It's time to celebrate Notebook Sisters change to Paper Fury! Cait's now going solo, so that calls for a snazzy new site and a new name. Go check out the celebration here, there's a rather awesome tag and a giveaway too. Cait spoils us!

I think I have probably been through three or four designs since I started, but I'd never even thought of taking pictures. So I honestly don't think I have any pictures of my old and terrible designs. I keep saying I'll change mine again because I don't have the sleekest design, but I suck at it. I want to sort out my sidebars and get some more social icons, but it's all about finding the time to learn to do it.
I usually get nervous when I post negative reviews. That's because I have a tendency to full on rant in my negative reviews. I mean, have you seen my The Maze Runner review? That shit ain't pretty! I just comfort myself with the knowledge that the authors will probably never see my review.
8. Do you tell people In-Real-Life about your blog? Their reactions?
1. Why did you start blogging?
It was a very spur of the moment decision. I was at work one day and just suddenly decided I wanted to start a book review blog. Don't ask me why it suddenly occurred to me, I don't know. I didn't read any review blogs or blogs in general at the time, so I didn't really know what I was doing. But I was a little bit crazy back in August 2013, so I just went with the flow.
The most honest answer I could give you is that I was looking for a distraction. I started the blog six months after losing my aunt, she was only thirty-eight and it was a big shock for the whole family. I'd never had a death in the family, especially not of someone I loved so much and it was a shock to the system. I think I mainly started blogging because it was something I could pour all my energy into and continue to pretend like nothing was wrong. I am so glad I did start though because it's been so much fun and something I am very proud of.
2. What's the story behind your blog's name?
![]() |
When I see an awesome blog name. |
The story... I'm completely useless and that was the best I could come up with! When I started I actually had no idea what I was doing. I hadn't seen other blogs and all the cool, short and original names they came up with. I just went with something simple and that stated what the blog was. I was reviewing books, so Reviews from a Bookworm seemed the way to go. But it's long, not very cool and unoriginal. I'd thought about changing it so much in the beginning but now I'm attached to it. It's my blog name and I can't imagine being called anything else.
3. How many designs have you been through since you started blogging?

4. Have you ever switched blog platforms? What made you move? If you haven't ever changed... why?
I haven't and that's because I wouldn't have a clue where to begin. I have thought about it, numerous times, but have never taken the plunge. Maybe one day, if I could pay someone to do, I might make the change.
5. How long does it take you to write a post? What's your postly process like?
It depends on the post and my energy level. Sometimes I can start a post, save it, go back to it, save it and start the process all over again. Other times I will very quickly write the post and get it posted the same day. I don't really have a process at the minute, I'm in a bit of a blog writing slump right now.
6. Have you ever been super nervous about a post? Why? What was it?

7. Do you have a blogging schedule?

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When someone asks for my blog name. |
I do, and most don't really have a clue what I am on about. They usually just ask a lot of questions. I don't tell many people though because I don't want them trying to find it. Yes, I am weird, I don't like anyone I know IRL reading my blog!
9. Top ten blogs you read/comment on the most.
Just ten?!?!
1. Paper Fury || 2. Book Badger || 3. Little Birdie Books || 4. The Daily Prophecy ||
5. The Infinite To-Read Shelf || 6. Daring Damsels || 7. A Fantasy Writer's Blog ||
8. My Reading Dress || 9. Once Upon a Bookish Time || 10. The Loony Teen Writer
And so many more!
1. Paper Fury || 2. Book Badger || 3. Little Birdie Books || 4. The Daily Prophecy ||
5. The Infinite To-Read Shelf || 6. Daring Damsels || 7. A Fantasy Writer's Blog ||
8. My Reading Dress || 9. Once Upon a Bookish Time || 10. The Loony Teen Writer
And so many more!
10. If you could change/improve things about your blog, what would they be?

I'd improve my design, my scheduling, my content. I'd basically love to be able to improve everything. What can I say, I'm a perfectionist.
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Lol I love your reaction to #7! And your blog name's great! You're the first blog with 'bookworm' in the title that I know so whenever I see or hear someone say 'bookworm', it always reminds me of you :)
ReplyDeleteWell that makes me smile! :) I know it's really unoriginal, but I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning.
