I'm so excited to take part in The Perpetual Page-Turner's End of Year Book Survey for the second year in a row. Not only is it a great way to look back on my year of blogging and reading, it's also so much fun and a great way to discover new blogs and books! I definitely recommend taking part, linking up and visiting other blogs. You will find so many amazing books and make your TBR even longer, not that us book bloggers need any help with that.
I will try to not list a million books for one answer, even though I know I'll be sorely tempted. I'd also attempt to make you believe that I'll make a valiant effort not to keep mentioning the same book over and over again, but I'd be lying. It's not my fault that some books are just majorly more awesome or terrible than others, it's a fact of bookish life!
Number of books you read: 122
Number of re-reads: 13
Genre you read the most from: Contemporary, Fantasy & Dystopian
1. Best book you read in 2014?
You want me to try and pick a best book, as in just one.

I did a post on my top ten reads of the year, and narrowing it down to ten was hard, and even then I cheated. You can find that list here. I've since read A Court of Thorns and Roses and that tops it really. I'll be good and pick a top five for you all, one that does't include my two favourites that are 2015 releases.
2. Book you were excited about and thought you were going to love more but didn't?
Looking through my reads of 2014 it was quite obvious that a lot of books I was excited for ending up being really disappointing. These two being two of the main ones:
Both were books I was almost certain I was going to love and then was really disappointed with both, The Kiss of Deception being the one I disliked the most.
3. Most surprising (in a good or bad way) book you read in 2014?

The most surprising in a bad way was probably Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell or The Maze Runner by James Dashner, two books that did not live up to the massive hypes surrounding them.
4. Book you "pushed" the most people to read (and they did) in 2014?

Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas are two books I pushed a lot this year. Dangerous Girls completely blew me away and I had to keep begging people to read it, no idea if any of them listened though. Haas is definitely an author who deserves more recognition then she's getting, these are two of the best psychological thrillers I've ever read.
5. Best series you started in 2014? Best sequel of 2014? Best series ender of 2014?
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas is definitely the best series I've started this year, I've become completely obsessed with it. I find it hard classing something as 'best series' if I've only read book one, who knows where it's going.
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas was the favourite sequel I read this year, I absolutely loved it. I really did enjoy Heir of Fire, but Crown of Midnight won for me because of all the shipping feels it gave me.
I didn't finish many series this year if I'm honest, so my favourite series ender goes to Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi.
6. Favourite new author you discovered in 2014?
Sarah J. Maas... duh!

I don't read much New Adult, I've not had very good luck with it in the past. Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover was just incredible though, but so is everything that woman seems to write. I absolutely loved it, especially since it came with it's own soundtrack, which added so much to the reading experience.
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas
That books kept me up until 3am, even though I had work the next day, because I just had to finish this book and find out the truth.
9. Book you read in 2014 that you are most likely to re-read next year?

I don't know, my TBR is so massive that I should probably avoid rereading all together. My memory is also so bad that I usually reread books in series when a new one comes out.
10. Favourite cover of a book you read in 2014?
There were so many covers I loved this year, but I've been good and only picked 5!
11. Most memorable character of 2014?
Celaena Sardothian

Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis had me thinking so much about water and how much I take for granted the fact I have such easy access to clean, drinkable water.
Throne of Glass for definite, kicking myself over that one. Also The Distance Between Us by Kasie West which I absolutely loved and it finally got me to start reading West's books.
15. Favourite passage/quote from a book you read in 2014?
I don't write down favourite quotes very often sooooo... yeah! Although, I have just started rereading Red Rising by Pierce Brown and I love the opening lines:
I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.

16. Shortest and longest book you read in 2014?
Shortest book: The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman 68 pages
Longest book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 766 pages
17. Book that shocked you the most. (Because of a plot twist, character death, left you hanging with your mouth open wide, etc.)
Dangerous Girls kept me up until the early hours of the morning because I had to finish it, I needed to know what had really happened. The ending definitely had my mouth wide open, it was sooooooo good. And We Were Liars just took me by complete surprise, some people guessed the end but I had no clue whatsoever.

I ship it so hard that it hurts!
Roar and Aria from the Under the Never Sky series by Veronica Rossi. It's nice to find female and male characters that have a brilliant friendship that is never anything more.
This definitely goes to To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han, absolutely adored that book and can't wait to get my hands on the sequel.

