Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood Recap / Summary


Crescent City: House of Earth and Blood Recap

I have a really terrible memory and forget way too many details from series when I am reading them, which is why this is a thing. I do it for myself, so sometimes I will highlight thoughts in bold as I am going along-as the main purpose for these recaps is for me to read them over before I get to the next book/also see my thoughts as I was reading. I just upload them here in case they prove useful to other people. But I note down anything I think could be of importance or I know I will forget. Hope this helps someone!

House of Earth and Blood

Four Houses of Midgard

House of Earth and Blood - Humans, shifters, ordinary animals, witches, and many others to whom Cthona calls, as well as some chosen by Luna.

House of Sky and Breath - Malakim (angels), elementals, sprites, Fae and those who are blessed by Solas, along with some favoured by Luna.

House of Many Waters - River-spirits, water beasts, kelpies, mer, nymphs, nokks, and others watched over by Ogenas.

House of Flame and Shadow - Daemonaki, Reapers, vampyrs, draki, dragons, wraiths, necromances, and many wicked and unnamed things that ever Urd herself cannot see.


Part 1: The Hollow


Chapter 1 - Bryce works at Griffin Antiquities, has been working there a year. She is half-Fae, half-human. Lehabah is a tiny fire sprite who is owned by the owner of the gallery. Her best friend Danika Fendyr (a werewolf) shows up; she needs to leave a sword there for a few hours.

Jesiba Roga – 400 year old enchantress who’d been born a witch and defected. Joined House of Flame and Shadow and answered only to the Under-King. She is the owner of the gallery.

Danika and Bryce have recently gotten matching tattoos. Bryce’s is on her back. Met 5 years ago as freshmen at Crescent City University.

Danika’s grandfather is the Prime of the Valbaran Wolves. Her mother is Sabine, Alpha of the Scythe Moon Pack. Sabine is the Prime Apparent of the Valbaran wolves, Danika is second in line. But there are whispers that Danika should take over when her grandfather dies. Grandfather had bypassed his daughrer and given Danika the family’s heirloom sword, the one she's leaving in the gallery.

Danika reveals Philip Briggs is being released on a technicality. He is part of the human rebellion, and planned to blow up a nightclub. Did it to try to trigger a war between human and Vanir (all creatures above humans). Wanted to overthrow those who oppress humans. Danika and the Pack of Devils stopped the plot and put him in prison a few years ago.

Pack of Devils, one of the most elite shifter units in Crescent City’s Auxiliary and they patrol the Old Square - the pack Danika is Alpha of.

The 33rd Imperial Legion are angels who are the Governor’s personal army. Micah Domitus is the Archangel of Crescent City.

Seven Heads of the City (Crescent City used to be known as Lunathion). Each Head controls a specific part of the city. Prime of the wolves in Moonwood, Fae Autumn King in Five Roses, the Under-King in the Bone Quarter, the Viper Queen in the Meat Market, the Oracle in the Old Square and the River Queen in the Blue Court beneath the Istros River. Humans in Asphodel Meadows had no head. Micah Head of the Central Business District rules over them all – Archangel of Valbara, answers only to the six Asteri in the Eternal City, capital of Pangera.

Syrinx, a chimera that Jesiba has purchased is kept at the gallery.


Chapter 2 - Danika’s pack – Connor Holstrom is her Second, Nathalie is her Third.

Bryce’s boss wants her to try and find Luna’s Horn; it was stolen from Luna’s Temple during a power outage recently. It is an ancient Fae relic. Archangel Micah offered a hefty reward for it’s return.

The Umbra Mortis is Micah’s personal assassin, with the rare gift of lightning in his veins and can eliminate almost any threat.

Six enthroned Asteri, with an empty throne to honor their fallen sister.

Sabine has always hated Bryce. Danika is the only wolf in her Pack yet to make the Drop into immortality.

Ruhn is Bryce’s half-brother and he is also full Fae, but everyone believes he is her cousin.

Bryce wears a golden pendant – knot of three entwined circles. It is an Archesian amulet that Jesiba gave her on her first day. It offers protection against the influence of various magical objects.

Ember Quinlan is her mum, who lives 300 miles away. Step father Randall, who she considers her true father. Made sure she knew how to protect herself, taught her how to shoot. 

A gate in the heart of the Old Square, with a quartz archway. There are seven like it in the city, all carved from quartz from the Laconian Mountains. This one is called the Heart Gate as it is at the dead center of the city. Jutting out of the gate there is a dial pad, solid-gold block embedded with 7 different gems, each for a different quarter of the city, insignia of each distrct etched below it. Emerald and a rose for Five Roses, Opal and a pair of wings for the CBD, Ruby and heart for Old Square, Sapphire and an oak tree for Moonwood, Amethyst and a human hand for Asphodel Meadows, Tiger’s Eye and a serpent for Meat Market, Onyx and a skull and crossbones for Bone Quarter. Below that is a small round disc worn down by all the hands that have touched it.  Sign reads – Touch at your own risk. Do not use between sundown and sunrise. Violators will be fined.

7 gates, each set along a ley line running through Lunathion, designed as a quick way for guards in the distrcts to speak to each other. When they’d put a hand to the pad and speak, the voice would travel to the other gates. Required a drop of magic to do so. Plaque above the gates says 'The power shall always belong to those who give their lives to the city’

Bryce and Danika plan to make the Drop together. The Drop does not give true immortality, Vanir do age and die from natural causes or other methods. But aging process is slow after the Drop. Fae can last 1000s of years, shifters/witches usually 5 centuries, angels somewhere between. Bryce not sure where she’ll fall given her half-Fae heritage.

Tests confirmed that once Danika drops, she’ll have considerable power. Way more than her mother. Could become Alpha of all the wolves.

Danika and Bryce plan to make the Drop at 27.

Fury Axtar, who they met at CCU is one of their friends. Danika thinks she is an assassin. Juniper Andromeda, a faun, is their other friend.

Sabine never told Danika who her father was.


Chapter 3 – Pack of Devils are at her apartment. Ithan is Connor’s little brother. Briggs was released. Two CCU research students got killed near Lunar’s temple during the blackout last week. It was in Danika's section, during her shift and Sabine blames her. They were ripped to shreds and partially eaten.

Bryce has a date with her boyfriend, Reid that night. 

Bryce loves to dance – wanted to be a part of the Crescent City Ballet but was told she had the wrong body type. Juniper also dances. Bryce is 23. 

