The Darkest Corners by Kara Thomas: A Dark, Psychological Thriller

The Darkest CornersTitle: The Darkest Corners
Author: Kara Thomas 
Publisher: Random House Children's
Buy this book: Amazon / Book Depository 
The Darkest Corners is a psychological thriller about the lies little girls tell, and the deadly truths those lies become.
There are ghosts around every corner in Fayette, Pennsylvannia. Tessa left when she was nine and has been trying ever since not to think about it after what happened there that last summer. Memories of things so dark they will burn themselves into your mind if you let them.
Callie never left. She moved to another house, so she doesn't have to walk those same halls, but then Callie always was the stronger one. She can handle staring into the faces of her demons - and if she parties hard enough, maybe one day they'll disappear for good.
Tessa and Callie have never talked about what they saw that night. After the trial, Callie drifted and Tessa moved, and childhood friends just have a way of losing touch.
But ever since she left, Tessa has had questions. Things have never quite added up. And now she has to go back to Fayette - to Wyatt Stokes sitting on death row; to Lori Cawley, Callie's dead cousing; and to the one other person who may be hiding the truth.
Only the closer Tessa gets to the truth the closer she gets to a killer - and this time, it won't be so easy to run away.

Hey guys, welcome to my stop on The Darkest Corners blog tour, being hosted by the wonderful people at Random House Children's Books. I jumped at the chance to review this book because I absolutely love psychological thrillers. My all time favourite young adult psychological thriller is still Dangerous Girls, but I am always looking for new one to reads. This one sounded so intriguing and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

My biggest worry when I read a thriller is that it might end up being quite predictable. I have the habit of correctly guessing who the killer is quite early on, which can ruin the book for me as it takes away the element of surprise. The Darkest Corners didn't let me down though, this book kept me guessing right up until the very end and I never once figured out what the hell was going on.

Ten years ago, Tessa and her cousin, Callie, helped to put away a serial killer, a man who they believed murdered Callie's cousin. But Tessa has always had her doubts, a worry that she helped put away an innocent man. So when a new body shows up, it looks like she might have been right. This is a read that will keep you guessing, and have you turning the page late into the night, unable to put down the book until you find out the truth.

I found this to be a really engaging and engrossing read, I love a great thriller. I spend my whole time trying to figure out the truth and what is going on. I really did enjoy this and loved how Thomas was able to keep me guessing right up until the very end. I love that she was able to shock and surprise me with the twists that the book took.

3/5 Butterflies

I really did enjoy this book, and the fact that it was able to keep me guessing until the very end. I do feel it went very slowly in the beginning, and wasn't as gripping as I could have hoped. The last half of the book was a lot better though and the pace really picked up. I feel this is going to be a read that crime fans and people who enjoy psychological thriller will really love.


  1. Nice! I keep debating over this one. I love a good YA thriller! But for some reason the story didn't grab my attention. But then I am seeing quite a few positive reviews. So since I do have it in my tentative review pile, I might just keep it and give it a try! Nice review!

  2. I don't really like thrillers, but this one sounds really interesting. I've seen some great reviews for this one too, so I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for the review!

  3. I am someone who isn't the best at guessing when it comes to thrillers, so knowing someone who usually guesses and couldn't figure things out, means I have no chance of doing it myself! Good for me, since I like my suspense. It's a shame about it being a little slow in places though.

  4. I liked this one too!! I thought the ending was really unique and surprising, but also a little out there (maybe a little too far-fetched). But still a fun and entertaining book! Great review! Glad you liked :)

  5. Ooh, I'm curious about this one?! But my TBR is too unruly to add 3-star books right now. gah. I haven't yet found anything to blow me away like Dangerous Girls did. *SAD FACE*

  6. I have the same problem with YA thrillers as you so I'm so relieved that didn't happen in this one. Great review!

  7. I love thrillers. This sounds awesome! :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews


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