Urgh! This is where it gets hard because I just want to say Throne of Glass again, but I've used that one so much. I'm going to go for Easy by Tammara Webber because it's a book I never would have read if it wasn't for all the recommendations and I ended up really enjoying it.
I'm going with Tamlin from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I only just finished it so he would be considered my newest fictional crush for definite.
23. Best 2014 debut you read?
Red Rising by Pierce Brown, Far From You by Tess Sharpe and The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu
24. Best world-building/most vivid setting you read this year?
I have reread all seven Harry Potter books this December so.... fucking Hogwarts! Do I need to say more? This goes to Rowling.
25. Book that put a smile on your face/ was the most FUN to read?
26. Book that made you cry or nearly cry in 2014?

We Were Liars had me ugly crying at my work through sheer shock, did not see that coming. Not a Drop to Drink had an ending that just broke my heart. I absolutely adored that book, but that ending definitely crushed my soul quite a bit. Far from You You was so moving, I had't expected that from it. And I can't even get started on All the Bright Places, I cried so hard at that one - full on, ugly sobbing.
Far from You by Tess Sharpe, it's a book that completely blew me away and I absolutely loved but I'm still not seeing it around a lot on other blogs.
28. Book that crushed your soul?
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven definitely wins that award because just looking at her book now makes me want to cry.
And Crown of Midnight for the following reason...

A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall because, even though I didn't like it very much, there's no denying that book is unique. It's told from about 20,000 perspectives, except for the two you really want.
30. Book that made you the most mad?

That award goes to The Maze Runner by James Dashner and Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers because I hated both books with an absolute passion. I can't think of one positive thing to say about either book.
1. New favourite book blog you discovered in 2014?
I've only been blogging for just over a year so almost every blog I've discovered has been in 2014. I'll name a few:
1. Paper Fury || 2. Book Badger || 3. Little Birdie Books || 4. The Daily Prophecy ||
5. The Infinite To-Read Shelf || 6. Daring Damsels || 7. A Fantasy Writer's Blog ||
8. My Reading Dress || 9. Once Upon a Bookish Time || 10. The Loony Teen Writer || 11. This Is The Story of My Reading Life
And so many more!
2. Favourite review that you wrote in 2014?
3. Best discussion/non-review post you had on your blog?
There's a few I loved for different reasons:
Things That Disney Taught Me because it was silly and so much fun to do.
How to Conquer a Reading Slump because I gave terrible advise in the hopes you'd all give me good advice.
Why Do Books and Readers Glorify Abusive Relationships because it was me doing an actual serious discussion, which doesn't happen often.
The Gif Tag because it was an excuse to use gifs (like I needed one).
4. Best event that you participated in (author signing, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?
I went to YALC and it was incredible!
5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life in 2014?
There have been so many! Hitting milestones like 2,000 Bloglovin' followers, celebrating by first blogoversary and meeting so many awesome bloggers. But the greatest part was whenever someone told me that they loved my blog or a post or a review I did, which always surprises me and makes me so happy.
6. Most popular post this year on your blog (whether it be by comments or views)?
Well people keep googling non-Disney animated movies and finding my posts I did on that: My Top 20 Non-Disney Animated Movies Part 1 & Part 2, which have thousands and thousands of views.
My most popular reviews were Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover, which got the most comments, and Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas, which got the most views.
7. Post you wished got a little more love?
I'm kind of amazed that people take the time to read and comment on my blog. I guess my reviews get fewer comments than most other posts, but that's the same for most bloggers.
8. Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Etsy, which is just dangerous for my bank account. I WANT ALL THE THINGS!

9. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?
I read over 100 books, which was my Goodreads goal, so I am pleased with that. I am sure I signed up for more, but I didn't do well with keeping track of them.
1. One book you didn't get to in 2014 but will be your number 1 priority in 2015?
There are so many that I can't even begin to try and determine which one should go to the top of the pile.
2. Book you are most anticipating for 2015 (non-debut)?

I did a whole post on 2015 books I am looking forward to, which you can find here. Most of the ones I was excited for I now have as ARCs and can finally read.
3. 2015 debut you are most anticipating?