Connor comes to ask her out before her date but she says no, says she doesn’t date wolves. Doesn’t want a Vanir male in her business, controlling her because she has DADDY ISSUES! Her own Fae father had seduced her 19 year old mother and got so possessive that when she realised she was pregnant, she ran.


Chapter 4 – Connor sent her messages asking for the date, says he think’s they’re worth it, worth a shot. And that he is crazy about her and doesn’t want anyone else. She knows they've been dancing around this for the whole five years they've known each other.

Reid shows up late. He owns Redner Industries.

Vanir crawled through the Northern Rift and overtook Midgard eons ago, an event called the Crossing.

Reports of territory across the Haldren Sea are grim, war has raged for 40 years there. Humans have more rights now but anyone who messes up goes back to being literal slaves to the Republic. Warrior-angels in the 33rd that are slaves are marked by SPQM slave tattoos on their wrist.

Breaks up with Reid at the table. Phones Fury and Juniper and gets them to meet at the The White Raven for a drink. 

Bryce sends Connor a text agreeing to go on a date. 

Different dominant shifter packs in other cities – lions in Hilene, tigers in Korinth, falcons in Oia.

Fury, Bryce doesn’t know what she is or what house she belongs to. Gifts seem to be taking life.


Chapter 5 – Bryce gets drunk and takes drugs, returns to her building off her face. Finds her apartment door crumpled and open and blood outside the apartment. Finds the wolves all murdered, all of them in pieces. Danika’s body is on Bryce’s bed, in bloody pieces. Thorne on one side of the bed in pieces and Connor at the foot of it.

Bryce chases after whatever killed her friends. Sees it, doesn’t recognise it. Some feral thing with smooth, near-translucent gray skin, crawling on 4 long limbs and looking vaguely humanoid. Spots it feasting on an angel. Bryce attacks it. Its claws rip open her thigh. Tries to help the angel that lies dying.


Chapter 6 – Isaiah Tiberian, looking at Bryce through one-way mirror of the legions holding center. Hunt Athalar (Umbra Mortis), comes to inquire about Bryce.

Hunt is given all the information they have on her: Bryce Quinlan, 23. Half-fae, half-human. Blood test confirm she will have an immortal life span. Power rating near-negligible. Hasn’t made the Drop yet. Listed as a full civitas. Found in an alley with an angel, trying to keep his heart from falling out with her bare hands. Cut on her thigh was huge – an artery had been hit. Lucky she survived.

Hunt views her as a spoiled party girl. Notes that she’s Danika Fendyr’s roommate, and Danika was known as the Party Princess.

Hunt couldn’t find the demon that did it.

Five warrior team in the triarii, the most elite of all the Imperial Legion units (Micah’s cabal). Micah appointed Isaiah the Commander of the 33rd. No one knows where Hunt belongs. Arrived 2 years ago from Pangera.

Philip Briggs has been arrested for their murders, they believe he summoned the demon.

Angels have a power that is some variation of the same: rain, storms, the occasional tornado. Isaiah can summon wind capable of keeping a charging enemy at bay. But none in living memory possessed Hunt’s ability to harness lightning at will.

Both Isaiah and Hunt have the matching tattoos of entwined thorns across their brows. Pangeran witches branded them. It is on the brows of nearly all 2000 rebel angels who thought in the rebellion years ago, a sign of their betrayal.

Asteri created angels to be perfect soldiers and loyal servants. And they had. Until Shahar, the Archangel they’d called the Daystar. Hunt and the others had flown in her elite 18th Legion. Their rebellion had failed.

They are now eternal servants to those they’d tried to overthrow.

Sabine shows up, wants to kill Bryce because she believes she took Danika’s sword. Viktoria to question Bryce, she's one of the few non-malakim who rebelled with them 2 centuries ago. Viktoria has no body of her own, they don’t know how she acquired her current body. She is a wraith. Now trapped in this body forever as punishment.

They don’t know who Bryce’s father it – he didn’t acknowledge paternity but clearly has some standing as he got her civitas status.

Isaiah doesn’t understand why Sabine hates Bryce. Bryce only has one crime in her file for public indecency. Danika has 7 huge files but seemed to calm down after she met Bryce.

Hunt knows Fury – a mercenary Micah has ordered Hunt to kill twice before, but she has too many high powered allies.

Show her the messages she sent to Danika that night , including a video of her doing the drug lightseeker. She also tells Danika she fucked someone in the bathroom and not to tell Connor. Then show her camera footage and audio from her apartment building. You can hear Danika screaming, pleading and begging for mercy. Bryce explodes, trashing the room before puking repeatedly.

They get a call from Naomi Boreas, captain of the 33rd infantry, telling them to let Bryce go and not follow her. Ruhn Danaan called, he’s angry the House of Sky and Breath wasn’t notified. Says it falls under Fae jurisdiction.

Ruhn Danaan shows up - he is Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae and son of the Autumn King and possessor of the Starsword, the fabled dark blade of the ancient Starborn Fae. Proof of his status as the Chosen One. Sword apparently made from iridium mined from a meteorite and forged in another world, before Fae had come through the Northern Rift. Fire magic is common among Valbaran Fae and wielded by Autumn King himself. But Ruhn’s magic is more like the Fae who ruled the Fae isle of Avallen – power to summon shadows/mist (Az vibes)

Ruhn came for Bryce, says she’s his cousin. They keep her parentage secret.


Chapter 7 – Bryce kneeling before the towering ivory gates of the Bone Quarter. Ithan had left her a message telling her she was not welcome at the Sailing the next day (there version of a funeral).  Creature comes out of the mist and chapter ends so we don’t find out what the creature is or why she is there to see it.


Part 2: The Trench


Chapter 8 – 22 Months Later 

Bryce Quinlan has just fucked a lion shifter in the White Raven’s bathroom. Leaves him to go attend a business meeting. Maximus Tertian 200 year old vampyr, unwed and unmated, son of Cedrian, the richest of the Pangeran vamps and most monstrous. There to buy a 5000 year old onyx bust of a long-dead vampyr lord.

The firstlight grid’s power is generated by the pure, undiluted light each Vanir emits while making the Drop. Only during the Drop that the flash of firstlight appears – raw unfiltered magic. Captured and bottled, first glow is used for healing and then the rest is handed over to the energy plants to fuel lights, cars, machines etc.