DeleteI was pretty similar when I started to blog! I hadn't read any blogs previous to mine or anything, I just decided it was something I wanted to do. And still love it, although the year up until after the summer I didn't really have things together straight and it was a mess. But now it is looking up. Ooh I have one! I try to post thrice a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. But when it comes to writing reviews I have no usual set up either... And personally, I find your content, ranting reviews and schedule lovely. It's one of the reasons I subscribed by email! And I don't do that for every blog ;)
Yay! I am really happy you enjoy my blog, I still feel like a newbie and like I have no clue what I am doing! I definitely need a better schedule, I probably need to post a little less so I actually have time for reading. Maybe 4 times a week :)
DeleteOMG, I'M IN YOUR LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M IN YOUR LIST!!!!!!! I'M IN YOUR LIST!!!!!!!!!! *faints* I'M GOING TO BOOKMARK THIS PAGE, FOREVER ON SO I CAN GOGGLE AT IT AND GO CHARNELL LIKES MY BLOG!!!!!!! LIKE A TOTAL CREEP BUT DUDDDE, I'M FINDING IT SO HARD TO BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY LIKE MY BLOG. I always thought I was quite average so that's a massive compliment that you like my craziness. :D :D :D I LOVE YOU SNUGGLEPOPS.
ReplyDeleteUm...for a person that doesn't think they schedule very well, LIES! LIES, EVERY WORD!! Your blog is my number 2. favourite blog in the universe (Notebook Sist---I MEAN PAPER FURY, [heck that's going to be hard to program into my brain! >.<] is first ;D WE ALL KNOW WHY.), and I think you handle blogging brilliantly. (WAAAAY better then me, at any rate! ;])
*snorts* YES OH YESSS TO THAT "NO." GIF. I absolutely hate telling people in real life about my blog as I just want to throw myself off a cliff in humiliation. >.<
Hehe, when I do this tag I might just link to your post, AS I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING ON HERE! Also: I want to steal your gifs.
Haha! It makes me rather happy that my liking your blog makes you so happy. YAY! :) I prefer blogs that have a lot of personality, where the blogger puts a lot of themselves into it. And yours does that. And you're funny, and I LOVE funny!!! :) :) :)
DeleteI know, I am still struggling to remember it's Paper Fury now! :) I try my hardest but I get behind on a lot of things. I'm definitely going to try to cut down to posting only 4 times a week or so in the NY.
HAHA! ME TOO! I get nervous that they will look it up and I hate people reading my writing. It's easier with the internet because I don't have t see you in real life after. And you all get my book obsession ;)
Nice answers!
ReplyDeleteCheck out mine!
I am the worst with names, which is why my blog name is so unoriginal LOL!
ReplyDeleteI loved this, thanks for sharing it with us, it was fun getting to know you more.
Haha, mine too! OH WELL! WE TRIED :)
DeleteSpur of the moment?? ME TOO! I know what you mean about getting attached to your blog name though! I don't know what I was thinking with mine (oh alright, I was thinking that I like to wear dresses and that I like to read. Oh my mind works in simple ways) but I couldn't imagine being called anything else! Close, close family and friends know about my blog well! But they don't know much else because I don't want them searching it out either. That though unsettles me lol
ReplyDeleteAND OH GOD, I'M ON YOUR LIST, CHARNELL?!!!?? I'm hugging you right now. Really tightly. So much love, alright <3
Haha, your name seems much more original than mine. But you get attached and now I can't imagine changing it. I don't think any of my family read mine, which makes me feel a lot better.
DeleteOf course you're on my list! Your blog is amazing, you go into such detail about everything. So much love for you blog <3
I knoooow. Just 10 was cruel right. I needed like, maybe, just 35? I have so many blogs I love to read. XD BUT I'M HONOURED MY BLOG IS MENTIONED THERE. 'Scuse me, I must flail.
ReplyDelete*flails wildly*
OKAY THEN. Blogging schedules are for the organised....so not really me either. >.> Although I do try, like, occasionally.