4. Series ending/a sequel you are most anticipating in 2015?

The next book in the Throne of Glass series.
5. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life in 2015?
Get a little more organised and the blog a little more scheduled. This will most likely NEVER happen, but a girl can dream.
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, both are beyond incredible and 5/5 reads.
WOW! Okay, if you made it through that then CONGRATULATIONS! That took so much longer to complete than I thought it would. If you've taken part in the End of Year Book Survey then be sure to leave a link below, I'd love to come check it out!
ReplyDeletethey're so amazing!!
Great survey too, you read some awesome books this year!
May the odds be ever in your favor this coming year :)
Thank you!!! :)
DeleteOkay loved this mostly because I see so many of my most favorite authors and books and because I am so happy I found your blog! It really is fabulous and I know I bought the Dangerous Girls/Boys books because of you and a few others that were totally talking about them. Plus, you love Calaena and anyone that loves her is awesome in my book. :P
ReplyDeleteYAY! Well I'm very happy that you not only enjoy my blog, but that you also listened to my Dangerous recommendations. I hope you loved them ;)
DeleteTHANK YOU, I also didn't see the whole hype around Fangirl! Everyone raves about it and I'm just here not seeing the fuss about it, so it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that felt that way. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy The Young Elites and The Kiss of Deception, I've heard such good things about them!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on reaching 2,000 followers, especially in your first year of blogging. That's amazing and you totally deserve it! <3
I still haven't read the Throne of Glass series but I NEED to as I've heard utterly amazing things!
Here's my end of year survey: http://blogofabookaholic.blogspot.com/2014/12/2014-end-of-year-book-survey.html
Thank you! It felt amazing to reach so many milestones in my first year.
DeleteYES! THANK YOU! I love finding other people who didn't like Fangirl, it makes me feel like I am not alone. I always feel like the odd one out for that. And The Young Elites. And The Kiss of Deception.
I hope you do read it and enjoy it.
I was also really disappointed by the Maze Runner. I really did like Dashner's writing style at all! I have also seen that a lot of people have been disappointed by Kiss of Deception, I really want to like it so maybe if I lower my hopes I won't be too disappointed!
ReplyDeleteWe Were Liars actually had me in hysterics, it really was not the best book to bring on holidays to Spain with me...but I loved it nonetheless.
My End of the Year Survey
YAY! I'M NOT ALONE! I didn't get the hype surrounding that book, I really didn't like it. I hope you're not disappointed by The Kiss of Deception, I know a lot of people who loved it so you could be fine.
DeleteI know that I should probably reread series before the next book comes out BUT THERE'S NO TIME. And I always go in with no memory at all which SUCKS. But I want to do a Harry Potter reread next year. HOPEFULLY!
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't like the Kiss of Deception either. IT WASN'T THE HIGH FANTASY THAT I SIGNED UP FOR. And Fangirl didn't excite me at all. The main character was too socially inept for me, I couldn't relate at all.
AND I've been eyeing the The Distance Between Us for AGES now and I'm DEFINITELY picking it up now! I was putting it off because the font is gigantic BUT the book is tiny. So you know, is it just really short? Hahaha
There really isn't. I want to stop doing that myself, but then I end up feeling confused and I think it ruins my reading experience of book two. I don't want to penalise a sequel just because my memory sucks, haha.
DeleteI was expecting fantasy, with brilliant world building and was so disappointed when it was just a poorly done love triangle style romance. Me either, which surprised me so much because I'd expected her character to be one I could identify with, being a total introvert myself.
I really liked The Distance Between Us. I'm not sure if it's a short read, it doesn't feel like it. It's one that just feels quick to get through because I couldn't put it down. But maybe it is ridiculously short, haha.
Sounds like you had a great year in reading.
ReplyDeleteI pickup Throne of Glass and the first two Under the Never Sky books this year and your survey is telling me to read them asap.
I hope you do because they're ones that I really loved.
DeleteHeir of fire, woop woop. I CAN'T WAIT FOR A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. I'm so exited. *bounces* I'm in love with the cover from Not a drop to drink. The colors are pretty! Chaol/Celaena is one of the best ships ever and I will never leave this ship.