The Drop is done in a government center. The Drop is easy, it is falling into one’s power. Once the bottom is reached, the mortal body expires and the clock begins counting down. Mere minutes allowed for the race back up to life before the brain shuts down from lack of oxygen. You have 6 minutes to get back out. Someone has to act as an Anchor, a beacon/lifeline/bungee cord to help snap their companion back so they don’t die.

Her and Ruhn had once been close, best friends. Ruhn is there to tell her the Autumn King wants her to lie low, as the Summit meeting is in just over a month. Summit meetings occur every 10 years, a gathering of Valbara’s ruling powers to debate issues.

Bryce pretends she still parties, but hasn’t actually drank alcohol since the night Danika died. Now lives in a fancy penthouse apartment, it belonged to Danika and she left it to Bryce.


Chapter 9 - Hunt Athalar is in an apartment in the Meadows, kills the people there. Then goes to the Comitium barracks.

Sandriel, the Archangel and Governor of the northwestern quadrant of Pangera was Hunt’s former owner before Micah traded with her. Sandriel was his dead lover’s twin sister.

Shahar believed her sister had killed their parents and then framed an assassin for it. Shahar rebelled because of it, she wanted a world free of hierarchies. Sandriel believed Hunt had lured her twin into the rebellion and turned her against her sister. Hunt was in love with Shahar.

Hunt needs to pay back every life he took during the final battle. He is blamed for 2217 deaths. So far he has paid back for 82 lives. Micah is the only person who has offered him a chance at freedom. Sends Hunt names in a file with all the information he needs to know and then he kills them for him.


Chapter 10 – Hunt and Isaiah show up to Griffin Antiquities. A murder took place on the outskirts of the Meat Market the night before. Maximus Tertian was killed. His injuries were identical to the ones inflicted on Danika and her Pack. Believe Briggs didn’t do it.


Chapter 11 – Micah comes to the gallery to speak to her and Jesiba via video call. He wants Bryce to find the true murderer.


Chapter 12 – Micah wants the murderer caught, or at the Summit meeting they will say he doesn’t have control of his city. The new witch-queen will be formally recognised at the Summit. Sandriel is coming and will be Micah’s guest in the city for a month.

Sandriel is bringing Pollux Antonius with her – triarii commander, also known as the Hammer.

Hel has seven territories - the Hollow, the Trench, the Canyon, the Ravine, The Chasm, the Abyss and the Pit.

Danika and Tertian were apparently friends, Bryce didn’t know.

The Hind is Pollux’s lover. The Hammer and the Hind - her real name is Lidia.

Hunt is put on protection duty, to guard Bryce while she hunts for the killer.


Chapter 13 – Micah tells Hunt that if he solves the case quickly, he will cut his debts down to just 10 more assignments. Warns him to keep his hands and dick to himself.

Last time Hunt saw Ruhn, at the Spring Equinox last year, he had broken his nose.

Chapter 14 – Ruhn has been heading up the Fae division of the Aux for 15 years now. Ruhn one of about a dozen Fae Princes across the planet Midgard but he is the only Starborn among them.

Bryce visited and met her father for the first time at 13. The meeting had not gone well between her and her father. But Ruhn would visit her often until they had a fight and stopped speaking.

Ruhn received the Starsword from the Cave of Princes in Avallen’s dark heart – he was deemed worthy to pull it from its sheath.

King wants Ruhn to get married – wants him to marry Hypaxia, the new witch-queen of Valbara. Tell Ruhn to find Lunar’s Horn.

When Ruhn saw the Oracle she had told him the royal bloodline will end with him.


Chapter 15 – Syrinx, the Chimera, stays with Bryce at her apartment. Hunt is watching her there. Driving each other crazy. Lehabah was marked a slave from birth – the same for all sprites. Bryce bought Syrinx from Jesiba after Danika died and Jesiba tried to sell him. Goes to a nail salon, makes Hunt wait outside while she gets her nails done.


Chapter 16 – Bryce goes to visit Ruhn, lives with his friends Flynn and Declan. Tristan Flynn, son of Lord Hawthorne. Declan Emmett – built a career off hacking into Republic websites and charging them for him to reveal their weaknesses. Asks Ruhn for info on the Viper Queen.


Chapter 17 – Bryce gives Hunt her list of suspects. Says Danika didn’t know Maximus Tertian. She did some digging and found his girlfriend – his girlfriend works at the nail salon Bryce went to. Girlfriend revealed Danika and Tertian didn’t know each other but both knew the Viper Queen.

Bryce sneaks out of her apartment that night. Hunt finds her.


Chapter 18 – They are in the Meat Market. Notes the jacket Bryce is wearing – written on the back is ‘Through love, all is possible’. Bryce is there to buy obsidian salt. Hel severed from them by time and space but can be accessed through the twin sealed portals at the north and south poles – Northern Rift and Southern Rift.

Find the satyr who sold Briggs obsidian. They buy some and as they leave the Viper Queen is outside waiting.


Chapter 19 – Bought the salt to get the Queen’s attention – only way to get a quick meeting with her. She has alibis for both murders. Tells Bryce to ‘Look toward where it hurts the most’ for answers.


Chapter 20 – Trying to come up with a list of Danika’s movements in the week before her death. Hunt finds out Bryce bought the chimera’s freedom, can never be sold again. Hunt was bought for 85 million gold marks. Bryce got a deal for Syrix but will still be paying it off until she’s 300.

Hunt is 233.

Has Hunt come to ask her questions to jog her memory of the last week of Danika’s life. They went and got their tattoos the week she died. 

Ruhn texts – asks her to meet at Lunar’s Temple, as there are no cameras there.


Chapter 21 – Tells Bryce the Autumn King has tasked him with finding Luna’s Horn.Luna’s Horn was a weapon wielded by Pelias, the first Starborn Prince during the First Wars. The demon princes wanted the horn. The Star-Eater bred a new horror to hunt the horn – sees an illustration of it and Bryce recognises it, same demon she saw the night Danika died. Called it the kristallos.

During final battle of First Wars Prince Pelias and Prince of the Pit fought. Star-Eater struck the fatal blow but not before Pelias summoned all the Horn’s strength and banished the Prince of the Pit, his brethren and their armies back to Hel. Sealed the Northern Rift forever. Horn cracked in 2 when Pelias sealed the Northern Rift, its power broken. It couldn’t be fixed.

Think someone has summoned the demon to hunt the Horn, but not sure why if it is broken. Ruhn can hunt the horn because his Starborn power is woven into the horn by Prince Pelias.

