. I get sad every time when I see all those Robin Williams related photos and gifs on blogs and on Tumblr :(

    I haven't read Allegiant yet (because I was spoiled) but I heard from so many people that Tris and Four read like the exact same person and I really don't know if I should even care anymore. The Four novellas sound quite interesting but for the most part I think novellas in general aren't that enjoyable.

    Don't worry about John Green, I don't get the hype about his books either. I read Paper Towns with sky-high expectations and I was disappointed. I like his writing but I just wanted to punch some of his characters in the face while reading. So you could say I'm not to eager to read another one of his novels anytime soon.

    1. They read like the EXACT same person and it is so irritating. I have read Four, it was okay but didn't end up being anything special.

  24. An Abundance of Katherine's is sooo boring. I tried to read it a few years ago and gave up. I do love TFiOS, but I'm not really sure I care to check out Looking for Alaska or Paper Towns. Whatevs.
    You know what, I absolutely loved Delirum, thought Pandemonium was pretty good, but Requiem is just terrible. Yes, it's an open ending and those are just mean. But it's more to do with the whole book. Characters totally do a 180 and it doesn't make sense. Everything is just all over the place. Meh.
    I haven't read Four yet(and I did absolutely love Allegiant), but Roth has said the reason the collection got pushed back was because she want to work on Four's POV. She heard readers say it was to similar to Tris's. So maybe you'll see a difference if you decide to pick it up.
    Happy reading!
    Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life

    1. I bought 2 of John Green's from before even TFIOS came out, still haven't got to them though.

      I hate that Delirium gets ruined. I don't want to read it and love the first, but then have the whole series ruined for me. That would suck.

      I saw a little bit of difference, but it went back and forth between kinda sounding different and then sounding the same again.

  25. I wasn't sure about reading Eleanor & Park either. Let's just say I wasn't a massive fangirl of Fangirl. But I ended up loving it. It is a completely different story.

  26. Ok, here's my two cents. Read Delirium!!! I love that series. And yes, the last book is not as good as the first two, but let me just say, it's WAY BETTER than Allegiant. :)

    I would read E&P. I liked Landline, but it was very realistic which means it was a bit depressing.

    From the John Green novels, I would recommend Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. An Abundance of Katherines was boring.

    And then maybe I'm not remembering Since You've Been Gone, but I don't think knowing how it ends would ruin anything given it's a contemporary YA. That seems to be more of an issue for me in mysteries/thrillers, dystopian or paranormal books. And I really enjoyed that book so I would recommend reading it. ~Pam

    1. Haha, okay. Maybe I will try Delirium, I am still deciding.

      Oh no, I hate depressing.

      I have heard bad things about An Abundance of Katherines, will definitely not try it.

  27. Delerium is pretty good, haven't read the second two though. The uglies, pretties and specials (and extras I suppose) series are a similar type of concept and better put together if you haven't already read them :) xx

  28. I would definitely read Since You've Been Gone even though you know the ending!! It's absolutely a book where the journey is more important than the destination. You watch the main character grow and become independent with every chapter. I got to the point where I didn't even care what happened at the end (well maybe aside from one or two loose ends).

    1. Okay, I won't worry so much that it is spoiled. I will just go into it with the hopes of enjoying the whole story and not worrying so much about the end.


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