ReplyDeleteThe covers are just too pretty! I need to buy book two in physical form just so I can have it on my shelf.
DeleteI see a number of books I wouldn't have thought of. The best series is Shelby NIckols
ReplyDeletea paranormal CARROTS is number #1.
My other books are on my blog. Best Book is A GOOD YEAR FOR THE ROSES. A delightful for novel set in England.
DeleteDangerous Girls blew me away too. I was a big pusher for that one as well! I'm so happy you joined the Throne of Glass crazy fan train and the Kasie West fan train. Welcome.
ReplyDeleteHopefully 2015 will be filled with even more bookish greatness. :D
Thank you, it feels great to finally be aboard! :)
Delete122 books? Sounds like a pretty good number to me! I have recently received we were liars and cannot wait to start on it! So many of the good books mentioned are on my TBR. Dangerous Girls popped up a lot so I think that demands to be read! I also just bought The Winner's Curse! Agreed, a beautiful cover.
ReplyDeleteI hope you love We Were Liars, I know some people thought the hype ruined it for them but I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Dangerous Girls does need reading... by everyone.
DeleteI LIKE SURVEYS. I think it's awesome to look back on the full year, but phewffff hard to remember all the ups and downs, right?! I like have goodreads shelves for the actual year or else I cannot remember what I read. XD
Surveys are just soooo much fun! :) YOU NEED TO READ ACOTAR AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! :)
DeleteOh Charnell, is it wrong to say that YOU GOT ME HOOKED ON THRONE OF GLASS?
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, ever since you recommended the series to me back in October, I cannot put it down anymore. Celaena is fabulous and Chaol is such a babe.
And you already read A Court Of Throne And Roses? Gaaah. But let's be real: anything Sarah J. Maas writes, is automatically on my TBR list.
I'm on a strict Etsy diet right now. Can't buy anything before I got my school life sorted (which would probably be never). Eeks.
Nana @ whatabadpoem.
HAHA! That is not wrong at all and it makes me extremely happy. And another shipper of Chaolaena! :)
DeleteIT IS AMAZING! I hope you read it and love it.
I am steering clear too, there is far too much of it that I want.
I actually just finished The Young Elites and really liked it, so I'm sorry it was disappointing for you! I think I tempered my expectations some before going into it, so that might have helped. And the whole Maze Runner series made me so mad when I read the books two years ago, so I can relate to that!
ReplyDeleteI think it might have been that my expectations were just far too high. I definitely expected a lot from that series and it didn't deliver.
DeleteI really liked Young Elites too, but I can understand why some wouldn't like it. I agree with you on Fangirl, I couldn't even finish it. I'm gonna have to look into this Dangerous Girl book now. Yes! Celeana and Chaol are perfection<3
ReplyDeleteI think my expectations were just too high. I hope you get to read Dangerous Girls, it's an amazing book.
DeleteI tried not to repeat my answers too often, either, but it was definitely hard. I really liked both Dangerous Girls and Dangerous Boys, too. I won Dangerous Girls in a giveaway and as soon as I was done reading I immediately bought Dangerous Boys. I've only read the first book in the Throne of Glass series and was not impressed with it at all, so I haven't read the rest of the series. I seem to be in the minority of that opinion, though.
ReplyDeleteIt really is hard. I find it quite funny that I read so many books in a year but only a few that I really loved or really hated are the ones that stay with me. I think book one was my least favourite of the series, Crown of Midnight was what completely won me over. Your not the only person I know who really didn't like book one.
DeleteI haven't tried NA yet but Easy keeps catching my eye...I'm so glad that you enjoyed it because it makes me excited to read it! Your answers were so interesting to read, and I cannot wait for my chance to read A Court of Thorns and Roses as well (I wasn't blown away by Throne of Glass but I've heard the series keeps getting better! And I can't say no to a Beauty and the Beast retelling...)
ReplyDeleteI was surprised by how much I enjoyed Easy, really need to hurry up and read the companion novel. I HOPE YOU LOVE ACOTAR! Throne of Glass was my least favourite of the series so far, so definitely agree that it gets better as it goes along.
DeleteGreat answers! But really... I'm jealous. How did you get A Court of Thorns & Roses????
ReplyDeleteBloomsbury are lovely, that's how! :) They sent it in a Christmas package as a thank you to their bloggers.
DeleteI love the gifs! You had me laughing throughout, they were so apt! And well done on all the books you read too - far off my number! I've also have a little obsession with Etsy too, especially the classic penguin book covers!