Hunt says he thought celibacy seemed a bore until Shahar ruined him for anyone else (This man is a mix of Rowan and Rhys - why I'm confident of Hunt endgame)


Chapter 22 – Find out that during the big fight Ruhn and Bryce had years ago, he called her a half-breed slut.


Chapter 23 – Jesiba wants her to send over a file from her computer. Godslayer Rifle is dismantled and hung on the wall in Jesiba's office (SJM only mentions something if she's coming back to it) 

Hunt calls – there has been another murder, by the Gate in the Old Square, victim is an acolyte from Luna’s Temple.

Realises the angel she saved the night Danika died was Micah.


Chapter 24 – Her saving Micah was kept secret as it would look bad that the Archangel got his ass handed to him and was saved by a 23 year old half-Fae half-human who hadn’t even made the Drop. Finds out she’s on Hunt’s suspect list and she's angry.

Bryce remembers the day during their senior year, when they’d crashed a stolen motorcycle. The rifle Bryce had was wrenched from her hands and thrown away. Danika had shielded Bryce from the worst of the fall when falling off the bike. Danika told her she loved her and that she was sorry. Bryce had told Danika to close her eyes. Then memory ends before we get more details.

Chapter 25 – Bryce goes to the White Raven, to see Juniper. Hunt follows her. Realises she doesn’t drink, what he thought was alcohol is water.


Chapter 26 – A bomb goes off in the club. She protects Juniper’s body with her own. Juniper hits her, shouting because Juniper has made the Drop and Bryce hasn’t. 

Take her to Ruhn’s place, Hunt cleans her wounds why she sits in shock. Sees she never got the scar on her leg healed, and that she limps sometimes because of it and not because of her shoes. Blames himself, as he stapled it like battlefield wound when he found her with Micah the night of the attack. (Again - Rowan vibes with Aelin. The whole I totally misjudged you and I only get it now I’m looking at your scars)

Think the human rebels set off the bomb. Smuggled in through new exploding liquid hidden in a delivery of wine. On the box where the bomb was there was the Keres rebel group symbol and also a symbol of the horn.

They want to go and see Briggs in prison.

Autumn King knows Bryce is looking for the horn with Ruhn. Now says she needs all day protection, live-in protection. Ruhn volunteered. She says no, says Hunt can do it instead.

Ruhn wants access to the library beneath the gallery. She says he can if he puts Declan at her disposal.


Chapter 27 – Hunt asks why she doesn’t make the Drop, tells him she was waiting as her and Danika picked a time, two years from now. Hunt tells Bryce about the deal Micah offered him.

Hunt knows Bryce’s stepfather – Randall Silago is a legendary war hero and sharpshooter.


Chapter 28 – Filler chapter.


Chapter 29 – Ruhn meets Hunt and Bryce to go to the library. Declan has sent over the information they wanted; coordinates and locations for Danika’s daily routine. Danika was stationed at the temple the 2 days before the Horn was stolen and during the blackout.

Ruhn finds info in a book – Prince Pelias and his bride Lady Helena. Pelias was high general for a Fae Queen named Theia when they entered the world during the Crossing. Helena was her daughter. Queen Theia was Starborn and her daughter possessed the same power. Horn worked only for Starborn, when filled with power. Horn is broken and Fae claimed it can only be repaired by 'light that is not light, magic that is not magic'.


Chapter 30 – Takes Bryce with him to his barracks. Goes down his phone, only has 36 photos and all of crime scenes. Takes a photo of herself.

She asks Hunt if he is dating anyone, he says no. Tells her he dated someone once but it ended badly – Shahar who was killed by her sister, but doesn’t tell her that. Asks when he made the drop. At 28, as his mother had just died.


Chapter 31 – Sandriel arrives just as they are about to leave. Bryce starts taking photos on Hunt’s phone as a distraction. Micah tries to ask her out for dinner, she turns him down.


Chapter 32 – Hunt sent to kill someone else for Micah.


Chapter 33 – Hunt goes to see the Oracle, a Sphinx. Asks her why someone wants Luna’s Horn , she says it is so they can open the doorway between worlds(So series crossover coming soon?)  Want to use it to reopen the Northern Rift. Tells him the Horn can be repaired, but she can’t see how. Calls him by his real name, Orion Athalar. Asks if he wants to know what she sees for him, says no. Also says no to finding out what Bryce was told by her. Tells him “You remind me of that which was lost long ago. I had not realised it might ever appear again.” And then tells him “Do yourself a favour, Orion Athalar: keep well away from Bryce Quinlan.”


Chapter 34 – Hunt asks Bryce why the Oracle warned him away from her. Tells him the Fae have a custom, when girls get their first cycle or when they turn 13, they go to the Oracle. Boys go at 13. Her period started just shy of 13, mum thought she had shut her off from part of her heritage and sent a letter to her real father. 2 weeks later she was declared a full civitas. Catch was she had to claim Sky and Breath as her House. Went to see her father and meet Ruhn. Went well until her Oracle visit.

When she looked in the smoke for Bryce she tried to claw her eyes out, went blind for a week. Father called her a worthless disgrace. Left her bags at the curb that day.

Find image of the kristallos on a vase originally from Parthos. Hunt believes it a myth about the ancient library in Parthos and a pre-existing human civilization.


Chapter 35 – Go to see Briggs. We find out the year is 15035. Briggs says he liked Danika, met with her twice before she arrested him. First time she warned him to stop or she’d bring him in. Second time she told him she had enough evidence that she had to bring him in but he could get off easy if he admitted to the plotting. Third time she came with the pack and took him in.

After Mount Hermon they spent 7 years torturing Hunt in Asteri dungeons. Then his first owner Archangel Ramuel continued it for 2 more years. When Ramuel decided he’d be better suited as an assassin it had been 9 years since Hunt had seen sunlight.

Hunt wants to try and get footage from the cameras outside the temple from night the Horn was taken.


Chapter 36 – They go to meet Ruhn and his friends Flynn and Declan at the shooting range. Want Declan to do more hacking work for them. Want him to scour the footage to see if he can see anything despite the blackout. Shows off her sharpshooting skills and Hunt doesn’t run from it (Because apparently every other man is too intimidated by a girl who can shoot a gun)

Get a call that there’s been another murder.


Chapter 37 – Think the victim is a guard from the Temple, on duty the night the Horn was stolen. All deaths took place close to the ley lines, so the person doing it could be using them to get the strength to summon the demon.