Learning to design is haaard. I still have no idea what I'm doing. I was nearly getting the hang of blogger and then I WENT AND CHANGED. Although I cannot code or anything. I...I just can't. I have no clue what I'm doing and the tutorials all go straight over my head. I would love to graphic design though. I can't, but it would be sooo cool. XD
Thanks for doing my tag and spreading the word about my url change. YOU ARE THE NICEST. XD
I KNOW! How can I just put 10. It sucked because I did it at 3am and forgot so many amazing blogs. Then I felt bad for the ones I missed out. HOW COULD YOU NOT BE ON THE LIST?!?! I stalk your blog ;)
DeleteI try too, but it doesn't work. I need to cut down how often I post to 4 times a week, so I actually have times to do things.
HAHA! YES! I look at the tutorials, read them and think I could probably try that... then it fails miserably.
I kinda wish I had a better name too! But never mind! XD At #4 - you could ask the opinion of several people who switched blogging platforms, I'm sure it's not as daunting as it sounds. O_O Many bloggers seem to have the switch done in a few days. (I'm sorry for your loss =( I'm getting to that age right now where the health of grandparents and parents of friends are failing, and that feels very scary.) Oh me tooo!!! I should have put that on my list e_e I'd love to be better at scheduling. Have you heard of the Blog Ahead Challenge? I wish I done that. Would've been amazing - all December, I wouldn't write a single post!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! =D
I had and I really wanted to take part, but it never happened and it sucks. I have no posts scheduled now, where as I was two weeks ahead at one point. IT SUCKS!
DeleteI thought I was the only blogger who decided to start blogging spur of the moment! Glad to know I'm not. :) I totally get what you mean about your blog name and not telling people about your blog - my parents and my nan know about my blog (I had to tell them when I started receiving review books) and a few friends have now discovered that I review books sometimes, but they don't know anything else...I don't want them searching it up. For someone who doesn't have a schedule, I think you blog brilliantly. I always assumed you were super duper organised! And, Charnell! I'M ON YOUR LIST. Oh, I'm so grateful. I always feel so average compared to your wonderful posts and your personality, so I'm really glad you like my blog. <3 :D
ReplyDeleteHaha, no it seems like a lot of us don't plan ahead! I don't think anyone I know reads it, which makes me feel a lot better. I mention it to people but NEVER the blog name, haha. They could find it quite easily if they tried, but I know most people wouldn't.
DeleteHaha, NOPE! There is no organisation here AT ALL! :)
Lol, I love this tag!!! :) Loved your answers! I don't usually tell people about my blog because, being a geek/nerd/bookworm isn't very respected at my school and I'd like to keep school and online separate.
ReplyDeleteI know, I don't want people googling mine and finding it.
DeleteLOL your name totally made me snort. I was a spur of the moment on New Years eve blogger. And oh sometimes my blog name...I wish I'd gone conventional book blogger on it. Enjoyed the post :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
DeleteYes, I changed my blog name on the spur of the moment too! I was really bored, and it was the day when the world was supposed to end so I thought, why not? Heh. Anyway, I get nervous about negative reviews as well. Especially lately because of a lot of bloggy drama that has been going on. But honestly, who cares? It's your blog, and you can post anything you want :D
ReplyDeleteLove the post! <33
Haha, exactly! I only get nervous in case the author reads it, but I usually feel like they would never find my blog to read it. Let us hope ;)
DeleteI also started my blog randomly! I was just in the car one day and I thought of the name "Blog of a Bookaholic"and I was like "Ooh, I quite like that name - perhaps I should start a book blog!"and so I did. A very interesting story as you can see *coughs*. I also had NO CLUE what I was doing when I started blogging, my first posts are super embarrassing, I literally cringe right now thinking about them. I want to delete them or rewrite them, but sometimes it can be nice to see how much I've improved!