ReplyDeleteEtsy is my downfall. I have banned myself from visiting it!
Delete*wipes tear from eye* YOU MENTIONED ME!!! :)))) THAT MAKES THIS GIRL VERY HAPPY! :DDD
ReplyDeleteOoooh, your gif skills are AMAZING. TELL ME YOUR SECRETS.
I really try not to go near Etsy, otherwise I'll be on there for HOURS salivating, which isn't a good habit!
I SWEAR WE ARE BOOKISH TWINS! I hated The Kiss of Deception (wtf was with all that barmaid stuff + the ridiculous plot *twists*???!!! I saw it coming a mile off) and The Young Elites I thought would be awesome but it wasn't. The anti-hero became a massive whiner and I got sick of it quickly.
I must though, smack you over the head for your comment on Grave Mercy! HOW DARE YOU!!! ;) I might possibly forgive you if you at least TRY Dark Triumph some time next year!! Maybe. Possibly not. *dangles cake in front of you*
Lovely post, my frabjous sweetpea!! :))))) Thanks so much for mentioning me <33
My survey: http://onceuponabookishtime.blogspot.co.nz/2014/12/2014-end-of-year-book-survey-in-which.html
I love your blog! :) So I had to mention you.
DeleteHaha, I just think of what I'd want to be saying or doing to that situation and try to find the gif that matches that the most.
I KNOW!! That plot twist was 1. OBVIOUS 2. UNNECESSARY and 3. STUPID! How does that make a good book. NOPE. I expected a fantasy story. Not a poorly done love triangle.
I KNOW... I'M SORRY. I hated that book, with a passion. I might try Dark Triumph. Might.
You read A Court of Thorns and Roses!!! I am soo jealous!!! I'm glad to see Celaena's name appear :p I've wanted to read The Young Elites, I think I'll give it a try anyway :p
ReplyDeleteLoved the covers. Is Not A Drop To Drink really good??? I've been thinking about that one too!!!
Congrats on reaching your goal :D
And Good Luck with next year :)
I think you should try The Young Elites, I seem to be the odd one out on that one.
DeleteI LOVED Not a Drop to Drink, it was so good and not what I was expecting at all.
Great answers! I'm starting All the Bright Places tonight and you have me both excited and buying a box of tissues now. So many books on here that I need to get to(rest of Throne of Glass series being the big one). 2015 should be a good year:)
ReplyDeleteYAY! I hope you love it... get those tissues ready as you are going to need them. ALL OF THEM :)
DeleteThat was so fun to read! Congrats on the dozens and dozens and dozens of books you got through O_O I think, after my blog redesign, my first task will be to join some reading challenges, because 700 books on my TBR is NOT. ACCEPTABLE.
ReplyDeleteI love the Red Rising quote. Ironically (or not) that book is also on my TBR. e_e I still intend to read Grave Mercy so I hooooope I hope I won't hate it as much as you did. The 'feel' of it (blurb, cover) remind me of The Falconer, and I just finished reading that. I adoreddd it. Great post!
Oh, I forgot to say - (I'm still here because I'm adding books from this list to my Amazon wishlist XD) I really pleased you like my blog. I hope you'll like it even more in two days. c:
DeleteHAHA! I hear you, my TBR is out of control. BUT OH WELL! I don't see it ever getting smaller.
DeleteI hope you enjoy Red Rising!!! :)
I'm so pleased that you enjoyed Abigail Haas' books so much! I love her writing. I've added some books to my TBR now. I love reading surveys like these. I hope you have a good reading year in 2015! Thanks for stopping by my blogs End of Survey post!
ReplyDeleteI love her books, I hope she writes more YA books soon.
DeleteI think I'm going to do this too! Great way to look back!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to have found your blog this year too. As I'm also new to the bloggersphere it was fantastic to meet new book friends through this venture. :D
I can't wait for everyone to read ACOTAR as well. BRILLIANT!
Fantastic year, Charnell. Here's to 2015!
Happy reading!
Brittany @ This is the Story of My(Reading) Life
It was a lot of fun to take part in.
DeleteWhew so many books! I have a couple of them on my tbr pile that will maybe hopefully get tried in 2015 :D
ReplyDeleteI hope you love them when you do.
DeleteGreat survey answers. I like the Gif's. I see a few books I'll be adding to my TBR list. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking mine out too! :)
DeleteAw, sucks you didn't like KoD. Another blogger I like also said she didn't enjoy it as much as she was hoping, esp considering all the hype. I'm still a little iffy about TYE, too. I love Marie Lu though. I kind of want to read Red Rising. I've had bad luck w/psych thrillers over the years, just never found a good one, but I might give DG a try since you loved it so much. And yes, I loved Far From You, too. Such a surprisingly good book.
ReplyDeleteDangerous Girls was beyond incredible, I was surprised by how much I ended up loving it. Far From You was an amazing book, I did not expect it to be that good.