Hunt asks if  Bryce and Tristan Flynn ever hooked up because he flirts with her. Counters by asking if he wants to tell her about all his hook ups. But he says none of them are worth mentioning as Shahar ruined him for anyone else. He grew up in her territory in Southeast of Pangera. Fell in love with her as he worked his way up her ranks.

Bryce says her and Flynn never hooked up. When she visited Ruhn as a teen she flirted with them. Thought her and Flynn would marry one day. Doesn’t tell him Danika went home with him one night in college. Her worst hookup – dated a vampyr for 3 weeks – ended it after he wanted to try eating while eating. She asks if he still has a thing for Shahar, he says he will until the day he dies. Can’t move on from loving her when she gave up everything for him and the cause.

Dec calls – found something in the footage. Someone swapped out footage of the temple during the time the Horn was stolen. Person who headed up the investigation of the video of that footage was Sabine Fendyr.



Part Three – The Canyon

Chapter 38 - They think Sabine might be responsible. 

Hunt is thinking about tasting all of Bryce's toes (This deserves to be noted because ewww! My guy, Why? Why, Sarah? Why did you write this and then make me read it?)


Chapter 39: Ruhn goes to see a medwitch to ask about the case. To ask if she could think of any way a magical object might be fixed that people haven’t tried yet. Doesn’t know, says maybe with modern healing technology.


Chapter 40 – Viktoria finds something on the city cameras and power grid. Captured a grainy image of the demon.  Demon didn’t attack anyone, but circled Sabine’s territory. Last place it was – The Rose Gate. There one minute and gone the next.


Chapter 41 – They go to the Rose Gate, realise the demon might not be using the ley lines, but is using the sewers.

Hunt finds a box of toy unicorns/pegasus that Bryce collects - the whole Jelly Jubilee thing. 


Chapter 42 – They go to check out the Istros River. Only one glass sub travels to and fron the Blue Court, the underwater city, every day. Invite only. The mer can shift into fully human bodies for short periods of time.

Talk to Tharion Ketos, an old friend of Hunt’s and a mer. He is the Captain of Intelligence for the River Queen. River Queen – part mer, part river-spirit. Daughter of Ogenas.

Tharion agrees to ask around for them. Hunt met him when Tharion’s sister was murdered, he was assigned to help investigate.

Through love, all is possible – was all the Oracle told Danika.


Chapter 43 – Go to the wolves' Den in Moonwood so they can ask Sabine questions. Amelie Ravenscroft is the leader of the Black Rose Pack. Bryce is treated terribly by everyone, including Connor’s brother. All saw the leaked messages, Connor spilling his heart to her and her accepting a date, then fucking a random person in a club toilet. Sabine lies about Danika being at the temple. They take it as proof she is guilty.

Before she leaves Ithan tells her that she never deserved Connor. Tells her Sabine wants her dead.


Chapter 44 – Filler chapter.

Chapter 45 – Hunt goes out for drinks with the angels. Bryce promised to stay in her apartment, but she lied. Had someone watching her and they call to tell him she left. Goes after her and they get quite flirty just before the kristallos attacks him.


Chapter 46 – They manage to kill the demon. But when it bit Hunt it nullified his power. Micah shows up, incinerates the body before they can examine it for evidence. Says it is so no one gets wind of it, can’t have the bad press. They tell Micah their suspicions about Sabine.


Chapter 47 – Land on the roof of her building and almost close to kissing again when Sabine interrupts.


Chapter 48 – Hunt has his gun on Sabine, hers is on Bryce. Sabine realises they think she killed Danika. Reveals she lied to protect Danika as Danika was the one who stole the Horn.


Chapter 49 – Sabine says she didn’t kill Danika, but if they jeopardise her daughter's legacy she will kill Bryce.


Chapter 50 – Ruhns knife was part of a pair, came with a long bladed knife forged from the same meteorite. Lost the knife eons ago. Prophecy is ‘When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be’ (I forgot about this - is the knife Azriels’ knife. Makes sense, plus this world has a whole island of people with the same Fae power as him. Proof of ACOTAR/Crescent City crossover?)

Lehabah says she is a descendent of Queen Ranthia Drahl

Tharion sent one of the otters to deliver a message to them. Pictures of a body found in a sobeks’ lair, but bites not consistent with a sobek (apex predator that prowls the river).

Bryce says the demon isn’t what killed Danika. It didn’t kill them the same way, didn’t try to get to their organs but left them in piles. Think someone could have summoned more than one demon.


Chapter 51 – Brcye wants to summon a demon to get some answers. She summons Aidas, Prince of the Chasm. Bryce says he appeared as a cat the last time she saw him – she was 13 then.

Asks him questions, doesn’t really get any answers. When she asks what killed Danika, he tells her to run the tests again and find what is in-between. Aidas tells her to make the Drop and find him when she’s done. Tells her the Oracle did not see but he did.

Aidas appeared that day she saw the Oracle.


Chapter 52 – Goes to see her father, becuase she found out there were tests he could have run to help find what killed Danika but he didn’t do it.

Heads to a bar and starts drinking. Hunt brings her something to help with her leg.

Tells him about the photo she has of her and Danika. Taken the day they got out of hospital senior year. Danika did her thesis on history of illegal animal trade. Uncovered a real smuggling ring and no one would help her so they decided to deal with it themselves. Operation was run by five asp shifters who caught them trying to free their stock. There was a motorcycle chase and crash. Her arm was broken in 3 places, Danika fractured her pelvis and got shot twice in the leg. Bryce killed some of the shifters and police got the rest.

Aidas visits her in cat form, knows who her father is. Tells her to make the Drop.


Chapter 53 – Send off Danika and the others clothes for the testing to try and find out more about what killed them.


Chapter 54 – Hunt summoned to see Micah. Bryce is worried when she doesn’t hear from him, comes back covered in blood. She helps him shower. Asks her to stay with him, so she sleeps in bed next to him.


Chapter 55 – Wakes up in her own bed, Hunt must have moved her to it. Making food in the kitchen when she wakes up. They have another moment.

Jesiba has a nokk delivered to the gallery, a creature in a tank – 8ft long, with too-wide lipless mouth full of needle-thin teeth. Air is lethal to nokks.

Viktoria calls them to meet her – has something for them. The Mimir screening (scent test) found small bits of something synthetic, no organic/technological/magic but a combo of all three. Seems to be some kind of drug, known as Synth.