ReplyDeleteI also don't like telling people about my blog, my mom always tells everyone and I'm just like stahhhppp because most people don't really enjoy reading and I don't like the thought that people who don't appreciate literature might look at my blog and it's just awkward, I'm not exactly sure why though. :)
I'm also really sorry about your loss! <3 I also lost someone very close to me around 4 years ago and it's absolutely horrible! <3
Haha, at least I am not the only one. I wish I'd spent longer thinking about my name but now that I have it, I can't imagine changing it.
DeleteMe too! I should go back and edit mine and everything, but it's so much effort.
I just don't want people I know going and reading my blog, I don't know why but it bothers me.
YAAAAAAY. I love reading all these answers!
ReplyDeleteDude, it's hilarious to me looking back at old blog designs. We all started out with ones so 'fussy' and now we're all sleek and modern LOL. How the times have changed
Haha, mine is so not sleek and modern. It's far too bright, but oh well!
Deletehaha I hear you on your name girl! I kind of wish I would have known what the hell I was doing before I decided out of the blue to start my blog! I just randomly made the decision, picked a host and name, and went from there. Now, I see all of these sweet blog names and I'm like, "Damn, my name kinda sucks." haha It seems like it would be a pain in the ass to change it now, though. This is a great post girl! I love your blog, it is definitely something to aspire to. I hope my blog is as cool as yours when I grow up! (:
ReplyDeleteMorrighan @ Elysian Fields.
I know, but then you kind of get attached to it. Then you get known by it. So then you don't see how you could change it. I think your name is really good, so I definitely wouldn't worry about that :)
DeleteThanks for including me in your list <3 This is one of the first time I hear a story of someone who just started, how fun! Most of the times people started blogging after Goodreads. I'm always thinking about switching, but then I think about all the time, money and stress.. and I come back from it, haha.
ReplyDeleteNo problem, I adore your blog! :) Me too, it just doesn't seem worth it for me right now.
DeleteMake the switch! I did mine through Ashley @ Nose Graze's site, and she did the whole switch for me! (I may have messed it up myself a bit afterwards, but that was all on me!) It is just so much easier for me.
ReplyDeleteI love that you just randomly started your blog! I had thought about it for awhile, but the day I finally did it was actually the day before my son was born, which is a really dumb time to start a big venture, no? (In my defense, he was quite early!)
Also, your gifs made iced tea come out of my nose. Too funny!
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
I might try it, it's just about finding the time and money. And I worry I will mess it up a lot afterwards.
DeleteHaha, thank you! :)
First of all...thank you so much for including me on this list! I feel so honored! :D Your blog is one of my favorites and I absolutely love reading your content. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with Shannon - it's so cool that starting a book blog was such a spur-of-the-minute decision!
Thanks for sharing Charnell, and awesome answers! <3
I love your blog, your reviews are incredible. You HAD to make the list ;)
DeleteHahah I'm the same way about blogging scheduling. Bwhahah that doesn't happen. Like ever. I'm a mood writer. Inspiration strikes and I can write 5 posts one after the other. Sometimes it takes weeks to write one post the way I want it. It all depends. I really shouldn't tell people my blog name. I've told my parents and close friends and that's about it. Oh geez I shouldn't have done that...
ReplyDeleteI know, I always say I'm going to work on a schedule and then it NEVER happens. OH WELL!!! :) Haha, I know but luckily my family don't read it.
DeleteIf I don't schedule, I don't blog. Call me anal, but blogging has got to fit into a slot on my list, right after the entry "finish writing that #!@ book."
ReplyDeleteI'm checking out your blog recommendations. I love finding new and interesting bloggers.
Haha! I should really work on a schedule but it never happens.
DeleteCool TAG! I could say so much about us being the same. My main problems with my blog are the same as yours. Well they're not really problems, just areas I need to improve. I like my picture and design of my blog, but I know it's a little loud. But I have no idea about blog designs and all that crap. So I should probably pay someone to clean it up for me. Also my lack of pre-schedule and just posting. I try to make a schedule but for the most part I completely fail at sticking to it. It's something I hope to better myself at in 2015.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers!
Happy reading!
Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
Mines a bit loud too, but I've gotten used to it. I don't know, my favourite blog designs are sleeker and more professional looking, so maybe it's something I should work on. I want to get better at it in 2015 too.