Hunt doesn’t know who his father is, he’s a bastard. Mum was a low-ranking angel. He’d send money home to her, but she refused to spend it. Someone found out and broke in to steal from her, killed her and took the money. No one cared or investigated her death as she was seen as lowly. He joined Shahar’s cause after that.


Chapter 56 – Video call with her parents


Chapter 57 – Doesn’t want to go to a medwitch and get her leg healed because once it stops hurting then it will feel like Danika is really gone.

Her mum ran from her real dad before he found out she was pregnant. Went to a temple to Cthona in Korinth and spent the first 3 years of Bryce’s life there. Biological father found out and sent people to track them down. They escaped to Solas’s temple in Oia and pick up their holy guard. He was two weeks away from b being sworn in as an acolyte when they asked him to escort Bryce and her mum to Hilene. The goons found them but they fought and killed them. House of Earth and Blood then deemed her mother a vessel for Cthona and Randall a vessel for Solas and it got them protection.


Chapter 58  - Trying to find the synth, told to speak to the mer. Tharion reveals Danika was spotted doing a deal for synth the day before she died.


Chapter 59 – The drug is synthetic magic – in concentrated doses it can give human's strength greater than most Vanir. Fury answers her call, knew about the drug. Tells Bryce to stay away from it.


Chapter 60 – The medwtch wants some venom to test if she can possibly create an antidote to synth.

Danika’s birthday – she buys birthday croissants to celebrate. Someone has wrote Trash on top of one of them. Hunt knows Amelie Ravenscroft did it. Finds where she is and goes to her. Pins her against the wall by her throat. Tells her she is to leave Bryce alone from now on.


Chapter 61 – They go to see the medwitch Ruhn found – still don’t know her name. Bryce realises they can get the venom she needs for her antidote from Bryce's leg wound. Warns Bryce that it is going to be incredibly painful. During it, Hunt helps keep her calm, talks her through it, gives her a small kiss.


Chapter 62 – Micah summons them both. Get there to find Micah, Sabine and Amelie there. Demands he be punished for it. Will be given The Living Death – where they cut an angel's wings off. They will grow back in several weeks.

Sabine went to the Under-King last winter to speak to Danika or what speck of energy lives on in the Sleeping City. But she would not come. The Under-King revealed to her that Bryce had gone and made a bargain for Danika. Given up her spot in the Bone Quarter in exchange for Danika’s, in case she was denied access.

Bryce sends Ithan a message to tell Amelie that Connor never bothered to notice her because he knew what a piece of shit she was. Also tells him to tell Sabine that if she sees her again, she will kill her.


Chapter 63 – Bryce manages to get into Danika’s account at Redner industries. Finds a file named Bryce. Finds the picture of them – a clue, in the L on the jacket she had hidden a flash drive. Three videos on the drive.


Chapter 64 – Videos are from the synth research trials. A human female sat in a room when she is injected with synth. Two Vanir men walk into the room, two slave Vanir. Watch as the human rips them to pieces. (Giving me Six of Crows jurda parem vibes). Send in two more and she kills them. Same with next 3. Then next 5 they send in. The human girl eventually turned on herself and ripped herself apart.

Asks him about the kiss and if he meant it. Says yes. Asks is she wants him to do it again, but she says she wants to do it. Hunt tells her to do it and she does. Then he asks what she wants and she replies “All of it.” Fingers her, and plan to do more but she ends up accidentally hurting him so they stop.

Sneaks out to go to her old apartment – see if Danika left other clues but finds it burning down. Someone has done it to stop her.

Gets a text from Tharion telling her about a synth deal going down on the river.


Chapter 65 – Tharion takes her over to the boat, sees the Viper Queen. She’s the one selling it. Then realises the person buying it is Hunt.


Chapter 66 – Bryce goes to confront them, but then Micah appears. It seems the Viper Queen set them up. Hunt, Viktoria and Justinian had tried to get synth, thought it would be a way to regain their power to overthrow their masters.

Finds out Hunt knew about the drug days ago. Found out some leaked from Redner labs two years ago but it ran out quickly. Now someone else has found a way to replicate it. Micah says Danika is the reason it leaked, that she sold it. Hunt says she stole it, sold it and was also addicted to it.

They believe she took the drug and killed the two CCU students the night the Horn was taken. Hunt believes Danika took the drug the night she died. Took too much and she ended up slaughtering the pack and then herself. Believe she accidentally summoned the kristallos.

Hunt makes a move toward Bryce when Fury appears, holding a gun to his head. Hunt had figured all this out a week ago and not told her. She tells him she never wants to see him again.


Chapter 67 – Justinian has been punished, being crucified and killed slowly. Viktoria has been ripped from her body and her essence shoved in a glass box. Plans to dump her in the sea to go insane.



Part 4 – The Ravine

Chapter 68 – Hunt and the others had planned to take the synth and then kill Micah and the other at the Summit. Then head to the Eternal City to finish it.

The Autumn King shows up at the gallery to talk to her.


Chapter 69 – Sandriel comes to visit Hunt, she owns him again.


Chapter 70 – Fury is waiting for her when she gets home – tells Bryce that Micah gave Hunt away to Sandriel.


Chapter 71 – Bryce comes, trying to get Hunt back. Says she wants to buy him for 97 million gold marks, has a check from Jesiba Roga. Then takes off the Archesian amulet – it is 15,000 years old and worth 3 million.

Refuse her, melting the amulet away to nothing. So asks them to take her instead. Ruhn appears, telling her to get up. Sandriel reveals that she knows who Bryce really is, that she is the only daughter of the Autumn King. Ruhn claims her as his sister and kin so they can’t take her.

Hunt knows she will keep fighting for him so tells her ‘I owe you nothing, and you owe me nothing. Don’t ever come looking for me again.

She leaves and is attacked by a kristallos demon and tackled into the waters of the river.


Chapter 72 – Bryce is saved by Ruhn, Declan and Flynn. She tells Ruhn he is dead to her, deletes his contact info.


Chapter 73 – Hunt is attending the Summit. Realises that Hypaxia, the new witch Queen, is the medwitch who has been helping them. The Asteri appear at the Summit via vidscreen link. Each Asteri holds the power of a sacred star and could level their planet to dust.

Tharion, Ruhn, Declan and Queen Hypaxia are all there. Ruhn reveals he has telepathy, so can talk to Hunt in his mind.

Hypaxia is officially anointed Queen of the Valbaran Witches.


Chapter 74 – Nothing Bryce can do for Hunt, has tried looking and found nothing that will get him out of his enslavement.


Chapter 75 – The mer come to the summit to argue against the building of a canal for transporting tanks, as it will destroy their fishing industry.


Chapter 76 – Bryce been staying at the gallery so she can look through the library. Has applied for a ton of jobs. Micah shows up at the gallery.

Jesiba Roga gets a message on her phone at the Summit from Bryce. Has them link her feed of the gallery to the screens so they can watch it. Bryce messages again asking for help. Ruhn orders an Aux unit to be sent to the gallery immediately.

Micah says a ton of the books in the library could get her executed. Banned titles that disprove the superiority of Vanir and Asteri, from people that it is claimed existed before the Asteri arrived. But were tortured and proved liars according to him. Micah reveals the library she is in is the Great Library of Parthos. Says the Archesian amulet around her neck is what the priestesses of Parthos would wear.

Micah says during the First Wars, it was at Parthos that a human army made its last stand against the Vanir. Did it to buy the priestesses time to grab the most vital volumes and escape. Tells her to sit so they can be civilised about it when she gives him Luna’s horn.


Chapter 77 – Miach knows she figured out what Danika did with the Horn a few days ago, at the same time he did. Micah saw the footage from the Comitium lobby when Sandriel destroyed the Archesian amulet. That’s when he realised and believes she did too. Danika knew she wouldn’t leave the job and would wear the amulet. And once it was destroyed, that was when the kristallos attacked her.

Says Danika didn’t give Bryce the Horn, she made her the Horn. Had it ground into a fine powder, mixed with witch-ink and then tattooed it onto her back. The tattoo is in the language of universes and spells out a direct command to activate the Horn through a blast of raw power upon the tattoo itself.

Micah admits that he killed Danika and the pack. Asks him why – says he is an investor in Redner Industries and has access to all its experiments. Danika tracked down the people Redner wanted her to find, including Ophion rebels who experimented with a formula for synthetic magic.

They all watch on the screen as Micah attacks Bryce while telling her his whole plot – (The whole trope of the villain monologue to give us info is one I HATE!)

Micah dumped the synth into the streets – not Danika. Knew Danika would try to get it off the streets and he pretended to catch her, told her people wouldn’t believe she was trying to get the drug off the streets. Told her he’d forget about it if she did him a favour – steal the Horn. But Danika figured out why he wanted it and hid it from him.

Micah wants the Horn so he can open a portal and summon an army to decimate the human rebels. (I still don't see how in a world FILLED with powerful immortal beings, they can't decimate the human rebels themselves. Are they not embarrassed?)

He went to Danika’s apartment that night, disabled the Pack with his powers and then injected Danika with synth. Watched as she ripped them apart and then herself. Spent two years hunting for the Horn before realising Bryce was the key to finding it. That the power of her love will bring the Horn to him.

Summoned the kristallos to nudge them along. Injected Tertian, the acolyte and the guard with synth to rip themselves apart to prompt them. And the bomb at the club, to raise suspicions that humans were behind it.

Bryce leading him with questions, to make sure they get a full confession from him.

Micah injects her with the synth, to fix the Horn and be able to use it through her. Bryce attempts to fight back – so Micah grabs Syrinx and throws him in the Nokks tank.


Chapter 78 – Bryce knows Syrinx can’t swim. Micah blasts Bryce's back with power to use the Horn, but nothing seems to happen. Uses one of the books to send a blast of power at Micah, sending him flying back into the bathroom in the library, Lehabah uses another book to blast the door shut, locking him inside.

Bryce grabs a knife and then jumps in the tank after Syrix. Flynn murmurs that this is Bryce’s Ordeal.


Chapter 79 – She gets Syrinx out just as the nokk grabs her and pulls her down. Manages to escape. But refuses to leave until she gets Syrinx breathing again. Micah is almost out but Bryce won’t leave Syrinx behind.

Lehabah wants to help her escape. Bryce tells her that she’s free. She traded with Jesiba for her freedom the week before. Lehabah says she knew, saw the papers in her drawer. Bryce tells her she doesn’t have to do this as she’s free. And Lehabah replies ‘Then let the world know that my first act of freedom was to help my friends.

Lehabah summons her powers, burning brighter and brighter. Unleashes her powers as Micah breaks through the door, aims it at the tank to release gallons of water. As she does it she says ‘My friends are with me and I am not afraid.’ (Throne of Glass vibes)


Chapter 80 – Bryce runs to Jesiba’s office and assembles the Godslayer Rifle. Drinks something from her safe too. She shoots Micah in the head.

Chapter 81 – Bryce has Danika’s sword, she kept it in the gallery. Uses it to slice Micah’s head in two  and down through his body. Hypaxia gave Bryce some antidote, it is what she drank. Then she douses Micah’s body in gasoline and sets it on fire so he can't heal and come back. Then pulls out a vacuum and vacuums up his ashes.


Chapter 82 – At the Summit, Ruhn and Hunt worried as they know Bryce will be killed for what she did to Micah. But see the feeds of the city and realise that Micah’s experiment with the Horn didn’t fail.


Chapter 83 – Micah opened a portal through the mouth of the Heart Gate – unleashing creatures from Hel.  Winged, scaled demons are soaring out of it. Bryce goes to her apartment to drop off Syrinx and then grab Hunt’s handguns and rifle along with ammo.

She realises Micah opened a portal in EVERY gate, all 7 are now a doorway to Hel. The CBD is under siege, the 33rd are being slaughtered.

Hypaxia orders the witches to head to the city to help. Sabine says they’ll all be killed – Hypaxia says she’d rather fight like Bryce than watch innocents die while she sits and does nothing.

Bryce is running through the streets with Danika’s sword and her guns, telling people to get into the shelters - firing at and cutting down demons as she goes. She’s headed for the Meadows, where the humans are.


Chapter 84 – Micah planned ahead, he has had all the witches brooms destroyed, along with the armory, the helicopters, the cars. Did it so they couldn’t go to help in the city.

Hunt asks for Isaiah’s phone, calls the Viper Queen – reminds her that she owes him a favour.

Ithan defies Sabine’s direct orders – tells Bryce that he and the other wolves are coming to where she is.


Chapter 85 – Bryce is being attacked by a demon when the Viper Queen’s Fae bodyguards arrive and help her.

Sandriel comes back and tells everyone at the Summit that they are ordered to remain there, that the Asteri are sending help to the city.

The shelter gates automatically begin closing, Bryce helps Ithan as he is injured. Only space left for one to squeeze through the door before it closes. Bryce pushes Ithan through, leaving herself out in the city.


Chapter 86 – Watch as Bryce makes it to the Old Square, sits on the ground. They believe she is giving up, out of ideas. She makes a phone call to Hunt – Sandriel lets him answer it. 

She tells him to tell her mum that she loves her, to tell Randall he was the only father that ever mattered. Tell Fury she is sorry she lied and that she would have told her the truth, eventually. Tells him to tell Juniper thank you for that night on the roof, that she stopped her from jumping so she could be there to help today – she’d been close to jumping, Juniper had called and stayed on the phone until she got to her. Then tells him to tell Ruhn she forgives him, forgave him long ago but just didn’t know how to tell him the truth, and hid it because she loves him and didn’t want to take anything away from him. Tells Hunt she was waiting for him (points to her heart) and she forgives him for everything. Then she runs for the Gate.


Chapter 87 – They watch as she approaches the gate and begins to glow. Reaches the gate and says “I am Bryce Quinlan, Heir to the Starborn Fae.

Flashback to that day with Danika – got Danika to close her eyes and then let out her power to blind the ape shifters as she then used their guns to kill them. The light, her power – her and her parents had kept it hidden for years. It means nothing to her but she knows how much it means to Ruhn..

Thrusts her starlight at the Gate and orders it to close.


Chapter 88 – Bryce seals the portal in the gate. The Autumn King calls Ember, angry that she lied about Bryce being Starborn for all these years. Her tests showed no power because hers is just a gift of starlight, nothing more.

Sandriel makes a phone call – likely to the Asteri, telling them about Bryce, her powers and the Horn.

Bryce is the only one that can wield the Horn because she is of the Starborn line, it is why Danika inked it on her. If Bryce uses the Horn, she could open a portal into any world (The crossover is coming!)

The Asteri will kill her before she does it – as she threatens their authority.

Hypaxia uses her magic to get rid of the halo on Hunt’s brow – freeing him and his power.


Chapter 89 – Hunt uses his powers to kill Sandriel. They have one helicopter, will take 30 mins to get to the city. Hunt needs to use it as his wings have grown back but aren’t strong enough for flight yet.


Chapter 90 – The Asterian Guard is sending imperial tanks with brimstone missile launchers to blast the city to dust – deal with the demons and Bryce. Brimstone missiles are pure magic. Bryce survives a missile blast, but her foot is trapped under rubble.

Hunt jumps from the helicopter to save her from the missiles – he falls to her and throws himself over her to protect her from the blast.


Chapter 91 – Bryce survives but finds Hunt injured. His back a bloodied, burned mess. His legs completely gone, same for his right arm. A gaping hole through his body and no wings.

Bryce touches the pad on the Gate – speaks through it and asks for anyone to come to another gate and touch the disk on that side. The Gate is a conduit of power and she just needs one person to be there as her Anchor so she can make the Drop. The firstlight she will generate by making the Drop will spread to all the gates. It will light up everything, send the demons away and heal everything it touches.

Tells Hunt to hold on, tells him she loves him - says she whispers three words into his ear. 

She hears Danika telling her to 'Light it up' – it is coming from the Bone Quarter.


Chapter 92 – Bryce makes the drop with Danika as her Anchor – the Under-King explains at the Summit conference room that Danika had a small kernel of energy left, a bit of self that remained. But that a dead soul can’t serve as an Anchor.

Bryce is making an untethered solo Drop. Her powers were classified as low level but the gate isn't – the plaque that says ‘The power shall always belong to those who give their lives to the city’  - the plaque is a blessing. The power of the Gates, the power given by every soul who touched it and handed over a drop of magic. Bryce will get that power.

They all watch as she Drops – going past level after level of power. She surpasses Ruhn’s level. Watch as her power from the gates heals the city, and the damage done to it, and the portals close.

Bryce’s power, just a decimal point above the Autumn King’s (This is a SJM heroine, of course she becomes the most powerful thing ever. Are we surprised?). The King says she won’t be able to make the Ascent, and will die.

Her heart flat lines, her mortal body dies. She has 6 minutes to make the Search and the Ascent and emerge an immortal.


Chapter 93 – Danika is there to see her and Bryce says she is not making the Ascent because it is too hard without Danika. Danika telling her to fight, to stay. Says that Hunt still remains. Danika tells her that Hunt is healed from her firstlight.

The clock counting down to the end of her six minutes stops at 0.003 – Bryce is running for her Ascent. Danika gave over the last piece of her that remained so that she could make it.

They watch on the monitors as Hunt gives Bryce chest compressions. As he does it he says “I heard what you said. What you waited to admit until I was almost dead, you fucking coward. Now come say it to my face.” Uses his lightning power to jump start her heart.


Chapter 94 – She makes it back alive.


Chapter 95 – In her apartment. Bryce now has an eight-pointed star now scars the place between her breasts. 

Bryce and Hunt plan to finally have sex, but are interrupted by her mum calling.

One of the Asteri calls Bryce.


Chapter 96 – Rigelus, the Bright Hand of the Asteri has called her. The Asteri have freed Hunt for her, as a show of their gratitude. They hope it serves as a reminder to her and Hunt to stay in the city, to live together in peace and contentment and not use her power or the Horn.

Fury, Ruhn and Flynn come to see them.


Chapter 97 – Looks across at the Bone Quarter- a gift from the Under-King, allows her to see the near-invisible figures of Connor and the other 5 people in Danika’s pack.


Epilogue – Jesiba Roga is meeting Aidas in the park. Bryce bears Theia’s light – not the same as her brother Ruhn's.

Jesiba asks him about Hunt, Aidas says that he thinks Hunt’s father would have been proud.

Jesiba has moved the library. Tells Aidas not to fuck them over this time – says he doesn’t plan to, not when things are about to get interesting.




  1. Love this! Thank you so much 💛💛

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This was amazing! Thank you so much, I needed a summary of this book and the next to refresh my memory for the upcoming book release. This was perfect!

  4. Thank you for this! I make Spotify book playlists and go chapter by chapter and your recaps have helped a lot. Well done! I hope you are enjoying Flame and Shadow! It is a wild ride so far

    1. Oh my god, that sounds amazing! Are these public playlists or just for you? And thank you, I'm glad others are finding these!


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